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1865 May 21, Baltimore, to Mother and sisters
Dated by archivist : [1865] Note in pencil at end of letter: “Rec’d package by E Carey but have not [---] [---] & dont know when I shall get the thing made.” Fairfield is the country home of Alfred Cope, father of Elizabeth Waln Cope, the bride “Lilly” mentioned in the letter. Fairfield was located on York Road near Olney Avenue. Elizabeth married Philip Cresson Garrett on May 18, 1865. (From Stokes’ Stokes Cope Emlen Evans Genealogy, cht. 3 and p. 39.) Federal Hill overlooks the city and harbor of Baltimore and is so named because of the celebrations held there in 1788 when Maryland ratified the Federal Constitution. (From Miller’s Baltimore Transitions: Views of an American City in Flux, p. 16.) The Copes’ home in Susquehanna is Woodbourne . The monument is probably the Washington Monument in Baltimore. Clemmy refers to it in an earlier letter. (Photograph scanned from Miller’s Baltimore Transitions: Views of an American City in Flux, p. 119.)
Cope, Clementine, 1835-1903 (author)
Cope, Susan L. Newbold, 1805-1872 (addressee)
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HC.MC-1170, Box 3
Cope-Evans Family papers --
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1865 May 21, Baltimore, to Mother and sisters
Dated by archivist : [1865] Note in pencil at end of letter: “Rec’d package by E Carey but have not [---] [---] & dont know when I shall get the thing made.” Fairfield is the country home of Alfred Cope, father of Elizabeth Waln Cope, the bride “Lilly” mentioned in the letter. Fairfield was located on York Road near Olney Avenue. Elizabeth married Philip Cresson Garrett on May 18, 1865. (From Stokes’ Stokes Cope Emlen Evans Genealogy, cht. 3 and p. 39.) Federal Hill overlooks the city and harbor of Baltimore and is so named because of the celebrations held there in 1788 when Maryland ratified the Federal Constitution. (From Miller’s Baltimore Transitions: Views of an American City in Flux, p. 16.) The Copes’ home in Susquehanna is Woodbourne . The monument is probably the Washington Monument in Baltimore. Clemmy refers to it in an earlier letter. (Photograph scanned from Miller’s Baltimore Transitions: Views of an American City in Flux, p. 119.)
Cope, Clementine, 1835-1903 (author)
Cope, Susan L. Newbold, 1805-1872 (addressee)
reformatted digital
HC.MC-1170, Box 3
Cope-Evans Family papers --