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Julia Wilbur "Centennial" diary, 1876
Wilbur wrote page-length entries summarizing personally significant events for each day of the year. Documents her social activities and professional life at the United States Patent Office. Comments on current political events. The memoranda at the end includes miscellaneous notes, as well as income and correspondence records.
Wilbur, Julia, 1815-1895 (author)
407 pages
HC.MC-1158, Box 1
Julia Wilbur papers--
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Julia Wilbur "Centennial" diary, 1876
Wilbur wrote page-length entries summarizing personally significant events for each day of the year. Documents her social activities and professional life at the United States Patent Office. Comments on current political events. The memoranda at the end includes miscellaneous notes, as well as income and correspondence records.
Wilbur, Julia, 1815-1895 (author)
407 pages
HC.MC-1158, Box 1
Julia Wilbur papers--