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Julia Wilbur pocket diary, 1868
Wilbur wrote page-length entries summarizing personally significant events for each day of the year. Largely documents her charitable work in association with the Freedmen's Bureau, and social/political events in the Reconstruction era. Actively observed and commented on governmental proceedings in Washington, D.C. Attended various lectures throughout the year. Also describes spending extensive time with her family in Michigan and New York. The memoranda at the end include notes on the Freedmen's Bureau, demographics of Washington, D.C., a timeline of Civil War events, and newspaper excerpts.
Wilbur, Julia, 1815-1895 (author)
407 pages
HC.MC-1158, Box 1
Julia Wilbur papers--
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Julia Wilbur pocket diary, 1868
Wilbur wrote page-length entries summarizing personally significant events for each day of the year. Largely documents her charitable work in association with the Freedmen's Bureau, and social/political events in the Reconstruction era. Actively observed and commented on governmental proceedings in Washington, D.C. Attended various lectures throughout the year. Also describes spending extensive time with her family in Michigan and New York. The memoranda at the end include notes on the Freedmen's Bureau, demographics of Washington, D.C., a timeline of Civil War events, and newspaper excerpts.
Wilbur, Julia, 1815-1895 (author)
407 pages
HC.MC-1158, Box 1
Julia Wilbur papers--