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Diary of Alice W. Jones
Jones, Alice W. (Alice Whittier), 1873-1960 (author)
reformatted digital
Alice Jones diary --
Here . pegin items fron my eer with some explanations. > —
duly, 22nd.1946. In .the afternoon, two. Jews, disguised as Araos, entered the
kitchen of the King Davia hotel, — the. riewest. and. finest hotel in Jerusalem,
part. of which had been taken over by the gavernment for some Of.its offices...
These. Jews were carrying ‘between them a large can, apparently, or wiik,~
Setting .down the can they told the people in the kitchen that the can con=
ES tained a time pomb that would explode in a few moments. Tt trey Cereo iy
bP their lives, they must run, but, there was no time to give the alarm. In the
FE explosion some one hundred people were killed, British Arabs” and Jéws. :
' o.%_We were, having a2 conference of teachers at our Girl® school in RamAllah
f = $ey miles north. of Jerusalem. We heard the explosion but. not@ until © 2
evening did we learn what a ee One of the teacher's attending tre**
ae conference had 2 sister working as a sténogre apher in one of the government
Ber, offices. It was too late for the teacher to go to Jerusalem to find out
about yer. sister, and she spent an almost gleépless night ° Early in
the morning she went, to her home in Jerusalem and learnea that her dae
Was anong, the missing 7 A young man who head been done of our ‘school ‘boys,
a clerk in one of the government offices, was also aiiong the missing < ‘There
E was great SOrTay An thet tit eeeet at ‘Opposite thé King’ gavid | Hotel was
|. thé “wonderful ¥.M.C.A« building, ‘puobably ‘the “most beautiful Y. Me C. A.
-- -puilding in the world, Built Dy. ‘a wealthy man | pa Nee | ‘Yorks “Many” ft
* windows in this building were shattered © Sig rtebens
August 18, 1946. I was in thé Hosp ital - tn Jérusalei with a fractured Ripe |
-. We would hear “an explosion, waten the ambulance rush out and ‘soon return.
| with. Maurice ea jitnes- fed been oe ‘the road imed to ex=
I AEG : "i
opened would - ooh tadve a) Sndipiea eounds.
fice lost their livés in this way, —— oe
“Diing the. autumn there were masnaaate. ‘oF one kind” and another Gwe
* 6pened our school as usual, We 8. er och. hundred hoe
- schools, the Girls! School. and the Boys. ct
2 = Came, Christmas holidays, aed Schools cl
after New Years. et =
2» SMBgeas cheers English women “dnd chilérei £6
police will to. defeat terrorism. eo eo
March Ist. Jewish terrorist. activities 18 fourteen
Lives lost... ... ae = ee log ee eee
_ Maren’ 2nd. Martial law “astiared- ‘tn Jerisélen. a pumber of ee eee
- gune 16-Arabs strike to Show displeasure . commissions had -
been sent to. Palestine by the U. S. government or the UN. Practically all
- reported in favor of the Arabs but their reports were tabled. Another ex-
- ample. shows how the fatts have ‘been kept from the public” This” “ea yorin ~ a
~ “py Giary and. 1° cannot give the date. Vincent Sheehan had been subsidized ee
_ py the Zdew 133 t to go to Palestine and write articles” ‘for. them. when 6. 3
- got there and found the situation he could not honestly do it”, so” “he re=
turned the subsidy and camétheme, Wanting to” ‘put the facts before the Amer- >
ican people he’ wrote an article for the New: York World. This drew a mob
in front of the World office building and three thousand letters were re-
ceived from Jews. ‘protesting. No more articles were written. —
August 5th. Bomb placed in Labor Department wepiee eee sree soldiers. lost
their lives in removing
Nov. @ndf/ Partition Aeciured ‘by the U.N. Son. settles over the Arab eraa.
By what right did the U.N., an organization pledged to justice and self-de- 2
orn ee of Ss gil ie a eee: thee hed aes Arab for thirteen a
About owenty, 3 iti