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Seventeenth of the month and Third of the week.
tained in the reports
of the Quarters upon the several subjects recommended to their attention, a solid
exercise was spread over the meeting, with a fervent desire that the members of
Society more generally, might become truly subjected to the government of the
Divine principle of Light and Grace in the heart ; that daily feeling its re-
deeming power separating from the inordinate love of inferior objects, and
gradually increasing a filial dependance upon, and spiritual union with our
Father who is in Heaven, we may manifest our faith by a diligent assembling
for the performance of Divine worship, and witness preservation in awful
patient waiting, that when it shall please the Lord, by the manifestation of his
presence upon our minds, to appear among us, we may, through the riches of
his goodness, be enabled to offer up living sacrifice to the praise of his ever worthy
name. Hence we should become deeply interested in the real welfare of our
offspring : and seeing that the important charge devolved upon us as parents
and heads of families, cannot be fulfilled, but as we are aided by the immediate
influence of the Holy Spirit; how pressingly should we be excited to seek its
counsel in all our movements! And when looking towards placing out our
children in order to their acquiring the knowledge of some useful trade or busi-
ness, it would be our anxious concern to procure a situation among our fellow-
members, where they might be likely to receive the encouraging impression of
good example: for want of this pious care, it is believed that many of our youth
have been exposed to such snares, as have proved great obstacles to their com-
ing up in conformity with our religious profession, and it is feared that divers
have thereby been drawn away out of the pale of our Society. :
Eighteenth of the month and Fourth of the week.
On resuming the subject respecting spirituous liquors, the minds of Friends
were impressed with desire, that under the guidance of truth we may be enabled
to hold up this branch of our testimony with that conviction and clearness, that
will comport with the weight of the subject and the real welfare of the mem-
bers; it is therefore recommended to the serious attention of Quarterly and.
Monthly Meetings, that further earnest patient labour be extended towards
those members, who are in the practice of distilling or dealing in such liquors,
or encouraging distillation by procuring their fruit or cider to be converted into
spirits: and also that brotherly endeavours be exerted in loving intreaty with
such, as have apprehended they had liberty to make use of those liquors as a
drink, to dissuade them from an indulgence which greatly impedes the real ad-
yancement of this righteous. testimony : and it is desired that a clear report of
this service be rendered to this meeting next year.
Nineteenth of the month and Fifth of the week.
A report of the Committee who have been charged with the care of the Board-
ing School at Weston, being produced and read, it was satisfactory to observe
the account of the orderly deportment of the pupils, and the comfortable state
of harmony in the family ; and cause of thankfulness that it has been so remarka-
bly preserved in health. As the committee have requested liberty to erect ad-
~ ditional buildings: "for the more. "convenient accommodation of Ae Terni ly 2 “under —
an expectation that a sufficient sum for the purpose will be obtained by the vo-
luntary contributions of Friends ; it is agreed that they may praccgnie such a
measure whenever they may be in possession of the means.
‘The Committee appointed to promote the Civilization of the Indign ‘Natives,
‘made a report, stating various improvements latterly. made at the settlements
under their care, and giving a concise view of the progress of this interesting |
concern in general: which it is comfortable to find, affords a well grounded
hope of its being increasingly beneficial to that people.
~-Philadelphia Quarterly Meeting having requested the judgment of this meet-
ing respecting the accepting of an acknowledgment from a person who had been
inarried to the husband of a deceased sister ; a committee consisting of Friends
of each Quarterly Meging being at a former sitting appointed to take the sub-
ject into~solid= ion;-now=produccd the een
read is adopted, viz.
The committee appointed to consider of the subject brought up from Philadel-
phia Quarter, whether a Monthly Meeting in conjunction with its respective
Quarter, may be at liberty to accept an acknowledgment from a person who
had been married to the husband of a deceased sister, having twice met and
solidly deliberated thereon, were much united in the sentiment, that if a Monthly J
and Quarterly Meeting unite in believing the offering of a person so circum.
stanced proceeds from a ground of sincerity, that they be left at liberty to ac:
cept it.
Signed on behalf of the Committee, |
Fourth Month, 19th, 1810. JOHN COLLINS.
The following report on the Treasurer’s account, being produced and read,
is concurred with, and recommended to the due attention of the Quarterly
Meetings, viz.
The Committee appointed to settle the Treasurer’s account, have examined
the same (being all present except one Friend) and find that the whole of the
quotas have been paid, and that there isa balance in his hands of five hundred and
eighty-one pounds, fifteen shillings, and two pence halfpenny. And we are of
opinion it will be proper to raise three hundred pounds, to be paid at the time
of next Yearly Meeting.
Signed by direction of the Committee, _
Philadelphia, Fourth Month, 19th, 1810. JONATHAN WILLIS.
‘Twentieth of the month and Sixth of the week.
Having in our several sittings been mercifully preserved, through the conde-
scending goodness of the blessed Master of Assemblies; under a thankful
sense of his favour, the meeting concludes to meet again at the usual time next
year if consistent with his divine will. |
Extracted from the minutes,
JONATHAN EVANS, Clerk to the meeting this year.
“=P, S. In eee ‘the following minute contained in the Extracts of last
year, an error has been committed by inserting the word monthly when describ-
ing the mode of signing a certificate in a Quarterly Meeting ; which word it is
desired may be expunged in all the copies. It will then stand thus, viz.
Agreed, that when any Friend is religiously concerned to make a visit to the
meetings of Friends beyond the limits of this Yearly Meeting, and has obtained
a certificate for that purpose from the Monthly Meeting of which he or she is
a member, that the concern be also laid before the Tespective Quarterly Meeting
for its concurrence and endorsement, to be signed, if for a man, by the clerk of
the men’s meeting only, but if for a woman, by the clerk of the men’s and
women’s meetings.
Extracts from the minutes of our Yearly Meeting, held in Philadelphia, by adjournments, from the sixteenth of the fourth month, to the twentieth of the same inclusive, 1810
Docket title, p. [4]: Yearly extracts for 1810
Title from caption. Signed on p. 3: Extracted from the minutes, Jonathan Evans, Clerk to the meeting this year. Shaw & Shoemaker, 20168
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (author)
Evans, Jonathan, 1759-1839 (author)
1 broadside (3, [1] p.) ; 35 cm
reformatted digital
Quaker Rare Books BX7615 .P5 1810