Sunday, June 13, 2021
❖ Creating a Haverford MSA website
➢ Accessible and digestible resources
■ Foundations of Faith (pillars of Islam, etc.)
■ Salah Guide
■ Hadiths
■ Duas
■ Connect with the Haverford MSA (contact info, alumni contacts)
■ Events
■ Reading sources about religious figures and their stories
● Prophets (alayhum asalam)
● Sahaba (radiyallahu anhum)
● Stories of the Quran
■ Anonymous question submission port
■ Event/topic suggestion submission port
■ Inclusion of videos to facilitate understanding/expand on topics
● Credible Islamic scholars
■ Reading recommendations
❖ Outreach
➢ Reaching out to admissions to contact incoming students who have expressed interest
in Muslim life
➢ Religious and Spiritual Life fair (August)
➢ Activities & Clubs fair (August)
❖ Talks
➢ Guest speakers (lecture or discussion-based)
➢ Khutbas
➢ Religious leaders leading discussions
❖ Student-focused events
➢ Discussions among students about Muslim life experiences
➢ Range of topics
■ Keeping up with salah with busy schedules
■ How to reconnect with faith when iman feels weak
■ Being amid a culture of partying, drinking, drugs, haram relationships
■ Judgements of others and the judgement of Allah
■ Discrimination
■ Hijab and its meaning
❖ Events with other MSAs
➢ Community projects
➢ Raising funds for worthy causes
❖ Looking for on-campus spaces for prayer
❖ Idea: Purchasing Islamically related books for interested MSA members
➢ Budget requests
❖ Basics refreshers: how to crash courses? There’s at least one revert on campus that’s new to
islam, im not sure how many more are hidden.
❖ Overall: During Ramadan, there was more robust practice of faith and I think it was rooted in the
fact that it was more habitual. Things like Friday prayer and halaqa happened weekly. Maybe
we could do a short MSA faith strengthening session every week. Not that anyone has to lead
but maybe watch a lecture together, read a prophet story or memorize a surah together. Just a
space to remember Allah and Islam communally.