Haverford College Mail - Check-in about Ramadan in the DC
Ahlam Houssein
Check-in about Ramadan in the DC
3 messages
Qaid Hassan
To: Bruce Levine , John Pohlig , Jennifer Lynn Boock
Cc: Ahlam Houssein
Mon, Apr 19, 2021 at 1:01 PM
Happy Monday!
A quick question:
Is it possible to post a Ramadan Iftar sign near the check-in counter at the DC? We have some laminated signs that we were planning to use at the tables for
outside dining. But, I wonder if placing one of them at the two check-out corners will be useful too for students coming in to get their iftar and suhoor packs.
Thank you for your support and time!
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On Apr 14, 2021, at 3:16 PM, Qaid Hassan wrote:
Dear John, Jenn, and Bruce,
It was wonderful to speak with you this afternoon.
I am glad that I met Mukhtar too.
Perhaps we can do a Senegalese dish for the end of Ramadan.
As I mentioned, Hussain was serving us very well when I was a student.
I don't remember how we did iftar and suhoor back then. But we did.
Much appreciation and respect for your attention and efforts!
So, just to confirm our plan going forward, I am including the details below.
1. Students will enter the DC as they normally would, selecting all of the good foods that they want for their iftar meal.
1. DC staff will no longer pre-pack the iftar meal for the students.
2. Students can pick up their suhoor meal at that time, which will be pre-packed.
3. Students can opt to add to their suhoor meal as they prefer at that time.
Haverford College Mail - Check-in about Ramadan in the DC
2. Students who are not on the meal plan will have access to both suhoor and iftar during these days or Ramadan at no cost. The Office of
Quaker Affairs will be covering the costs of these meals.
1. students in this category will simply tell the check-in team: "I'm here with the MSA Ramadan Iftar crew."
3. We will revisit a few special dishes as we get the momentum going, and when there appears to be some consistency
Am I missing anything?
Thank you,
Bruce Levine
Mon, Apr 19, 2021 at 1:30 PM
To: Qaid Hassan
Cc: John Pohlig , Jennifer Lynn Boock , Ahlam Houssein
Hi Qaid,
I spoke with Tom our boss and he said that would be fine. If you drop the signs off we will post them for you.
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-Bruce Levine
Residential Operations Manager
370 Lancaster Ave.
Haverford, PA 19041
Qaid Hassan
Mon, Apr 19, 2021 at 1:39 PM
To: Aissatou Seck , Bilikisu Hanidu , Famo Haji , Shahla Mukhtar
Cc: Ahlam Houssein
Can anyone drop off 4 of the double sided signs at the dc by this evening? They’re currently held in the bcc in a folder on the bookshelf.
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Begin forwarded message:
From: Bruce Levine
Date: April 19, 2021 at 1:30:52 PM EDT
To: Qaid Hassan
Cc: John Pohlig , Jennifer Lynn Boock , Ahlam Houssein
Haverford College Mail - Check-in about Ramadan in the DC
Subject: Re: Check-in about Ramadan in the DC
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