Sons of Africa exists to create a comfortable, safe, and supportive Brotherhood
for black and latino males, yet is open to all men of color in the Haverford College
community. SOA also provides a social forum to discuss pertinent issues facing minority
men today. Sons of Africa serves to establish a sense of solidarity amongst men of color,
who have been relatively underrepresented in educational institutions such as our own.
The exclusive nature of the group is not meant to be divisive in a community that is
generally harmonious, but rather to provide a network in which students of color can
address issues that affect themselves without the fear of controversy
Historically men of color have been confronted by many social and political
challenges. This shared experience often fosters a sense of minority otherness. We
choose not to make a racial distinction along lines of color, but we are resolute in
remaining faithful to the discussion of issues pertaining to black and latino males that
consequently, often affect all men of color. Men of color face certain social ramifications
for their words and actions that other men do not. The safe space that Haverford attempts
to create, for some, does not always feel as safe as it should, especially when discussing
topics concerning race and racial discrimination.
Dear Brother,
We would like to invite you to a Sons of Africa meeting. Our first meeting is this coming
Sunday at 10:00 pm. We would love to introduce ourselves to you, and meet the new
generation of men of color at Haverford.