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Members: Adetomiwe (Tommy) Famodu, Alexander Brooks, Bereket Gebregziabher , Cruz
Arroyo ,Dawit Habtemariam, Dorvil Gabriel, Hector Uriostegui, James Campbell, John
Kouakam , Jonathan Yellets, Julian Taylor, Marcus Levy , Quinn Harding, Ruben Aguilar,
Tafari James, Victor Medina Del Toro , Winful Taylor, Yohannes Ejigu
Co-Heads: Dawit Habtemariam and Marcus Levy
Wednesday Study Sessions
Where: Hires Room in Magill Library
When: 9 p.m.-11 p.m.
Description: Sons of Africa members would meet every Wednesday at 9 p.m. and study and talk
together about Haverford, race, movies, gender, and other topics.
SOA Dinners
Where: DC dining rooms
When: 6 p.m. at least once a month
Description: Sons of Africa members eat dinner from the DC and talk to each other about
Volunteer with 8th Dimension
Lead Organizer: David Sidibe
Where: Philabundance in Philadelphia
When: October 31, 2014
Description: With the help of Eighth Dimension some members of Sons of Africa went to
Philabundance and volunteered to help package food for food shelters
Solidarity Week
Lead Organizer: Marcus Levy and Dawit Habtemariam
When: Nov 1-Nov 5 2014
Where: Haverford College
Description: For one week the members of the Sons of Africa wore formal clothes all day, meet
at Founders steps, and walk into the Dining Center together and then eat dinner together in the
Dining Center in one of the Dining Center private rooms. On the Sunday of that week had our
Sons of Africa initiation for our new members.
CHAS Conference
Lead Organizers: Dawit Habtemariam and Marcus Levy
When: Nov 14-15 2014
Where: Haverford College
Description: Sons of Africa gave input about the kind of workshops to be offered at the CHAS
Conference. Sons of Africa members hosted off campus visitors as guests in their dorms and
were official co-facilitators of discussions between conference attendees. Sons of Africa also
threw a dance party in Founders that received little attendance.
Meeting with Black Lawyers
Lead Organizer: James Campbell
When: Dec 5 2014
Where: Mincey & Fitzpatrick Law Firm in Philadelphia
Description: Sons of Africa members meet with lawyers from the firm Mincey & Fitzpatrick,
LLC to discuss lawyer career path.
Unity Day
Lead Organizer: Dawit Habtemariam, David Sidibe, Marcus Levy, and Julian Taylor
When: Dec 6 2014
Description: Sons of Africa members set up a booth in Founders Hall for public event on
diversity. Sons of Africa members and another Haverford student produced a tri-fold on voter
discrimination history and current voter discrimination in voter id laws and prison voting rights
denial in the United States. At our booth we had visitors take the Louisiana literacy test in 10
minutes to give them an experience in voter discrimination.
Hoopla: Basketball with the A Better Chance Program of Lower Merion
Lead Organizer: Dawit Habtemariam, Marcus Levy, and Travis West ` 13
When: February 1, 2015
Description: Sons of Africa hosted the scholars of the A Better Chance program in Lower
Merion for a series of basketball games on Sunday, February 1, 2015. ABC is a non-profit
designed to help low-income minority students gain access to a better high school education.
This event was a great way to both have fun and introduce the ABC scholars to people of color
in a college atmosphere.
Super Bowl Party
Lead Organizer: Quinn Harding
When: February 1, 2015
Where: Black Cultural Center
Description: Sons of Africa members congregated in the Black Cultural Center to watch the
Super Bowl, eat pizza, and enjoy each others’ company.
Dark Girls Film Screening
Lead Organizers: James Campbell, Julian Taylor, and Tommy
When: February 12, 2015
Where: Black Cultural Center
Description: Sons of Africa members hosted a public film screening of the film Dark Girls.
Voter Discrimination Test Day at Plenary
Lead Organizer: Dawit Habtemariam, Marcus Levy, and Julian Taylor
When: Spring Plenary 2015
Where: GIAC
Description: Sons of Africa members provided Louisiana Literacy Tests to students and to
show them a glimpse of what voter discrimination feels like.
Hip Hop Congress: A Grassroots Social Justice Movement Through Hip-Hop Activism
Lead Organizer: Julian Taylor, Marcus Levy, David Sidibe, and Dawit Habtemariam
When: March 21, 2015
Where: Haverford College (Stokes Auditorium)
Description: Hip-hop activist Amer Ahmed educated Haverford College students on how hiphop was used in the past and is used in the present as a method of enacting social change around
the world.
Our Afternoon with Ewuare X. Osayande
Lead Organizer: Dawit Habtemariam and Tafari James
When: April 4, 2015
Where: Chase Auditorium and Multicultural Center
Description: Social justice activist and educator Ewuare X. Osayande spent the afternoon at
Haverford College to discuss womanism. The afternoon began with a lecture open to the public
in Chase Auditorium and a workshop also open to the public in the Multicultural Center. The
afternoon concluded with a casual dinner between Ewuare, his son, and members of Sons of
Africa in the Dining Center.
2014-2015 Sons of Africa Activities
Description of activities organized by Sons of Africa during the 2014-2015 academic year
Sons of Africa (author)
2014 - 2015
4 pages
born digital
2014-2015 Sons of Africa Activities