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The Campus Closet: Coming Out at Haverford
An article in the 1999 Haverford Alumni Magazine, covering campus climate across generations, as assembled by the Lambda alumni association. From Bryn Mawr-Haverford College News.
Gluck, Michael (author)
Steele, Edward (author)
McMasters, Jim (author)
Sikov, Ed (author)
Carter, Wendell (author)
Post, May Mon (author)
Kröll, Kilian (author)
(approximate) 1999-09 - (approximate) 1999-12
9 pages
reformatted digital
Haverford College student newspapers --
Scanned and cataloged by Chris Bechen, Haverford Class of 2018. Description by Chris Bechen.
eT meee Come, ie
near his Bayside, Queens home.
duce wnt about my pre-college life, which | would
in Havertow ilar to the lives of other youngsters growing UP
ford, where n, a community about two miles from Havet-
choir of St - y alee brother and | both sang 1n the boy's
oy Scoutin eorge’s Episcopal Church and went through
Bower Aseart rogetner. I was an Eagle Scout and received the
troop. At H rom my troop for distinguished service to the
Out for ‘oes Township Senior High School I went
atin in the and wrestling, and took third and fourth yeat
Philosoph same class as Helen Steere, the older daughter of
While ' P rofessor Douglas V. Steere.
was going through junior and senior High
ool, Ib
, | became aware of the sexual attractions that were
blosso 1
ming between the boys and girls in my class. I had no
f and felt wor-
Sexual f, ‘
tied for lings of my own that I was aware O
Within 4 eral years because of their absence. Howeve!,
mo .
nth of entering Haverford, | felt a powerful
Peer AL Haverford
in the early 1950s?
by Edward Steele 54
homosexual infatuation for a classmate. These feelings
ave me a lot of grief because everything
people thought about homosexuality in those
days was unflattering and disturbing. It was
commonly believed that homosexuals (a) had
a mental illness; (b) were criminals; or (c) were
an abomination to God. Of the three choices, |
felt that the first made the most sense. |
At the end of my freshman yeat, I became a member of
an Institutional Services Unit sponsored by the American
Friends Service Committee. Our group, made up of students
fom Haverford, Bryn Mawr, Swarthmore and Cheney State
Teacher’s College, lived on the Haverford campus and trav-
s to Norristown State Mental Hospital,
eled in a college bu
where we worked as attendants throughout the summer of
1951. There we had the chance to learn about the care of the
mentally ill while we provided help to overworked full-time
attendants. While at the hospital I spoke with a psychiatrist
os and was referred to a clinic at the
ity of Pennsylvania. Over a period of
alk therapy from three therapists over
al lasting a year or more. This ther-
about my sexual feelin
Hospital of the Univers
several years | received t
four intervals, each interv
apy had no effect on my sexual orientation.
ays been homosexuals on cam-
There have no doubt alw
s and faculty, but in the 0s
pus among both the student
ing me with a feeling of great
everyone was in the closet, leav
isolation. However oP one occasion, a member of the class
to graduate a year before me invited me to his house in
Philadelphia to “scudy German together.” After arriving, he
expressed a desire to have physical closeness in a subtle man-
ner that I found no way offensive. No wanting to reject him,
I pretended not to understand him, and went home after a
short while. I was not ready to explore my sexual feelings at
nt have my first sexual
that time. As things worked out, ! did
experience until I was 26.
On another occasion, I came upon th
after dark while he and another day student were in a parked
car along the lane chat runs past the astronomy observatory.
e same individual