Thanks to Professor P for introducing me to Gay Bingo.
Thanks to A and H for putting up with me for so long.
To those of you who I've known for four years and are now coming out, thanks for being brave enough
to do so, for trusting me and others, and for reminding me how important coming out is for everyone.
N, thanks for everything you 've done and said. Haverford queer life would not be the’ same without you.
And thanks for being your wonderful anal self.
And to A, S, R, and the others - thanks for showing us how far Haverford still has to go before all queer
people will be happy here. I miss you guys, but it makes me happy to know that at least one of you has
found happiness elsewhere.
That's all. I'm sure there are many more I could thank and a few more I could not thank. But you've
endured enough of my rambling. I just wish that everyone at Haverford would realize that their words _
and actions make a difference, either positively or negatively, on at least one queer person here. It may
be a classmate, roommate, or someone you don't even know, but you contribute in some way to some
queer person's level of happiness.