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Beulah Hurley Waring letter to Achsah L. Hurley and William W. Hurley
Written to Waring's parents while Waring was in Russia as a relief worker. Discusses her work, including relief work logistics, her fellow workers, and travelling via camel. Says she has had her "first real introduction to the steppes." Is somewhat homesick. Wishes them a happy new year (Julian calendar).
Waring, Beulah Hurley, 1886-1988
4 pages
reformatted digital
The collection of Beulah Hurley Waring and Alston Waring, New Hope, PA --
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Beulah Hurley Waring letter to Achsah L. Hurley and William W. Hurley
Written to Waring's parents while Waring was in Russia as a relief worker. Discusses her work, including relief work logistics, her fellow workers, and travelling via camel. Says she has had her "first real introduction to the steppes." Is somewhat homesick. Wishes them a happy new year (Julian calendar).
Waring, Beulah Hurley, 1886-1988
4 pages
reformatted digital
The collection of Beulah Hurley Waring and Alston Waring, New Hope, PA --