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. JE Povewber 24, 1919. _
Mintra es
_, ‘The American Relief Adwinistrat fon European Children's Fund is _
‘wow feeding 218,000 children in Austtia and hopes to be able to raise
tails number during the winter months to 225,000 a day. The meal givan
the colid consists of one "Kilonem", oF approximately 660 Galorigs.,
A different meal, composed of staple commodities such as flour, rigs,
peas, beans, sugar, cocoa, pork, lard and condensed wilk, is given each
day of tha week so that the children receive # variety as weel ae a
substantial meal. | ie
| The system of nutrition used is know as the Perquet, or Kilonem
Syeten. Dr. von Pirquet has taken ag @ unit the nutritive value of one
litre of average wilk and gives to each commodity « value in terme of wikk.
For example, - one kilogram of gugar @quale six kilonem.; 1 kilogram of
average wheat flour equals 5 kilonen; of lard 13.3 kilonen; of netatoes
1.25, ete. In this way De. von Pitquet has reduced the Galoulation of
nutrition to a metric system, 1 nem being equal to 2/3 of a eelory. This
makes the Galeulation of meals very sijgple and Dre von Pirguet has estabe
lished @ secnool where young women are trained in scientific cooking. When
graduated they are sent out to take charge of the large central kitchens
tiroughout Austria. ‘Some of these kitchens nave @ capacity of gooking
for a8 many a8 10,000. The Zita Kucha in Vienna is the largest, and @
good @xarple of how eooking may be done in bulk.
When the Amerjean Relief Administration first coawanced ,eading
in Austria the meal wag intended to be a supplementary one - that is, the
cnildren were expected to get the required amount of food for their dally
needs at home, and thie supplementary ration was to be given to build up
systems which aad been run down due to malnutrition during the war.
When Operations were commenced in Austira food purchased from
Army stocks in France and in AN@Piga was shipped to Trieste. These feoot-
atvulls wore delivered frae to AustPia at the port, and tae Austrian Governe
ment agreed to make sufficient appropriations to pay traneportation from
the port to Austria and distribution throughout the provinzes. The Aust trian
‘Governirent also agreed to handle all. overhead axpens@s. In aoite of the |
detailed task of bringing in food by thousands of tons and distributing
it over & whole country in the form of cooked meala, the overhead aczoenses
have amounted to approximately 2 1/2%. This percantaga includes trangs-
portation, (reieht Charges, salaries for Austrians, Gouking utensils, ate
| Due to the disorganised condition of the eountvies of Southe ,
@agtern durops it becans necessary Lor the ANA. Child Welfare Mission to.
hegotiate through its missions in other sountries, and sometimes even
directiy with the governuents of neighboring gountries, in order to obtar
coal for the kitchens and gasoline for the motor lorries which are used
to distribute the food from the gentral warehouse in Vienna to the
Spear Snatrie.Retng © vory, on
Uther provinces received thei
needs and ae ‘
The American . duinistration European Children's ‘and, 0
which Mire Hoover is the Director, is not a Governmental ip steeds
wae & dim sh a one and noeds et ie fumes. at om oe