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Thank you for reaching out and indicating you'd be willing to help out with the strike. At the
moment there are four areas of support that we'd greatly appreciate.
In the fourth area there is an urgent matter which is contacting Professor Ibram Kendi
please do this as soon as possible.
First: Continue rallying faculty support.
Please reach out to your professors this semester and any you hold good relationships with.
Please personalize these emails as much as possible, however we ask that you cover the
following points.
Your positions as faculty, staff, and department chairs hold weight over the college. Your
authority can accelerate institutionalized change that will support present and future BIPOC
students. Because of this we urge you to hastily respond and advocate for your students by
maintaining solidarity and communicating your support to administration.
Complete Solidarity with the Strike means the following:
1. Cancelling classes, giving extensions, or even removing assignments altogether
2. Promoting the demands of BIPOC and/or FGLI students by spreading them across your
professional network
3. Demonstrating your solidarity with students by demanding that Wendy and Joyce meet
BIPOC demands
4. Make sure that there is no component of class/lab/thesis during the strike ‘available to
people who are not participating’ as this will largely negatively impact BIPOC students
the most.
5. Engaging in conversations with fellow colleagues who are not in full support
6. Collectively discourage students from asynchronous coursework and instead inform
them to take this time to donate, help BIPOC leaders, and educate themselves on issues
surrounding Black lives on campus and in the wider community.
7. If you are to continue teaching, as we understandably recognize that this is your job
which you may feel responsible for, we push to not teach your syllabi and instead teach
antiracism within your jobs/field of study, the purpose of the strike, or the historical
oppression in and outside of Haverford of BIPOC
8. Be ready to adjust the syllabi once the strike is over so as not to burden students who
were actively striking. This means if you do not have the capacity to teach about
antiracism, spend your time rethinking the syllabus and about how to creatively and
effectively teach material in limited time after the strike has ended. This way students will
not miss material that you suspect they will miss due to the strike.
Second: Continue applying pressure to administration and the board of managers
This message we also welcome some personalization, however please follow the template
below and email:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
I as a Haverford student condemn the inaction, co-optation of BSRFI's work, and continued
institutional oppression on part of Haverford College. I personally demand that Haverford
College begin responding to the demands outlined by WOC house, BSRFI, and BSL. This
requires a clear outlining on how these demands will be met, who will be in charge of them,
what funds will be allocated for them, and what accountability measures will be in place so that
they are completed. Secondly, as BIPOC students have rallied for, I demand the entire process
be done in the most transparent way possible, with complete involvement of BIPOC students.
As a Haverford student I will support BIPOC students indefinitely in this strike until demands are
Third: Publicize and spread the word
Follow hc_strike on IG and make sure to repost all updates. If you make your own post please
use the hashtag #DisruptHC #DisruptHaverford and @ Haverford and President Wendy
Twitter Examples
“President @wraymond when are you going to meet the demands of BIPOC
students in the strike? @haverfordedu has failed its BIPOC students and it’s time
to step up #DisruptHC #DisruptHaverford”
“I stand in solidarity with @haverfordedu students striking against the institution.
Walter Wallace Jr matters, Black Philadelphians Matter, Black Students Matter.
It’s time for @wraymond + all of Haverford’s admin and board to show up.
#DisruptHC #DisruptHaverford
“Institutions like @haverfordedu love boasting inclusivity, social justice, and
supporting community initiatives for change. Then where is their support for Philly
community members and protesters after Walter Wallace Jr’s death? #DisruptHC
“If @wraymond loves Philly so much, where is her support for Black Lives Matter
initiatives in Philly? Where was her empathy and solidarity for Walter Wallace Jr
and community members fighting for justice? #DisruptHaverford #DisruptHC”
Also please stay up to date on the HC Updates Doc. This is just so you stay informed and are
able to support us in fielding questions from your friends.
If you hold connections to other schools please ask other students to blast the news about the
strike. We want to expand our publicity and increase pressure on the college, you can do this by
sharing the Open Letter and Statement along with any posters.
Comment under Haverford’s and Wendy Raymond’s posts asking:
Why haven’t you acted on the demands made by Black Students Refusing Further Inaction
during the summer?
Dr. Ibram X. Kendi (author of how to be anti-racist) was slated to speak at Haverford on
November 11th. He has an enormous following after this summer and this is something we
should try to leverage. The goal here is to flood his twitter and try to get him to retweet our
message to his followers. Tag #DisruptHC #DisruptHaverford @disrupthc
Standard Tweet: @DrIbram was supposed to give an anti-racist talk @haverfordedu
next week. Do you know that BIPOC students are striking? The institution has
repeatedly demonstrated that it values white comfort over Black lives. #disrupthc #disrupthaverford
Attach two images below
@DrIbram, @haverfordedu’s repeated lack of care in addressing the violence on Black
lives in our Philly community reflects its YEARS of inaction. We refuse to allow this
negligence to continue. Will you #DisruptHaverford with us?
While @haverfordedu students eagerly awaited @DrIbram's anti-racist talk,
@haverfordedu demonstrated a continued lack of support for its Black students.
@haverfordedu's legacy of muting BIPOC student demands ends now. Join us in our
strike to #DisruptHC.
“@DrIbram was scheduled for an anti-racist talk at @haverfordedu. Students are striking in
response to Haverford’s continued disregard & exploitation of its BIPOC community. The
empty promises and performative blanket statements end NOW. Join us. #DisruptHC”
Fourth: Hold your friends accountable
As we've said before we have power in collectivity. We are dependent on as many HC students
as possible being on board and active in this strike. Tell your friends to email, post, and apply
pressure in any way they can.
Thank you
Supporting the strike via email and social media
Message sent by strike organizers to those interested in supporting the strike. The message outlines four areas where people can lend support: continuing to rally faculty support; applying pressure to the Board of Managers; publicizing the strike on social media, including a tweet campaign directed at Dr. Ibram X. Kendi; and holding friends accountable. The document includes templates and images for participants to use when doing outreach via email and social media. The document was likely added to over the course of the strike. It contains links to the hc_strike Instagram account and Dr. Kendi's website, and links to the HC Strike Updates document and a letter to first-generation/low-income students and students of color at other predominantly white institutions written on October 30, 2020. This document was kept on the public student strike Google Drive. A link to this document was also included in the daily strike update for November 3, 2020.
(approximate) 2020-10-29 - (approximate) 2020-11-09
4 pages
born digital
Supporting Strike via Email_Social Media