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Elizabeth Cope Collins letter to Rebecca Collins
Elizabeth Cope Collins married Rebecca Collins's stepson William Morris Collins. She discusses Mary, likely Collins's daughter Mary Forster Walton, whom she supposes is now at sea headed South ''in exciting times.'' She reflects on what she's heard about the South, including from a letter written by Ellen Murray, and says she would like to spend a winter there. She also mourns her late husband and discloses that her daughters are still struggling over the loss of their father.
Collins, Elizabeth Cope (author)
4 pages
HC.MC-1196, Box 1
Rebecca Singer Collins papers --
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Elizabeth Cope Collins letter to Rebecca Collins
Elizabeth Cope Collins married Rebecca Collins's stepson William Morris Collins. She discusses Mary, likely Collins's daughter Mary Forster Walton, whom she supposes is now at sea headed South ''in exciting times.'' She reflects on what she's heard about the South, including from a letter written by Ellen Murray, and says she would like to spend a winter there. She also mourns her late husband and discloses that her daughters are still struggling over the loss of their father.
Collins, Elizabeth Cope (author)
4 pages
HC.MC-1196, Box 1
Rebecca Singer Collins papers --