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College news, December 13, 1963
Bryn Mawr College student newspaper. Merged with Haverford News, News (Bryn Mawr College); Published weekly (except holidays) during academic year.
Bryn Mawr College (creator)
8 pages
digitized microfilm
North and Central America--United States--Pennsylvania--Montgomery--Bryn Mawr
Vol. 50, No. 10
College news (Bryn Mawr College : 1914)--
Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation.
Friday, December 13, 1963
‘Page Seven
Dance Club Performance —
Includes. Trio
'Members of the Bryn Mawr
Dance Club, under the direction
of Senta: Driver, will perform two
pieces on Arts Night, December
13, at Skinner Workshop. Both
pieces, a trio and a quartet, are
new to Bryn Mawr audiences and
. will be added to’s concert.
Rivvy Feldman "63
Wins Recognition
~~ Tn Story Contest ~
Rivvy Feldman, a 1963 Bryn
Mawr graduate, has won an honor-
able mention in the Fourteenth
Annual College Short Story Con-
.test sponsored by the —
wor STORY-Magazines ~~~
Her story, ‘‘Withdrawal,’’ will
_ be printed with the other winning
entries in a volume entitled THE
---T his annual__competition, fi-
nanced by the Reader’s Digest
“Foundation, divides $2,000 among
the winners. The first prize of
$500 was -won ‘by- William Cobb
of Vanderbilt University for his
More than 250 manuscripts were
received during the nine month
entrance period. The stories,
which were submitted from 116
colleges in 36 states, were judged
by a panel of publishers, editors,
. and-short story writers.
9 W. Lancaster Ave.
MI 2-0764
Largest Selection Folk Music
“ments designed’ expressly
Pop - Classics - Jazz
and Quartet
The quartet, called ‘‘Vibrato,’’
Monk, president of the Sarah
Lawrence dance club, to music
by William Schuman, It has been
. performed at Sarah Lawrence.and
at the Connecticut College Summer
the piece comes from the physical
and emotional tension which is .
sustained within a rigidly timed
musical framework. The Bryn
Mawr premiere of ‘*Vibrato’’ will
mark. the first time the Dance
~“Cliib fas” performed the work of
a guest choreographer, P
The second-piece, ‘‘Persistence
of Vision, Part I,’ to music
by Gunther Schuller, was choreo-
graphed by Senta’ Driver.
Originally an assignment in dance
... composition,. the .piece..aims.. to
be intrinsically a trio, with move-
three dancers such that they would
be less compelling or success-
ful with more or fewer people.
A quartet and a quintet, still to
be completed, will be chedfeo-
graphed with the same purpose
and -will- appear~--in--the--Dance-
Gluh’s spring concert on April _
- Performing ‘on Arts Night will
be Alice Leib, Elena Mestre,
Liz Roper, Andrea Stark, and Toby
choreographed by Merry
Stocking presents
production of the complete HAM-.
-School-of the--Dance.—-The.title-of. .-
“High Polish” And Conversational Tone
Characterize BMC-H” ford Uncut Hamlet
By Betsy Greene
College Theater’s long-awaited
LET under the direction of Robert
Butman played at Haverford No-
vember 21, 23 and 25,
It was a casual HAMLET, free
from the rhetorical declamation
that often eripples.-spoken-Shake~. “
As a result of this underplaying,
the comic scenes achieved high
polish and humor. The elegance
of the language and much of the
dramatic impact, unfortunately,
“were lost in the off-hand manner
of delivery. Hamlet’s ‘Oh, what a
rogue and peasant slave am I!?’
although admittedly very difficult,
had almost the same amount of con-
viction as a toothpaste ad of com-
parable length, .
_Munson Hicks was‘ magnificent.
in the scenes of repartee, especi-
ally with Polonius and with Rosen-
krantz and Guildenstern, a clever,
rather than tormented or coldly
convincing, loyal- Horatio; - Peter
intellectual Hamlet. He was less ,Moskovitz was good as the hot-
good in the serious scenes and headed Laertes.
occasionally ‘spoke too ‘fast.
Special praise goes to Howard
Bush, who was an unfailing comic
and delightful Polonius.
Wendy Westbrook was excellent
as Ophelia. Her mad scéne was the
most moving space in the play,
deeply felt, controlled, at once
dignified and pathetic,
Jane Robbins, playing Gertrude,
was a regal queen ‘and mottier.
Her. very presence on stage-added==
.dimension to thé play. ..
Terry Van. Brunt was good as
Claudius; Charles Strong was a
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The set by Chris Glass, a sim-
ple, split-level series of stairs
and platforms, was exceptionally
appropriate and artistic. The same
should. be Said for the music by
John. Davison,
Visually, the play was
perfect, ‘each of the actors moving
and gesturing in character, al-
“though they sometimes tended to
deliver their lines_air-mail.
‘*Berlin: The Broken Gity”!: A Special _
*4@5-page Supplement: A border guard
lieutenant, an East German textbook
editor, distinguished Berlin. novelist
Gunter Grass and 7 other informed
observers report on:. The Political
Cabarets, The Young Germans, Why
the -Guards .Defect, Writers in Berlin,
Berlin's. Ecoriomic Future, and. otter,
. Subjects,
on the rebuilding 6f Berlin,
_**The Supreme Court and Its Critics’’:
-Judge Irving R. Kaufman discusses
the extent to which the Supreme Court
appears to havé taken on an eduéative
function and how such change can
be justified.
Stories and Poems by: Dudley Fitts;
N. J. Berrill, Ted Hughes,
Peter Davison, Muriel
Rukeyser, Sallie
Bingham, Jesse Hill
Ford, Jeannette
Nichols.and others.
The pursuit of excel-
lence is the everyday
job of The Atlantic's
editors be it in fic-
tion or fact,° poetry
or prose. In ever-
increasing numbers,
those in pursuit of
academic excellence
find in The Atlantic
a challenging, enter-
taining and enlight-
ening companion.
Get‘your copy today.
al ”
Plus a photographic report .
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