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College news, November 3, 1967
Bryn Mawr College student newspaper. Merged with Haverford News, News (Bryn Mawr College); Published weekly (except holidays) during academic year.
Bryn Mawr College (creator)
4 pages
digitized microfilm
North and Central America--United States--Pennsylvania--Montgomery--Bryn Mawr
Vol. 54, No. 07
College news (Bryn Mawr College : 1914)--
Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation.
Friday, November 3, 1967
photo by Kit Bakke
President Coleman of Haverford spoke in the field House at his
iqangoration last Saturday.
F 4
‘BMC Officials Attend
Seven Sisters Confab
An annual conference for
presidents, deans, and faculty from
the Seven Sisters Colleges was
held in Boston last weekend to
discuss several topics. Miss Mc-
Bride, Mrs. Marshall, and
Mrs. King attended from Bryn
The purpose of the
ference, according to Miss
McBride, was to enable com-
munication between the seven
women’s colleges so that they
can learn from each other.
Curriculum was. discussed
by the representatives. Well-
esley and Mt. Holyoke are
trying new curricula and Bryn
Mawr is reviewing its two year
old one. In general, the institu-
tions liked the change - from
five to four required courses.
The future of the private in-
Stitution was also’ treated,
Miss McBride . believes that
public and private institu-
tions _ should . work together.
For this reason, she has served
on the Pennsylvania State Board
of Education for the last four
years, Community colleges, public
and private schools, religious and
non-affiliated colleges all find a
job in education, she said.
At the final set of meetings
the presidents, deans, and
faculty members talked in separate
groups. The presidents voted on
a new field secretary, who repre-
sents the seven colleges, traveling
through fourteen of the most dis-
tant states. A Radcliffe graduate
November 9
8 p.m.
Folk Dancing
Bryn Mawr Gym
Scottish Dancing
Little Theatre
To Begin Work
For Winter Play
Little Theatre will hold an im-
portant organizational meeting
Thursday, November 9 at 7:17
p.m., in the College Inn T,V.
; room. Anyone interested in di-
recting and anyone who wants to
suggest a play to be performed
should send all pertinent infor-
mation to Lessie Klein or Cathy
Sims in the College Inn.
Tryouts. will be held the week
before Thanksgiving and rehear-
sals will begin immediately af-
ter the vacation. The produc-
tions will be December 8 and 9.
A completely student-run group,
College Theatre is in its third
Bipot aap to give peo-
- ple besides those in College Thea-.
tre a chance to get involved in
some kind of production, Even the
heads of committees will not have
done the same jobs before. Also,
freshmen will be eligible to act.
was elected this year.
The chairman and location of
next year’s conference as also
decided. Miss McBride is the new
chairman, and the seven sisters
will come to Bryn Mawr
next October. :
John Coleman was officially wel-
comed into the Haverford Col-
lege community as its ninth pres-
ident last Saturday.
The inauguration included a day
of activities, from Coleman’s ac-
ceptance speech in the Field House,
to a luncheon, a symposium, and
a reception in Founders.
The speech, given to hundreds
of dignitaries and friends of Hav-
erford, dealt with a college’s in-
volvement in. the problems of so-
ciety. Coleman’s past work with
the Ford Foundation has led him
to believe that university talent
is often wasted or ignored outside
the campus grounds. ‘‘There may
have been a time when it was safe
to harbor the dream of a college
as a-place of withdrawal, and to
think of college years as a time
simply to develop oneself to the
fullest, intellectually, morally, and
physically, in isolation from the
pressures of the day. I find much
of that dream irrelevant of our
mission. Too much is happening
Two Lively Mawrters Chosen
For Coast -to-Coast TV Series
WANTED: Girls with lively per-
sonalities, affinities toward ani-
mals and the courage to tell
television emcee Cleveland Amory
that his tie is ugly.
Bryn Mawr has two girls who fit
the bill.
Prudy Crowther’’70 and Joyce
Reimherr.’71 have been selected to
appear as regulars on the daily
Cleveland Amory show.
Aired from 8:30 until 9:30 week-
day mornings, the nationwide inter-
view program, ‘‘an hour of sur-
prises ... humor ... interesting
characters ... comment... audi-
ence and viewer participation,’’
will feature daily Amory, his ani-
mal friends, special guests and one’
of five girls from the Philadelphia
area, chosen to add extra punch to
the show.
Prudy will appear on a live show
each Thursday, and Joyce tapesher
weekly program on Thursday
nights. The girls report to the
WFIL—TV studios for the filmings.
Working on a regular basis,
Prudy and Joyce were selected for
the show from among 60 candidates
interviewed by Amory’s staff.
Amory, a coluninist and critic
for TV Guide, McCall’s, Town &
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Country and Saturday Review, has
authored four books in addition to
co-editing the anthology ‘Vanity
Fair.’? :
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-.«. to permit withdrawal by those
who can bring gifts of insight,
balance and independence to the
The theme of university involve-
ment with the community was con-
tinued in the symposium. Mr. Hol-
land Hunter, Haverford economics
professor, Mr. Morris Keeton,
academic vice president at
Antioch, Mr. Thomas Kessinger,
Haverford ’65, now at the Univer-
sity of Chicago, and Mr. John Mon-
ro, director of freshman studies
at Miles College and former dean
of Harvard, discussed the relative
merits of detachment and involve-
ment of the college in society.
Cooperation with Bryn Mawr
Italian Speaker
The Italian department
presents Professor Rocco
Montano, winner of the Fon-
dazione Besso Prize for the
best book on Dante written
in 1965, speaking on ‘‘Hu-
manism from Dante to Pe-
trarch,’’ Wednesday, Nov. 8,
8:30 in the Common Room.
Dr. Montano is professor of
Comparative Literature at
the University of Maryland
and his talk will be in
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Coleman Speaks of Involvement, |
Cooperation at H’ford Inauguration
was also discussed during the day.
Coleman stated that he ‘would
go as far along the road ‘to mu-
tually, beneficial cooperation as
any of those colleges wishes to
go.”? By ‘‘those colleges’? he said
he meant ‘‘Swarthmore, Lincoln,
and above, all, Bryn Mawr.??
Money, Food Stolen
From College Inn
The College Inn was broken into
and robbed on Thursday afternoon,
October 26. The robbery, which is
believed to have taken place about
five o’clock p.m., was discovered
at 7:30 that evening by Faith Green-
field and Anne Allen,
The students immediately tried
to contact Mr. Daily, head of the
College Inn, to report the theft.
Unable to reach him, they notified
Dean Marshall, who called the
Approximately fifty dollars was
taken by the intruder, as well as
some food from the kitchen,
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