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College news, April 22, 1966
Bryn Mawr College student newspaper. Merged with Haverford News, News (Bryn Mawr College); Published weekly (except holidays) during academic year.
Bryn Mawr College (creator)
6 pages
digitized microfilm
North and Central America--United States--Pennsylvania--Montgomery--Bryn Mawr
Vol. 52, No. 20
College news (Bryn Mawr College : 1914)--
Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation.
_ Page 4 : Fee April 22, 1966
‘Synapse, ’ ‘Our Town’ Highlights Elusive Burns Guards Manage
Avoid Masquerading Sneak
’ professional reviewer and that so
__ Of Superiorly Imaginative Dancin
‘by Liz Roper, ’67
As all the Bryn Mawr profes-
sors asked were too busy to write
the review of this year’s Dance
Concert, this honor has been bes-
towed on me by default. It is a
pity that the readers of the COL-
LEGE NEWS cannot have a more
“Time,’? a modern jazz piece,
choreographed and danced by Amy
Dickerson Jessica Harris,
showed little jon and in-
genuity and relied on a fairly com-
mercial appeal, However, what it
lost in its choreography, it gained
in its performance which showed
extraordinary verve and charm,
members of the corps were
so well that even
little previous
quite accomp!
+ seemed
by Emily McDermott
Nanette came up to me, She
had that look on her face. Emily,
she said, Emily, how would you
like to write a big article for the
NEWS this week.
What, I said. (I’ve been through
this movie before.)
An interview with the Burn
guards. For before May Day.
guards. Inspiration struck---
the cops go where the action is.
My mind isn’t used to working
along criminal lines, so my first
plan was simple and straightfor-
ward. I sneaked up to the library,
behind bushes to attract
~~ attention, and climbed in a window
to the Quita Woodward room. Once
many B Mawr professors : , No, I said. I was in, I flipped on a light,
missed sah 0 cating concert, _, “Synapse,” sey ag Oe : Yes, she said. grabbed a book and sat down in
The concert was surprisingly per Are bavetins in have bee more beautiful, All right, I said. It was front of a window, Tensely I awaited
good; not that past concerts have . In view of the large attendance inevitable. the inevitable confrontation. I had
the concert. The piece com-
The thing about it was, before
finished 150 pages of TO KILL A
not shown talent, imagination and and enthusiastic response of the
hard work, but this concert had _ get peng so cae cada, euntcdeneieenn: 1 om imran fone faves MCCKMMew vem I fxslly
more ef everything and insintained especially we hang one year the Dance Clubwill be allowed guards I had to find them, So decided it was time to strike out
its high quality more consistantly. another ; lovers hang each two nights for its performance. The Friday night at 12 I put on my 0n Plan Two.
The Choreography was skillful and (ther and we hang ourselves. Dance Concert has certainly jeans and my pea jacket, wrap- I needed a more daring piece
perceptive; Lance Jackson’s light-
It is this piece which makes the
ing was excellent, as usual, and B
best-use of the male dancers,
proved itself to be equal in qua-
lity and importance to any Col-
around sun glasses, and a slouch
of action. I climbed back out the
window, agilely leaped the wall at
- the performances of the dancers the opening of the work five lege Theatre production. So I thought to myself, what’s the back of the library and fell
themselves were superior “nale figures suspended by battens the natural habitation for Burns ten feet into a For Deliveries
throughout. A special cheer f and silhouetted against a blue iy Only moat. I stood up, reflected
whoever had the intelligence,; scrim--was thrilling. The finest that spies never cry, and set
genuity, and guts to go oat and choreographic achievement of the off for Batten House. pool. My
recruit the eight me, and piece was, for me, the artful, head hurt a little as I practised
even talented, male-dancers who guntie play with jestebed. wine my racing dives, but it had almost
added so much Mfe to the con- ments for example, the hands stopped bleeding and I had the
cert. defining the wall between the lovers satisfaction of KNOWING that any
The first“piece of the program jn Brad Bower’s and Alice’s duet, minute I would be surrounded by a
was ‘Play,’ a spoof on dancers jster mimicked by Holly and Toby dozen irate but interviewable
and their art, The dance, chor- wijliams, and reappearing in the Burns guards. But I guess they’re
aphed by Mrs. Mason, had finale in the last movement of the used to postmidnight swimming
at humor and color and was a iris as they watch the boys being parties, because they never showed
ne wonderful opening, assuring the hung. up. I walked soggily home,
SHE: And ruin the picture? e@ Master's Degree ,
pe Danes ‘ © Bachelor’s Degree e Professional Certification
es—and th ture. Parents—especially
hin ancl Often for no Feason. They like e A Liberal Education @ Annual Income of $5500
* tobe reageured. A telephone call is the best way = | _ @ Preparation in a Subject Area @ Placement and Tenure
The Bell Telephone Company of Pennsylvania
was to be free of the preten-
~ tious tone which so often char-
audience that this concert, at least,
I did feel that the piece suf-
fered to a degree from a lack of
sufficient transition between the
individual sections. Thus, although
each individual segment seemed
complete in itself, I did not feel
that the dance in its entirety was
an integrated, unified whole. But
such criticism is of small sign-
ificance in view of the total im-
pact of the piece. The quality of
the dancing was on the whole ex-
cellent, but the performance of
Brad Bowers deserves special
praise. The use of live flute music,
playea beautifully by Nora Clear-
man, added effectively to the im-
mediacy of the piece,
The final work of the concert,
‘Our Town,” was the finest of
Mrs, Mason’s pieces, This was the
most complete and polished work
of the concert. It was beautifully
staged, magnificantly costumed,
and had wonderful energy and var-
iety. The entrance of the mourners
and the wedding scene were eS-
pecially effective. Moreover, the
acterizes amateur modern dance,
Jessica Harris’ performance was
particularly good, and the team of
Alice Leib and Lance Jackson was
wonderfully silly which, after all,
is what the dance was all about.
Andy Stark, never before seen as
a flaming vamp, carried on mag-
nificantly, ;
The three studentchoreograph
pieces were.enormously varied in
theme, style, and quality, Liz
Schneider’s work, ‘“‘the mind is
it own beautiful prisoner’’ was an
ambitious undertaking. The size
of the cast and the length of the
musical score alone seem to me
to be considerable handicaps,
which led unfortunately to a lack
of focus and a great degree of
repetition, Nevertheless, although
I did not find the piece satisfy-
‘ing as a whole, much of the move-
ment was excellent, and, in par-
ticular, the second section. Holly
Maddux~-was especially beautiful.
SHE: | can picture my mother right now—all alone, by
the telephone . . . wondering where | am... and
how | am... and if | am going to call her.
HE: Why don't you?
Masked Marauder ‘ns from the Quita Woodward room to continue
her quest for Burns guards.
Review's Clothesline Art Sale
To Finance Spring Magazine
Since publishing the spring issue
of the REVIEW will require more =
money than the Bryn Mawr stu-
dent literary magazine currently
has, the staff plans to sponsor a
*¢clothesline’’ art sale outdoors on
May Day, April 29.
For sale will be _ sketches,
paintings, photographs, mobiles,
and anything else both aesthetically
pleasing and saleable which stu-
REVIEW and to the enjoyment of
May Day in general, the editors
are hoping that students and faculty
will rally enthusiastically and con-
tribute their work.
Entries and questions should be
directed to Marian Brown, Editor-
in-Chief of the REVIEW, or Ruth
Gais in Pembroke West before
Wednesday, April 27.
dejectedly considering my failure.
I was saved from this humilia-
tion by a sudden deceitful thought.
I didn’t have to admit my failure
at all. I could just make up an
interview with the Burns guards.
So, to make a long story short,
here is my version of What the
Burns Guards Would Have Said if
There. Had Been Any of Them
Around to Say It:
ME; Sir, what preparations have
you made to save the honor of
Bryn Mawr College (symbolically,
anyway) on that night of nights,
May Day Eve?
B.G. (Bernie): We’re gonna be
subtle. We’re putting men where
those Haverford guys will never
expect them,
B. G, (Alfie); Yeah, it’s really
great, we got two men on the roof
of the power plant and one with
a periscope and ah oxygen tank
in the Cloisters pool.
ME: I didn’t know they’d filled
the pool yet.
B.G, (Al): That’s what’s so subtle
about it. — oe --
we faculty are willing to GANE & SNYDER B. G, (Frenk): The subtlest thing
id ‘ ; ?
Prices will be set at between $34 Lancaster Avenue’ of all is the guy we've got enrolled
two and five dollars unless the
artist specifies a preferred price.
If possible, the magazine staff
would like that all proceeds go
the the REVIEW. In the case of
photographs, however, the
REVIEW will be able to pay for
the cost of enlarging. :
Because the sale promises to
add both to the health of the
Fresh Fruit
é >
at Haverford. He drives a Fiat and
hangs around Tenth trying to pick
up bits of information about ne-
farious May Day plots.
ME: Why does he do that?
B.G, (Frenk): For obvious reas-
I walked away from the
interview reassured and struck
anew with the ingenuity, resource-
fulness, and efficiency of the
* er rergg a 1 modern-day police. Why is this
ae LA F0tte year different from all other
; James P. Kerchner Pharmacis’ i;
, 39 Bryn Mawr Ave. Bryn Mawr: PL.
TUES. thru SUN. Open 7:30 for “SUPPER FOR A SONG”
2 SHOWS 8 & 10 - Extra Set. Show 11:30
874 Lancaster Ave., Bryn Mawr » LA'5-3375
years? Because this year we’re
protected. And so I say, Haver-
ford, beware. Don’t play with Burns
’cause you’re playin’ with fire.
Or at least I WOULD say that,
if I had ever found a Burns guard.
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