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College news, October 29, 1964
Bryn Mawr College student newspaper. Merged with Haverford News, News (Bryn Mawr College); Published weekly (except holidays) during academic year.
Bryn Mawr College (creator)
6 pages
digitized microfilm
North and Central America--United States--Pennsylvania--Montgomery--Bryn Mawr
Vol. 51, No. 06
College news (Bryn Mawr College : 1914)--
Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation.
~ Vol. UL No. 6=
wares. are
OCTOBER 29, 1964:
Page 3
’ Visit On Campus.
Causes Security Problem
Security precautions for the
forthcoming visit by England’s
‘‘Beatles,’’ a pop group, in the
spring are being carefully made.
The Beatles, a pop group composed
of four boys, are scheduled to make
a publicity call on a Radnor sopho-
more whose name camnot be re-
vealed as yet because of the se-
curity problem.
These four lads, “who sing ‘and
play their own compositions in the
ethnic style of Northern England
known as the Mersey Sound, have
had a great deal of trouble at
concerts and appearances, because
-a certain number oftheir following
becomes hysterical,
This reaction seems to be
riothing more than.a desire to get
going a good orgy, but English
politicians are watching the situa-
tion closely, because when hysteri-
cal, these fans frequently become
rabid, and the Commonwealth is
shaky enough already.
One suggestion which has al-
ready been proposed to the Bryn
' Mawr police force who is handling
security is to allow the four Liver-
pudlians to came in with a group
of Haverford students, The
Beatles have pickéd up the Haver-
ford bow] cut hair style.
Unfortunately most of the Beat-
les because oftheir recent success
have taken to shaving daily, and
‘it has even been noted their clothing
is frequently freshly pressed,
Another suggestion has been to
land them by helicopter inthe field -
behind Batten House. The German
scholars, however, have objected
that this would interrupt sun bath-’
A third possibility would be for
them to dress in street clothes
and comb their hair beck. The
Beatles, however, say this would
do irreparable harm to their basic.
personality images and would also
take all the fun out of the chase.
Besides, none of themshave mas-
tered coherent speech as yet. If
anyone were to speak to them, she
would instantly surmise that the
four were not run-of the-: mill
Bringing them in on a weekend
might be the best arrangement
since no one would be here any-
’ way, but the young lady whois tobe
the recipient of the visit has stated,
and quite: fairly, that nothing, not
even four shaggy haired Britishers
who have very little chance to meet
._ American girls; is worth spending
a weekend on campus. ° +
. .The.Pems have volunteered to _
ham and comes. originally from. =
dig a tunnel from Pem Arch to
Radnor,..and then just .keep on
_yersificaton in-Renaissancepeotry~
going to the science building. The
South Side Scientists are sick of
cold winter morning walks. Cam-
pus authorities are aghast at the
-thought of turning the campus into
a catacomb,
_The most feasible arrangement
right now would be to land them
on Radnor’s roof, chop a hole
through, and hold the visit in the
attic.’ Now if. we can think of a
way to get all ‘the reporters and
—— in,
Graft, DisintegrationContemplated
Lanternmen, Police Start Search
For Missing Margaret Eastman
to announce the disappearance. of
Margaret Eastman, Denbigh, ’65,
sometime during the past week,
accordig#, to the Office of Public
Although last seen playing frisbee
with Sunday night’s pizzas,
Margaret did not officially disap-
pear. until today when Linda
Colllins, ’66, tried to borrow her
anthropology netes and, after and
extensive search, found both notes
and Margaret, missing .
Margaret, an anthropology ma-
jor, was interested in witchcraft
and- had: planned to: live among the
Dobu after graduation.
The Office of Public Information
offers no explanation for her dis-
appearance, or for. the tardy dis-
covery of it, but Linda suggests
that Margaret’s unobtrusive, al-
most. cat-like, manner, together
witlr her habit of frequenfly skip-
ing meals and classes may have
prévepted her absence from being
immediately apparent,
» ‘
-Except for asmall pile of silvery
powder in the middle of the floor
Margaret’s room is in perfect or-
der, She apparently: took nothing
with her besides the notebook and
left no clue’to her present where-
abouts. She did not sign out. ~
Her dean reports that she was
an .average. student with no -out-
standing problems or character
traits besides the ubiquitous Bryn
Mawr pleasant manner and humil-
i 7”
Her next avor neighbor, Judy
Levy, comments that Margaret
often stav2d up all night, but that
she ‘never seemed unhappy, only
quiet,’’ except for occasional out-
bursts, such as the pizza throwing
of. last Sunday. :
Judy has not seen Margaret
since Sunday night, but says that
she normally sees‘very little of her
since Judy studies in the library.
She is ‘‘baffled and shocked’’ by
Margaret’s disappearance,
The Bryn Mawr Police are col-
laborating with the school lantern-
men on the case,
It has been brought té the atten-
tion of the COLLEGE NOOSE that
all the brooms in Denbigh are mis-
sing. ‘
"Oh Drothvan, ae Me
From This Infernal Clang!
Yesterday I was rudely awakened
at 11 o’clock by the Taylor bell.
It_was just tolling the end of my
10 o’clock class. As I am rather
disagreeable in the. morning, I
crawled out of bed, accumulating
several splinters as I did’so, and
let out a lusty growl. Ithen stalked
out the door and over to Taylor
Hall. A few silly people snickered
at my attire, but I sneered at them
and put them in their place. I
proceeded to climb indignantly to
the bell to find that beastly man who
pang that beastly bell. As neared
the top it occured to me that he
was probably a veritible gargantua.
By Pumpkin,.. Nightmare Workers
Political feeling has been rune .
ning high on the Bryn Mawr cam-
pus. The upcoming election. is
causing both a last-minute flurry
of_activity and, incidentally,. much
bitterness for the supporters of”
both candidates,
-Herba Zucchini, president of the
Young Horticulturists is busily:
recruiting students to aid in.her
group’s efforts to win the election
for the Great Pumpkin, Among the |
activities planned in this last week
of frantic activity are (Friday)
a tour of small truck farms to
harvest the grass roots vote for .
the Great Pumpkin, followed . by
a mass rally at the University of
Pennsylvania squash courts.
- On. Saturday, October 31, elec-
Noose Announces
Skthith’s Appoime-
nt as Prootrreader
The College Noose is pleased .
is pleased to announse the election.
of Mordine Skkthith’ as .it new
Mordinne has distinguished her
sefl in her career on the noos by
her find talents in impecccable
nowswriting and immaculate CPPY.
Among here other activities ha
been actibe participation in the -
Creetive writing club, honours in *
english (reserch. on precision of .
from 1580-1983), and, to! cuouse,
We hop ¢hat her workx with | us
‘will generallly improve the quality
and acccuracy of quality and ac- ©
curacy. of our journalistic, style.
Mardinne is.afrwshman ih Winds |." og
Bavtinds Tic plans campaign - : Strategy with the ne help of her
bell, Blue Book, and snnd]s:
tion ‘day, the Young Horticulturists
willbe engaged in digging out the
vote for the Great Pumpkin, This
-will include canvassing South
greeffhouses to graft votes for the
Great Pumpkin, if necessary.
Boylinda Thoom, co-ordinator
forthe TAO (Teen Age Occultists)
urges all supporters of Nightmare
Alice to rally to her camp, Says
Boylinda, ‘‘though campus opinion’ .
‘has been against us, I still feel
what’s right is right -- and Night-
-mare Alice is definitely right.’’
-This candidate has been the ori-
ginator of such controversial cam-
paign. slogans: as ‘‘defoliate the
cabbage patch’? and ‘drop the
pumpkin.’? Nightmare Alice has
been flying her final tour of the
nation in her private Broomcraft
BC-3 and carrying on regular
communication with fellow ham |
mesmerists. .
Boylintia and the TAO plan a
sweeping canvass on Friday. They
also plan to picket at the Pumpkin
-Philagelphia.and Main Line fruit -rally. ‘‘We hope to disintegrate 4
. and vegetable markets and crucial
the mass of Pumpkin supporters.”’
Asked how she planned to ac-
complish this, end,
Book, Bell, and Candle,
On Saturdat, the TAO will be
fully eccupied with raising Night-
mare votes. Comments Boylinda,
‘tA shade of difference will deter-
mine the outcome of this election,’’
Late, late Saturday night, the TAO
will attend the hopefully proposed
victory ‘party for Miss Nightmare,
to be held on High Hill.. Those who
have worked on the Nightmare
campaign are invited to attend.
They are, however, severely re-
minded to bring their own knives.
Pumpkin carving will be the enter-
she simply -
-smiled and pointed to her Blue
To-make: that much noise he had
.to be! I stopped, kind of picked at
my splinters remembered how mad
I was, and having remustered my
courage I forged aggressively
ahead. I plowed through the door
and-there by the bell I-saw him...
the Taylor Hall bell-ringer! He
was tiny ‘and he shrunk back into
a. corner as I approached, ven-
geance in my eyes, I had seen that
look before. That scared stiff, ‘‘Oh,
no, she’s after me!’ look. It oc-
cured to me in a flash where
I had seen it--at -a-Haverford
mixer! It was a poor little 80
year-old-Rhinie that-rang the bell.
‘I softened to my maternal i
--a°typical Bryn Mawr reaction to
Haverford freshmen--and ee
him why he was the bell ringer.
It seems that he had been chased
up lantern night longago
and was tryimg to signal Haver-
ford to get him out. He had a
freshman comp due for Monday,
Oct..31, 1891.
Foray In Library
Unearths A Ghost —
If anyone read my signout the
other night, she would have thought
I was nuts, It read: ‘‘c/o Ghost,
Library - no telephone, give an
Indian. war whoop outside.’’ Yes,
I was off to interview that natural
phénomenon of Bryn Mawr, the
Ghost of the mawrtyred Freshman.
“According to legend, this poor
“freshman, was killed in the late
1890’s while walking down senior
row by a mob of blood-, or shall
I say green-(for that was. her
color), thirsty seniors. She walks
around the high places of the
library every third Thursday and
on important occasions such as
Lantern Night, May Day and when-
ever. Haverford wins a football
game. By that last item we can
‘see she doesn’t walk very often.
I crept through a door in one
of the library towers with only
my lantern for light. At the-top.
a clanking and rattling ‘of chains’
in an unfamiliar tune startled me.
There she was surrounded by a
greenish glow, shuffling along the
Toof. Did I dare ask her the one
question burning in my head? All
at once I found myself calling,
: **© Ghost of:the Mawtyred Fresh-
man, ‘what do you like to drink
“besides tea?” : %
**Goldwasser!”’ she screeched.
Just then the Great White Pump-~—
kin floated by overhead,.and our
member .of Natural Phenomena,
whooshed up to help him
an his visit to BMC.”
le es “ be Sa en ema!