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College news, January 16, 1963
Bryn Mawr College student newspaper. Merged with Haverford News, News (Bryn Mawr College); Published weekly (except holidays) during academic year.
Bryn Mawr College (creator)
6 pages
digitized microfilm
North and Central America--United States--Pennsylvania--Montgomery--Bryn Mawr
Vol. 49, No. 11
College news (Bryn Mawr College : 1914)--
Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation.
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Page Two oe THE COLLEGE NEWS ‘5 ek Wednesday, January 16, 1963
New Library Hours?
mace . » . " ~ 2 - = = * % 3 a . ne a re
ce — ) a : LS rida ~KALT, ee
Keeping the Library open unui 12:00 is an .excedent - ; e)) ; ugges ecessary vs nnovd lons or ;
idea. il Would Cerlalmy ve greatly appreciated py tue Stuaeny Betaint a : s Searsneres ee a eee
pody. ane pian proposed vy tue Stuaent Curmcuuin Cummip=
| | oe a |
lee se€Ms WO US VUTN practical and penelicial co all Concerned, :
ine stacks Wouiu NOC be Open past ty;uU., Lnereore, 10 | : ; cpa
_ protessional llorarians would be neeued. Students woud, now-
_ ever, have use OI the Keserve Koom until 12:UU. ‘Lnis would HAVERFORD NEWS ‘dure and enjoy. satire that springs feel that this is a great enough
ease the 10ad on reserve booKs and permit students to ao more To the Editor: from our own ranks. : reason to «work for. a change in
reserve reading than present time iimits allow. ‘Lhe Neaaing “2, “eaeinenennaneey ts aoa ..Frances Asher 763 the existing rule. :
hoom.and the Art Study would, of course, ve Open to provide. We would like to register our ap- Karen Carlson. ’63 Nevertheless, we cannot ignore
quiet studying places tor those who nnd the nails noisy Or preciation for the “April 1” edition Helen Davis ’63 -- the question of inequality, since
_ ,aistracting. Me - of the Haverford College News. -_ Senta. Driver 06. _ equality is one of the most im-
: e - 4*ne proposal to keep the libraries in Park and Dalton open Cainieidge Fas te fanaa pe “=. ~"Ellen Prosnitz-’64 _. “portant principles ~ of ~ Self-Gov.. -
on Sundays is very important’tor science students who have” ee Poe er oe * SMOKING RULE ; “- However; “it is possible that this
reauing assignments: in periodicals which do not circuiate. Bryn Mawr and Haverford. have —- . ae change might lead toward the re-
‘Vneir\ail-day schedules ot classes and 1abs-do not leave much safe nad a ae ceeseet aoa the Editorst= <->," Jaxation of the rule ‘in. all dormi-,
ume ior this reserve reading during the week. | ee laa 0 the ttoe tories. We have not, considered: all
; ' a similar satiric appraisal. of our AS a member oO e- committee . . <
We-commend the initiative and eirort that has gone into nares ganllieet: AN att : ; Shh tictcciiac ant aspects of the question. Is it not
formulating tnis pian and«strongly urge 1ts adoption. We fit so ns I ito tated Me ec eA CGT RAT AO TS
nope that une practical, nancial considerations can be worked utions.”"An annual issue.or'section” the possibility of smoking “in
he 3 f: the Bryn Mawr College “News
, 12:00 during: ie :
out so that the Library may be kept open until 12:0 i devrotui-to-whiterresnenee wollte”
“to smoke when there is a professor
Rhoads I am. quite interested in at tea, or when there are peo-
. tps exam period. moe — ea ener neers sive=us the opportunity "00" laugl ‘at the: results” of this questionnaires ple in a room, ener the- dining- ——
| eee ee ourselves constructively. Sues aionaige weal tage Scie eee ae a ae
Beauty at Bryn Mawr pale - If the American president is se- benefits, though only to smoRers in” “don’t they have Saeneay eyaterae?
; 2 ; cure enough to condone world-pub- \ Rhoads. The main advantage would Certainly smoking is not the only
Fao One: ‘was-surprised-to. see. several beautiful,well-dress-——ticized~satirical—comment,; it--would:—be-that-students—could- work, more. danger ————— ee
ed, well-coitfed girls on the pages of a recent issue of Life — reflect poorly upon the Bryn Mawr easily, since there is limited room It is likely iene ei oe as
Magazine. Most of us, however, were surprised to learn that. establishment. if-we-could- not-en-- for students to smoke in quiet. I number of people who vote against
tnese Miss America types were supposedly representative ( : : this “proposition: but t-wonder oi
Kadclitte girls. Not only were they beautitul of face and ot Clarifica tion Of NDE 4 they would have any complaints
“May Britt hairdo,” but.they ‘were surrounded by Harvard ae: =F Wis ad pane been alivasd te
men who looked as if they had stepped out of a sports a = ged meager bee ; anaes SS inl
“tine Clifties also, to add oe to Cae drove ‘lriumphs and The followng is AP text of an Administrative Memorandum te ‘ecismieome lt a Act
wore: pearls to’ hemistry labs. issued by the Debartment of Health, Education and, Welfare. It ceneutne Even Shon. 2 ets ae
; : : __- ee clar.fies ‘the provisions of the new NDEA which were incorrectly. > gee? ~— ome
- Ree —e — pect oki “a 3 at sonia = —s—— : peng na oh Seen creamer gine , rs x ¢ ; : > oy et
ibaa cit aoe apeies ina seine tie pean Sh Ott Ey cettonia, 6 yew meoni sage. 7 ne trian dis inal aks pri ene
ciciar anid poe lait oe Pp 5 4 “tinction fo Reeh in mind is that fellowships apbly to graduate. stu- ee ee
We doubt that an impromptu visit to Radclifte around exam Pe have: the right to vote against this
: ao : ; dents while the loan program is for undergraduates and. is, therefore ; ;
time would oo le Cliffies looking much lovelier than we do. the one which concerns Bryn Mawr College most. , pemponet: Fey warn tame £ ene
* And we are sure that,on.a Saturday night or the first day ot . : : personally have much to gain
a vacation we could hold:our own with the-Cambridge bouf- — Section 1001 of the ‘National Defense Education Act,. as it pertains to National Defense from ‘such a change, but, in any
fant intellectuals. ~~ ? — Loans, wre Lert amended by Public Law 87-835 by striking out subsection (f) case,’ 1 doubt that I could allow
16. reififorce our point, we have recently learned that.“ °°“! "(113° no. pert of: eny. fundscappropriated: f-Btherwiae:rnade--evaile > myself to limit. someone _else’s
Isabel Nash Kbérstadt, daughter of Ogden Nash and former -. able for-expenditure under the authority of this Act shall be used to freedom, when. it~ helped her. in
Bryn Mawr student, has beén named one of the twelve best- make payments or loans to any individual unless such individual has her. work to a great extent, and ~
dressed women in the world, along with Jackie Kennedy, Prin- —_ vo Tat aar ta aeies ws toa an pre Reon form: was in no way harmful to me. _
cess Lee Radziwell, and others. ae ‘ ” to the-United:States-of America*and ‘will support and ofend te Core Ketta Miles, "63
TO prove our point that Bryn-Mawrters can be beautiful, stitufion and laws’ of the United States agdinst all its enemies, foreign ;
the College News is sponsoring Bryn Mawr’s entrance in. Gla- | ‘and domestic”. - : : ‘ Philadelphia Prize
rey tor st ‘Dres tirls*in America’. contest
mour’s “len Best Dressed College G yas (3) ‘The provisions of section 1001 of title 18, United States -»:
(see page 3, column 5). We hope that many Bryn Mawrters Code, shall be applicable with respect to the oath or -affirmation Hon Mi El
will want to enter. : : required under paragraph (1)... [This-is apart of the Federal crim. bs Z ors , ISS 7
ae One final note: although we strongly fee] that dress and. inal code relating to any person making ‘a: fraudulent representation ;
grooming are individual matters and. should be left oP to the e On Oy Whee communist organization, as defined nt afi : Miss Gertrude S. Hly, an alumna
; ‘ owes : e 3 4 7 i in pata- F
dis¢retion of the individual, it also.seems to us that careless graph (5) of ‘section 3 of the Subversive ~Activities Control Act’ of ° of Bryn.Mawr who has. remained
ness in these matters does not, as-is sonfetimes thought, indi- . 1950, is registered or there is in effect* afinal order~of the ‘Subver= oreiy contested “with tha. cel
cate a kind of intellectual maturity Rather, the reverse 15. sive Activities Control Board: requiring such ‘organization to ‘register, : marge sat san : ive oa =
true; we feel, : ; it shall be unlawful for any. member of such- organization with lege, has received the annua] Phila-
? : - * knowledge-or--notice--that-such-organization~ is so registered or that ee 7 aE ry aa
6 oes = * * such order has become final (i) to make application for’ any payment eh, ab i ee bhai for : life
ee SS or loan” which is-to-be-made from funds part or all of which are ~~ of dedication to social,’ govern-
_ i ads dts ‘ S aes appropriated of otherwise made available for. expenditure under the mental and ‘welfare projects in
: : Bey ; authority of this Act, or (ii) to use or attempt to. use,.any such pay- Philadelphia which have had far
: ; i eee eS ee ae eee em Ei sidapianelbienel < ; nage
This was going to be a hot’ editorial—ranting, raving, “(B) ’ Whoever violates. subparagraph (A) of this paragraph shall reaching effsects for good on her
radical—startling—controversial—political—the perfect part- be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than five fellow Americans.”
ing hote.” I just couldn't seem to find a subjects The neEwepe- The momen effective immediately eliminate the rere affidavit | whil rae ewand a presented: at-the :
we at strike—l’d just like to see it ended. Then maybe I wouldn't the present-loyalty oath requirement is sainisinil: The. new oath, though sishathabially Gla. snsugl award luncheon atthe...
be sO ignorant on all the important issues—like what the news- the ‘same as the original, is now phrased in the present tense, that is, the oath now Bellevue Stratford, January 10.
paper strike is about. Kennedy’s new Congress—Glad to see says. “| bear true faith mapnarn rather than “I will bear true faith .. .”as in the’. Miss. McBride, a recipient of the
Medicare looks so hopeful (is that radical?) +1 could advocate STS" coin, mat"be wien end simcioed sobre scmuay ‘pube or Mar sentation address. Miss “Ely"ime
that we not have a tax cut, but I really would rather pay only officer authorized to perform such function under Stafe law. This must be done by ee ene Ely eer :
14%—and anyway, we may not have ‘a tax. cut. Africa— the borrower before any funds are made available to him, It need not, however, be tends to donate the $1000, given
‘Peace in the Congo would be nice but not a very radical desire — executed each time an advance is made; it is sufficient if this is done in connection to its winners, — to UNICEF, in
aaPencaorsy tay aamaantnnted the President of Topo -(rhate Witte Hise: of eect lon aplication, | The: ine lion suze! 260) ioe Peete eee ee aie nde Deak sctee ,
ever he stood-for)-but since. I-don’t know who “they” are (or. % °™™™ © clipe AH had ere The Gimbel- Awards are- intend-
what he stood for), I can’t say a more. Perhaps the ee Paragraph (4). of section 1001(f) as amended by .P, L. 87-835 makes it unlawful for — po? women who have con-
radical step I can take is to satis many of my critics of the any member. of an organization registered or required to be registered as a Commv- ‘tributed “outstanding service to,
past year Am prove that we gs re first and foremost in nist cake egal care the is aisha pack an = 1950, ee humanity.” .The committee, which
Er Saar 3 = Sa RAR Sea canendagss ao = ~ or notice: that-such-organization—as_registered_—or required ta: be. so..register 7tO-SDPILY on Ss Sta basin’
PRE M OF THE PRESS. Here then: 1S space for “your for, or use, or attempt to use any National Defense Student Loan Funds. peoets = recipients, composed
dwn editorial: . of winners from previous years — “
‘ ‘ foal As of October 31, 1962 the following organizations are registered or required to be among whom have been such well-
es ; egistered under the Subversive _ Activities Control Act of 1950: known figures as Marian Ander-
== t:--Communist Party-of the United-States- of America - : 1 _
2. California ‘Emergency Defense Committee son and. Eleanor Roosevelt OM il
4 -3.- Connecticut Volunteers for Civil Rights” mene carne the award on Miss Ely: for
: “Perermpebaa ? arose a work spanning t ] ‘
: Mies. Mound will meet a undergraduates at 1:30 tomor- ‘Ai eat oa Pantie ornate en d
/ : row, Thursday, January 17 in Goodhart to answer questions about F ; :
.c the program and Bryn Mawr. a long-time resident of Philadelphia,
rane remo uhh B M off A ieee S Miss Ely _ distinguished herself
: , during the First World War b
THE COLLEGE NEWS ryn Mawr Offers Avignon Summer; i y
: ae : PEN “ _ Servingas director. of. the Wo«
| FOUNDEDIN- 1914 | Plans Courses in French History, Art men's Bureau of the YMCA ‘and
% Publisned weekly during “the College Year \except during : Bee 4 working in -France for the estab-..
Thanksgiving, Christmas and. Easter holidays, and during examine- For students interested in var- colleges.and_universi-—-lishment-of -hespital-huts-and
tion weeks) in the” interest of: Bryn” Mawr College “at the Ardmore : : ; : : i can-
; Printing Company, Ardmore, Pa., and Bryn Mawr Coliege ious aspects of Fxench culture, es- ties in the United States afd Eur- teens for . American , forces: She
The College News ‘is fully protected by copvright -Nothing that appears ‘in —~ pecially ~those who ~plan- careers ar ope. Mr." Michel Guggenheim |. is’ was ~ decorated’ twice by ‘the —-
it-may. be®reprinted wholly or. in part. without “permission of the Edifor-in-Chief. * requiring a. knowledge of French, dixector of the Institut for 1963.’ French Government for “disting- ~
+ +. EDITORIAL “BOARD. eet eae. “ig! the Institut d’Etudes’ Fran¢aises Students will live with French uishéd bravery under fire:® —
— "se eee ss aes aes Cita ees 08 ° ic ° ‘ LP eas F . .? 5 ee ‘ r
ae Sear w2tt8 pen a Brodks nr te 64° at Avignon. may be: the .perfect families in historic Avignon, situa-’ _. Between wars. she was chosen
- Associate Editor .........--..++- ivesenee ere .» Ellen’ Rothenberg, ‘64 way to spend the summer. ted in the Rhone valley fifty miles “ president of the League of Wo-
Make-tp Editor .........-:00eeeeeeeeees ence cs certs ‘Charlene ° Sutin, ‘64, Under the ,auspices of Bryn from ‘,the Mediterranean. Roman men Voters’ and chairman of the :
ane: een ee ¢ sa sade naieaiimers REDET SS aK - 8 ie sg ‘Mawr, the “program features six” ‘ruins and. fourteenth century’ ar- ©. Pennsylvania Women’s Division of
chee ete CRs ues ote ee cles fevers i i * - ‘ ee : F i
ase Bice eens eta Juli Kedivs, ‘63x; Mirande Mami: 43... . Weeks of intensive study for stu- chitecture abound in - the area. thé Works. Project. Administration,
“Co-Business Managérs ..(....-is..+... Cynthia Brown, ‘64; Judy Zinsser, “64 dents who haye* completed acourse Other attractions. are the inter~ ‘which sought. to increase employ-
4 stiom-Circulation Manager ....-----.+s sess e etree: Linda Chang,. '65, in French at the thitd year College nationally Known Avignon drama ~ ment. efiAney ae fle
oe : " EDITORIAL STAFF te 1ecarae it ialenté Sa tat falta eo se : a
3 i = t a alent. and musi istivals: AS & i 7 i ie
Judy Bailey,’ 63; Lora,McMeekin, ‘63; Maty H. Warfield, ‘64; Ronni Isetin,. ‘65; mii gd teen net _ y == th oT ae “ill A ay ; bi uring World War II, Miss. Ely
+ Gontiancs Rosenblum, “65; Diane Schulier,-*65;- Barbara’ Tolpin, ‘65; "Nancy Geist; <<. Among courses offered. are. those. .. he group. will leave on. June. 19. did _volunteer-..work_at--refugee~ :
166; Vicky Gtafstrom, ‘66; lynne Lackenbach. ‘66; Anne Lovgren; ‘66; Edna CONCETMINE. “thé Frerich theater of from New York. Classes ‘begin on_camps. At-present she is a-mem-——
Perkins, ‘66; Liesa Stamm, ‘66;. Ann Bradley, ‘66. the twentieth century, contempor-: June 24, and-a period of free travel ber’ of the executive committée of ~~.
Sac MEE ‘as = eth capi Per cs S : = sis 3 Bech ary France, the Renaissance, © is Teserved from August 4 to. 17. the United States Committee for + -
phish Petco cai ete LET SUBSCRIPTION BOARD = = i > “French: painting, and« advanced. The program will be concluded by UNICEF, has served with the Ur-
Se fee aga yee a ae me ne -y-4:.. a five day stay in Paris from Aug-| ban’ League and Mercy Douglass’
Juli Kasius, ‘63; Rowena Lichtenstein, ‘65; Linnae Coss, 65; Bonnie Shannon, ‘65; work in composition, translation, ‘s : Aygae Lop cy gz
Marion Davis, ‘63; Donna. Daitzman, “66; Connie Maravell. ‘65; Ann Campbell, anil: conversation: ust 17 to 22. i ”.--Hospital and participates in such ~
165; Barbara Sachs, “66; Lynette Scott, “65; Janet Rodman, “65;.Cristy Bednar, 66. — ‘ es _ .. ‘Application for admission to the ‘welfare organizations as the World _
TE mc yg incr pte daira ag A Se ee of the Institut is‘ Institut must be received before Affairs Council and the National °
ek Byrn 1979. ee eee on. Composed of ., French “profespors: March #1; “19685. =v > ‘Planning Association. — .. rae
— an a aaa Sas Ss enh eI 5a TA a ET NSE TROT AT ROO Ee aE SET TEE EET, Pa ee SER re ee aes