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College news, May 30, 1966
Bryn Mawr College student newspaper. Merged with Haverford News, News (Bryn Mawr College); Published weekly (except holidays) during academic year.
Bryn Mawr College (creator)
4 pages
digitized microfilm
North and Central America--United States--Pennsylvania--Montgomery--Bryn Mawr
Vol. 52, No. 23
College news (Bryn Mawr College : 1914)--
Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation.
Vol. Li, No. 21] BRYN MAWR, PA. May 30,. 1966 © Trustees of Bryn Mawr College, 1966 25 Cents
~ Graduates Hear Robert Goheen
At 66 Commencement Program
Bryn Mawr College today con-
ferred the degree of Bachelor of
Arts on 156 candidates at the first
commencement ceremony held on
Wyndham Green.
President McBride also awarded
Master of Arts degrees, Master
of Social Service degrees, and Doc-
tor of Philosophy degrees.
The commencement address was
delivered by Robert Goheen,
President of Princeton and father
of Trudie Goheen, ’66, Miss Mc-
Bride spoke to the graduates and
announced the academic awards
for work of distinction.
Robert Goheen
At the Baccalaureate service
in Goodhart Sunday evening, the
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, head
of the Southern Christian Leader-
ship Conference and Nobel Peace
Prize winner, delivered the ser-
Henry J. Cadbury, Chairman of
the Board of Directors of Bryn
Mawr College, offered the
invecation, A psalm was read by
College Appoints
Edmund Spaeth
To Trustee Post
Announcement has been made by
Miss. Katharine E. McBride,
President of Bryn Mawr College,
of the appointment of Judge Edmund
B. Spaeth, Jr. of Philadelphia as
a trustee and director of the Col-
Judge Spaeth is a judge of the
Court of Common Pleas No. 8
of the First Judicial District of
Pennsylvania and is aformer part-
ner in the law firm of MacCoy,
Evans and Lewis of Philadelphia.
Judge Spaeth was graduated from
Harvard College with the Class of
1942 and from the Harvard Law
School in 1948. He served in the
United States Navy from 1942 until
_, 1946 and in the U. S.. Naval Re-
serve until 1963,.presently holding
the rank. of commander. He has
been active in affairs of the
Germantown Friends School, of
which he is an alumnus, and in
the Germantown Monthly Meeting
of Friends.
Cantor Frank B. Ruben, Executive
Director, Central States Region,
Zionist. Organization of America
and father of Marjorie Ruben,
66. Following Dr. King’s sermon,
a benediction was said by the
Right Rev. Beverley D. Tucker, °
retired Bishop of Ohio and grand-
father of Tollie Drane, ’66.
Chemistry Professor Joseph
Varimby served as the Faculty
Chairman of Commencement,
starting his term of office this
year. ——
The following students received
their degrees with distinction:
~ Summa Cum Laude
Linda Devereux
Mo gna Com Laude
Paula Frances Alexander
Virginia Stafford Brodhead
Cynthia Smith Caldwell
. Susan Mildred Capling
Florence Elaine Castelle
+ Rhonda Toby-Zoe Copelon
Mary Teresita Currie
Cissie Catherine Fairchilds
Madeline Leah Feldman
Jacqueline Rose Giuliano
Eren Hostetter Givan
\ Katharine Burdell Gresham
Laurel Gail Haag
Bonita Marie Hanes
Eve Joan Hitchman
Linda Horner Hochberg
Jeanne Kann Krieger
Sandra Joan Magil
Myra Ann Mayman
| Kathleen Thomits Merkin
Martha Jane Morgan
Patricia Anne Ohl
Merrily Pittman
Alexis Esther Pogorelskin
Ann Loftin Robinson a
Elizabeth Molin Roueche
Celia Dana Rumsey
Elaine Fredlyn Surick
Ann Chilton Williams
Sylvia Margaret Young
Cum Laude
Susan Barbara Anderson
Eve-Marie Madeleine Balfe
Jacqueline Mary Batten
Patricia Stuart Bauer
Jane Ellen Berezin
Johanna Gwinn Birnbaum
Gretchen Anne Blair
Joyce Elizabeth Blair
Elizabeth Jennifer Bogen
Susan Burkhardt
Carol Lynn Cain
Elizabeth Stark Cameron
Alice Ely Chapman
Jih Jen Chiang
Elizabeth Earle Cobey
Leslie Coen
Marilyn Edith Craft
Sheila Mae Dowling
Eleanor Lile Drane
Karen Lee Durbin
Ellen Carol Eliasoff
Sarah Lee Ewer
Norma Jeanne Ford
Nancy Ruth Geist
Gertrude McFarland Goheen
Harriet Michelle Goldman
Wilma Shirley Goodman
Judith Lippincott Goodwin
Pamela Leslie Goold
Victoria Grafstrom
Stephanie Ann Habel
.Marynelle Hall
Madeleine Ingalls Henderson
Mary Porter Johns
Ann Frances Johnson
Virginia Kerr
Patricia Klein
Marilyn Lazareva Lazarevich
Anita Polishuk Lockett
Anne Louise Lovgren
Donna Lynn Macek
Lois Marie Magnusson
Catherine deGrazia Matelli _
Melissa Brownell McCarty -
Janet Williamson Meeks
Marie-Louise Nickerson
Edith Mildred Novack
Ellen Clifton Patterson
Edna Brush Perkins
Leslie Elizabeth Prestor. *
Carolyn Joy Quill
Barbara Schaefer Quinn |
Maria del Pilar Alexandra Hope
Anne Newton Rorimer
Marjorie Wilma Ruben
Donna Daitzman Rubens
Barbara D. Sachs
Diane Holly Sampson
Elien Susan Segal
Jean Andrea Seligmann
Sharon Rosemary Shelton
Carole Anne Slatkin
Marianne Hendee Smith
Elizabeth Jean Stamm
Susan Linda Stannard
Sue Ellen Terrill
Mary Lynn Thom
Margaret Jeanne Trubek
Susan Yarnall Urban
Carolyn Ann Wade
Sheila Suzanne Walker
Viola Burden Wathen
Batsheva Wingate
Valerie Winston
Jane Elizabeth Zucker
Emerson Leaves
For Penn Post
Mrs. Alice Emerson, Political
Science professor, has accepted
the post of acting Dean of Women
at the University of Pennsylvania,
effective/July 1.
Mrs. Emerson was graduated
from Radnor High School and Vas-
sar College, and received her
Ph.D, from Bryn Mawr. She also
was issued a secondary school
teacher’s certificate in 1956 from
the University of Pennsylvania’s
School of Education,
She succeeds Constanee Dent
who will be teaching psychology
at Kutztown State Cellege in Penn-
Graduating class marches to commencement.
Scholarships, Prizes Recognize
Scholarships and prizes for dis-
tinction in academic work were
awarded at this morning’s com-
mencement exercises,
Myra Ann Mayman, a German
major, was the recipient of the
Hester Ann Corner Prize for dis-
tinction in literature,
The Elizabeth Duane Gillespie
Prizes in American History,
awarded annually on nomination by
the Department of History for work
of distinction in American History,
was presented to Nancy Joan Gell-
man and Melissa Brownell—Mc-
Carty. A
Mary Teresita Currie was the
winner of the Helen Taft Manning
Essay Prize in European History
or World History.
In the graduate Department of
Social Work and Social Research,
three awards were also announced
at this morning’s assembly.
The Hertha Kraus Award for
the best paper on a subject re-
lating to Community Organ-
ization, History of Social Wel-
fare, International Social Work, or
Social Work Administration was
presented to Barbara Hertwig
Meschter of Glenside, ‘ Penn-
Donald Dean Moyer of Phila-
delphia won the Joseph D. Gibbon
'. Award, given by the Pennsylvania
Grads Receive Awards
Of Medical Scholarships
Scholarships for medical study
have been awarded to eight Bryn
Mawr graduates by the College,
and five undergraduates have also
received scholarships for summer
study abroad.
The winners of the medical
scholarships are:
Hannah E. Longshore
Memorial Scholarships
Mary Jurbala of Springfield, Penn-
sylvania. A.B, 1963
Rowena Lichtenstein of New Roch-
elle, New York. A.B, 1965.
Donna Mildvan of ‘Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, A.B, 1963,
Jane V. Myers
~-Memorial Scholarships
Jane V. Hnilicka of Concord, Mas-
sachusetts. A.B, 1963.
Harriet Judd Sartain
Memorial Scholarships
Eileen A. Ferrin of Baltimore,
Maryland. A.B, 1965.
Anna Y. Lo of Philadelphia, Penn-
sylvania. A.B. 1964
Barbara Meyer Meyers of Wash-
ington, D.C, A.B, 1961.
Deena Klein Stolzberg.of Passaic,
New Jersey. A.B, 1964.
Students who have received
grants for summer study abroad
Frances Day Lukens
Robin Wendy Kadison of Forty
Fort, Pennsylvania
Patricia Lynne Moody of Miami,
Thomas Raeburn White
Suzanne’ Fedunok of Pittsburgh,
Helen Lee Feldman of Rochester,
Jean Mason Miller of Roanoke,
Distinction in Academic Work
United Fund to a graduating stu-
dent for excellence in Community
The Helen Harbison Award to a
graduating student for excellence
in Casework also went to Barbara
Hertwig Meschter.
Trustees Approve —
Controversial Rule
Of Men in Rooms
The Boardof Directors has voted
} to approve the current rules on men
in the rooms, making them
provisional for another year. Next
fall they have called for written
reports from Self-Gov on the
general application of the rules
and they reserve the right to vote
on them again next spring.
As at the beginning of this year,
votes will be taken in each hall
as to whether and for what hours
the rules should go into effect.
The votes will again be by secret
ballot to insure full expression
of opinion.
The vote followed discussion
among Self-Gov and the Ad-
ministration on the application of
the rules this year and specifically
on the results of the questionnaires
circulated by Self-Gov to soundout
general attitudes regarding the
student’s responsibility, if any, to
the campus community.
The overwhelming majority of
those responding to the question-
naires (about 350 in all) Gd feel
that the individual student has a
responsibility toward the college
community, emphasizing the im-
portance of ‘‘mutual respect’? and
consideratidh for other members
of this community. As to the
specific role of Self-Gov, Sec-
retary Beth Chadwick said that a
general attitude was that Self-Gov
should function as a body not only
for publicizing rules, but also for
gathering and discussing campus
opinions on them,
Beth said that next year Self-
Gov would focus attention on
making the implications of rules
clear to the freshman, and would
generally make efforts to stress
student responsibilities and, she
said, ‘‘part of the responsibility
is keeping the issue alive.’’ They
will also stress that the proper
channel for airing complaints per -
taining to-such rules is through
Self-Gov, especially through the.
hall presidents.