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College news, June 3, 1963
Bryn Mawr College student newspaper. Merged with Haverford News, News (Bryn Mawr College); Published weekly (except holidays) during academic year.
Bryn Mawr College (creator)
8 pages
digitized microfilm
North and Central America--United States--Pennsylvania--Montgomery--Bryn Mawr
Vol. 49, No. 23
College news (Bryn Mawr College : 1914)--
Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation.
5 ied
anes as 7
PA., MONDAY, JUNE 3, 1963
© Trustees of Bryn Mawr Colleges 1963,
Mary Lou Leavitt, a senior Latin
major who comes from Bryn Mawr,
~e -has boone awarded the BryaMawr —
European Fellowship and an’ Eliza-
abeth °S. Shippen Scholarship for |
Foreign Study. These awards’ are
a given for merit to a member of the.
graduating class, to~ be applied to-
ward the expenses’ of one year’s .
study at.some foreign university.
_She_is_also the recipient.of.the..M.
Carey Thomas Essay Prize.
This prize is: awarded annually to’
a member of the senior class for
distinction in writing. The award
ts made by ‘the Department of Eng-
lish for either creative or critical
-writing. It was established in mem-
ory of Miss Thomas by her niece,
Millicent Carey McIntosh of the
Class of 1920.
BM C. Announces
New Appointments
Additional Courses
number of new appointments for the
academic year 1963-1964. Leonard —
Glick, M.D. and candidate for the ©
Ph.D, at the University of Pennsyl-
— -vania, has been made a Lecturer in
Anthropology: ; on
James B. Pritchard, Ph.D. and
a Visiting Lecturer in Archaeology
for the first semester. T. Leslie
Shear; Candidate forthe
Princeton, will bea. part-time In-
structor in Archaeology for the.
second semeéter..
Sherman Roy Krupp, Ph.D. and
-- Associate Professor at Lehigh Uni-
versity has been appointed as a
Lecturer in Economics.
The History of Art department
will acquire two new members. Stel-
la’ Kramrisch, Ph.D.. and Professor
at the University of Pennsylvania,
—will be a Visiting Lecturer part time -
during the second semester. Sheldon
A. Nodelman, M.A. and Candidate
for the Ph.D. at Yale University;
will be Instructor in Art History.
Gerlinde. Jordan will be a part-
time Instructor in. the German
Department, and Isabelle. Cazeaux
. will be a Lecturer in the: Music De-
partment. ;
The Psychology Department will
gain Kathryn . Koénig, Ph.D.- an
.Assistant-Professor at Bennington,
—as—a-Lecturer. ;
Dorothy: Corbett, Ph.D. (March:
1963) and_A.B.,..A.M...RadcliffeCol--.
at lege, will teach .two~courses-in-the+--Sara “Ann Beekey plans to be ~
Religion Department. There will be
one course offered in Judaism and
Early. Christian Religion, and. one
in Comparative Religion. :
Among the other new courses to
be offered in the fall are a full-year
course in ‘sixteenth . century litera-
ture, an advanced English course.
s° Previously there had been half-year
~" courses -offered ‘in sixteenth-century
‘drama and poetry.
titled _ Introductory_Chemistry...and.
Physics will also be offered. It will ~
relate .chemistry and physics at a’
~—‘relatively elementary’ level; combin-
ing all of Physics 101 and Chemis-
try 101. It will prepare students for
more -advanced science ‘courses,
meeting five times a week plus two
_afternoons. of lab. ~~
College has announced a :
tests VSL
University of Weansvlvania, wall: be
sgl MEW saa RRC!
| MEL Leavitt Wins Three Top Prizes
a Judith Bardack Gets Walker Award: Announces Honors In Outdoor Ceremony =
Judith Frankle Bardack, a senior
Political. Science.major. from -Phila-—..
delphia, received tne Esther Walker
Award. This award was-established
‘by the bequest of $1,000 from Wil-
liam John Walker in memory of his
sister, Esther Walker of the Class ;
of 1910. It is given annually to a
member of. the senior -class-who~ in
the judgment of the Faculty shall
heave displayed=the> greatest’ profi-~
ciency in the study of living condi-
tions of Northern Negroes;
Ground Breaking
Ss ‘
day for the new residence hall de-'
"signed by Louis Kahn, the Philadel- |
hia architect.
“Barbara Thacher, ’65, who hopes
to move into Erdman all in the
“fall of 1964, wields the shovel.
Marriage, Graduate’ School, Job- -Hunting And Indecision _
~~ Included In Varied Future Plans Of Graduating Seniors
Future, plans of the Class of 1963
include graduate s@Mool, marriage,
careers, job-hunting and indecision.
_ Of the ninety-eight seniors who
reported their.plans to’ the _Bureau_
of Recommendations, forty-six plan
to continue their studies next year.
Nine seniors. are..planning § to
teach. Eleven have totd-the Bureau*’
of Recommendations that they are
getting married. Twelve have jobs, .
Louise Alpers, ‘a Woodrow.Wilson
Fellow, will do graduate work at the
University of nro next
‘Frances Asher. vill marry and
attend Columbia Law: School. *
Judy Bailey is: getting married’:
_and_ plans to teach English...
Ann Witman Baehr and Made-
-laine Rarker-are-looking: for jobs.—-
married and to do graduate work
at the University of Indiana. .
Beatrice Benner will be a research
assistant. at .the Johnson ‘Institite
in Philadelphia and a student_at
Penn grad school. ° ¥.
Mary Margaret Blanchard will,
-"be in Paris» next, year. %
Karen Blu, who. has .a. Woodrow
Wilson Honorable Mention, will go
-on to graduate schools —— ——~
-Yale- Law: School. i
Louise Burlant.will . be..a PP Pes
até assistant at the University of
Washington. — . ’
Cynthia Caples, a Woodrow Wil-~~
son Fellow, will do ‘graduate work:
at: Harvard.. _ :
Margaret Cardwell, “also a Wilson
Fellow, has a “German Government
5 ia Re RE I ns : Po Seay
: ; pe EET > ot
eG en ne ee ee
The College broke proud: Thurs:
“President Gives 1 aT Sp vette:
In the second outdoor ceremony
ferred 169 Bachelor of. Arts degrees
this. ‘morning: (for complete list. of
graduates, see - page 4). Thirty six -
-Master of: Arts degrees were ‘also
conferred; "as well as thirty five
Master ‘of Social Service degrees
and-nineteen~ Doctor 6f “Philosophy
degrees (for list, see page 3; column
2). President McBride gave the
commencement address‘ to the gra-"
“-duates, faculty, parents and guests.
Three students of the Class of
1963, -Bonnie— Miller - Kind; --Mary
Lou Marshall Leavitt and. Ellen
Louise Magaziner, received the
summa cum laude distinction, and
twenty- five. regeived the magna cum
* laude distinction.
At the Baccalaureate Service on
Sunday, Loren C, ‘Eiseley,. Professor
of Anthropology and the History
“of Science at the University of
Pennsylvania gave the address.
In a partial revival of the tradi-
tion that marshalls and ushers. for
the graduation ceremony be elected
from. the outstanding members of
the freshman, sophomore-and- junior
‘classes by the senior class, these
undergraduate officials. were hand
picked this year by the Graduation
Committee to represent the under- -
graduate body of the*tolegeDoro-
thy Meadow, ’64, and Betty Ames,
Anes Lo, ’64, and Marjorie Heller,
’64, acted as.Senior Marshalls: today.
The outdoor ceremony, still in the
‘experimental—-stages;~-was’” moved
from last. year’s site at “the: left“
Award for study at Tubingen. She
will postpone her Fellowship for a
Fran Cassebaum will either at- .
_tend Michigan Law. School or do
graduate work in _Aftican’ Studies.
Sela Ann Cogdo will do graduate
work “in German at ‘Yale.
Janice’ Copen has an award from.
the Netherlands Ministry of Educa-
tion. Foundation for: study in Am-
sterdam. She will take her Wilson
Fellowship when she returns to the
United States.
Shirley’ Daniel plans to attend
law school at NYU or Columbia.
Marion. Davis will be ’63’s farth-
..est-flung “teacher. She _ will teach.
mathematics at the Brent School in
the Philippines.
~r="Judy Déitsch has an assistantship ~
in- Boston University’s economics
(Pauline Dubkin will do newspaper
“Susan Erskine will a4 ‘a research
- NYU. _
Randy Fairfax will do graduate |
work at, Dartmouth.
Diane Falcione ‘has a graduate ,
~ assistantship at Cornell. .
Barbara Fanning ‘is engaged.
: -&.-Sygan Faulkner plans” “to go to
_» An. Interdepartmental: course: .enz-- Harriet“ sograd: plaris“to “attend” graduate school.”
Elizabeth Fox is engaged and is Paris next-year, ~°
Lynda Gaynor will be. married.
Kris Gilmartin, a Woodrow Wil-
gon Fellow, will attend graduate.
School at: Stanford.
Roberta Goldsamt is going to the
Rok Schoo] of Social. Work.
_ Jane Gdiiainne. has a Medemoi-
ele es eS ie* tt wep hme
held at. Bryn Mawr;-the.College:con-—.
. Valentina .Golondzowski
~ Suzanne. Spain
’64, acted as Diploma Marshalls.and. ~Mary—Aam-Amdur
_in Russia this. summer and plans to
next year. -
of Senior row, to the other side. Karen Isobel. Blu :
The following students_received — Rachel “Avin Brown. “on ee
their degrees with distinction ; Eva Jean -Burdick Soo °
Louise Burlant-~
Karin Louise Carlson _.
Frances “Caruthers Cassebaum
» Jane I-Tsien’ Chiang
Karen Phoebe Christenfeld
Sela Ann Condo —
Alida Mae Cooper
~>-Nancy Jane Culley
Shirley ‘Mae Daniel
Helen Davis
Carol Duddy deBranges
__ Judith Frances. Deutsch
Marion Stanton. Davis ®* Anne Jackson Dobbin
Wilhelmina Howard Chandler Davis. Florence Roberta Harris Downs
Kristine Gilmartin “ Annette Cory Eustis.
Elizabeth Rodgers Evans
Marilynn Ransom Fairfax
Diane Marie Falcione
Barbara Fanning
Susan Jane Faulkner
Robert M. Feldman
Elizabeth Ann -Fox
Lynda Joan Gaynor
Juliet Jeannette Goodfriend
Judith R. Gordon Y
Enid Greenberg
Nina. Jean Greenberg
. Susan Gumpert eee ok
Leslie Jane-Hartley
Jane Ellen Heffner
Roni-Jane ‘Stiller Hertzberg
“Jane Vera Hnilicka
~ Summa Cum Laude
Bonnie Miller Kind
Mary Lou Marshall Leavitt
Ellen Louise Magaziner
Magna’ Cum Laude
Frances Leslie Asher
‘Harriet Mary Bograd -
Cynthia .B. Caples
Margaret Randolph Cardwell
Janice Golda Copen
Marjorie Cole Hibbard
Barbara Viventi- Howard
Alice Elizabeth. Longobardi,
Silvine “Slingluff Marbury ~
Miranda Constant Marvin
Toby Ellen: Mayman
Donna. Mildvan
Margaret Ann Pabst
Esen Ortac
Jo Ant Rosenthal
Janice Lee Smith __
Susan Armstrong Spooner
Rachel Tucciarone
Lucy Tyson neo = onnie- Toby Horen
—- Van . Cleef ~- Leis: Barbera. Howlett 2 sg
zs “a lente ~Clothilde Camille H. Jacxsens
Kathleén Gibbs Johnson
Mary durbaia~ ee
Juliana Maria Kasius *
Lura Mae Kibler.
Kathryn Anne Kistler
Lisbeth Alice Larsen
Judith Ann Less
Gail Ann Levy ©.
Helen ‘Curtis Metcalf Mack
Louise Ann Alpers
Ann Witman Baehr
Judith Ann Ferree . Bailey
Pamela Baldwin:
Judith Frankle Bardack
Madelaine Elizabeth Barker
Ratea Mellinger “
Katheriné Watson Middleton sy
Sarah Cresap Miller
. Sharon Aviva Mossman
Suelleh Mutchow
Wamere Helen Mwangi
‘Linda Newman
marah_ Pattison °
Katharine Murphey “Pell
Sue Anne: Potter
Marie Elisabeth Reuchlin
*Kathariné Sontheimer Royine
Phoebe M. Salten ~ .
Constance Eleanor Schaar ‘ a
Elizabeth Williams Schall ae
Dorothy A..Schmiderer vo
Anne Barbara, Schoener
Angela Maria Schrode
Susana G. Schroder
Antoinette Farrar Seymour
--Johanna Elizabeth Smith — init
Cornelia Randolph Spring moos
Elizabeth Martin Stearns
Susan Mari Stevenson — °
- ElizaBeth Derricott. Tihany
’ Catherine Cocke Trapnell
Nina Alice Wade-Dalton
‘Judith Brown Williams »~ ~~
-Betsy Zubrow
selle guest editorship for the sum-
mer and will job hunt in the fall. _
Valentina Golondzowski will be
attend —Columbia—Graduate~ Schuot:”’ “acai aed
She is a Woodrow Wilson Fellow.
Julie Goodfriend will be..a-techni-
éal_ writer. for Smith, . Kline and
French, a drug firm.
Enid Greenberg is a Woodrow
Wilson Fellow.
Margie Greenwald plans .to teach
math in the’ Philadelphia area.
Leslie Hartley is going to P&S
med school.
Marjorie ~Hibbard-. will teach
French at the _Westtown School.
Barbara ‘Viventi. Howard will do
graduate work-at the Worcester In-
stitute im Philadelphia: :
Kathy.Johnson,.a Woodrow: Wile
son Fellow, is going to grad. school
at Yale.
Linda ‘Koki - is teaching English,
‘Continued on Page 5, Col. 1
Thursday, September 19- Graduate Center opens to resident graduate
. students, Registration “period for gradujite
students begins. —-Deferred, - tondition” and
~auditers*-etaminations begin. ~~
“Halls of residence ,open to ‘entering class-at
9 a.m. Registration of entering anges on
cate students. «<
Deferred, conditien and auditors’ examina-_
‘tions end. . Senne
Halls of residence open to all returning un- |
dergraduate students at 8 pm. - =~ sacar
Enrollment, of returning undergraduates, The:
‘Friday, Gantenber 20.
marunday, September 21
Sunday, September 22
Monday, September 23. ,
‘Duesday, September ‘24 ‘79th academic year bogine at 9 Pu., aa Coe
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