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College news, May 1, 1956
Bryn Mawr College student newspaper. Merged with Haverford News, News (Bryn Mawr College); Published weekly (except holidays) during academic year.
Bryn Mawr College (creator)
6 pages
digitized microfilm
North and Central America--United States--Pennsylvania--Montgomery--Bryn Mawr
Vol. 42, No. 21
College news (Bryn Mawr College : 1914)--
Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation.
Tuesday, May 1, 1956
Continued from Page 1
Tuition Exchange Scholarship, Janet
Brinton Hetzel, of Haverford, Pennsyl-
vania. Prepared by Westtown School,
Westtown, Pennsylvania.
Anna Margaret Sloan and Mary
Sloan Scholarship, Gail Patricia Dis-
ney, of Merion, Pennsylvania. Pre-
pared by Lower Merion High School,
Ardmore, Pennsylvania, —
Lorenz-Showers Scholarship, Ruth
Paula Thomas, of Rockaway Park,
New York. Prepared by Midwood High
School, Brooklyn, New York,
District V Alumnae Kegional Schol-
arship, Charlotte Taylor Graves, o
Marlboro, New Jersey. Prepared by
totale High School, Des Moines,
Trustees’ Scholarship, MarJeanne
Collins, of Lansdowne, Pennsylvania.
Prepared by Upper Darby High School,
Upper Darby, Pennsylvania.
Evelyn Hunt Scholarship and Class
of 1920 Scholarship, Carol Rachel Ep-
stein, of New York City. Prepared by
New Lincoln School, New York City.
Philadelphia Board of Edication
Scholarship, Barbara Cohen Rabino-
witz, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Prepared by Philadelphia High School
for Girls, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Mary McLean and Ellén A. Murter
Memorial Scholarship, Mary Belle
Frady, of Wichita Falls, Texas. Pre-
pared by Wichita Falls High School,
Wichita Falls, Texas.
Florence Morsé Palmer Scholarship,
Alexandra Elisabeth Quandt, of Wash-
ington, D. C, Prepared by Brearley
School, New York City, and Madeira
School, Fairfax, Virginia.
Trustees’ Scholarship, Julia Farkus
Bayer, of Havertown, Pennsylvania,
Prepared by Haverford High School,
Havertown, Pennslyvania.
Special Scholarship, Joyce Marie
Greene, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Prepared by Overbrook High School,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Philadelphia Board of Education
Scholarship, Estelle Lea Tobin, of Phil-
adelphia, Pennsylvania. Prepared by
Overbrook High School, Philadelphia,
Phil ia Board of Education
Scholars Miriam Forman Diamond,
of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Pre-
pared by Olney High School, Philadel-
phia, Pennsylvania.
.. estewn Pennavivania and Southern
New Jersey Alumnae Regional Schol-
arship, Lucille Vera Lindner, of Col-
lingswood, New Jersey. Prepared by
Collingswood High School, Collings-
wood, New Jersey.
New York Alumnae Regional Schol-
arship, Martha Sylvia Bridge, of New
York. City. Prepared by Brooklyn
Friends School, Brooklyn, New York.
James E. Rhoads Memorial Junior
Scholarship, Susan Mary Fox, of Bal-
timore, Maryland. Prepared by East-
ern High School, Baltimore, Maryland.
New York, Alumnae Regional Schol-
arship, E or Ann Sorrentino, of
Brooklyn, ew York. Prepared by
Bronx High School of Science, Bronx,
New York.
Jacob Fussell Byrnes and Mary
Byrnes Scholarship, Elinor Newlin
Amram, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Prepared by Lower Merion High
School, Ardmore, Pennsylvani
New York Alumnae Regio Schol-
arship, Katharine Bowie Stoddert, of
Palmyra, Virginia. Prepared by the
Lenox School, New York City.
New York Alumnae Regional Schol-
arship, Constance Ludington Brown, of
New York City. Prepared by the
Chapin School, New York City.
Seven College National Scholarship,
Helene Elizabeth Valabregue, of
Berkeley, California. Prepared by the
— ead School, Berkeley, Califor-
New England Alumnae _ Regional
Scholarship, Margaret Ruth Carter, of
Cambridge, Massachusetts. Prepared
by the Cambridge School, Weston,
New England Alumnae _ Regional
Scholarship and Special Scholarship,
Elizabeth Grace Vermey, of Middle-
town, Connecticut. Prepared by North-
field School for Girls, East Northfield,
Bryn Mawr Club of New Haven
Scholarship and Mary KE. Stevens
Scholarship, Sybille Dorothea von Bu-
low, of Branford-Indian Neck, Con-
necticut. Prepared by Dammsechule,
Heilbronn, Germany.
Kastern Pennsylvania and Southern
New Jersey Alumnae Regional Schol-
arship, Zoja Paviovskis, of Millville,
New nig Prepared . by Millville
Memorial High School, Millville, New
Anna Hallowell Memorial Scholar-
ship and Jacob Orie and Elizabeth 8.
M. Clarke Memorial Scholarship, Ellen
Russell Lewis, of Pacific Palisades,
California. Prepared by the Bryn
Mawr School, Baltimore, Maryland,
Washington, D. C., Alumnae Region-
al Scholarship and Evelyn Hunt Schol-
arship, Mary Adrian Tinsley, of Ar-
lington, Virginia. Prepared by Wash-
ington-Lee High School, Arlington,
Frances Marion Simpson Schélar-
ship, Anne Keller, of Perkasie, Penn-
sylvania. Prepared by Pennridge High
School, Perkasie, Pennsylvania.
Bryn Mawr Club of Southern Cali-
fornia Scholarship, Marjorie Knight
Axmenenee. of Pasadena, California.
Prepared by John Muir Junior College,
Pasadena, California.
District V Al ae Regional Schol-
arship, Susan ‘Swain Ops _of Way-|
Collegiate School, Minneapolis,
Sh Huldekoper Scholarship,
Marion Dibert Perret, of Johnstown,
pe any Shape gg Prepared by Johnstown
High ool, Johnstown
can, of Wyoming,
Wyoming High
School, Springfield, New. Je a
Prepared by Winchester High School,
Winchester, Massachusetts. .
Philadelphia Board of Education
Scholarship, Rochelle Marcia Eskin,
of Phi elphia, Penrisylvania. Pre-
pared by Olney High School, Philadel-
phia, Pennsylvania.
Mary Williams Sherman Memorial
Scholarship, Jeannette Newton Rider,
of Branford, Confiecticut. Prepared by
Branford High School, Branford, Con-
Trustees’ Scholarship and Philadel-
phia Board of Education Scholarship,
uita dane Zabarkes, of Philadelphia,
rennsylvania. Prepared by Olney
High School, Philadelphia, Pennsy!-
Lilia Babbitt
Hyde Foundation
Anita Elaine Luise, of
Massachusetts. Prepared
f| by Girls’ Latin School, Boston, Massa-
Philadelphia Board of Education
Scholarship, Barbara Louise Orlinger,
of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Pre-
pared by Philadelphia High School for
Girls, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Undergraduate Association Scholar-
ship, Ock Kyung Pai, of Seoul, Korea.
Prepared by Kyung-gi Girls’ High
School, Seoul, Korea.
Northern New Jersey Alumnae Re-
gional Scholarship and E. Merrick
Dodd and Winifred H. Dodd Scholar-
ship, Lee Claflin Ellis, of Summit, New
Jersey. Prepared by Summit High
School, Summit,. New Jersey.
Seven College National Scholarship,
Judith Clare Meinhardt, of Dallas, Tex-
as. Prepared by Highland Park High
School, Dallas, Texas,
Fanny R. 8. Peabody Scholarship
and George Bates Hopkins Memorial
Scholarship, Elizabeth Ann Hill, of
Aberdeen, Washington. Prepared by
J. M. Weatherwax High School, Aber-
deen, Washington.
New York Alumnae Regional Schol-
arship, Ottilie Marguerite Pattison, of
Charlottesville, Virginia. Prepared by
Cathedral School of St. Mary, Long Is-
land, New York. een
Bryn Mawr Club of St. Louis Schol-
arship, Nancy Corinne Dyer, of St.
Louis, Missourl. Prepared by Mary C.
“Wheeler School, Providence, Rhode Is-
land. 4
Bryn Mawr Club of Philadelphia
Scholarship, Judith Suzanne Sniscak,
of Lansford, Pennsylvania. Prepared
by Lansford Public High School, Lans-
ford, Pennsylvania.
New England Alumnae _ Regional
Scholarship and Tau Beta Beta, Incor-
porated, Scholarship, Marisa Josephine
Gori, of Wellesley Hills, Massachu-
setts. Prepared by Brookline High
Scunvvi;-Drevnnns, Drassachusetts.
Adeline Werner Vorys Memorial
Scholarship, Madlyn Etta Wolfe, of
Dayton, Ohio. Prepared by Fairview
High School, Dayton, Ohio.
New England Alumnae _ Regional
Scholarship, Mary Stewart Skinner, of
Plymouth, Massachusetts. Prepared by
Duxbury High School, Duxbury, Mas-
Lidie C. B. Saul Scholarship, Rhoda
Simone Becker, of Philadelphia, Penn-
sylvania. Prepared by Philadelphia
High School for Girls, Philadelphia.
Grew Foundation Scholarship, Ayako
Hasebe, of Tokyo, Japan. Prepared
by Keisen Girls’ High School, Toky6d,
Japan. e
Foundation Scholarship, Eloise Fran-
ces Clymer, of Woodstock, Virginia.
Prepared by George School, George
School, Pennsylvania.
District 11 Alumnae Regional Schol-
arship, Susan Linda Gold, of New York
City. Prepared by Bronx High School
of Science, New York City.
General Motors National Scholar-
ship, Miriam Sinah Beames, of Oak-
land, California. Prepared by Pied-
mont High School, Piedmont, Califor-
Maria Hopper’ Scholarship, Joan
Evelyn Smith, of Ambler, Pennsyl-
vania. Prepared by Ambler High
School, Ambler, Pennsylvania.
Lillia Babbitt Hyde Foundation
Scholarship and Kegina Katharine
Crandall Scholarship, Joan Marilyn
Caplan, of Dorchester, Massachusetts.
Prepared by Girls’ Latin School, Bos-
ton, Massachusetts.
Trustees’ Scholarship, Barbara Suz-
anne Gardner, of .Philadelphia, Penn-
sylvania. Prepared by Abraham Lin-
coln High School, Philadelphia, .Penn-
Bryn Mawr Club of Princeton, New
Jersey, Scholarship, Theodora Stillwell,
of Princeton, New Jersey. Prepared
by Miss Fine’s School, Princeton, New
Maria Hopper Scholarship, Miriam
Ann Gisolfi, of Bronxville, New York.
Prepared by Roosevelt High, School,
Yonkers, New York.
Leila Houghteling Memorial Scholar-
ship, Ann Wayland, of Pasadena, Cali-
fornia. Prepared by Lycee de Jeunes
Filles, Strasbourg, France, and the
peettideg School, Pasadena, Califor-
James E. Rhoads Memorial Sopho-
more Scholarship, Caroline Campbell
Kern, of Burnet, Texas. Prepared by
St. Stephen’s Episcopal School, Austin,
Mary Peabody Williamson Scholar-
ship and The Misses Kirk Scholarship,
Janet Ruth be ye of Clifton, New Jer-
rif Prepared by Clifton High School,
Clifton, New Jersey.
New England Alumnae Regional
Scholarship and Jeanette Peabody
Cannon Scholarship, Eleanor Jane
Winsor, of Johnston, Rhode - Island.
Prepared by Classical High School,
Providence, Rhode Island.
Procter and Gamble Scholarship,
Diane Elizabeth Taylor, of Berkeley
Heights, New Jersey. Prepared by
Jonathan Dayton Regional High
Centre, New York. Prepared by South
Side High School, Rockville Centre,
New York.
Priscilla Hunt Scholarship, Elizabeth
Isabelle Carr, of Hartford City, Indi-
ana. Prepared by Hartford City High
School, Hartford City, Indiana.
Lila “M. Wright” Memorial Scholar-
ship, Nancy Lee Olken, of Watertown,
Massachusetts. Prepared by Water-
town High School, Watertown, Massa-
“rustees’ Scholarship, Ruth Lee Dei-
tlebaum, of Philadelphia, Pennsyl-
vania. krepared by Olney High School,
thiladelphia, Pennsylvania,
New York Alumnae Régional Schol-
arship, Joanna Lucy. Wolter, of New
York City. Frepared by Washington
al High School,. Tarrytown, New
New England Alumnae_ Regional
Scholarship and Georgie W. Yeatman
Scholarship, Patricia Cecelia Anne
Murphy, of West Newton, Massachu-
setts. Prepared by Newton High
School, Newton> Massachusetts.
District IV Alumnae Regional Schol-
arship, Jo Ann _ Aschenbrenner, of
South Charleston, West Virginia. Pre-
pared by South Charleston High
School, ‘South Charleston, West Vir-
Gertrude Howard McCormick Schol-
arship, Eleanor Marie Easton, of An-
dover, Massachusetts. Prepared by
Abbot Academy, Andover, Massachu-
Seven College National Scholarship,
Gillian Clare Pearson, of Kearney, Ne-
braska. Prepared by Kearney High
School, Kearney, Nebraska,
General Motors National Scholar-
ship, Kate Stewart Collins, of Pasa-
dena, California....Prepared- by “West-
ridge School, Pasadena, California.
District IV Alumnae Regional Schol-
arship, Janis Maria Wineberg, of Ak-
ron, Ohio. Prepared by Old Trail
School, Akron, Ohio.
Philadelphia Board of Education
Scholarship, Judith Louise Beck, of
Chalfont, Pennaylvania. Prepared by
Abraham Lincoln High $chool, Phila-
delphia, Pennsylvania. :
District II] Alumnae Regional Schol-
arship, Blair Spencer Dissette, of Beth-
esda, Maryland. Prepared by Chat-
ham Hall, Chatham, Virginia.
Minnie Murdock Kendrick Memorial
Scholarship, Faith J“ Kessel, of Phila-
delphia, Pennsylvania. Prepared by
Philadelphia High - Schdol ‘for’ Girls, |
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Seven College National Scholarship,
Patricia Joan Cain, of Lake Charles,
Louisiana. Prepared by Lake Charles
High School, Lake Charles, Louisiana.
Special Scholarship, Susan ‘ Reed
Rroese. of Stanton, Tennessee. Pre-
pared by Haywood tiigh-—School,
Brownsville, Tennessee.
District V Alumnae Regional Schol-
arship, Sandra Karolyn Erickson, of
Hibbing, Minnesota. Prepared by Hib-
bing High School, Hibbing, Minnesota.
Past May Days
Continued from Page 1
cording to tradition; all revered and
time-honored ceremonies have been
observed. Seniors have been awak-
ened at dawn by sophomores, have
given May baskets to the College
Presidents and Deans, have sung
the Latin hymn from Rock Tower.
The senior class presidents have
been crowned Queens of the May
to enthusiastic cheers from the
college below, and the college has
ben fortified with breakfast before
Maypolling in the green. Awards
and scholarshps have been an-
nounced annually.
Occasionally there were slight
modifications. In 1918 “The omis-
sion of senior breakfast in Rocke-
feller marked a departure from
tradition.” Generally, little devia-
tion from the general activity and
spirit has occurred.
A News observation in 1925:
“Though perhaps the most Eliza-
bethan tendency of the undergrad-
uates today is a certain frankness
and vividness of speech, May Day
celebrations were in good English
‘tradition. Vigorous dancing about
May Poles, rolling of hoops and a
great many songs about the spring,
the “lude cukoo” and rising early
in the morning changed the mod-
ern efficiency of the working day
campus to a _ delightful Anglo-
Saxon rowdiness. Too often is
this missing from our blighted in-
tellectual youth.”
e Brayton Durfee Schol-
arship, Virginia ayard Fonda, of
Towson, Maryland. Prepared b nt
Mary’s School, Peekskill, New York.
District If Alumnae Regional Schol-
arship, Sylvia Kowitt, of Rockville
Wm. J. Bates, Jr. Manager
823 Lancaster Ave Bryn Mawr
_ LAwrence 5-0570 ¥
Breakfast 9:00-11:00 AM. ¢,
Luncheon 12:00- 2:00 P.M.
Afternoon Tea —— 3:30- 5:00 P.M.
Dinner §:30- 7:30 P.M.
Sunday Dinner ——12:00- 3:00 P.M.
Telephone Lombaert St. and Morris Ave.
LAwrence 5-0386 .-’* Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania _
. District U-A -.Alumnae_ Kegional
Scholarship, Benita Helene Bendon, of
vhiladelphia, Pennsylvania. BA hg
by the Stevens School, Philadelphia,
1 ennsylvania.
Gould Foundation Scholarship and
District VI Alumnae Regional Scholar-
ship; Mary Ann Adams, of Taos, New
Mexico. Prepared by Taos High
School, Taos, New Mexico.
'Philgdeiphia Board of Education
Scholarship, Ruth Olga Kasdin, of
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Prepared
by Abraham’ Lincoln -High School,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
Tuition Exchange Scholarship, Ann
Temkin, of Towson, Maryland. Pre-
pared ‘by the Bryn Mawr School, Bal-
timore, Maryland.
Trustees’ Scholarship, Sally’ Anne
Powers, of Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania.
Prepared by Radnor High School,
Wayne, Pennsylvania.
Hannah E. Longshore Memorial
Medical Scholarship, Susan Emily
Thurman, of Brookline, Massachusetts.
A. B. Bryn Mawr College, to be con-
ferred, 1956.
Jane V. Myers. Memorial Medical
Scholarship, Elizabeth Randolph Car-
michael, of Fredericksburg, Virginia.
A. B. Bryn Mawr College 1946.
Harriet Judd Sartain Memorial
Scholarship, June Rita Edelman, of
Staten Island, New York. A. B. Bryn
Mawr College 1955. Kathryn Hawes
Ehlers, of Bronxville, New York. A. B.
Bryn Mawr College 1953. Anne Mow-
bray Haywood, of New York City. A.
B. Bryn Mawr College 1955.
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