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© Trustees of Bryn Mawr College, 1959
Scientists Probe
Symmetry’s Role
In Current Study
The second event in the Seventy-
fifth Anniversary year will be a
symposium on “Symmetry. in the
Sciences” to be held here on No-
vember 6 and 7.
After registration at 9:00 ‘a.m.
there will be a panel on “Present
and Probable Future Roles of Sym-
metry.” (Lectures following this
discussion will include one on
“Symmetry in Chemistry” by E.
Bright Wilson, Jr. of Harvard.
Afternoon Lectures
The afternoon lectures, which
begin in Goodhart at 2:00, will be
led off by C. N. Yang, 1957 Nobel
Prize winner for his work on Par-
ity, who will speak on “Symmetry
Principles in Modern Physics”.
George Wald, who is known for
the definitive work on the biochem-
istry of the visual process, will
then make some remarks on “The
Origin of Optical Activity.”
Patterson To Speak —
The last lecture of the afternoon,
on “Symmetry and Crystal Struc-
ture”, will be delivered by A. L.
Patterson of the Institute for Can-
cer Research, Mr. Patterson is a
one-time member of the Bryn
Mawr faculty,and—is—known for
his crystalography in which he
goes from X-ray to structure by
way of mathematics.
Saturday’s lectures will be divid-
ed up according to. sciences, and
the discussions will take—place-si-
multaneously, except that the
Mathematics-Physics section will
last into the afternoon. This latter
group will include a talk by Ugo
Fano, of the National Bureau of
Standards on “The Vector and
Spinor Spherical Harmonics” and
by Nina Broekhuysen, ’60,
and Trudy Hoffmann, ’60
Still Life, the class of 1961’s
Junior Show, was as smooth as
silk: the fabric of the show was
sturdy, and really a very pretty,
bright color; but it was attractive
mainly because of its embroidery.
The script of Still Life is tight-
ly woven with competence and a
good deal of theatrical connais-
sance. It involves a very tidy and
well-resolved plot enacted in the
framework of two idioms immedi-
ately familiar to the audience:
that of Big Business, and that of
the Backwoods, Both are basic to
contemporary American theatrical
“folklore’: moistening the whole
was the liquid theme which has
been strangely and persistently
recurrent in recent class shows.
The opening scene, which depict-
ed an early-morning Bryn Mawr
Continued on Page 6, Col. 5
kaffee klatsch, also served to link
Alan Watts, Panel Discuss Marriage; _
Church, State Combination Difficult
Noting that his agitating re-
marks ‘would have a great deal to
do with confusions, Alan Watts
began the panel discussion on
“Marriage: the Department of Ut-
ter Confusion” and the type of love
in which “separation is hell”, an
event that .crowded the Common
Room, October 29, Panel members
included Rabbi Samuel Berkowitz,
Hillel Foundation, University of
Pennsylvania; Dr. Paul Desjardin,
Department of Philosophy, Haver-
ford College; and Reverend Paul
©. Kintzing, Jr., Episcopal Church
of St. John, ‘Bala-Cynwyd.
Religious Aspects Discussed
Talking on the religious. back-
ground of the conception of mar-
riage im the western world, its
spiritual history, and the conflict
of the “sacred” and “profane”,
Watts attributed the confusion in
marriage, as in other matters, to
an attempt to combine church and
state, to legislate a morality orig-
inally thought to depend on grace.
“Sin, a uniquely Western sense”’,
is the state one finds oneself in
after transgressing mora] law.
It was the insistence of the He-
brews that the physical world and
all finite things inherited from God
were good: ‘Christians tend to ig-
nore this concept. The basis of this
disregard Watts dated to the time
when the Church was faced by
barbarians and had to lay down
absolute laws of moral standards
to survive. Because the standards
are so high, one is constantly
transgressing, constantly grovel-
ling about and pardoning oneself.
There is an ultimate rebellion
against the absolute when the
groveler gets sick of groveling.
Life is the art of juggling, finite
good with finite profane evil, not
combining the two.
Two Spheres In Life
Life comes in two spheres, the
conventional, with its social rules,
discipline, revealed mythology and
marriage; and the sacred with its
poles of good and evil, its inspira-
tion, mystical vision and love. Our
society fundamentally regards peo-
ple im love as sick, love as an un-
realistic state until it becomes
“dutiful love’—as opposed to
“divine love”, or infatuation—and
is controlled by a marriage license
and dishes to be washed and dried.
“Love is the same as inspiration;
it is seeing another person in re-
ality, in God’s eyes, from the
standpoint of eternity.” Marriage
should be ideally a love marriage
in which anything goes if it is
sanctified by love. But if this love
is translated into or profanized by
law, it is a dangerous mixing of
the sacred and profane. “Love is
wonderful because love is out of
control.” It cannot be bound by a
“ti]] death do us part” clause. The
problem of divorce is classic. It
means, if there are children, break-
ing up a home. Watts’ alternative
Continued on Page 5, Col. 5
Senior Reviewers Find ‘Still Life’ Smooth
Praise Production’s Excellence Of Detail
Junior Show osillates between the Ozarks and the Office
the audience to the play by recog-
nition and identification. The field
of reference was marked out on
familiar ground: thus, the humor
in the play was bolstered by all the
amusing connotations attendant
upon such classic subject matter.
City v. Country Souse
The central conflict of the plot
might tbe called the contrast be-
bween the City Souse and the
Country Souse:- the competition
between an affluent, sophisticated
whisky conporation and a homey
mountain still includes two forces
which, though opposed, are parallel.
This parallelism was apparent
throughout the libretto: it was re-
sponsible for the niceness of con-
struction of the play. It was neat-
ly done: (Haig, the hero, is at first
opposed to (Claudia McClure, the
heroine, whom he parallels in ex-
perience and mission (each con-
cerned with preserving the well-
being of his respective enterprise) ;
the Sheriff is as nastily concerned
with the McClures as Lolita is ma-
ternally solicitousof Haig;—the-
mountain girls who are bored are
at first opposed to the revenue
boys who parallel them in boredom.
Methuselah, the mountain look-out,
is pitched against Sylvester Shim-
ler, the urban spy; the still-lifers
are complemented by the city
stockholders. dt is all-arranged so
that everyone winds up ‘with every-
one else in the end, and parallels
become partners, It seems to us
that there were no loose ends in
this script: that it was notable for
relevance and organization, (No
one ever turns up late in the play
Laymen to Define
Religious Concept
A new approach to an old ques-
tion will be sought by the Inter-
faith Association when four non-
theologians discuss “What Is Re-
ligion,” on November 9, at 8:30,
in the Common Room. The four
panel members rwill be: Dr. Martin
Foss of the Haverford Department
of Philisophy, Dr. Ariel Loewy of
the Haverford Department of Biol-
ogy, Dr. Ferrater-Mora of the
Bryn Mawr Department of Philos-
ophy, and Dr. Thobeurn Snyder,
Consulting Psychiatrist at Univer-
sity Hospital iladelphia.
The four laymen will be asked
to speak for approximately ten
minutes each on their concepts of
religion, A discussion will follow
among the panel members and
then the moderator will open the
Dilworth Wins
Mayoralty Race
Versus Stassen
Philadelphia’s Mayor Richard-
son Dilworth won his bid for re-
election yesterday, defeating his
Republican opponent, Harold E.
Stassen by an unexpected plural-
ity of more than 200,000 votes.
Final returns gave Dilworth 488,-
578 votes to Stassen’s 227,857.
Stassen conceded defeat at 10:10
last night.
In the wake of Dilworth’s vic-
tory,. the Democratic.partyretain-
who has not beer previously refer-
red to. The gag-appearance of a
Haverford crew sweater was pre-
pared for and justified by previous
mention of an uncle who. went to
A key example is the fate of
Pa McClure. This quite small part
is the mainspring of the plot: it is
Pa’s imprisonment which occasions
the solid theatrical device of the
Beckoning Letter in the first scene
which summons Claudia back
home. It is ‘Pa who resolves the
plot in the last scene by precipitat-
ing a romantic and business mer-
ger between Hamm & Haig and
McClure et al. Because the char-
acter of ‘Pa has been ,unobtrusive
throughout the larger part. of the
play (although the forcefulness ‘of
his character can be guessed at
from the. mention of his boots’ pun-
Continued on Page 4, Col. 1
ed control of the city council, elect-
ing 6 councilmen-at-large out of 8
| who faced the voters. Throughout
the state in mayoralty and judge-
ship races the Democrats had the
upper hand.
In New York state, heavy city
voting defeated a $500,000,000
school bond issue. A list of eight
other amendments to the State
Constitution is still in doubt.
Governor Meyner’s political fu-
ture hung in the balance in New
Jersey, where local elections de-
termined the political color of the
1960 state legisltaure. Partial re-
sults indicate that the Republicans
have won the majority in the legis-
lature, 4
In ‘Boston, a: Democratic candi-
date for mayor, John E, Powers,
‘who was endorsed by Senatr John
F, Kennedy, lost to his opponent,
another Democrat.
Speaking at Current Events here
Monday night, Dr. Roger Wells of
the Political Sciecne Department,
called the Stassen-Dilworth cam-
paign a “strenuous one”. He call-
ed Dilworth a candidate as formid-
able “as was Roosevelt in the na-
tional contest.” However, Dr. Wells
at that time declined to make any
predictions about the outcome.
Everyone knows the sound of
two hands clapping, but what is|
the sound of one hand clapping?
This and other provocative queries
impart the essence of Zen Bud-
dhism. In a lecture sponsored by
the Philosophy Club, Alan Watts
discussed Zen in the Common
Room on Thursday, October 29.
“Zen is not really something to
be understood—it is different from
ideas,” said ‘Mr, Watts who pref-
aced his talk with the comment
that if he were truly explaining
Zen to the audience, he would
stand silently for several minutes
and then send them away, for
there can be no real explanation
of it.
Complicated History
The term Zen itself has.a com-
plicated history. It is the Japan-
ese pronunciation of the Chinese
translation of a sanscrit work im-
plying, rather than meaning, en-
Introduced into Chima towards
400 A.D., Zen coagulated with Tao
philosophy. its influence is most
evident in Japan where it affects
architecture, ceramics, painting,
poetry, gardening, and even arch-
ery, ‘fencing, jujitsu, and swim-
No Western Parallel
Zen Buddhism is not parallel to
any form of western idea.. These
fall basically into three areas—
religion, philosophy, and science.
question to the audience.
ali Soil tii Fh att
Watts Calls Zen “Way of Liberation”
From Limitations of Temporal Learning
has no creed, no code, and no cult.
It is not a philosophy, for philos-
ophy is concerned with the formu-
lation of ideas whereas Zen in-
volves the destruction of ideas.
Nor is it a science, for science is
empirical and wants to be shown;
the good scientist faces new things
with an open mind, describing and
calculating experience and relating
it to future development. Zen’s
main interest, on the other hand,
is in the present, not in the future.
The most nearly accurate way
Continued on Page 5, Col. 5
Concert to Offer
Curtis Musicians
The Bryn Mawr and Haverford
Arts Councils will sponsor a con-
cert November 11 at 8:15 im the
Ely Room of Wyndham,
violinist David Serone and pianist
Ruth Mackler, both of the Curtis
School of Music in Philadelphia.
Mr. Serone will open the concert
with his rendition of Bach’s “Par-
titia” in E Major. Next, Miss
Meckler will play a Beethoven pi-
ano sonata. Following a brief in-
termission, the two will play Han-
del’s “Sonata” and Brahms’ Son-
ata in D Minor.
Judy Polsky, President of Arts
Council, invites anyone interested
in hearing good classical music to
attend the concert. There is no
Zen is not a true religion for it
|admission charge.
Featured at the concert will be’
Page Two
Wednesday, November 6, 1959
Published. weekly during the College Year (except during
Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter holidays, and during examina-
tion weeks) in the interest of Bryn Mawr College at the Ardmore .
Printing Company, Ardmore, Pa., and Bryn Mawr College.
The College News is fully protected by copyright. Nothing that appears
in it may be reprinted wholly or in part without permission of the Editor-in-Chief.
Editor-in-Chief Betsy Levering, ‘61
ME FOIE eect cecescebecesesovescceceeceeeresheri rcs Lois Potter, ‘61
PE PE esi e eae ces ccceceseontenceceneeses E. Anne Eberle, ‘61
EE er eo ee Frederica Koller, ‘61
ib eV ECCI NES ecb chee ce dense serseosis Marion Coen, ‘62
ery ene ore ee Alison Baker, ‘62
Susan Szekely, ‘61; Isa Brannon, ‘62; Susan Nelson, ‘62; Judy Stuart, ‘62; Mary
Ann Amdur, ‘63; Janice Copen, ‘63; Kristine Gilmartin, ‘63; Bonnie Miller,
‘63; Suzy Spain, ‘63.
Business - Maneget 65
Associate Business Manager ...........cceecececsseseers
ad ths de coat Dee reno rE re
WRU aN isi vicbetvaivedncciarnenarbatics
Anne Davis, ‘61; Ann Levy, ‘61; Nancy Wolfe, ‘61; Judith Jacobs, ‘62; Nancy
Culley, “63; Martha Learsaon, ‘63, Sharon Mossman, ‘63.
Tina Souretis, ‘61
Irene Kwitter, ‘61
Dabney Gardner, ‘62
Margaret Williams, ‘61
Susan Szekely, ‘61
The Reserve Room, Again
The Reserve Room of the college library~has had for
many years considerable difficulty keeping on its shelves
books prescribed and reserved by professors and, consequent-
ly, in demand by students. Repeatedly* books have disap-
peared from the room and dropped out of circulation, some-
times to be returned hours later with a rush of apologies and
payment of a fine by.a late. sleeper, sometimes to be surrep-
titiously replaced when the coursé demand-has abated, and
sometimes never to be seen again. By last year the situa-
tion had become so intolerable as to provoke a student poll
on the alternatives of a closed reserve room, a check of all
outgoing books, and an extension to the Reserve Room of
the Academic Honor System. The results of the poll, though
indicating a slight preference for the closed-room system,
showed so nearly balanced a schism in student opinion that
they were disregarded as inconsequential. This year the Co-
ordinating Council again took up the problem only, after long
and fruitless discussion, to concede defeat and relinquish
both problem and solution to the administration.
The solution of the immediate problem set forth by the
administration entails a six-month trial period to determine
the extent of the difficulties, followed by installation of the
closed-room system if the situation warrants it. To those
who delight in perusing the shelves, fingering the books,
seeing what marvelous things everybody else is reading, the
possibility of a closed room is intolerable. The alternative
to this proposal, extension of the Academic Honor System
to the Reserve Room, would both keep control of the student-
created problem in student hands and keep the Reserve Room
open. It has, however, been rejected by Self-Gov who feel
that the difficulties of administrating rules easily and regu-
larly broken would heavily burden its system and weaken
its position. Nevertheless, despite these qualms, the NEWS
would advocate at least a trial period of Honor System sur-
veillance of the Reserve Room. It takes this view not so
much with the idealistic hope that chronic offenders will be
moved to greater honesty if disregard of library regulations
implies infraction of the Academic Honor System, as with
‘the more probable conviction that Honor System Control will
eliminate that part of the problem caused by the segment of
book-pilferers who ‘through late-sleeping or carelessness
are delinquent, but cheerfully pay their fines when appre-|
~hended and who would be considerably more wary of hold-
ing reserve-room books if doing so meant confession to Self-
Gov rather than simply fifty cents more on payday.
Laughter In All Seriousness
If we could have been present on the sixth day of Crea-
tion, when all the newly-engendered animals got their first
look at each other, we would probably have been permanent- |.
ly deafened by an enormous burst of laughter. Under one
tree the elephant was chuckling over the skinniness of the
snake, while under another the platypus, admiring his own
perfect proportions, commented drily on the gigantic insig-
nificance of the centipede, and one tiger asked another what-
ever was the matter with Mrs. Giraffe, and did she have trou-
ble with her tonsils. After that the laughter subsided, the
animals began to get a little nervous about their differences,
they split into groups, and now, as you know, one never hears
them laugh at all. :
Human laughter has been growing fainter and fainter
too, and what passes for it now is often something quite dif-
ferent. One illegitimate species attacks thoughtful conver-
sation; it seizes every other sentence, wrings its neck with
a clever twist, and then expects applause for the murder.
We do not laugh at epigrams, and we admire them perhaps
too much: they are lovely works of art, but they often put
the finishing touches on an idea before it is ready for them:
we cut through the roses on the frosting, only to find card-
board, for there has been no time to bake a cake. Then,
there is hysterical laughter which takes many forms; one of
these is the current vogue of macabre jokes. Laughter is a
spitwad shot at vice, it is also a shield for it. It can be ma-
licious, yet what we find objectionable in our laughter today
is not the d in but the deadliness. —
Humor achieVes veal greatness when it blends with high
seriousness, but not when it prohibits it. The distinction is
often lost. A world which contains on the one hand the ele-
phant and the flea, and on the other the earthquake, thun-
derstorm, and the greater man-made storms, cannot be ex-
pressed in any one emotion. Because we live in a serious world
we must be gay, because we live in a paradoxical world we
must be ous. But not none in our humor, or in our
deepest gravity. We have an obligation to life to take it
‘Rank and File’ Retain Hope In Steel Strike
‘by Frederica Koller
Pottstown, Pennsylvania, is a small town; one
of its major industries is steel manufacturing—
there is a branch of Bethlehem Steel located there
employing approximately 1890 workers. Due to the
strike, 1540 of these men are not working.
In many ways the situation in Pottstown para-
llels the situation existing in many small towns
across the country. The strike is now in its 1138
day. Both union and management have remained
inflexible; their views receive much publicity, but
what about the “rank and file?” What are their
views about the Taft-Hartley act?
To discover the answers to these questions, I
visited the striking workers on the picket lines and
talked with them. Reprinted below are their opin-
An old school bus serves as strike headquarters;
a hugh sign on the outside announces that local
712 is on strike. As I approached the bus I was
greeted by a young man with disheveled blond
hair wearing dungarees and a T-shirt. He wasn’t
very old; I would guess his age to have been about
28. He greeted me courteously and upon discovering
my business he quickly invited me into the head-
quarters to talk to some of the workers. I was par-
ticularly impressed by workers’ eagerness to discuss
the strike and how it was affecting them.
“When I entered the bus, there were about six
workers sitting around drinking coffee. A quick
glance around the room revealed a TV set, a radio,
a large couch bed, a card table, and several collap-
sible chairs, Towards the rear of the bus there was
a table with a hot plate and a small refrigerator.
The first young man introduced me to the past
president of local 712. This man was somewhat older
than the other workers; of all the strikers I met,
he was the most unkept looking. He had a few days
growth of beard on his face; his shirt was patched
and his hair uncombed. When I asked him “his
opinion of the strike he commented, “It is the great-
est thing that ever happened to the working class.
Collective bargaining is one of the bases of our
democracy.” He was confident that union would
come out on top in the end—“We’re breaking them,”
he declared. “We can’t get hurt anymore than we
have been already. We can still laugh, and as long
as—we-can_laugh we’aren’t_in such_bad shape.”
I then asked about the families and children of
the workers. He replied, “No striker’s wife or kids
go hungry—we have a committee and when a fam-
ily is hard up they come before the committee and
we see that they have enough food. We take care
of —our—_own—that’s. more. than. the management
can say.”
The man who guided me in had been sitting
beside the door quietly listening; suddenly he in-
terrupted, “Every man who wants to go hunting
gets shot gun shells and each man gets a pack
of cigaretts a day.” :
“Yeah,” the leader: added, “and they’re union
cigarettes, too!”
The men, at this point, offered me something
to eat—beef stew, pie, coffee, milk, or a sandwich.
As I accepted the milk, the leader said, “This, too,
is union milk with compliments of 712.”
sitting facing me ‘on the other side of the trailer
voiced his own opinion.
“Nobody wins a war—I wonder if they (the
management) think theye winning the strike?”
He was heavy set, clean shaven and neatly dressed.
“This industry,” he continued, “looks down upon the
~ As I was drinking the milk, the man who was”
worker—they figure he has a strong back and a
weak mind. They make the mistake of thinking
there are only humans on one side; if you don’t wear
a white shirt you aren’t a human being but some
kind of animal. To this I say, a company deserves
the members it gets.”
“See those girders out there?” the leader broke
in. “We weld angles on them and are paid 16¢ a
piece—the company gets $190 a ton for them. They
always tell us we cause the cost of living to go
up—well, the last two months we weren’t even work-
ing and it rose anyway.”
“That Kaiser deal proves a lot.” the tousle
haired young man_interjected—“if it’s good-for
Kaiser it’s good for the rest. Kaiser is the ninth
largest company—why not the others? They talk
about unions keeping men in line—you can bet
the other companies are being pressured not to
step out of line.”
“This year,” the leader declared, “the companies
are organized into their own union. They complain
about the unions—yet they are as unionized as we
Another man who just appeared in the doorway
commented, “The thing that gripes me is the way
Ike plays golf with the leaders of management.
Government and management are too close; yet
they won’t even let the union contribute any money
to political parties. It isn’t fair!”
“This year,” the leader broke in, “is an election
year and all the politicians are afraid of getting
their fingers burned. Eisenhower. waited until the
stock piles got low to invoke the Taft-Hartley Act.
He should’ve done it earlier, if he wanted to.”
' The heavy set man across from me added, “When
the stock piles get down you have the company
where you want them—this is a powerful union
“Ike didn’t want a fact-finding board when the
union did,” the leader continued, “now he invokes
the Taft-Hartley Act with a fact-finding board.
These are the leaders we are supposed to look
up to!”
“The trouble with the Taft-Hartley Act,” the
man across from me began, “is that it’s a.single-
edged sword. We don’t mind the sword, but it should
have a double-edged blade.”
“What he means,” the leader explained, “is that
the injunction should go against the company as
well by controlling the prices of steel. Did you see
that the court. in Philadelphia voted 2-1 against
the union? The Supreme Court doesn’t even want to
handle it—in an election year everybody is afraid
to get his fingers burned.”
“But I think we'll be back to work in a week,”
he continued. “The men’ll be glad to get back;
each man has to picket one day in five and they
can’t get’ any other jobs. As soon as they hear
you are a steel worker you haven’t got a chance.
One of our men was sent after five jobs by the
unemployment office and turned down five times.”
“We cannot accept the management’s offer,”
the man across from me declared, “we would be
going back thirty years—we can’t go backward.
what we have today is a result of the unions’ pro-
Suddenly an old man peered through the door
and asked, “Well boys, when’re we goin to work?”
“Soon, soon,” the leader promised. “We'll win,
just wait.”
Letters to the Editor
Military Arming Not Enough
Declares Student In Letter
To the Editor
‘The divergent stands taken by the Board on
the American position on disarmament seent both
to be justifiable, and probably many people are
confused about which alternative is right. On the
one hand, we do not like the idea of killing masses
of people, probably because we do not like the idea
of being killed ourselves. On the other hand, a
corollary of this might seem to be that we do
value our lives enough to protect ourselves. If any
of us, or our families, were robbed or assaulted,
surely we would try to defend ourselves, perhaps
even to kill if necessary.
So each and every nation stockpiles huge re-
serves of weapons. But our enemy’s most powerful
weapon is not a firearm or an explosive. It is an
Idea. Khruschev said, “The Communists will des-
troy capitalism, not with nuclear weapons but
through the spread of the ideology.” This ideology
is world take-over, more often sugar-coated, for
our special ease in swallowing, by such phrases
as “liberation of the oppressed workers,” or, more
palatable for us, “lasting peace” (piece by piece
by piece, as someone has put it). [
All apparent quirks and deviations of their
policy are directed to the same end. George Dimi-
trov, when Secretary-General of the. Communist
International, said in his address to its Seventh
Congress, “We are sometimes accused of departing
from our Communist principles. What stupidity,
Continued on Page 4, Col. 3
Professor Lauds Undergrad |
For Foreign Student Tuition
To the Editor:
I believe that it is not known to many people
either on or off campus that “Undergrad” has
cause to celebrate a significant anniversary of its
own this year.
It is the tenth anniversary of its uniquely gen-
erous program of sponsoring a student of foreign
citizenship at Bryn Mawr. This plan took shape
after the war and the first few students who en-
joyed this privilege were refugees, expellees, “dis-
placed persons” as they were called, whose educa-
tions had been cruelly interrupted and who had no
opportunity to continue their studies anywhere, no
matter how talented and ambitious they were. More
recent holders of this scholarship have been prom-
ising overseas students who were determined to
study at Bryn Mawr, but could not have attended
and American institution without scholarship help.
I know of no other college or university at
which a student organization or the whole under-
graduate student body holds itself responsible for
the total cost of a fellow student from one to four
years, depending on the circumstances. Some stu-
dents, for example, could be given sophomore or
junior standing.
On some campuses a foreign student who has
been given a tuition scholarship by the institution is.
invited to live in a sorority or fraternity house
without cost. At others the students contribute to a
fund which is annually put at the disposal of the
Continued on Page 4, Col. 3
_What businesses don’t realize is that much of
Wednesday, November 6, 1959
a Page Three
Mrs. MacCaffrey’s
New Book Offers
Not “Great Discoveries” But Criticism
by Lois Potter
Latest among recent faculty pub-
lications is Paradise Lost as ‘Myth’
by Isabel MacCaffrey,. Assistant
Professor of English here. Her first
book, it grew out of a Ph.D. thesis
begun while she was in (Cambridge,
England, on a Fulbright (1949-50)
and revised during the time (1956-
57) while she was abroad with her
husband on his Guggenheim grant.
Most of the actual -writing was
done at Harvard, directed by Doug-
las Bush.
Old Manuscripts Examined
No “great discoveries, or exam-
ination of new manuscripts” are
‘ promised in the book, since, as
Mrs. MacCaffrey pointed out, there
is already a voluminous scholarly
literature on ‘Milton. However,
she did examine the old manu-
scripts in Trinity Library, Cam-
bridge. (She calls it primarily a
critical work, “which means the
process of writing it consisted of
sitting in a chair and staring into
space—also reading Paradise Lost
many times, of course.” It did not
actually start with the idea of
myth: “I had some things I want-
ed to say about Milton and what I
needed twas a way to work them
Original Plans
“First the book was going to be
about the idea of Nature in Milton
and several other writers of the
Renaissance. That was long, long
ago, in its early. stages. Then it
turned into a re-defining of what
Nature is which turned into my
ideas. about myth. I read twhat
other people said about myth, and
decided how I wanted to define it
for the purpose of reading Milton.”
This concept finally provided the
point of focus I wanted, and I
could go on from there, Further
narrowing of the subject came
when I decided to treat Milton
alone, then Paradise Lost alone.
Once I began wniting, the general
structure of ideas remained during
all stages of rewriting.”
The book, then, is a study of
how the technical aspects of Par-
adise Lost fit in with Milton’s sub-
ject matter—“for the subject is
mythical—not that he didn’t be-
lieve in it. I define myth as a re-
ligious story believed in by the
_ people. The rest of the book takes
language, metaphor, and subplots
like Satan’s voyage.”
Paradise Lost as ‘Myth’ has been
considerably altered from. the
Ph.D. thesis, Mrs. MacCaffrey add-
ed. The original lengthy theoret-
ical part on myth has been reduced
to two chapters, “and the rest of
the book is about the poem—a
much better proportion in my view
». ~ You get very long-winded in a
Ph.D. thesis.”
In forthcoming works, Mrs. Mac-
Caffrey would like to write on
other long poems of a philosoph-
ical nature, “not necessarily myth-
ical.” She is particularly interest-
ed in Spenser and ‘Wordsworth,
and would probably deal with sev-
eral writers rather than a single
Gallery to Exhibit
Jansehka’s Work
On its second floor, the Newman
Gallery will offer an interesting
change from the naturalistic sun-
sets downstairs, when Bryn Mawr’s
Fritz Janschka begins his show
there on November 20. Artist in
residence here since 1949, when
he came on an exchange basis
under the aspices of the Cather-
wood Foundation, Mr. Janschka is
enthusiastic about the gallery’s
new experiment, The Contempor-
ary Gallery was opened in January
of this year as an attempt to over-
come the gallery’s tradition of
showing only realistic paintings.
Mr. Janschka’s show will be the
fifth so far. Mrs. Newman’s aim
is to make this a center of modern
art in Philadelphia.
In what he describes as a “large,
beautiful gallery,” Mr. Janschka’s
versatility will be clearly seen, He
will show fourteen oil paintings,
thirteen water colors, twelve draw-
ings, and twelve pieces of sculp-
ture. The exhibit will last about
a month. It is certain to be of in-
terest both to Bryn Mawr art pa-
trons and to neophytes of art, and
a cordial invitation is issued to all
to visit the Newman Gallery on
up successive technical aspects and
how they express myth—structure,
s Alumna Talks on Travndtator’s Art
This is the first of a series
of articles by and about alumna
whose success in various fields
of endeavor makes their ex-
periences of interest to the
campus at large. ED.
Dear CoLLEcE News,
I majored in Latin, with the
vague aim of becoming a cultivat-
ed person. I was not a real schol-
ar, nor did J have a talent for or«
iginal writing. In 1930 the De-
pression was just beginning to “be
felt and I don’t believe a very large
percentage. of students prepared
themselves for a career. I had
marvellous teachers: Miss Swind-
ler, who loved Latin poetry; Miss
Taylor, whose scholarship was
contagiously enthusiastic; Mr.
Broughton, whose course in Latin
prose composition was wonderful
training for writing good English.
Subsequently--I spent six years
in France and Italy. They were
apparently idle, but I did’ uncon-
scidusly absorb the language and
feeling of both countries. French
I had always known, but the Ital-
ian literature of past centuries is
still one of my many gaps.
Im New York, during the early
part of the war, I was lucky enough
to fall in with some Italian anti-
Fascist exiles and to work with
them on their magazine. I had to
translate articles in a hurry and
acquired the habit of cutting
through difficulties fast.
My first book came through per-
sonal connections with a publisher;
the second (‘Carlo Levi’s Christ
Stopped at Eboli) was published at
a psychologically favorable moment
(just after the war) and became
one of the instigators of the almost
exaggerated vogue for things Ital-
ian, which rapidly extended to
movies and food. After several
Italian novels, I got a French one
and others followed. I have work-
ed almost uninterruptedly for
twelve years, mostly on _ novels,
with short stories and magazine
articles in between. Once your
name has gotten into print, people
are apt to call on you.
The first requisite of translation
(as others have said before me)
is English style: sentences with an
English rhythm and cadence. In
translating from a Latin language,
one must make an effort to use
words of Anglo-Saxon origin.
(From a Germanic language the|
Walnut Street and see Mr. Jan-
schka’s work.
opposite would be true.) ‘The ob-
ject is to make the reader feel that
the book might have been written
in English. ‘When the original is
very slangy it is a real problem.
To put French slang into Amer-
ican slang is not the answer, be-
cause everyone knows that French
characters would not speak that
way. One has to be colloquial
without being slangy, and some-
thing is inevitably lost. If the re-
viewers make no comment on the
translation at all, I am quite sat-
isfied, since it means it did not
get in their way and they can
judge the book for its content.
The second requisite is a feeling
for how people think in the coun-
try of the original. One example
that comes to mind is the French
or Italian phrase, literally: “He’s
a good Catholic.” In this country
this would stress the fact that he
is a Catholic rather than a Protes-
tant or a Jew. But in countries
where everyone is nominally Cath-
alic it is equivalent to saying:
“He’s a_ strict churchman or
Knowing the foreign language
is the last.of the requisites. With-
out the other two it is of little
use, oat
I don’t know that I could advise
anyone to make a career of trans-
lating. It is free-lance work and
hence irregular; it is not very well
paid, being paid by the number of
words rather than by the time
spent upon it. Also it is rather
lonely, unless you are doing it for
some international organization.
One may make as much as $4000
a year but there are no paid vaca-
My advice as to how to get start-
ed is this: Find in some foreign
magazine a short story or article
by—a_writer- known for—his-books.
The strength of his name will help
to place it in an American maga-
zine. Omce your name is in print
as a translater, write to twenty
ibook publishers and ask for a nov-
el to translate.
I have seldom proposed a book
to a publisher; I prefer to wait un-
til I am asked to do one. How-
ever, one very agreeable side-line
is reading and writing reports on
foreign books which authors or
agents have submitted to publish-
ers. Thus I am paid for keeping
up with contemporary foréign writ-
ers. And the more books J read in
this way the broader basis I have
er. ‘When I am most at a loss as
Continued on Page 6, Col. 3
You will get ans-|
Students Attend
AAIC Conclave —
‘Rosalind Conn and Karen Will-
ner represented Bryn Mawr, on
the weekend of October 24, at a
conference sponsored by the er-
ican Association of International —
Clubs and held in New York City.
They emerged enthusiastic and
full of ideas, if also rather ex-
Rosalind explained that the goal
of the conference was to formulate
what American policy is (and
should be) towards the Eastern
European nations. Each of the
colleges was asked to do extensive
preliminary research on one of the
countries under discussion. In the
case of Bryn Mawr, this country
of concentration was Rumania.
East European Relations
On Saturday morning discussion
began. The topic of U.S. rela-
tions with Eastern Europe was
broken down into more workable
discussion areas: political, econom-
ic, cultural, and defensive or stra-
tegic, Rosalind was in a group of
eight discussing political relations.
“Our group was probably the
most radical there. The eight of
us at first just sat down with the
sheet (of questions) and started
screaming at one another. Ewvery
possible extreme of opinion was
represented, There was an ideal-
ist, who kept asking if what we
were .doing was humanitarian,
someone else who wanted entirely
selfish self-interest and advocated
a containment policy, and also
some freedom fighters, insisting on
selif-determination at any cost. At
first we bogged down in a define-
your-terms sort of argument, but
by the end of the morning we be-
gan to work out some conclusions.
Even though we were ‘political’
we managed to touch on every-
Realistic Policy
“The major recommendations of
the group were that the U.S. have
a realistic foreign policy based on
its ideology. I think what we
meant was that the first policy in
our history was the containment
policy, a policy which went against
the American ideology. American
ideals are the self-determination
of peoples, therefore the end of
our foreign policy should be self-
determination for these countries,
[even if this may not be in our best
interests. ‘We stressed the ex-
Continued on Page 6, Col. 1
by Betsy Levering
The past Saturday morning I
approached the new Solomon R.
Guggenheim [Museum by 5th Ave-
nue bus with ‘partisan predisposi-
tions. Neither “reactionary” crit-
ics, nor the moustached bus driver
who remarked “That’s a strange
one!” when I asked him this con-
troversial museum’s whereabouts,
had convinced me that this brave
experiment was not an unqualified
success. (Now, after three hours
in Frank Lloyd \Wright’s last mon-
ument, I’m afraid I’ve joined the
list of its detractors.
The museum is enjoying the pat-
ronage of novelty, and om Satur-
day a. long line stretched out from
the entrance into the rain. Once
inside, the visitor immediately en-
ters the great rotunda. Around
him, on a white marble floor set
with potted plants, are sculpted
pieces by Brancusi, Lipchitz and
others. Albove is*a soaring space,
broken at its circumference by the
spiral tiers of the ramp, and cap-
ped by a handsome skylight dome.
The wals are all in an ivory off-
white, and even on this grey day,
the effect was one of brilliance.
I took the elevator to the top
tier of the ramp now in use in or-
der to proceed down the ramp
along the collection. At the very
Joins Ranks of Guggenheim Detractors
top many more persons crowded
the edge of the ramp than looked
at the paintings; a student of
architecture, apparently, made
sketches on a small pad; a guard
in an ill-fitting grey uniform with
the irrelevant caption ‘Madison”
on his arm checked a concealed
thermometer; and I tried to get
my bearings. The ramp, which
must ‘be about 20 feet in width,
slopes downward, but it also seems
to have another slope. I was un-
able to decide whether this second
slope was toward the outside of
the building or rather toward the
rotunda. The effect was that of a
strange, uneasy but exciting sus-
pension in space. One elderly lady
remarked that she was glad of a
cane bought especially for this vis-
it. Another admitted to a “feel-
ing like a slight seasickness.” The
guards, meanwhile, continually
called, “Dén’t lean over the edge,
boys, don’t lean over the edge.”
The collection is ranged along
the outside wall, which is divided
by shallow partitions into galler-
ies. On the two uppermost levels
of the ramp, the unframed paint-
ings are mounted on metal rods
projecting about four feet from
the curved wall. Washed by a
painfully bright incandescent light,
they seem to float in it. Chagall’s
floating bodies, when I came upon
them later in the collection, were
only too familiar.
The crowd was large and, on a
Saturday morning, diversified, al-
though the number of students
and parents with children was dis-
portionately lange. The building
was a cone of sound, the revenbera-
tion of heels on marble and sev-
eral hundred voices. I was trying
to eavesdrop and found it imposs-
ible unless I literally stood at the
speaker’s elbow. At one point I
came upon three outwardly dis-
tinguished men speaking French.
Trying to follow both their move-
ment and their conversation, I dog-
ged them so blatently that a guard
came over and whispered to me
that the most portly of the three
‘was (Mr. Sweeney, the museum’s
director. ‘Chastened, I hurried on
to inspect Wilhelm de Kooning’s
bright slashes.
Hurrying on to the next picture,
in any case, was the thing to do.
The slope of the ramp precipitates
one downward, as does the pres-
sure of the crowd. It was possible
to escape from the inexorable
plunge by ducking within the par-
titions of the galleries; but there
one is only a few feet away from
the canvases, most of which are
quite large and even frightening
at that range. One might as well
of five feet.
The collection can be seen from
another vantage point, however.
A semi-circular balcony projects,
like a bite out-of a pie, over the
rotunda on each “storey” of the
ramp. (rom these balconies it is
possible to see almost every paint-
ing, decorating the beige walls like
bright mosaics. It’s a handsome
sight, this striking building with
its patterned splotches of color.
Harsh as it may be to say it, the
truth is that the museum does not
complement the paintings; the
paintings complement the museum.
The collection itself was distin-
guished. The old museum was
called at one time “The Solomon
R. Guggenheim Museum of Non-
Objective Painting”, and works of
the school of abstract expression-
ism still predominate, Four gal-
leries are devoted to Kandinsky;
this sequence is by far the most
impressive in the museum, for it
covers the full ramge of his devel-
opment from a turn-of-the-century
realism through a modified sur-
realistic period to delicate abstrac-
tions that are reminiscent of Klee.
Klee himself is represented, al-
though inadequately. Other great
names in 20th century painting dot
the collection: Miro, Franz Kline,
Chagall, Wilhelm de Kooning,
view “Guernica” from a distance
Mondrian, Picasso, Leger, Georges
Mathieu, Delaunay, Braque, Modi-
ghiani, even Cezanne, represented
by a portrait, which seemed a lit-
tle out of place.
As I came down the ramp, I
passed a group of small boys who
were laughing at a gloomy ab-
straction by Auguste Herbini en-
titled “(Composition on the Name
Rose.’” To one side a well-dress-
ed man with an accent explained
Wilfredo Lam’s “Rumblings of
Earth” to a blond child of perhaps
seven, asking her “What do you
get out of it?” One man stared
at Franz Kline’s “Painting No. 7,
1952”, and when he had examined
it more closely, exclaimed, “I’m
surprised that’s a painting!”
Outside again, I crossed Fifth
Avenue to the Central Park side and
sat down on a bench. ‘A fashionable
but agitated woman in. grey her-
ringbone joined me. “I hadn't
really gotten a good look at the
outside before,” she said without
preamble. Neither had I. We
concentrated on the _ building,
strangely low and heavy among
its conventional fellows, but to me
very pleasing. “It’s odd,” my com-
panion observed, “that with all
this talk nobody’s said that the
museum is another manifestation
of the space age.” With that she
collected her belongings and hur-
ried off to a bus. I followed suit,
: ios CEs eee Ter
Page Four
Wednesday, November 6, 1959
“Still NLife” Performance “On Gold Standard”
Continued from Page 1, Col. 4
gent flavoring properties), it is not
inconsistent with any characteri-
, zation that he suddenly assumes
such a dynamic role in the pro-
ceedings. The composition of Still
Life was smooth and knowing.
“As for the dialogue upon which
all this was aligned: it got where
it was supposed to go, was gener-
aly of a high order, though rarely
really smashing. This was in
part due to, and in part respons-
ible for, the seeming lack of char-
acter development truly generated
by and integral to the plot. We
think that perhaps the convention-
ality of the White Collar-Mountain
Dew context, to which both char-
acter and dialogue were constant-
ly forced to refer, was responsible
for-this weakness. It is the lack
of really convincing written char-
acterization which caused certain
~ scenes, such as Haig’s “Thinking
Seene” in Act Ill (the source of
his worry was never very clearly
stated, we think), to fall behind
the pace set by the rest of the
show. ° < aaea
Jr.’s Live Characters
Acted characterization is a cow
of another purple, however. If the
characters came alive, it was be-
cause the Juniors were living their
parts. The acting was universally
okay, and the more so because the
level of concentration on stage
never dropped, Under the happily
informal direction of Anita Dop-
ico, whichleft an imaginative cast
plenty of “room to spread”, and
with the grace of a longer-than-us-
ual period of rehearsal time, the
. cast as a whole and as individuals
were able to polish stage “busi-
ness”. and: details to an often al-
most professional finish. ©
‘Leads and minor characters lis-
tened to each other, looked at each
other, made faces at each other
throughout the show: yet the total
effect was so well controlled that
no scene was. ever flagrantly “stol-
en”, nor was the audience’s atten-
tion ever totally diverted from the
proper object of its focus, and one
was only aware of a general sense
of theatrical well-being; of observ-
ing real and formed characters go-.
ing entertainingly about their
business with poise and imagin-
Cathy Inspires
‘Cathy (Lucas as (Claudia McClure
skipped through the show with
unflagging lightness and infecti-
ous gaiety: she was instrumental
in establishing the tone of the per-
formances by inviting all others
on stage to match her verve. No
one refused the invitation, Mag
Parlin’s performance as Alexander
Haig was solidly convincing: please
note—her voice and diction sur-
mounted (Goodhart’s stubbornly in-
surmountable acoustics. Judy Lef-
kowitz’s (Methuselah was properly
gangly, endearingly bloodthirsty,
and very winning indeed. Becky
Tingle as Ma, and Janet Lambor-
ghini as Aunt Em were outstand-
ing: their business and inflection
~were often impeccable. Examples:
Ma producing a handkerchief from
her bosom in a moment of stress,
and with it, in one swift, exquisite
gesture, sniffling and wiping her
matriarchal brow; Aunt Em’s shat-
tering revelation that her famous
evil eye was never even snide, and
that her reputation was only fos-
tered out of “prahd, sinful prahd!”
Honorable jobs also by Cisca Du-
ran4Reynals, who played Narcissa
with great ease, perfect timing,
and a bag full of tricks; and by
members of the cast too numerous
to name.
Songs “Predictable”
If there was a flaw in Still Life’s
music, which, like the show it punc-
tuated, was generally polished and
jit was perhaps that it re-
Rn ran te Pe ath A Aaa
/time, and much of the unfortun-
f too greatly to ‘itself: there
was a certain préetlictability in:the
songs, ‘which were however, al-
ways melodic, and in the arrange-
ments, which were bright and
pleasant anyway. The lyrics, not-
ably Anne Eberle’s, were smart
and pertinent, ahd they blended
well with the music they accom-
panied. (Again, organization must
be mentioned: that of the chorus
numbers, which were clear and ef-
fective. Again, we must mention
the Abominable Acoustic that lurks
in Goodhart: a few of the songs,
Haig’s “Thinking Song”, and the
secretaries’ “Whiskey-Break”, drag
ged: they seemed too long, possibly
because many of the lyrics were
lost in Goodhart’s trackless waste,
though the voices which pronounc-
ed them were usually good and
sidered as the sum of its parts.
Each of the facets, considered by
itself, is rarely more than semi-
precious; there is an unfortunate
opacity about the script, the osten-
sible vehicle of any show, undoubt-
edly due to this reflection on its
context: that is is difficult to make
an old chestnut blossom. Still, the
weight and compactness of the
plot were sufficient to sustain and
afford opportunities for much fine
and inventive acting. We might
say that it is the acting which was
the true vehicle of Still Life, which
propelled it, made it move, and
which endowed the whole with a
value of vivacity that put the
whole performance very definite-
ly on the Gold \Standard.
The Junior Show Program
incorrectly attributed the music
of the “Whiskey Break” song
to Patricia Roberts. The music
‘was actually written by Karen
Black. min
Current Events
“The ‘Sense of Injustice” is the
title of the (Current Events lecture
We were particularly impressed
with the office set, with its graph-
mural, with its red telephones; the
McClure homestead set was at-
mospheric .and. well-executed, .and
the red-curtained doorway and
realistic shack afforded much.
amusing lbusiness—people inside
talking to people outside, Jackie
Mars making a face from behind
the curtain-flap at some unwel-
come “furriner.” The technical as-
pects of the show were remarkable:
again, it is appropriate to mention
the expanded rehearsal schedule,
which would seem a good innova-
tion for. all Junior Shows to come.
Sixty-one is the only class on
record to have finished their set in
record time; that is, before the
last half of the last week of re-
hearsal. It would also seem that
greater familiarity with and. pro-
ficiency in their parts allows Jun-
iors to have a better time; the au-
dience consequently has a better
ately traditional Class Show ten-
sion is relieved.
Costumes “Appropriate”
‘Costumes were colorful and ap-
propriate, though in some instanc-
es skirts might have replaced the
blue-jeans and bermuda shorts
which adorned several of the soi-
disantes mountain gals.
Other polished facets of thespian
know-how should be mentioned:
the precision of the two revenuers
marching into Haig’s office, the
deftly managed “romantic” scenes,
whieh somehow avoided stickiness
and incongruity; the careful intro-
duction of the audience to groups
before individuals, as in the first
Ozark scene of the play. If indi-
vidual caricatures are established
before a chorus or group number,
the attention of the audience can
tend to be directed towards the
contemplation of some individual
member of the ‘group, and the effect
of the scene, which is meant to be
a total impression, is destroyed.
Still Life proceeded from the for-
est to. the trees in a sensible and
coherent fashion. Another cita-
tion: the proficient transition
from exposition to kick-chorus, al-
ways difficult, and aided in this
production by the smaller-than-
usual number of dancers, and the
demure choreography which was
quite in keeping with the current
The particular brilliance of Still
Life is its polish and its detail, or,
more particularly, the polish of its
Monday, November 9 at 7:15 p.m.
by ‘Milnor Alexander, ex-warden
of Rockefeller and present Assist-
ant in the department of Political
Miss Alexander’s talk will be a
discussion of civil liberties and
current important cases at law in-
volving them.
News Reviewer Praises and Criticizes
Pre-B’way Opening, “Only in America”
by Mary Ann Amdur
Harry Golden has won recent
renown with the publication of
tw books, Only in America and For
2¢ Plain. These works are com-
pilations of the best articles from
his newspaper, The Carolina Israel-
ite, wherein he has expressed his
ideas, impressions, recollections, in
a charming fashion. This man’s
personality and the strange story
behind his success are important
elements in Jerome Lawrence and
Robert E. Lee’s new play, Only In
America, currently at the Forrest
Theatre in Philadelphia, Contrary
to natural assumption, this com-
edy-drama is not an adaptation of
the book; it tells the story of how
Golden started his newspaper, how
he subsequently compiled his first
book, Only In America, and how
resulting events affected his life.
Golden ig a man with liberal
ideas which he practices—the hir-
ing of a negro secretary—and free-
ly expresses in his one-man news-
paper. Initially, he arouses the
animosity of many people, but ul-
timately wins their respect and
friendship. This is true to so great
an extent that they solicit his mem-
bership on the Charlotte school
board. ‘His refusal to work with
them is as startlirig a blow to the
audience as it is to the lawyer-
friend who has asked for his co-
operation. (We then learn that a
past prison term has made Harry
Golden afraid of personal public
contact. ‘He lives in constant fear
that his secret wilbe. discovered.
Its ultimate exposure leads not to
disgrace as he had expected, but
rather to the realization that his
friends will remain faithful and
that many thousands of people are
very much interested in his ideas
regardless of his past.
A propaganda play, like many
others of this era, Only In Amer-
ica attacks the problem of preju-
dice from as many angles as is
possible. ‘Golden brings cultural
pride to the Jews of Charlotte and
actively opposes racial segrega-
tion. (He himself also learns that
social prejudice can be overcome.
On the whole, these arguments are
convincingly presented, touched
with humor, but direct and force-
ful. Nehemiah Persoff is an im-
pressive and sensitive Harry Gold-
en. ‘Lynn Hamilton gives an ex-
cellent portrayal of the ‘courage-
ous rebel—she is a negro doing
work that is reserved for the
whites. Shepperd Strudwick’s per-
formance as the lawyer is smooth
and convincing, All supporting
roles are excellently handled.
Shannon Bolen, however, leaves
much tobe desired in her inter-
pretation of the role of Kate Gold-
ne. She is too stiff and her part is
often too melodramatic to be be-
In their attempt to prvoide com-
edy, the authors of this play are
generally successful, for humor is
an inherent trait in the character
of Harry Golden. They seem,
however, to go overboard in pre-
senting the somewhat ridiculous
picture of Golden.“batting. out his
Continued on Page 6, Col. 4
Letters to the Editor
Student On Disarmament
Centinued from Page 2, Col. 2
what blindness! We should not be Marxists_and
Leninist revolutionaries, not disciples of Marx,
Engels, Lenin and Stalin, if we were not capable
of completely altering our tactics and our mode of
action as circumstances may dictate. But all the
ins and outs of our tactics are directed to a. single
|end—the world revolution,”
If this is so, then military arming is not enough.
We need an Idea in our hearts and minds, as well
as a gun in our hands. You can’t meet or defeat an
idea by being anti-it, ignoring. it, or shooting it.
You have to meet an idea with a superior idea. Most
of the ideas advanced on government and world
affairs up to now have been based on_a policy of
“who’s right”—a race, a. nation, a class, a person.
What we need is a policy of “what’s right.”
—.-The implications of this are tremendous, But
how does anyone know what’s right? All we know
is what seems best or expedient or advantageous
for us. Just as there are certain absolute standards
for building a house, cooking hollandaise sauce, or
writing freshmen comps, so are there certain ab-
solute standards which determine what is right—
honesty, purity, unselfishness, and love. These
standards will not work for the world unless we
start with ourselves. I had to. Only after I had
taken down the barriers of dishonesty, hate, and
the rest, could I-see what was right, and then the
wires between God and me were cleared and —I
could ask Him what His plan was for me. ~
Someone has said, “New men, new nations, a
new world.” Our human nature is the root of the
world’s problems, but “Human nature can be
changed—that is the root of the answer. National
economies can be changéd—that is the fruit of the
answer. World history can be changed—that is the
destiny of our age.” Carolyn L. Smith, ’62
Undergrad Celebrates 10th
Continued from Page 2, Col. 3
person in charge of overseas students to increase
their often limited incidental expense money and
to take care of emergencies.
The Bryn Mawr undergraduates on the other
hand have consistently footed the bills for all ex-
penses of at least one student every year, on occasion
even two, and for three years gave a monthly al-
lowance to one student (whose basic expenses were
covered) in addition to paying’ tuition, residence,
and incidental expense money to their particular
protegee. Due to government currency restrictions
or family circumstances it is sometimes impossible
for students to accept even the most generous
scholarship, if no money for personal expenses is
supplied at least during the first academic year
before they are allowed or able to help support
themselves with paid employment. The realization —
Bachrach Rebels At Inferences
But Commends Recent Issues
‘November 2, 1959
To the Editor:
I have a complaint and a compliment to make.
First for the complaint. Two weeks ago I dis-
cussed the steel strike at Current Events. My main
thought was that the Union, as it began negotia-
tions last summer, was in a comparatively disad-
vantageous pdsition. Recognizing its advantage,
industry threw down the gauntlet by demanding
sweeping reforms of the work rules. This had the
effect of solidifying the Union’s ranks behind the
here-to-fore unpopular David McDonald. Owing to
the ambiguity and inflexibility of industry’s de-
mand the public tended to become more sympathetic
toward the steel workers.. The disequilibrim in
power was corrected and a protracted fight was
the result, «=
I was mildly startled the following Thursday
when I read a headline in the College News that
“Bachrach examines strangle hold industry has on
labor in the U.S.A.” The text was somewhat bet-
ter although there were some inaccuracies in it.
I don’t think that I shy away from subscribing to
an unorthodox position, but it is unpleasant to be
saddled with a position with which I don’t agree.
This criticism aside, the recent issues of the
News have been genuinely interesting to read. The
interchanges of ideas on the editorial page have
been sharp and provocative on important issues,
also the articles on research activities of students
and faculty have been excellent. Speaking as one
member of the college community, I would like
to see the News continue along these lines, em-
phasizing an interchange of opinions and ideas
which transcend our life at the college. In this way
the College News can perform a valuable service
of relating the interest and concerns of the student
in her immediate task at the college and the board-
er issues which confront the world.
Peter Bachrach
Harvard Routs BMC, Penn
Bryn Mawrters were apprised of a heretofore
unknown fact by Harvard’s marching band, name-
ly that 7:30 A.M. exists—even on Saturday.
Unlike most learning procedures, this knowledge
was not acquired through gradual exposure to an
idea, but took the form of a rude awakening. At
7:30 A.M. sounds similar to thunder reverbrated
over the campus. The Harvard marching band had
stormed Bryn Mawr.
___ Within seconds several hundred sleepy Bryn
‘Mawrters congregated on the law to determine
if Harvard men are realy human and the nature
of existence among thoge dwelling so far from
Bryn Mawr. After half hour’s serenade, the band
of this fact constitutes a special ‘
detail: it is at its best when con-
nection. ———— =e
memset TT ee
cs . Vai
‘Undergrad” dis-
S eat
left, truly inspired, and upset Penn (almost to the
Wednesday, November 6, 1959
Page Five
Hockey First Team Ties Swarthmore 1-1
Teams Exhibit Great Improvement
by Pixie Schieffelin
The hockey game last week
against our arch rival, Swarth-
more, was exciting for two rea-
sons: there were spectators (all
the Bryn Mawr students who came
to see their Swarthmore friends),
and the varsity did not lose. The
first team game was a draw 1-1
and ‘the junior varsity went down
3-1. (Kit Mumford, the left inner,
scored the varsity point and ‘Polly
‘Merrill, center forward, made the
junior varsity goal.
Both teams showed considerable
improvement over previous games,
During the first half of the varsity
game, the ball was down at the en-
emy goal about 75% of the time.
However, the forward line seemed
to fall apart in the striking circle.
There were faw hard shots for the
goal, and the offense diddled with
the ball too long.
Defense Strengthened
With the addition of Amy Cha-
pin as left halfback, the defense
was greatly strengthened. Amy
has the dubious. privilege of being
the first person on a Bryn: Mawr
team ever to execute a circular tac-
kle on our field.
The junior varsity game was the
occasion of a complete metamor-
phosis. (During the first half the
players seemed to be dragging
through the Slough of Despond.
Swarthmore scored three goals
within the first 7 minutes, which
admittedly is discouraging.
However, in the second half,
Bryn Mawr rose out of its lethar-
gy and took the initiative. Polly
Merrill won the center bully and
from then on the ball was in our
hands. The ball was in the strik-
ing circle constantly, the only
problem was aiming in the right
‘Mac \Scheullkopf played a beau-
tiful game as center halfback, She
‘used her head and changed the dis-
tribution’ of play from one side of
the field to the other. Mac ran
fast enough to reposition herself
in front of the oncoming Swarth-
more offense, Joan Simpson, the
goalie, prevented several goals,
and Lisa Dobbin, right fullback,
made some nice stops. As left
halfback ,Jo ‘Rosenthal ruined
cagey Swarthmore maneuvers.
Forward Line Shines
During the second half the for-
ward line -.playedtogether and:
made hard and wide hits. Kate
Niles and Liz Reed as left inner
and wing were largely responsible
for getting the ball up to the strik-
ing circle.
The starting line-up for the var-
Students Discuss Relations With Europe
Recommend Policy Based On Ideology
by Toni Thompson
Chairman of AIESEC
As future citizens of the world
it is our right and obligation to
know the mores and people of the
countries with which we will be in
contact. In order to act effective-
ly as citizens, the situation must
be thoroughly understood and I
feel A.IJEJSJE.C. (the Internation-
al (Association for Students in Ec-
onomic-and Commercial Sciences),
as a student exchange program
for work abroad provides the op-
portunity for close relationships
with, and comprehension of, for-
eign lands and peoples.
Student Controlled
AIESEC was founded and is con-
trolled by students but also has
Mumford, Edie Murphy, Sally Da-
vis, Bea Preyer, Connie Stuckert,
Weecha Busé, Melanie Yaggy,
Margie McHenry, Amy Chapin
and Corky Corcoran. Sue Johnson,
playing her first varsity game,
substituted as right inner.
‘Starting for the ‘second team
were Liz Reed, Kate Niles, Polly
Merrill, Sue Johnson, Joey Under-
wood, Jo Rosenthal, Mac Schuell-
kopf, Vicky Robbins, Lisa Dobbin,
Barb Reid and Joan Simpson. The
substitutes included Pud_ Kibler,
sity game was: (Marion Davis, Kit
Abby Trafford and Ellen Ober.
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the financial backing and support
of prominent. international figures
in all fields. As most of our col-
lege organizations are unable to
fulfill the specific student needs in
the international field AIESEC
comes to the Bryn Mawr campus
with this as its main concern. Be-
sides interesting international ex-
perience, this exchange program
provides for social and cultural ac-
tivities with other students in one’s
working afea abroad. Practical-
ities such as working papers and
accommodations are arranged pre-
vious to arrival. Trips, as well as
international seminars and study
tours, are a part of the groups
AIRSEC also maintains a close
connection with the faculty due
both to the educational process
and to the professors’ participa-
tion on the college AIBSEC Ad-
visory Board. Close cooperation
between students and the faculty
is worthwhile both for itself and | :3.
for the insight and experience of
those more worldly-wise than we!
Business Experience
‘Besides these advantages AIE-
SEC also provides unequalled busi-
ness experience for the student. If
one is planning to go into business
the experience of contact with na-
other country’s economic and com-
mercial set-up increases one’s
value to one’s own country and
future employer. If you are not
making business a career an AJE-
SEC summer will enrich you by
the close friendships and cultural
stimulation you -will find im Eur-
ope; it twill increase your realiza-
tion of your responsibilities as an
international citizen.
Bryn Mawr with its high aca-
demic standards and varied inter-
ests is an ideal location for a Local
Committee. I hope you all will
support this very worthwhile proj-
ect for I feel it is a challenge to
the initiative. of the individual
which more than compensates in
its rewards.
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Marriage Panel
Continued from Page 1, Col. 2
is an understanding on the part of
the married couple on mutual
“extra-curricular activities”.
The other panel members asked
whether it was not possible for
male and female in a married state
to love each other as much as in
an adulterous one. Watts said that
was not the question, When one
falls in love outside of marriage,
it is am act of infidelity to oneself
and the Holy Ghost to turn one’s
back on it. “We must get out of
the sloppy identification of mar-
riage with romantic love.”
‘Reverend Kintzing said that God
was as paradoxical as the state of
marriage, since God in the person
of Christ was profanized on earth.
He was also distrustful of basing
love only on emotion. Man needs
a dutiful love. He and Rabbi Ber-
kowitz rejected Watts’ dualism,
maintaining that all parts: of life
are equal.
Justification Of Divorce
Berkowitz agreed with Watts
in disdain of “inifinitizing the finite
. do the-sin of
idolatry” in retaining a loveless
marriage. (Divorce, said the Rabbi,
is justified in such a case. Watts
felt that with a free enough mar-
riage, divorce would be unneces-
sary. Berkowitz, not knowing what
God wants in terms of love and
marrige, did not want to conjure
up laws in the relationship of male
and female; thereby agreeing with
Watts against the profanization
of love in marriage.
“A divine something has come
to me, wife, stick it out with the
kids”, was Desjardin’s reaction to
Watts in his explanation of the
topic. Like Kintzing, he feels the
need for contacts and symbols to
bind emotions and senses and to
avoid the “disastrous infatuations”
of Watts.
Watts: on Buddhism
Continued from Page 1, Col. 59
to explain Zen Buddhism is to call
it a “way of liberation”. Any be-
ing brought up in human society
is educated and taught the rules
of the society. He is taught what
nature is, what is unnatural, what
is good, what is bad, and so on.
After this education the precess
must be stopped, the people must
be “unwanped”. This is the object
of Zen Buddhism. (Its idea is bas-
ically to overcome the hypnosis
of this education and to provide
an awakening.
Zen “Experience”
Zen is an experience. It concerns
peace, of enlightenment, which
usually comes upon one suddenly.
Zen literature is compriged of an-
ecdotes relating how satori was
achieved by various individuals—
for it is an individual experience.
The idea of the divine does not en-
ter jnto it; it is rather a sudden
realization that the world has no
problems in it—that the way it is
now is perfect and needs no ex-
planation at all. This realization
shows that all problems are creat-
ed by thinking, thus thought is
bad when it gains control and
causes problems rather than solv-
.|ing them. Another part of satori
is the realization that there is no
hard-and-fast division between
one’s self and the outside world.
All extremes are relative to the
sensitivities. In satori one feels
the relativity, but also knows that
people cannot tbe treated as indi-
It is most natural now to ask
how to achieve satori but, by
asking, one prevents this achieve-
ment to a degree. Asking implies
grasping, taking something which
one does not have. This goes
against the idea of inseparability
of self from surroundings. To
truly achieve satori, ome must re-
lex—not. grasp. ‘Satori and nir-
vana are almost the same, but sa-
tori is a momentary experience
itself with satori, a feeling of ©
= i
Wednesday, November 6, 1959
AAIC Convention
Continued from Page 3, Col. 5
change of educators and technical
‘assistance, with the idea that cul-
tural and educational exchange
must come first, no matter what
comes out of it. Another factor to
take into account is working in cor-
* dation with the policies of our
“In this conference you got a
strange mixture of minute details,
legalistic points, and highflown
ideals: ‘the U.S. wants peace’.
Opinions were drastically divergent.
One boy even said that we should
get away from this whole system
of democracy, and gradually sneak
power away from the people, work-
ing towards a more efficient com-
munistic government.
“The political groups’ were so
divided as to final stand that the
section as a whole presented a mi-
nority repor}. This disagreed with
the general opinion that the East-
ern European nations ought to be
recognized in the status quo. It
claimed instead that nationalism
was the dominant force running
through these nations, and that
the U.S. should support this na-
tional movement rather than rec-
ognizing the present satellite sys-
Karen, whose group discussed
economic policy, felt that the con-
clusions they arrived at were rath-
er washed out into nebulous am-
biguity in the final blend and sum-
ming up on Sunday morning. Gen-
erally, they favored increased
trade with the Russian satellites,
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thus decreasing their dependence
on Russia, They also recommend-
ed that active aid and trade be in-
creased in Yugoslavia and Poland.
Karen’s particular discussion
group, in which there were only
seven people, came to its conclu-
sions by noon on Saturday and in
the afternoon opened up the dis-
cussion to American foreign policy
in general. On Sunday morning,
when the synthesized reports were
read out, someone raised the ques-
tion: “Is a higher standard of liv-
ing a basis for liberalism?” “We
all gasped,” Rosalind said, “but it
was Sunday morning and ‘we didn’t
feel equipped to discuss it.”
Human Element Stresse
The groups discussing cultural
relations stressed the human ele-
ment—exchange of people as op-
posed to government exchange.
They recommended that specialists
exchange ideas with their foreign
counterparts, and particularly in-
sisted that in our propaganda we
should realistically admit our own
domestic problems.
The defense and strategy dis-
cussion groups proposed a five-
point plan in relation to Germany,
by which they hoped practically to
destroy NATO and the Warsaw
Pact and to establish Western Ger-
many as a neutral buffer state.
tire Eastern European area.
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Alumna Letter
Continued from Page 3, Col. 4
to what I think of a book, I am
saved by remembering the better
and worse ones on the same gen-
eral subject.
The translation of poetry and sci-
entific translatioms are special
fields of which I cannot speak. I
like novels most, and have enjoy-
ed some but not all trashy ones
almost as much as the rare ones
that are very good. 1 can only
work fast and hope that my first
draft will be fairly exact. In re-
The College Book Shop pre-
sents right now a new offering
on special sale, Good books in
fascinating variety.
New books at 1/3 to 1/2 price
$1, $1.98, $2.49, $2.98 and. up.
Sale starts Wednesday, Novem-
ber 4.
reading I don’t look back at the
original unless.I find I have writ-
ten something that doesn’t make
sense, Otherwise I re-read only to
better the English, which usually
means making it more free. Asa
result, I am sometimes accused by
writers of difficult prose of overly
clarifying and simplifying.
In spite of my discouraging
words above, I am quite wrapped
up in this kind of work. And ob-
viously new translators have got
to take the place of the old ones.
Yours very sincerely,
Frances Frenaye (’30)
(Mrs. Angelo C. Lanza)
“Only In America”
Continued from Page 4, Col. 5
ideas” with a sawed-off broom
handle, wearing a baseball cap.
Considering that this is supposed
Jto be a biographical play, this
Symmetry |
Continued from Page 1, Col. 1 (
a lecture by iM. E. Rose of the Oak"#) a
Ridge National Laboratory. aii
In the Chemistry section Mr.
Wilson will speak again, on “Mic-
rowave Spectroscopy,” and in the
Geology-Biology group Miss Op-
penheimer will discuss “Embryonic
Development of Bilateral Sym-
metry.” These are just a few of
the speakers and topics which will
highlight the “Symmetry in the
Sciences” symposium,
idiosyncracy may truly be Mr.
Golden’s means of finding inspir-
ation. It is the sort of action,
however, that, though plausible in
life, has no place in good drama.
Despite these inconsistencies,
this play has something to say,
and for the most part, says it well.
Eventually this would free the en-
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College news, November 4, 1959
Bryn Mawr College student newspaper. Merged with Haverford News, News (Bryn Mawr College); Published weekly (except holidays) during academic year.
Bryn Mawr College (creator)
6 pages
digitized microfilm
North and Central America--United States--Pennsylvania--Montgomery--Bryn Mawr
Vol. 46, No. 06
College news (Bryn Mawr College : 1914)--
Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation.