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College news, March 26, 1958
Bryn Mawr College student newspaper. Merged with Haverford News, News (Bryn Mawr College); Published weekly (except holidays) during academic year.
Bryn Mawr College (creator)
6 pages
digitized microfilm
North and Central America--United States--Pennsylvania--Montgomery--Bryn Mawr
Vol. 44, No. 18
College news (Bryn Mawr College : 1914)--
Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation.
i cepted a bouquet of American
Page Four
Wednesday, March 26, 1958
Hasty Pudding Club Nomes Katherine Hepburn Woman Of
Year, Offers Roses and Scroll for Tailored Anecdotes
The following article is reprint-
ed from The Radcliffe News:
“Katherine Hepburn, ariving five
minutes early at the Hasty Pud-
ding Club, Tuesday, stood unob-
served for a moment, watching her
host primp for her arrival. The
tasseled Latin American danseurs
dropped their , cigarettes and
quenched smoke rings as she
coughed. And she accepted the
proferred hands of welcome from
the Hasty Pudding Institute of
1770 to their Woman of the Year.
“Miss Hepburn graciously ac-
Beauty roses from John Damon
59, chairman of the event, Glanc-
ing down at her light beige, man-
tailored slack suit and holding up a
dropping bouquet, she remarked, ‘I
guess I can’t wear these on my
“Accepting the suggestion of a
nervous Pudding man who asked
if she would like to look at” the
posters, she promptly handed him
the bouquet. Holding the roses,
‘he followed her about, answering
the rapid fire questions she fired
at him about the club shows.
Maintaining the spontaneity that
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individual attention, advice on what's
characterizes her, she nevertheless
seemed to pose continually for the
cameramen around her.
ed by last year’s producer, William
Field, Miss Hepburn commented,
‘I don’t particularly believe in
awards, but I was very, very cur-
ious about this one. I realize that
the award is given to someone very
young, or who has endured a, long,
long time or to someone in town.’
“Miss Hepburn entertained a
ring of a Harvard men with enec-
dotes during luncheon. Her Har-
vard hosts were able to edge in
with a few questions and stories
too. When asked about The Afri-
can Queen with the late Humphrey
Bogart, she said some of the se-
quences were filmed in territory
uninhabited and unexplayed; she
had to keep her baggage down to
a minimum and was not even al-
lowed to brig her secretary. Also,
they found a bird, obviously dead
for weeks at the bottom of the wa-
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“As she accepted the scroll paint-
ter container, after the whole com-
pany had contracted dysentery.
‘Many of those present felt that
(Miss Hepburn was a refreshing
contrast to former Women of the
Year (Carol Baker. Others who
have received the award include
Ethel Mereman, Debbie Reynolds,
Gertrude Lawrence, and (in the
words of H. Marshall Schwartz,
68, who presented this year’s
award) ‘God forbid, Mamie Eisen-
hower.’ ~
“Summing up the evening for
those present, Miss Hepburn cooed
as she departed, “I’ve enjoyed it
no end’,”
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Continued from Page 1, Col. 2
which have lasted were those
“written out of personal rebellion”
rather than those written “under
Stalin’s nose.” :
The Stalinist critics failed to
be effective because, according to
Howe, a critic must look at the
work and see it through the eyes
of the author and then evaluate
it; this the party members were
unable to do. He said the Stalin-
ists study each work in relation
to their dogmas and can see no
further than that.
The party required those join-
ing to surrender everything, in-
cluding their idealism — their
values and beliefs. Gradually it
became more dogmatic; the Marx
system, Mr. Howe remarked is a
“closed system.”
Finally, “most of the people in-
volved in this movement left it,”
Mr. Howe said. For many, this
had. been the one adventure of
their lives; now perhaps they ask
themselves what it had all meant.
Light into that
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