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College news, February 11, 1959
Bryn Mawr College student newspaper. Merged with Haverford News, News (Bryn Mawr College); Published weekly (except holidays) during academic year.
Bryn Mawr College (creator)
6 pages
digitized microfilm
North and Central America--United States--Pennsylvania--Montgomery--Bryn Mawr
Vol. 45, No. 12
College news (Bryn Mawr College : 1914)--
Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation.
Page Six
Wednesday, February 11, 1959
Resurgent Morality and. the “Saturday Review”
hopefully, be provided with both |.
Continued from Page 2, Cols. 4, 5
to this country for plastic surgery
and medical .care a number of
Hiroshima Maideris disfigured by
radiation burns. This project,
which caught the popular imagin-
ation and touched the popular con-
science, was highly successful and
has led to a similar endeavor in
recent months.
This time the Saturday Review,
with contributions from its read-
ers, has brought upwards of thirty
of the Ravensbroek Lapins to the
United States for surgery and
medical attention. The Lapins, as
the name suggests, were Polish
girl guinea-pigs for Nazi medical
scientists during the war; they
suffered: operatigns-on- healthy tis-
sue, bones broken. to insert bits of
glass in the marrow, Never grant-
ed reparation by the post-war
German goverment or given res-
titutive medical care, they will,
by the Saturday Review.
Along political lines, one stand
the Saturday Review takes is fam-
ous, perhaps by virtue of mere rep-
etition: the position that war must
ibe eradicated through organization
and arms control. For SR—or
rather, perhaps, for its editor, Nor-
man Cousins—black is black and
white is white so far as this matter
is concerned, In the Atomic Age,
so the reasoning goes, war has be-
come unthinkable; even to contem-
plate it is a sin against humanity
dnd perhaps against all life on
earth. The only way to stave off
disaster is to push continually for
disarmament and a United Nations
‘with police powers. The impetus
for this push must come from an
awakening and resurgence of a
moral sense in the general public,
an awareness of present and pros-
pective criminality.
Phone: LAwrence 5-9488
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In a similar vein, Norman Cous-
ins has led the battle against
atomic testing, both in the pages
of the Saturday Review and as 4
charter member of the Committee
for a Sane Nuclear Policy.
‘Along with these projects and
distinct editorial leanings have
gone a number of articles under
“SR Ideas” relating “Politics and
Morality” (Adlai EXStevenson in
the February 7 issue), science and
religion (Warren Weaver, “A
Scientist Ponders Faith’, January
3) and so forth.
In this approach and outlook
the Saturday Review is unique,
so far as I know. In a time. of
hard, unoptimistic realism, an em-
inent, highly resepctable magazine
is conducting an idealistic cam-
paign reminiscent of an earlier,
more sanguine generation in our
century. This is a fact peculiarly
worthy of note. ;
Mrs. Marshall Speaks at Assembly
’ Continued from Page 1, Col. 3
after’ the war, the increase in en-
rollments meant that facilities had
to be expanded, and money raised
for them.
Other problems besetting the col-
lege presiderit—and here Mrs. Mar-
shall’s source was a book by a
college president—include reaction-
ary Board members, students whom
he never gets to know, and even,
Mrs. Marshall added regretfully,
deans left over from: the last ad-
ministration. This pessimistic view
of the president’s life was not one
with which Miss McBride would
agree, she thought.
In order to speak of Miss McBride
without “sounding like an obitu-
ary,” Mrs. Marshall again made use
of quotations. One was from the
speech made by | Marion Edwards
Park in 1942, when she announced
to the college that a new president
had been found. The other,.at the
opposite end of Miss McBride’s
term at Bryn Mawr, came from a
‘recent College News editorial ex-
tending the college’s best wishes
for her sabbatical. Mrs. Marshall,
for her part, is already looking for-
ward to the beginning of next year,
when Miss McBride will have re-
turned, and oe can go back to the
Dean’s Office.
Leo Spitzer, Professor Emeritus
of Romance Philology - at Johns
Hopkins University, will deliver
the Class of 1902 Lecture on Thurs-
day,’ February 12.
The lecture will take place in the
Common Room in Goodhart Hall
at 8:30 p.m. Professor Spitzer’s
‘topic will be “Courtly Love.”
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