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College news, May 1, 1950
Bryn Mawr College student newspaper. Merged with Haverford News, News (Bryn Mawr College); Published weekly (except holidays) during academic year.
Bryn Mawr College (creator)
6 pages
digitized microfilm
North and Central America--United States--Pennsylvania--Montgomery--Bryn Mawr
Vol. 36, No. 22
College news (Bryn Mawr College : 1914)--
Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation.
Monday, May 1, 1950
Page Three
Miss McBride Reads
List of Scholarships
(arranged in order of rank in class)
Scholarships to be held in
: the Senior Year
Charles S. Hinchman Memorial
Awarded for work of special ex-
cellence in the major subject, and
Maria L. Eastman Brooke Hall
Memorial Scholarship
Awarded to the member of the
junior class with the highest aver-
age, and ~
Lillia Babbitt Hyde Foundation
‘Harriet Elaine Smith of Forest
Hills, New York. Prepared by the
Forest Hills High School, Forest
Hills, New York. Class of 1902
Scholar, 1948-49; James E. Rhoads
Memorial Junior Scholar, 1949-50
Elizabeth S. Shippen Scholarship
in Language
Awarded for excellence of work
in a foreign language.
(Mildred Doris Kreis of Litchfield,
Connecticut. Prepared by the
Litchfield High School, Litchfield,
Connecticut, and Abbot Academy,
Andover, Massachusetts.
Jacob Fussell Byrnes and Mary
Byrnes Scholarship
Claire Hirschfield of Philadel-
phia, Pennsylvania. Prepared by
West Philadelphia High School,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Jacob
Fussell Byrnes and Mary Byrnes
Scholar, 1947-50.
Elizabeth S. Shippen Scholarship
in Science
Awarded for excellence of work
in science, and
Anna M. Powers , Memorial
Janice Taylor of Scarsdale, New
York. Prepared by the Scarsdale
High School, Scarsdale, New York.
Maria Hopper Scholar, 1948-49;
Anna Margaret and Mary Sloan
‘Scholar, 1949-60.
Seven ‘College National Scholarship
Margaret Ruth Carlson of Saint
Louis, Missouri. Prepared by the
‘Soldaw High School, Saint Louis,
Missouri. Seven College National
Scholar, 1947-50.
Seven College National Scholarship
Lola Mary Egan of Dallas, Tex-
as. Prepared by the Hockaday
School, Dallas, Texas. Seven Col-
lege National Scholar, 1947-50.
Susan Shober Carey Award
Jeanne Delano Richmond of Bal-
timore, Maryland. Prepared by the
Swarthmore High School, Swarth-
more, Pennsylvania, and the Bryn
Mawr School, Baltimore, Mary-
jand. Baltimore Alumnae Region-
al Scholar and Bryn Mawr School
Scholar, 1947-48; Anna Powers
Memorial Scholar, 1948-49.
Amelia Richards Scholarship
Elizabeth Jane Goldblatt of New
York City. Prepared by the Hun-
ter College High School, New York
City. James E. Rhoads Memorial
Sophomore Scholar, 1948-49; Mary
E. Stevens Scholar 1949-50.
New England Alumnae Regional
Eleanor Mackubin Lyman of
South Bristol, Maine. Prepared by |.
the Shore Country Day School,
‘Beverly, Massachusetts, and Chat-
ham Hall, Chatham, Virginia. New
England Alumnae Regional Schol-
ar, 1947-50.
Foundation Scholarship
Elizabeth Hollowell Parker of
Ellicott City, Maryland. Prepared
by the Westtown School, West-
town, Pennsylvania. Foundation
Scholar, 1947-50.
Thomas H. Powers Memorial
Jane Roller of Cheverly, Mary-
land. ‘Prepared by the Hyattsville
‘High School, Hyattsville, Mary-
land and the Eastern High School,
Washington, D. C. Alumnae As-
sociation Scholar, 1947-48; Wash-
ington, D. C. Alumnae Regional
Scholar, 1947-50.
Evelyn Hunt Scholarship
Deborah Putnam of Bryn Mawr,
Penngylvania. Prepared by the
, Lower Merion Township High
| School, Ardmore, . Pennsylvania.
Constance Lewis and Martha
Rockwell Moorhouse Class of 1904
Scholar, 1948-49;
Scholar, 1949-50.
French Government Scholarship
Patricia Ann Donoho of Ridgely,
Maryland. Prepared by the Mar-
ion High School, Marion, Mary-
land; Caroline High School, Den-
ton, Maryland; and National Cath-
edral School, Washington, D. C.
Jacob Orio and Elizabeth Clarke
Memorial Scholar, 1948-49,
George Bates Hopkins Memorial
Johanna Alderfer of State Col-
lege, Pennsylvania. Prepared by
the State College High School,
State College, Pennsylvania. The
Misses Kirk Scholar, 1948-49;
Anna Hallowell Memorial Scholar,
Jeanne Crawford Hislop Memorial
Ellen Louise Hanlon of Locust
Valley, Long Island, New York.
Prepared by the Friends Academy,
Locust Valley, Long Island, New
York. Jeanne Crawford Hislop
Memorial Scholar, 1949-50.
Anna Margaret Sloan and Mary
Sloan Scholarship
Joan Virginia Wililams of De-
troit, Michigan. Prepared, by
Kingswood (School, Cranbrook,
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. District
[V Alumnae Regional Scohlarship,
1947-49; Lorenz-Showers Scholar,
Anna Margaret Sloan and Mary
Sloan Scholarship
Elmira Mary Avery of Laurel
Springs, New Jersey. Prepared by
Cathedral High School, New York
‘Bryn Mawr College Book Shop
Trustees’ Scholarship
Sara Louise Esterline of Upper
Darby,.Pennsylvania. Prepared by
the Upper Darby High School,
Upper Darby, Pennsylvania. Bryn
Mawr College Book Shop Trustees’
Scholar, -.1947.50; Upper Darby}
Lions’ Club. Scholar, 1947-49.
Evelyn Hunt Scholarship
Doris Caspar Balant of Haver-
ford, Pennsylvania. (Prepared by
the Baldwin School, Bryn Mawr,
Pennsylvania. Evelyn Hunt. Scholar
Evelyn Hunt
and Lila M. Wright Memorial
Scholar, 1948-49; Anna Margaret
Sloan and .Mary Sloan Scholar,
Frances Marion Simpson
Joan Mary Brinton of Walling-
ford, Pennsylvania. Prepared by
the (Swarthmore High School,
Swarthmore, Pennsylvania, and
the Westtown School, Westtown,
Pennsylvania. Frances Marion
Simpson Scholar, 1947-50.
Minnie Murdock Kendrick
Memorial Scholarship
Marlyn Joan Piwosky of Phila-
delphia, Pennsylvania. . Prepared
by the Philadelphia High School
for Girls, Philadelphia, Pennsyl-
vania. (Minnie Murdock Kendrick
Memoriat Scholar, 1947-50.
Bryn Mawr Club of. Southern
California Scholarship
Edwin Gould Foundation
Mary Louise Price of Pasadena,
California. Prepared by the West-
ridge School for Girls, Pasadena,
California. Bryn Mawr Club of
Southern California Scholar and
Edwin Gould Foundation Scholar,
Seven College National
Sherrill Cowgill of San Fran-
cisco, California, Prepared by the
Sarah Dix Hamlin School, San
Francisco, California. Seven Col-
lege National Scholar, 1947-50.
Winifred Sexton of Pelham Ma-
nor,,New York. Prepared by the
Pelham Memorial High School,
Pelham, New York. Mary McLean
and Ellen A. Murter Memorial
Scholar, 1948-49; Caroline. McCor-
mick Slade Scholar, 1949-50.
Trustees’ Scholarship
“Pennsylvania State Scohlarship.
Caroline Harris;Taggart of Phil-
adelphia, Pennsylvania. eve
iby the Philadelphia High
for Girls, Philadelphia, Pennsyl-
vania. Pennsylvania State Scholar
and Trustees’ Scholar, 1947-50.
Scholarships to be Held in the
Junior Year
James E. Rhoads Memorial
Junior Scholarship
‘Mary Natelson of Brooklyn, New
York. Prepared by Erasmus Hall
High School, Brooklyn, New York.
James E. Rhoads Memorial Soph-
omore Scholar, 1949-50.
Frances Marion Simpson
Ruth Thomas McVey of Cata-
sauqua, Pennsylvania. Prepared
by the Catasauqua High School,
Catasauqua, Pennsylvania. Frances
Marion Simpson Scholar, 1948-50.
New England Alumnae Regional
Ruth Fumess. gm Memorial |
Martha Calef Heat of Dedham,
(Massachusetts. Prepared by the
Milton Academy, Milton, Massa-
chusetts. Susan Walker FitzGerald
Memorial Scholar, 1948-49; New
England Alumnae Regional Schol-
ar and Mary Williams Sherman
Memorial Scholar, 1949-50.
Mary E. Stevens Scholarship
Caroline Anna Smith of St.
Johnsbury, Vermont. Prepared, by
the Scarsdale High School, Scars-
dale, New York.
Trustees’ Scholarship
Patricia Stearnes.Murray of Phil-
adelphia, Pennsylvania. Prepared
by .the West Philadelphia High
School, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Trustees’ Scholar, 1948-50.
Pepsi-Cola Scholarship
Anna Hallowell Mentorial
Sara Elizabeth Herminghaus of
Chicago Heights, Illinois. Prepared
by. the Lincoln High School, Lin-
coln, Nebraska. Pepsi-Cola Schol-
ar, 1948-50; Evelyn Hunt Seholar-
ship, 1949-50.
New York Alumnae Regional
Eva Wiener of Mexico City,
Mexico. Transferred from the Col-
lege of the City of New York.
Alumnae Regional Scholar and Ed-
uweational Foundation for Jewish
Girls Scholar, 1949.50.
New England Alumnae Regional
Eleanor Virginia Rees of Ja-
maica Plain, Massachusetts. Pre-
pared by the Beaver Country Day
School, Brookline, Massachusetts.
Alumnae Regional Scholar, 1949-
Anna Margaret Sloan and
Mary Sloan Scholarship
Ellen McGehee Landis of Cam-
bridge, Masachusetts. Prepared by
the Cambridge High and Latin
School, Cambridge, Massachusetts,
and The Cambridge School, Massa-
chusetts. Constance Lewis and
Martha Rockwell Moorhouse 1904
Memorial Scholar, 1949-50.
Seven College National
Doris Elsbeth Hamburger of
University City, Missouri. Prepared
by the University High School,
University City, Missouri. Seven
College National Scholar, 1948-50.
Elizabeth Wilson White
Memorial Scholarship
' Anne Green Mackall of Wash-
ington, D. C. - _by the
Madeira wbebeel Sangoma, hii
To the True Confessions Editor
Bryn Mawr College News
Bryn Mawr, Pa.
Dear Sir or Madam (as the case
may be),
‘Yesterday I got another warn-
| ing from the Dean’s Office. I final-
ly found room for it on my bulle-
tin board and stuck it up with all
the others. It seems They are in
earnest about This Business and I
Lacrosse Teams
Both Beat Penn
by Emmy Cadwalader ’52
The Lacrosse season started on
Wednesday, April 26, with a vic-
tory over Penn for both teams. The
Varsity won with the overwhelm-
ing score of 8-3. The goals were
made by the following: Wagoner
8, Stone 2, Perkins 2, Cadwalader
1. The Junior Vansity score was
6-2, with Ludington making three
of the points, and Dawes and
Bernheim scoring the rest. Both
teams played exceedingly well for
the first game, and for the fact
that we have so many beginners.
‘The Varsity teamwork and coor-
dination was noticeably good dur-
ing the game, and both games
were clean and open. The starting
lineups were as follows:
Varsity Junior Varsity
Wagoner FH Ludington
Stone SH Bernheim
Perkins TH Lindau
(Maude RAW Dawes
Greenewalt LAW Grey
Cadwalader C Reigle
Atherton RDW Richmond
Turner LDW Hennessey
Townsend ™ Rasnick
Howell CP Gurewich
Parker P James
Bennett GK Mulligan
Subs. (played)
Bronsweig, Valabreque
If you have never seen a La-
crosse game played, or want to see
a good game come watch both
teams play Beaver on the home
fields, Thursday, May 4 at 4
The Baseball Varsity played i‘:
second match on Wednesday, April
26, against Penn. It was a good
game, but Bryn Mawr lost badly
by the score of 15-6. This Wed-
nesday, May 3, at four o’clock, the
team will play Swarthmore, so
come down and cheer for Bryn
Mawr. The Bryn Mawr hits were
scored as follows: Hayes 2, Blan-
karn, Leeds, Jackson, and Raskin
one each. The line-up of the Penn
game was:
Catcher Blankarn
Pitcher Leeds”
First base Sloan
Second base Raskin
Third base Tilghman
Short stop Hayes
Left field Wright
‘Center Field ‘Cohen -
Right field Jackson
The Bryn Mawr tennis teams
will play Temple on the home
courts tomorrow, May 2, and all
watchers are welcome.
ginia. Alumnae Regional Scholar,
Seven College National
Jane St. Clair Augustine . of
‘Berkeley, California. Prepared by
the Sarah Dix Hamlin School, San
Francisco, California. ‘Seven Col-
lege National Scholar, 1948-50.
Mary Peabody Williamson.
( hea ‘pan Atherton of
Charleston, West Virginia. Pre-
pared by the Pottsville High
School, Ri , Pennsylvania,
on Page 4
Desiree Sansespoir, Sophomore,
Well-rounded, Reveals Her Fall
shall be a sophomore Forever.
Now, I am as happy as the next
sophomore to shell out my dollar
instead of going to song meetings,
and thus I feel that I am a bona
fide member of the class. I under-
stand, however, that it is the usual
proceedure for sophomores to
eventually become juniors — and
for several years I have been look-
ing forward to enjoying the ad-
vantages of that opportunity. I
am still, apparently, Unready. I
have Overcut and I have not Ful-
filled the Gym Requirement.
I try to do my best in college. [
never could resign myself to being
a grind and/or creep, so I indulge
in what I consider a few well-
chosen extra-curricular activities.
For one thing, I belong to the So-
ciety for the Perpetuation of Use-
less Facts and Information, dedi-
cated to preserving all first-year
class notes. I am a rotating mem-
ber of the policy committee of the
Rockefeller Indoor Book Watchers
and Squint-Eyed Friends of Litera-
ture Society, which determines
strategy for getting the single
copy of each 1000 or more page
reserve book into the hands of at
least one student in the hall some-
time before each weekly quiz. I
have just been nominated for First
Convulsion of the Young Women’s
Coughing and Retching Associa-
tion. To insure my future, I am
taking a correspondence course in
underwater basket weaving. I also
subscribe to Quick.
The Dean’s ‘Office regrets my
frequent cutting, considerably aug-
mented by the time when I was
inadvertently abandoned in Tama-
qua by the geology field trip.
‘It is the Gymnastic Department,
however, which I most fear. I am
failing. My favorite sports are
Folk and Country Dancing and
Archery. The delightful gaiety is
gone, however, since I received the
notice that it would take me ap-
proximately three years to make
up my present Archery cuts. I am
|pursued by a terrible nightmare:
it is the battle of Agincourt.
Laurence Olivier shouts, for all the
world to hear, “Take Sansespoir
out of the ranks. She’s losing all
our arrows.” Gad.
Dear Editor, there is no escape.
Although I am a semi-wholesome
and fairly normal All-American
Girl, I am failing. I will never be
a junior. Now I know why They
don’t put numerals on our blazers.
Yours for more juniors,
Desiree Sansespoir
Bard’s Eye View |
specially contributed by
Ethel S. Tessman, ’50
Oh, for a lad who slurps his sour
And eats his peas with a knife,
Who picks his teeth with a gold
And generally enjoys his life.
Fie on the lad with the rose-color-
ed air,
The: frail, pale fellow who moans
Of Schopenhauer and Kierkegaard
In low philosophical tones.
It’s shameful indeed to work so
hard —
To be so exceedingly wise,
When it’s plain to the world, or
to women at least,
That ’t will ever be, “Poor boy! He
Give me a man in a checquered
And a loud, brisk, “How d’ja do,”
Who went to school in the Middle
Whose words are mercifully few.
Were there a lad with a boorish
And an easy way of life,
I’d give him a hug and a right
smart kiss,
' And gladly be his wife.