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College news, May 9, 1951
Bryn Mawr College student newspaper. Merged with Haverford News, News (Bryn Mawr College); Published weekly (except holidays) during academic year.
Bryn Mawr College (creator)
6 pages
digitized microfilm
North and Central America--United States--Pennsylvania--Montgomery--Bryn Mawr
Vol. 37, No. 22
College news (Bryn Mawr College : 1914)--
Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation.
Page Four
Loyalty, Security, Freedom, Biddle Asserts,
Cannot Be Obtained Through Loyalty Oaths
Cantinued from Page 1
broken when Charles Evans
Hughes, a New York lawyer at the
time, pleaded against the un-
American procedure used in a New
York court to disbar some socialist
members of the legislature. He
protested and won, just as Jef-
ferson had.
The. recent Bailey case shows
that we are again reverting to the
restraining actions that. are signs
of a period of unrest and insecur-
ity . Mrs. Bailey, a Labor Depart-
ment employee, was accused of
being intimate with and working
with communists. The Loyalty
Board would not tell her who had
made the charges, nor did the
judges know. She was fired under
the “highly legalistic” excuse that
the government has the right to
fire anyone it pleases. “It means
she is branded a traitor by her
government.” She was convicted
by the sparse evidence and beliefs
of unnamed persons. Mrs. Bailey’s
expressing her own ideas brought
on a far more serious penalty than
if she had committed a crime
as theft. The difficulty with loyalty
tests is that “loyalty is a personal
thing which cannot be measured
with a yardstick.” Some consider
loyalty as belief in free enterprise,
in Negro segregation, in reading
only the “right” books. “Part of
a man’s education is to read what
the other side is writing ... If
you are a non-conformist, you are
a traitor. That is what it is com-
ing to.”
The problem of loyalty tests is
Ww e give you just T
one guess
Of where to get
that dress}.
}For much, much less.
am . 6
affecting our universities today.
This is the attitude of teachers
(as a professor of worldly wis-
dom says): “It is not our business
to make students think for them-
selves... but to make them think
as we do, or as we think we do.”
Mr. Biddle cited only two loyalty
oaths that are valid. One is the
oath of the German universities,
that is, loyalty to the ideals of
the university. The other is the
oath of the Peers of Aragon to
their king: “We, your loyal peers,
swear loyalty and obedience, so
long as you respect our lives and
privileges. If not, not.” In an-
swer to the inevitable question,
“What can we do about this
loyalty oath situation?” Mr. Bid-
dle said that writing letters to
Congressmen, knowing the facts
about the oaths, and informing
others are the best ways to fight
these undemocratic proceedings.
Preparation that Pays
Gibbs secretarial training leads to im-
portant jobs, impressive salaries. Girls
‘rom 225 senior colleges are now attend-
ng the five Gibbs schools.
' Write College Course Dean for catalog
Katharine Gibbs
130 Park Ave., NEW YORK 17 33 Plymouth St, MONTCLAIR
11 € Superior St, CHICAGO 11 165 Angéll St, PROVIDENCE 6
90 Marlborough St, BOSTON 16
Flower Shop
BRYN MAWR 1615 - 3362
peer ) Ti
Don’t Forget Mother!
5c to $1.00
Take a look at our handker-
chiefs, cases for them, and
luncheon gets, too.
4H This Week’s “Main Liner”
I Freda Utley
| We the Barrymores as told to
Cameron Ship.
Country Book Shop
“Thrifty” Co-ed Student Sailing
Join the student group this summer Staff of 20 distinguished European
co Rocrerdam on the S.S. VOLEN- «nd American ' pany a4
DAM, host co over 4000 scudents on = joint direction of N:
three annual! sailings since 1948. Re- for Foreign Student Relations end
turo sailing September $ from U. S. Natiomal Student Association
Rotterdam. offer « comprebensive Orientation
Program enroute.
Dormitory type accommodations. __. Round Trip fer
Plenty of deck space. Large, public re
rooms. Good and plentiful menu. otocberm cobine tor
High standards tch seamaa- ‘ women.
ship, cleanliness, and traditional Applications from bona fide college
josstinees. students only are being accepted by
a age
=, | Haverford, ‘Pa.
Continued from Page 3
from the zoo, and I was hiding be-
hind a bush, and he was creeping
around in the foliage where I
couldn’t see him. Well, all I can tell
you is that it was perfectly awful.
The tiger kept getting .. . at least
it felt that way... nearer and
nearer. And suddenly I saw him,
and about to pounce. Thank God
I ‘woke up.” Who wants to start
Deep Country Clothes
Wrap ‘round Skirts
Coolie Coats & Blouses
So Much Cute and
Practical Denim ,
You are away,
or tap
Mom likes flowers
On her day.
1 Bryn Mawr Confectionery
| 810 Lancaster Ave. }
codan suas asio an ap Gua a apabas iy ian an iy aeta ap
at the |
And You Can SAVE up to 28%
Were’s the Low-Down on ‘Low Cost!
heading home in the same direc-
tion at the same time. Buy GROUP
PLAN tickets, Each group mem-
ber SAVES 28% compared to reg-
ular round-trip fares, or up to
45% compared to buying one-
way tickets in each direction!
Go Together—Return as You Please!
You all leave on one train. But
you can return separately, in time
for reopening of school. Group
Plan savings apply as far as you
all go together. Then buy indi-
vidual round-trip tickets the rest
of the way.
Plan Your Group Plan Savings NOW!
Your nearest railroad passenger
agent will help you organize a
group to get these big savings...
good on most coach trains east of
Chicago or St. Louis, north of the
Ohio and Potomac Rivers, and
west of New York City.
Or, if yowre traveling alone,
save on Regular Round-Trips.
For Comfort and Safety
hayes ¥E *
oat ad “e
{ *
all queerly lit up and very close,
Gather a group of 25 or more ©
Observer Removes Students’ Morbid Shame;
Shows Shining Symbolism of BMC Breakfasts
analyzing dreams? But it may be
significant that a tiger, rather
than, say, a bulldog, was lit up.
(Disease is very important. There
is acute envy of the lucky girls
who have developed mononeucleosis
and have been sent home for good
food and lots of rest. Lately, it has
been rumored that some for-
tunate individual has got scurvy
and is out for the rest of the year.
The ability to make the best of
a bad time of day, the remarkable
conservation of strength, the dark-
ly flashing breakfast monologues,
all these show that there is no
need for shame regarding break-
fast at Bryn Mawr. Abandon the
top secret attitude, but do not
admit the public indiscriminately.
A balance, a golden mean must
be found.
Wednesday, May .9, 1951
Margaret Ruth Carlson, ’51 to
William Giles McDowell. :
Mary-Abigail Painter,
John Hopper Matthews.
M. Joan Piwosky, ’51 to Dr.
Martin A. Wohl.
Betty Beierfeld, ex-’51, to Alex-
ander Phillip Krantz.
How many Chesterfields in
the Goldfish Bowl? Write your
guess with your name and Col-
lege address on the back of an
empty pack of Chesterfields
and drop it in (the\ Entry Box
at the Soda Fountain, where
the goldfish bow] is on display.
Winner gets all the Chester-
fields—and the Goldfish Bowl.
The contest will run for two
weeks : beginning Thursday.
May 8rd.
The time has come, ’tis now heard said, “ss
To think of many a thing—
Of tests, and too, of where to get
Refreshments in the spring.
It’s raining...
Richard Stockton
I Tired of working?
Hungry, too?
I know what to do!
) Here’s a clue!
Trades Training Institute Canteen
Trades Training Institute
Prairie, Mississippi
In Prairie, Mississippi, the Trades
Training Institute Canteen is a
- favorite student gathering spot. In’
the Canteen—Coca-Cola is the
' favorite drink. With the college
crowd at the Trades Training Insti-
tute, as with every crowd—Coke
| Ask for it either way ... both
trade-marks mean the same thing.