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College news, December 17, 1947
Bryn Mawr College student newspaper. Merged with Haverford News, News (Bryn Mawr College); Published weekly (except holidays) during academic year.
Bryn Mawr College (creator)
4 pages
digitized microfilm
North and Central America--United States--Pennsylvania--Montgomery--Bryn Mawr
Vol. 34, No. 11
College news (Bryn Mawr College : 1914)--
Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation.
Page Three
Schussing Under B. M. Anspines
Planned for January Weekend
By Hanna Holborn, ’50
The formidable rumor fioating
around campus that the ski-crazy
group is going into action this
Lawrence Greets
Hangdog Reporter
Continued from Page 1
not, unfortunately, including
Graham Payn, under whose feet it
would be a pleasure to be.
Suddenly Miss Lawrence’s head
appeared around,her doorway. She
recognized our friends and began
to shake hands. When she reach-
ed ours we, totally devoid of our
confidence, blurted “I’m from the
Bryn Mawr News” and _ subsided
into an unaccustomed silence. Miss
Lawrence, suffering from no such
trouble said in an inimitable tone,
“Oh have you a nose for news?”,
wrinkling the member thus refer-
red to.
Regaining a modicum of our for-
mer self we then asked how did
she like the Philadelphia audience.
She replied that she always chose
Philadelphia. Then we asked why
the other three plays in the-cycle
weren’t being given; two have been
made into movies, she answered,
and the other is so dramatic that
she and Mr. Coward decided
against it.
Just as we were summoning up
our. courage to take the critical
plunge, Elliott Nugent appeared.
Mr. Nugent received the welcome
we had dreamed of, after which |
Miss Lawrence turned to the cor-
ridor and said puckishly, .“And is
Bryn Mawr or Vassar?” The
shotited reply made Mr. Nugent
remark that he had just been out
at Bryn Mawr. At this point Em-
ily Kimbrotgh arrived and, figur-
ing that the evening was at any
rate a triumph for Bryn Mawr, we
Cards Gifts
Parts Repairs
Soft Sweaters
Sporty Skirts
Tres Chic Shoppe
hes aeeahecaial
For Christmas Gifts
~ in the Gracious
The Thoughtful
Thing at
Christmas Time —
winter was substantiated last week
by .a weary Miss Grant. Winter
after winter some of her brightest
hopefuls on the basketball squad
have arrived back from week-ends
ensconced in casts. “I just hope it
doesn’t happen again,” she. said
mournfully. “Usually it’s just too
This year the demand for some
from Switzerland, coupled with the
prayers of those on campus who
seem able to talk about nothing
else, has forced the gym depart-
ment to give'in. Although plans
aren’t definite as yet, the first
group to be sent out by Bryn Mawr
on a mass skiing week-end will
probably leave right after exams
on the 30th or 31st, coming back
on February 2nd. Destination—
some place either in Vermont or
New Hampshire, depending upon
where accommodations may be had.
Miss Clayton and Miss Kilby,
both ardent enthusiasts, are to ac-
company them — presumably to
keep an eye out for Miss Grant’s
interests. They will explore the
delights of lounging around a blaz-
ing fire in the lodge, of swapping
ski stories and the somewhat in-
comprehensible excitement of pelt-
ing head-first into the snow. Spar-
tan skiers, who enjoy rising at 5
in the morning, do, however, con-
fess to one great frivolity. They
will agree with the most untrained
college skiing from the girls back’
Non-Reses Plan
Turkey Banquet
Continued from Page 1
play to see who is going to play
Tigger and Eeyore. Merion \Fresh-
men will present take-offs of their
elders and betters, i. e., the Sen-
iors. They have flatly refused to
tell the plot. of their parody. Den-
bigh and Pembroke have been ex-
tremely mysterious about all their
plans. After much interrogation
a Pembroke freshman stated that
“their play would be a terrific sur-
prise and shock to some”,
As always, dinner clothes will
be required. Everyone expects
great things of the local wits elect-
ed. as .Toastmistresses, and they
should give that certain something
to the evening’s fun!
Christmas preparations have in-
vaded the otherwise unconvention-
al life of the Non-Reses. A spray
of greenery, with the appropriate
red ribbon, is as yet the only con-
crete achievement, but an elabor-
ate menu on the bulletin board
gives promise of materializing on
Thursday in the form of a Non-
Res Christmas feast. A whole tur-
key (cooked!) is scheduled to ap-
of novices that ski-lifts are indeed
a wonderful invention.
The Misses Clayton and Kilby
expect some very happy schussing.
They add, as an aside, that all
those interested in going on the
week-end are invited down to the
gym to sign up—and, no doubt, to
be measured for casts.
men and women.
for school teachers and widows;
A Fair Return
Stock of the Bell System has long been an investment
for hundreds of thousands of everyday people in all
walks of life... for you, perhaps, and your neighbor;
for farmers and
mechanics; for professors-and the clergy; for telephone
‘These people, through their savings, share in the owner-
ship of the Bell System; and it is our responsibility to
see to it that they receive a fair return on the dollars
they have invested in Bell System stock. Those dollars
are vital to us. They are the dollars we use to build
and expand the telephone system.
Baa. ie te mama gaia am é
B. M. Delegates
The Undergraduate Board takes
pleasure in announcing the ap-
pointment of Sandol Stoddard as-
delegate to the _ Intercollegiate
Arts Conference at Vassar in Feb-
ruary, and of Betts McClure and
Karen Knaplund as delegates to
the Christian Association Confer-
ence at Vassar, also in February.
Write to Belgium
The Alliance has received a let-
ter from the Belgo-American youth
asking if any Bryn Mawr students | *
are interested in corresponding
with Belgian students of similar
interests. If you are interested,
get in touch with Ning Hitchcock,
Pembroke Wset.
NSA Delegates
Betty Hamilton, ’48; Ann Seide-
man ’49, and Karen Knaplund ’49,
will represent Bryn Mawr at the
NSA Pennsylvania Regional Con-
vention, to be held at Penn State,
December 19-21.
Arts’ Night
The provisional committee for
Arts’ Night has decided that the
pear, complete with trimmings and
relishes. But lest you suppose
that the Non-Reses’ Christmas
spirit is limited to an appreciation
of food, it must be added that they,
too, exchange gifts, ranging from
live rabbits to powder puffs—in
short, whatever is reminiscent of
the receiver.
‘program, which will probably take
ti on Friday, April 15, is to be
o-ordinated under a single idea or
theme. With this in mind, the in-
dividual clubs will meet to elect
representatives who, the club
presidents, will form the produc-
tion committee for Arts’ Night.
This committee will meet on Mon-
day, January 12, in the Common
Room, to draw up definite plans.
B. M. Defeats Tigers
The Bryn Mawr Debate Club
takes great pleasure in announcing
the election of Phyllis L. Bolton as
President and Robin Rau as Treas-
urer. The Debate Club would also
like to announce that on Monday,
December 15, Bryn Mawr’s affirma-
tive team defeated Princeton in the
debate on the resolution “That a
World Federal Government Should
Be Established.” This gives the
team four out of five victories.
There will be no issue of the
College News until the week of
January 12.
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