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College news, March 3, 1943
Bryn Mawr College student newspaper. Merged with Haverford News, News (Bryn Mawr College); Published weekly (except holidays) during academic year.
Bryn Mawr College (creator)
4 pages
digitized microfilm
North and Central America--United States--Pennsylvania--Montgomery--Bryn Mawr
Vol. 29, No. 17
College news (Bryn Mawr College : 1914)--
Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation.
everyone to a talk by Manuel
Man’s New Relation |Owls Bow to Ursinus Spanish Club Bryn Mawr League
To Truth Discussed In Fast, Close Game —The~ Spanish Club sa bibes | —Nominates President
: “ : . d Continued from Page One
By Flexner Lecturer Bryn Mawr, February 27. ~ atte. a Rabe sects | the first to work on the bond drive,
Cisaliaet.- Maieh-sa-De. Peack | Bryn Mawr’s hanes of victory were | March 10, at 7:30 in the | she is Denbigh representative for
epckké:-on the ngtw elation
fourth lecture of the Flexner Serves lost 22-16, in two hotly con- President Outlines | hall representative for Pembroke
series. Man must consider objects | tested basketball games. « | East.
as mere symbols of greater Truth,| Trailing by nine points, Bryn Courses, System) + Nancy Scribner
he said. He must reach the Spirit | Mawr, staged a spectacular. rally ; Scribby is Song-Mistress of the
behind the apparent letter. Dr.|in the fourth quarter, but was un- sone ot ee ee | Junior class and Subscription Man-
Frank considered the history of ,@bl¢. to beat a powerful Ursinus | There is no departmental head | ager of the News. Her work on
Christianity as a, long striving to sextet: The Owls, playing an ex-|in the new system, but a commit-'the League has b2en in publicity.
interprate the Letter rightly. He | ceptionally fast and open game,/tze consisting of the Dean ex-offi- | She is a past president of the Mad-
quoted a great deal from St. ada) sina to net — POIMEEAN7 i, one “imember’ of the History, | igal Club and has been in Choir
and contrasted his faith in the suf-| the c‘osing minutes of the contest. | ae us : | and Glee Club for three years. She
ficiency of God with the Modern! But the. Ursinus forwards, though} Politics and Socio og Departments is a former member of the Alli- -» . STEVENS
Man’s self-sufficiency. The stand-; Pressed by the Owls’ defense, | @nd two sage .,, ance and a member of the Spanish
ard by which to judge the truth of | dropped in three good shots for|Partments. is Commitee will Club. Her athletic activities in-
concepts, Dr. Frank said, can|Six points, and snatched away the|S€rve asa consultory group for the clude playing on the varsity bas-
; Students and wi!l conduct the ex-
neither be found in objective veri- | Victory. ee oe Th .,.. | ketball, hockey and: baseball teams,
fication or in the conviction of the|| The reserves, in their game, | #M™!nations. ¢ final examination | 5ng she is manager of the baseball
rationalist mind which conceives | Stepped into the lead in.the opening | Will consist of an oral and wr:tten |
them. quarter, but were unable to hold| Part in the primary language, one |
Modern man clings to the world | their advantage. Ursinus pulled|Part in either History, agin
and the reality of empirical pres-'@Way in the second half and Bryn) °F the secondary -tnnyaage, oe
ence, but his very search’for Posi- ; Mawr did not catch up again. ing on the field, and a special re- |
ai )
Language Dé* |
tivism betrays his suffering from First Team i echoes -al sai a ee | WITS ENC
his own self-imposed prohibition; Ursinus Reyn Mave. | SOre wh te rae igs Naat
of transcendance. The world, said Kitlin ....... r. f.. Hardenbergh| Typing and Accounting. | Come pensive moose! What can
Dr. Frank, has become a ‘dead-|Harrington ...1. f........ Gifford| In the graduate school, an M.A. | happen in eighteen-eighteen that
letter” for him, void of theoretical Bright ....... cf. Kirk | degree can be obtained after nine| hasn’t happened in fifteen-fifteen.
significance. Religion has become! Bradway months = atony in social Science All the fits that are new to print.
the history of a Spirit growing in-| Landis ....... Pe eh rer Matthai/ # lied with languages. This is open| But, wait—we must formulate a
creasingly independent of God.|Brecher ...... l. g.... Murnaghan! @lso_ to those who offer French, | policy, we must elucidate our aims.
Only by participation in the spirit| Bradway Germen, “Italien. or Spanish and| Shoot the moon, we always say.
of God can Man truly read and un-|_ Bright we vane Sovkal Selences. Special We are a band of reformers—we LUCAS
derstand himself and the signifi- Keagle ....... c. g..... Townsend werk esaennadary will deat wien are out to eliminate to make effici- |° :
cance of teraporal objecta: Brecher problems in particular countries.| ent, to coordinate all under the
From the new concept of a high- | Second Team Other Requirements | voice of the campus. Happy little| plays with faint condemnation.
er sufficiency comes that of a new! Ursinus Bryn Mawr For the remaining six units,|¢rusaders—no walking on grass, | Veritatem delexi. Lord have mer-
freedom. The moral will, said Dr. Halbruegge ...r. f........ Turner|those in tho fie’d of International|"° Cuts, no classes, no clams. A | cy on such as we.
Frank, is insufficient and bound; Klein Eagen | Adm‘nistration and Reconstruction | S¥»way from Park to Taylor, free} |
by the narrow ego. Man must hear Nelson will take one unit of Statistics, a| tea at the Inn, sodas in the soda ‘
himself from his old consciousness , Richardson ....1. f.......... Horn choice of Psychology, Second Year| fountain. The needs, the lethargy, DINAH FROST'S
and, in opening himself to an ideal! Umstad Economics, or Anthropology, Com-| the inertia, the eternal lecturers Bryn Mawr, Pa.
self, he will find a freer personal-'Harmar ...... C. f.e...ees Brunn parative Government, Internation-|4iscussing. We will report news AYR CASHMERE and
ity. Repentance aids this change , McDaniel $545 Ye Bis. Scribner | al Organization, one-half unit of |° more than one month later than AYR HAPSPUN
of essence, and man acquires new | Schmidt | Public Administration, and one|Tecurrence. We will praise all IN LOVELY SHADES
depth. Love for the individual Brooks ....... | ae ae Wilson and one-half units of History. This | :
personality, even though devoid of | Szold |includes advanced work and re- | AFTERNOON TEAS Soneriann -
value, is the highest fulfillment of Gelpke ...... c. g.... Gunderson |search in special regions. h iit .
Being and the highest moral law. | Umstadt | Students taking Community Or- | — Feller 7 nee
Dr. Frank drew an analogy say- ;ganization and Reconstruction will | COMMUNITY KITCHEN Salmon ‘ Nala
ing that philosophy must be recog- because of the lack of amplifiers. [complete their work with one unit Ase Aves — ' ;
nized as the Letter. Man must) Miss Henderson and Miss Lang | ach of Sociology, Psychology, and || Birthday Cakes on 24-hour notice pat one Oe oe
also accept the Spirit of sublimer made rather unusual Fortune-tell-| Statistics, one-half unit of Com- a
truths even though they are not ers, not only asking inevitable and|™unity Planning and Classes and
proved. | typical questions of bored students, | People. One unit of Advanced So-
but telling the future with dra-|Ciology, The City, can be substi- zz
Herben, Tchekov Make matic flourishes. Unfortunately, Seats ed ages ve dong
e . »| very few of the audience under-|Movements and one-half unit to be ER
Standing Room Only’ |") Wicc Gardiner and Mr. Will-|decided later. One-half unit of RANG
oughby standing for the BrynjCommunity Organization taken in THE
ae aoa Leb Se ga on | Mawr of the future, — a junior | Graduate seminar and another ask pre
the original play, it did not de-| 2¥@vd, with her Gremlin, directing half unit decided by the Sociology ple
. D :
pend on that alone. Every one in| the exercises of a group of student | Department complete the work 0 Mi
commandos. Two or three units of a primary
the audience could understand the .
; ; : | The continuity of the USO! language one or two units of sec-
frustration of Miss Linn and her é .
| scene was necessarily thin, but the | Ondary language and one unit each
colleagues, ] iri t ; « ‘
Washington Flav qaae ;,, | individual skits were excellent. | of Comparative Government and GOOD SHOW! x a
Bivh Maw. wills Sf. ‘Wales icles | Miss Jenkins’ ballet troupe showed International Organization fill the WE LET THEM HAVE IT” “ is
ineffectually to get drunk all alone | the shaggy spirit in their pigsty ae cool i Lae,
on milk and coca cola, and And-; Taylor Hall dance around Mr. | suag :
e 4
rusha Allen Grant is again ex. | Chew, and Dr. Leary and Mr. ©. a
Eveh the Weiss made a rather different and '
osed to the measles. ; , oh) — Le :
yea Corps cannot rescue them— musical Romeo and Juliet. Miss | VIC ror ae Ae ‘ e
they refuse “the ties that bind.” | Nepper and Mr. Berry were effec-
hs Wamoe of ie. Harken: bac-| tive in the sheet-clothed sai | R E ¢ 0 R D S
calaureate, though not so subtle, | 4@n¢e: and the Floradoras really |
struck even nearer home. Having went to town, in a typical bur-|| «Radios * Radio Repairs
pulled one of the best cracks yet , lesque of the Gay Nineties. Mrs. * Music * Records Made ||
|Manning’s singing was indescrib-
about salih tenia he hers pact ser E. FOSTER A COCA-COLA?”
t i t ible, .
a pote Shae Saat eet "ihe There has been much _ talk HAMMONDS & CO.
“ringing messages” of the tele-|#™ong the faculty about compar- 829 LANCASTER AVENUE
h ma? »|ing this show to For Whom The :
phone book. His “Mm. . . yes,” —. Ss : ehh sha Open Until 10 P. M.
will never be forgotten, at least by | Sirens Scream. thoug ediondt Bryn Mawr 1892
the Freshmen class, who paid $46 ulty would have benefitted by the
at auction for their animal’s man-|P@¢e of the Freshman Show, as.a
whole they stack up evenly, with
A Profession for the
College Woman
An intensive and basic exper-
ience in the various branches
=r of nursing is offered during |
the twenty-eight months’
course which leads to the de-
gree of
A Bachelor’s. degree in arts,
sciences or philosophy from
-a college of approved stand-
uscript. Miss Stapleton displayed ; “7° ; in tek
truly professional auctioneering | S4tire se Ce ene
powers during one of the inter- | There is just one thing. though
missions, selling original manu-|-- «We never did find out what
: scripts ranging from a chapter | the diving suit, the fairly tame
_ from Mr. Chew’s forthcoming book horse and the moose head were for.
to a math teacher’s notes for a
lecture concerned chiefly with
“when and only when,” without
the “only when.” — i HURACHES
The dormitory scene at the be-'
ginning of the show was not as. NOT RATIONED!
successful as it might have been \;
ie ee
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