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College news, October 19, 1938
Bryn Mawr College student newspaper. Merged with Haverford News, News (Bryn Mawr College); Published weekly (except holidays) during academic year.
Bryn Mawr College (creator)
4 pages
digitized microfilm
North and Central America--United States--Pennsylvania--Montgomery--Bryn Mawr
Vol. 25, No. 02
College news (Bryn Mawr College : 1914)--
Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation.
Page Four
Numerous New Posias
Read by Miss Millay
Continued from Page One
' Hundred Ways to Die, and Look, Ed-
win, Do You See That Boy?’ The first
she read with strong feeling, the em-
phasis more on death than on child-
ait hood. . The second is, as it promises,
a ballad, and the last three are little
child-views, very clever, of the world.
Among the familiar poetry, was an
extract from Conversation at Mid-
night. Miss Millay chose the discus-
«sion between the capitalist and the
communist, with interjeetions by the
liberal, ending with the liberal’s ad-
monishing “Gentlemen,. gentlemen.”
She read also three sonnets from
Fatal Interview: the third—
“No lack of counsel from the shrewd
and wise,” the seventeenth—
“Sweet , love, sweet thorn, when
lightly to my heart,” :and the thirty-
“You say ‘Since life’is cruel enough
at best.’”’ Several of the poems were
‘humorous, such as Portrait by a
Neighbor, from. A Few Figs From
T histles.
Miss Millay was applauded so
: loudly at the end of her program that
she gave a kind of encore, reading
first a sonnet to Elinor Wylie called
Answer Question, which she had
never read aloud before. It began,
“Oh; she was beautiful in every part.”
A second reading of the Archaic Son-
net followed, and when the audience
refused to 5 Miss Millay ex-
plained that she had to catch a train
and quickly recited Travel.
To judge frome¢heir applause, the
audience really enjoyed her - poetry
Integration Tecsibiles
Will Cause Nazi Fall
Continued from Page Two
Already there has been indication
of a breakdown in democratic ideals
among. the. Czechoslovaks. The be-
trayal by ,France and England’ has
made them cynical, but the friends of
Czechoslovakia have not given up
hope. The 30° Years’ War which re-
duced their population from three mil-
lions to 800,000 was followed by re-
strictions of freedom of: thought. quite
equal to those now applied by the
Nazis, and it lasted six generations.
However, the Czechs came back with
no change in democratic love of free-
dom and next time the interlude of
oppression will not be, so long. .
The ideals Of the constitution, which
the people feel has so little meaning
in these uncertain times, will not, be
lost, and a new president has been
elected by “the usual procedure.
Former President Benes was cabled
an offer of a professorship in the Uni-
and, I suspect more than that, her
reading; for it was not Edna Saint
Vincent Millay’s poetry which they
were judging and enjoying, but Edna
Saint Vincent Millay’s poetry read by
Edna Saint Vincent Millay. Campus
opinion, and as much of the audience
opinion as I could garner from bits
of conversation was, and is, widely
divided between acute dislike of her
poetry and its rendition, and rapture
over both. It is something that her
contribution was positive enough to
allow for no fence-sitters.
: D. H.C.
If you were one of the entrants in our
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versity of: Chicage which, he has ac-
garian demands, Mr. Miller noted
that the facts will be out before the
College News. However, in his opin-
ion, the Hungarian borders did need
revision although their demands were
absurd. Moreover, they ‘could not
take this territory by foree without
Hitler’s help and at present Der
Fuhrer seems to prefer that Czecho-
slovakia be left between Hungary and
Poland. Both, though undemocratic
states, are likely to be. troublesome to
him in the future.
In conclusion, Mr. Miller said that
the Czechoslovakia : people have. not
lost faith, but that patience is essen-
tial. Both realism and idealism are
needed at the same time. . Those who
have “worked to establish and main-
tain Czechoslovakia, do not feel that
their efforts have been wasted, for an
example of efficient democracy has
been given to the world. At present,
Mr. Miller: added, we are very con-
scious of the martyrdom of that de-
mocracy and if. the blood of mar-
tyrs is the seed. of the church, it is
just as important—te the: democratic
state. a
ts The common presumption is that
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A reminder that we would like
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In answer to a question on the Hun-:
Hitler and Mussolini must come into
the Italian Tyrol is much worse than
anything that: occurred in Czecho-
slovakia. In addition, the area of the
dictators’ economic interests in the
Balkan peninsula is bound to bring
them into conflict with each other.
Mr. Miller feels that the future will
bring unpleasant’ repurcussions to
freedom-loving Americans. — Already
it appears that Germany is dictating
to England’s government and if we
continue to follow Great Britain’s
leadership, the consequences are ob-
vious. But the wider the area. Ger-
many tries to control, the quicker the
break in her domination.
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ing a position, with salary, on the
staff of Vogue magazine.
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