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College news, March 25, 1942
Bryn Mawr College student newspaper. Merged with Haverford News, News (Bryn Mawr College); Published weekly (except holidays) during academic year.
Bryn Mawr College (creator)
6 pages
digitized microfilm
North and Central America--United States--Pennsylvania--Montgomery--Bryn Mawr
Vol. 28, No. 20
College news (Bryn Mawr College : 1914)--
Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation.
, 7 nN
CITY LIGHTS — V arsity Ends Season |Combined Production Bunsen Burner Burning Through the Night. a :
by Beating Rosemont; f “Elijah” is Success) Brings Chaotic Confusion to News’ Board
Continued from Page Two j Game Hard Fought Continued’ from Page One
is all about. During sinleseenns. | strained and thin in contrast to the By Barbara Kauffman, °43 sand bags but discarding these as
allowances ave made for putting | Gianianatut, March 21.— Bryn or of the other soloists and} he deep concentration on head-| superfluous accessories, they start-
thumb tacks on’ the dining room! yawy's Varsity concluded its suc- lines, proof reading, copy editing | ed out. Determined, they ploughe 4
chairs. In later years the practice cessful basketball season by van-
is considered in the same taste Dr. | quishing Rosemont 35-22, The
sis shape J aa! ohep sd | Owls showed their best form in|in “Blessed are the Men,” soaring | Sudden ring of the telephone. Un-{ Building below. Frantically, they
stuck @ cud of chewing gum on the vigor and teamwork to outwit their} ¢ li hich bodied th
bare back of a Picasso bather.” | o a climax which embodle e
wanted calls had been making altried one door after another. At
fast sake the War Biokuction evenly matched opponents. very essence of the words, “through nuisance of themselves all evening. | last, as they were about to recon-
ages : ener ae _,| Although the score at the end of! darkness riseth light to the up-|OUr answer was frigid: noitre for a convenient window, (\j
Tee eccan dee eee half was 19-9, the game was right”; the iliied tempo of ha “The janitor of the. Science —Self-Gov. rules were not created }
ce cian a ae seeded | muce closer in actual spirit and| number “Be Not Afraid,” with the Building? I’m sorry, this is not! for emergencies— they found an i
tcc a. lonasdolaved: $18,000,000 play. The forwards again had the| stirring trumpet calls answered by the Science Building. The Science | unlocked door. Then, the report- \%
are : 7. .confidence as well-as the technical!the chorus at the end; and the Building is: closed at this hour.|ers stopped . . . sniffed 1 g
rehabilitation program which’ was ability in shooting baskets. Rose-!smooth-flowing, interwoven themes | You can’t get it now. No, it}listened.. . No choking fumes.
to have given the city i dependable | ont rivaled Bryn Mawr with a|in the furnitiar “ie Watching Over doesn’t have any number of its|No ear-splitting blasts. Nothing.
water supply, purification, and dis-| center court shooter almost as ca-|Israel” were especially effective. own. The switch board doesn’t an- | They made their way to the lab to
tribution system. But under this | able as Chris Waples, © whose! In the two final choruses sung with! swer'after six o’clock. Good. . .”| which they had been directed: an
priority rating the city can't com-|«,a+ting shots” were accurately | triumphant dignity, each part was| “B..B.. But, I’m afraid it’s | dminous silence. Should they en-
plete the immediately needed im-| oq¢° elee® wha clden yet, blended to pre-| rather important. You see, I left ter, or should they wait until the
: K Ln : : : : ” :
Sr ean Prlladelitla oe — =| The enthusiasm with which both; serve the unity of the whole. The|4 Bunsen Burner burning . explosion and have a better story?
iteams engaged each other often|choir’s feeling for these selections | “You what!” They entered: darkness and a
—— —E hl bad dire consequences. | Bodies|was reflected in the enthusiasm of | And_I’m afraid when the water | queer buzzing sound. Then, off in :
paca oy saw oe 8 . y*' crashed to the floor in ambitious] the audience. lover it boils off it’ll explode. It|the distance, they saw a small in-
ecrepit water supply SyStem. lefforts to extract the ball from ‘should be ready to just about | nocent blue flame:
The Philadelphia Orchestra pre- | tyoiy opponents. The guards, how- ow.” “There it is. Quick.~- On with t
The chorus, showing a real feel-
ing for the music, turned in a fin-| | i
ished performance. ‘The crescendo| night, when it was disturbed by the | ice-covered slope to the Science \
reigned in the NEWS office last} over snow drifts, down the steep, i.
Mawr forwards followed up well -
sented a short (3 minutes and 55| 2 4
‘ever, played a steady game; espe-| en Confusion .... .. Who would|the lights. Where? There,.H
seconds), two movements (out. and| |. aciss be hes P&| to make their baskets. ee : — aes se ioe
: 3 last : ; | Cally noticeable was Yvonne Town- Line-Ups: lap 45 WHE es How do| we are.
a encore 185 Sa Apliider eho eee stalwart defense. Each Waples pec ee sarrett , you turn off a Bunsen Burner any- They rushed to the burner.
Be aes acce cad Bevtoce Por-| Tare ae nes St Se ee Defies: OE He coc Na OM, Dee | Petes 10) y eRe Ve Ser
wne.< es oe I | Good quick passing featured tie Dethier ..i ces r. g.. Donnelly, Dean | board couldn’t all go . . Would | ical matter in the crucible over it:
ge ‘ second team’s game, which Bryn gone a Janke SERVI Ee Baxter it really blow up .. . maybe it | grey-white, amorphous and totally
To get a defense job you must : : Matthai 1 if . : i
show a birth certificate. You go to Mawr took by a score of 52-16.) Townsend ...... Soe Beckford | already had . . . if we waited| harmless. Well, their duty was
: ; Marnie Kirk starred as an able|_. (long enough . «. performed. That was that. There
— gp eg arg ages pee _ shooter, and Sally Jacob’s hustling adh aunnei t : EY Perks £3 Two of the nfore Responsible , was nothing to do but return.
cler ; “ vd ” 4 . oe prevented many a Rosemont bas- Kirk See Sie ene Donnelly members of the board were chosen A siren blew in the distance.
Bite ae 7 afin sn ie 7 ‘ . ket. The ball circulated freely hon a iad rs . ito shoes ins for the expedition. Seizing coats} “If it’s an air raid, . . . tell
ivision of Vital Statistics is hav-\} tween each team, and the Bryn|scribner ....... ay eee Loughran | and considering pails of water and | me another.”
ing difficulty in getting qualified
siasicn and. typists... Tila. .need)
causes terrific delay. It has been
estimated that in the last two
months the following losses were a
thus incurred:
The workers lost $385,000 (fig-
uring on the Pennsylvania cataine!
weekly factory wage of $35).
Industry lost 440,000 man-hours
f production (figurin 40. : —— : 1
howe wacky oo There’s satisfaction in knowing that the 612/ 4
. With a oe indus- revenue tax you pay on every pack of twenty
ry can make: i anks, or a ° ° ° : .
Be dca achat, or il: cigarettes is doing its bit for Uncle Sam
000 bomb fuses, or 440,000 37-mm.
steel projectiles.
And you'll get complete smoking
graph is that of a “distinguished
Philadelphia jurist”. Judge Frank
Smith (the distinguished jurist),
it appears, weighs 250 pounds and
is mustache-less. The senses, they
say, are often deceptive.
a — th Boe nid Blis- satisfaction in Chesterfield’s famous blend
ards,” 0 es iladelphia, seven- ; : ; |
saiiabek soughiinite isolationist, of the world’s best cigarette tobaccos. This .|
—— aa ee ep aa superior blend is tops in everything you | |
other court row”. Constable Har- ; > ; ‘ ‘
ry Gibbs charged that they had a like best in a cigarette. It is definitely ;
| oa ogee ee MILDER, far COOLER and lots BETTER-TASTING. into th Uy A Ww j
a swastika flag, hanging in their sna e BEN
living room. The Blisard’s attor- Try Chesterfields today. See why millions i EEK
ney, however, said that the photo- say: “Vou can’t buy c i
a better. cigarette. ”’
“eet ee Trousseaux
Ardmore 1831 Monograming
Linens for Shower Gifts
Exclusive Household Linens
15 Ardmore Arcade
44 W. Lancaster Ave. Ardmore, Pa.
New under-arm
Cream Deodorant
safely |
Stops Perspiration |
can Aviation. From coast to coast
our country's air lines are playing
a major part in National Defense.
From coast to coast Chesterfield
gives smokers more pleasure.
1. Does not rot dresses or men’s
shirts. Does not irritate skin.
2. No waiting to dry. Can be
used bighe after shaving.
WE WILL WIN. We did it before
: 3. I pérspirati and we'll do it again. Once a
Sia tesa ‘ Tat , 3- Anstantly stops Espuration ~ ; : . : ker has enjoyed Chester-
sissy age Reser Ne Age ae a esr : es a HERS smoker joy
era geal r ae ee ss recite ice aitaat aia saci ii i ii “field's cooler, Better taste he
4. A pure, Chise. greaseless, ° smokes them again and again.
stainless vanishing cream.
- 5. Arrid has been awarded the
Approval Seal ofthe American
: Institute of Laundering for
being harmless to fabrics.
Arrid is the LARGEST SELLING ,,
DEODORANT. Try a jartoday! ||
‘ .
4 2 Z a a
ajer be
sub or battle-wagon, they give smokers
a lot more pleasure. ;
At allstores selling toilet
(also in 10¢ and 59¢ jars)
is ge ake 1 Gepyright 1942, Liccetr & Mvers Tosacco Co,