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College news, March 18, 1942
Bryn Mawr College student newspaper. Merged with Haverford News, News (Bryn Mawr College); Published weekly (except holidays) during academic year.
Bryn Mawr College (creator)
6 pages
digitized microfilm
North and Central America--United States--Pennsylvania--Montgomery--Bryn Mawr
Vol. 28, No. 19
College news (Bryn Mawr College : 1914)--
Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation.
Page Six \
Alwyne Piano Recital |
Exhibits High Talents
Continued from Page One
wee a
rippling simplicity and a melodic |
quality which were extremely,
The works by the modern Rus-
sian composer, Medtner, were of |
unusual interest because they are
} Aquacade
Don’t forget the Aquacade
this Saturday.. It is not
everyday you can watch a
circus group and the Navy
perform in one pool!
B. M. Professor Lends
Tolman to Speak on
Women in Psychology
Opportunities for women in the
field of psychology, with a view to
the war demand for trained per-
sonnel, will be discussed by Dr.
Ruth S. Tolman on Thursday,
March 19, at 7:30 in the Deanery.
Colleges to Discuss
CO WY. isi Poland
Cornell University
Hamilton College....Great Britain
Haverford College..... U3. S.-R.
Hobart and Wm. Smith Colleges
Philosophy Club
Dr. Ernst Cassiver will
give a public lecture on Lan-
guage and Art-under the au-
spices of the Philosophy Club
on Monday, March 23, in the
Music Room.
Post-War Problems
Continued.from Page .QOne
To Rare Book Room) Buy Defense Bonds
so seldom heard. The Bax Paean Dr. Tolman, who is associated Sweden
- was also notable for its novelty of Continued from Page One. with the Bureau of Agricultural Hunter College ..........-- Japan
expression. In the Ravel and|to demonstrate=the theorem that Economics, is at present the Chair- Lafayette College See ey Turkey
Rachmaninoff numbers Mr. Alwyne’ the joys of bibliophily need not be ;™4” of the Sub-Committee on the| Lehigh University teeeees Ui 8. A RENE MARCEL
restricted to the possessors of Services of Women Psychologists, |Long Island University .... Brazil
was, as-usual, completely in con-
trol of the situation both as to
feeling and technique.
Muhlenberg College ..Netherlands French Hairdressing
N. Y. U. (Heights) ...... Canada
N. Y. U. (Washington Square)
a part of the National Research
great substance. Most of the
stages in the history of the printed
book are here ilfstrated by ex-
853 Lancaster Avenue
Special Rates to Students
Two encores, Dance of Olaf b :
the modern Italian, Limes: amples of modest cost; the most) RB WY, and Haverford Sidadaeen: Cibwandt ai Sema Tel.: Bryn Mawr 2060
galli, and an arrangement by expensive (though not the rarest) H Bie oa y ee ele tr
Brahms of one of Gluck’s gavottes item was but $15 and the prepon- Cast for ay Fever’ |Rosemont College .....Switzeria
derance far less. In many cases, Rutgers University ...... Finland
strengthened an already- strong: Continued from Page One Temple University ...... Germany
consequently, splendour of condi-
tion was necessarily sacrificed and
certain authors (e.g. Shakespeare)
Genuine Western
conviction as to Mr. Alwyne’s ver-
j University of Pennsylvania. . . Italy
satility of interpretation. :
lay, Margi E - ; :
play, Margin for Error University of Buffalo........ Eire
s ; in early editions were beyond as- Le ae a Ge weeaidoae Aeron LS ! iv ns pina
Fountain, Projectory piration.’ Nevertheless, the books | pyests whose affections are shifted | uson College ....UZeCnos roK 1a wha
Are to be Installed| selected for this display are not|among the members of the family YePooCeoooeoreseeIlSOe,
without interest in content; nor,/in an entertaining manner. The! & ; Spring Slacks and Skirts
Continued from Page One ~ | occasionally, beauty in format. The | cast is as follows: 2 i& FOR YOUR FAMILY BI 1 4
and, if room permits, a ping-pong bomen bpdlen tot oa ne Judith Bliss ..Ann Updegraff, 42|% FOR YOUR GUESTS & —— weatet's
table. David Bliss ...Edgar Emery, ’42
ter left to the imagination of the
Plans for undergraduate enter- Sorel Bliss ....Edith Rhoads, ’44
tainment include the transforma- vs deserives by- the sas Simon Bliss ....Dave Mallory, ’45|X . THE DEANERY Moderately Priced
oa i\lector whose practices were anci- ‘ar | »
tion of the May Day Room into a ently epitomized by the proverbial- a Arundel ...Betty Dallam, "60 ,
“slorified smoking room” like the Lats ; Richard oe al Entertain Your Friends , The
in Rhoads. The piano will re-| a ohn Marsh, ’ “1: :
one in Rhoads. The pi ‘Malum eet, matum est dicit omnis | Jackie Coryton e Philip Harrison Store
main, easy chairs will be provided,
and, if possible, a large victrola emptor ; Alice MacDonald, 45]®& Lunch, Tea, or Dinner Next door to the Movies
will be installed so that students| Et cum recesserit,. tune gloria-|Sandy Tyrell ...... Al Turner, ’43
may bring their dates there for batur.’” CUAG Sees ire Kitty Rand, ’45
dancing. —— reoereeeeieeemenserce a
Florence Kelton, as head of the
Dance Committee, is supervising
these arrangements, while Helen
Eichelberger, as president of the
Art Club, will be in charge of the
decorations. It is hoped that both
the May Day Room and the soda
fountain will be open to students
immediately after spring vacation.
‘There’s satisfaction in knowing that the 6%
Bm eseons tax you pay on every pack of twenty
The movie projector ordered by
the faculty committee, headed by
Miss Woodworth, has arrived, and
the screen is expected soon. The
projector can run on A. C. or D. C.
current and it will be possible to
show films in any hall except the
auditorium in Goodhart, which is
too large. The Theater Workshop
is the ideal place, however, since
it is small and the acoustics are
The projector will be employed
in curricular and extra-curricular
courses and may be used by any-
one who signs up for it. Miss
Woodworth hopes that it will be
possible to show a series of defense
cigarettes is doing its bit for Uncle Sam
And, when you buy Chesterfields, you
have the satisfaction of knowing you are
getting a superior blend of the world’s best
cigarette tobaccos. This famous blend gives
you a smoke that is definitely MILDER, far
COOLER and lots BETTER-TASTING. Make your
next pack Chesterfields.
You can’t buy a better cigarette.
The Alumni Association, various
departments, and organizations on
campus contributed money for the
purchase of the projector. As yet,
Miss Park has not appointed a
supervisory committee. Money for
the soda fountain was obtained
from the bonds on a gift to the
Alumni Association.
sno stant
New under-arm 4
Cream Deodorant
Stops Perspiration
SAFELY BACK from a raid or
dog-fight, it's happy landing for our
air fighters when they light up and
enjoy the cigarette that Satisfies.
1. Does not rot dresses or men’s
shirts. Does not irritate skin.
$ _ 2. No waiting to dry. Can be
— used right after shaving.
: 3. Instantly stops perspiration
Be for A202 dys. Removes odor
ee: : from perspiration.
A 4. A pure, white, greaseless,
_.... stainless vanishing cream...
5. Arrid has been awarded the
. Approval Seal ofthe American
Institute of Laundering for
x being harmless to fabrics.
. DEODORANT. Try a jar today!
; aja selling goods
“real job on the home front in our a” jy fo oe Ves i | Tr a F a Biren
fight for the American way of life.
At all stores toilet
39¢ ” (also in 10¢ and 59¢ jars)