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College news, December 18, 1940
Bryn Mawr College student newspaper. Merged with Haverford News, News (Bryn Mawr College); Published weekly (except holidays) during academic year.
Bryn Mawr College (creator)
4 pages
digitized microfilm
North and Central America--United States--Pennsylvania--Montgomery--Bryn Mawr
Vol. 27, No. 11
College news (Bryn Mawr College : 1914)--
Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation.
Page Three
Goodhart Opened
On Week-End Nights
7 Continued from Page One
quence of .full-unit courses ‘will
come on Tuesday and Thursday
their ears, and donkeys. bouncing,
which they illustrated ably and un-
inhibitedly with gestures.
a Party Given
For Small Campers
By Agnes Mason, ’42
The Summer Camp Christmas
Louise Classen Excels
In French Nativity Play
viously in paper cambric. There
was a natural but noticeable mix-
ture of English and French cadence
in pronunciation which also, to a
small degree, destroyed the unity of
the pageant.
The French Christmas Pageant
future success lies in exploitation
of the opportunity for unified sim-
plicity of acting, costuming, and
staging of which the scenery, which
suggested rather than attempted to
reproduce the divisions of the stage
into throne room, stable field, and
with the third hour for first and party. ba saat gt moaning, can be said to be one of the most] distant consultation chamber was,
second year courses on Friday af-| bouncing, crawling children played verneed fos Page One delightful and characteristic of the|this year, the most successful
ternoon. The third hour of ad-|tag around the Common Room, hid-| the recitation of lines but their college Christmas traditions. Its| achievement.
ing sa i
tables, and someho
break nothing at all. They also
ate, and little was spilled. “Lon-
don Bridge is falling down,” “The
Farmer in the Dell,” and some
game where everyone sat in a-circle
and somebody dropped a handker-
chief added to the happy conges-
Each guest received a present
from under the tree and a candy
Wiggly story which held us all
cane to take home. Margie Perkins
told a perfectly wonderful Uncle|
breathless, and the children sang
songs about rabbits with flies on
dashing under
managing to
présentations were more in the
spirit of the production.
The costuming was equally un-
even in that the wise men were gor-
geously ‘dressed while the pages of
the King, Francois Fox, ’43 and
| Maud Thomas, ’42, were clothed ob- :
vanced courses will be scheduled
on some other afternoon, preferably
Monday. All afternoon labora-
tories will be on Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday after-
This new plan should allow for
more flexibility and fewer conflicts.
It will also facilitate cooperation
with neighboring colleges.
Peggy Squibb, president of the
Athletic Association, proudly an-
— nounced the purchase of a station
wagon. A calendar for its uses;
will be posted and a rental fee will
be charged. Mr. Watson already
has extensive plans for its use by
the geology department and many
other requests have been submit-
ted. It is to be remembered, how-
ever, that the Athletic Association
is the owner of the car and as such
has priority rights.
Among other matters discussed
by the Council was the method of
conducting collegiate examinations.
Students recently have been leav-
ing examinations in large groups,
disturbing the general quiet of the
room and breaking away from the
spirit of the Senate rules, Proc-
Phone Ardmore 2850
suggested that a list of the par-
ticular fire escapes from each class-
room be posted on the Taylor bul-
letin board.
We Telegraph Flowers
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‘tors have also been absent from the BOOKS GIFTS
room for an hour or so, which the 846-52 Lancaster Avenue
faculty feels to be unsuitable to the STATIONERY
Bryn Mawr 357
orderly conduct of examinations.
As a result, a resolution was passed
by the faculty, stipulating that stu-
dents must obtain permission to
leave the room and that the proc-
tor must be present during the en-
tire period. Mrs. Manning will
present this resolution to the under-
graduate body at a general meeting
after the Christmas vacation.
The Council also wished to bring
to the attention of the undergradu-
ates and faculty the suggestion
made last month to set aside the
last- lecture of each course for. a
critical discussion of the year’s
The Council also discussed and
approved a plan for a fire drill in
Taylor at least once a year. It was
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