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VOL. XXVII, No. 10
ore yi Trustees of
awr College, 1940
Science Series
Fused by Weiss
In Final Lecture
_ Development of Sciences
Results From Rational
Concept of Nature
Common Room, December 9.—
Mr. Weiss concluded the series of
Science Lectures by a discussion on
the nature of the history of science.
It was not, he said a summary of
all that had been presented before,
but rather an appendix or footnote
to the other lectures.
History, Mr. Weiss said, is an at-
tempt to understand a certain
thing through the course of time,
or to see how anything becomes
what it is. That involves the two
related problems of what remains
constant and what changes in the
particular thing studied.
_. Our conception of science today
differs from that of the ancients.
For. Aristotle, the highest. science
is concerned with first principles
and necessary deductions from
them. Now the scientist does not
claim to seek first principles. He
makes a supposition and uses that
to deal with empirical knowledge.
The constant in the history of
se‘ence is a method of approaching
‘ facets, making a hypothesis in order
to understand the meaning of those
facts, and using inductive and de-
ductive reasoning. In one sense,
the scientist clings to his hypothe-
Continued on Page Five
Swarthmore to See
B. M., Haverford Play
The Player’s Club of Bryn Mawr
and the Cap and Bells of Haver-
ford will present..Our Town at
Clothier Hall, Swarthmore, on
Thursday, December 19. As in the
* original production there will be
complete cooperation between Hav-
erford and Bryn Mawr; the Stage
and lighting crew will be composed
of students from both colleges.
The presentation of the play at
.. Swarthmore was suggested and ar-
ranged by President Morley of
Haverford. Swarthmore students
will be admitted free, but Bryn
Mawr and Haverford students will
be charged fifty cents, and outsid-
ers a dollar. If enough students
wish to go, a special bus will drive
them to Swarthmore.
Thursday, Dec. 12.—
Spanish Club tea, 4°p, m.
Friday, Dec. 13.—
C. O. Hardy, Wartime
Control of Prices, Com-
mon Room, 4 p, m.
French Club Christmas
Play, Wyndham, 8. 30 p. m.
Maids’ and Porters’ Dance,
Gym, 9 to 1 p. m. \
Sunday, Dec. 15.— :
Christmas ~ Service,
hart, 7.45. p. m.
Tuesday, Dec. 17.—
Summer Camp Christmas
Party, Common Room, ‘4
p. m.
Current Events, Miss Reid,
‘ Common Room, 7.30 p. m.
Maids’ and ‘Porters’ Glee
Club, Carol Singing.
Wednesday, Dec. 18.—
German Christmas Play,
Common Room, 8 p. m.
Cooperative College
Workshop Organized
To Teach Refugees
The American Friends’ Service
Committee, which administered last
summer the Wolfeboro school for
foreign scholars, has established at
Haverford the Co-operative College
Workshop, another educational
project to equip refugee professors
and artists to teach and to write in
America. Miss Hertha Kraus, as-
sociate professor of social economy
at Bryn Mawr, originated the plan.
Twenty-eight European scholars,
all recent arrivals in America; are
now living in HaVérford. The
Workshop offers training courses in
education’ which are being taught
by Haverford, Swarthmore and
Bryn Mawr professors and other
Main Line teachers. Students of
both Haverford and Bryn Mawr are
giving tutoring conferences to fa-
miliarize every scholar with col-
loquial English and to help~ with
papers, articles and books they may
be writing. After Christmas, the
members of the Workshop will
spend part of every day at one of
the neighboring colleges.
Miss Fairchild, Miss Reed, Miss
Robbins and Mr. Herben, of the
Bryn Mawr faculty, are teaching
at the Workshop; and seven Bryn
Mawr girls are already serving as
tutor-secretaries. More are nedd-
ed; and Ruth Lehr, ’41, Rhoads
Hall, would be glad to talk to any-
one who will offer their services.
Snow Brings Out Campus Artistic Ability;
Statue Exuding Grandeur Found at Radnor
By Barbara Herman, °43
The advent of snow on Thurs-
day and Friday gave a definite im-
petus to the creative instincts of
the student body and also definite
clues as to the waywardness.of the
student mind.
In back of Radnor the impos-
ing figure of a stern -and buxom
~~ Jady~ stood staring with icy, glare
and haughty expression. Her fea-
tures were chiseled, her topknot
was in place down to the last hair,
and her complexion was of the
purest marble. That such evi-
dences of hitherto unsuspected ar=
tistic ability should come from
what we imagine to be the confines
of Radnor leads us to believe that
there is more worldliness in our
grads than meets the eye. The
only question that is troubling us
is, who was the model?
| A less developed piece of sculp-
stood in front of Pem. We;
It was the figure of a person of
indeterminate sex standing
supplicating outstretched arms
made of twigs and a beaming face
done tastefully in dried apricots.
It seemed to us a good complement
to the majestic vision which sprang
in stern gprendeur from Radnor" 8
brow. |
In the Cloisters’ garden .someone
had taken the trouble to come out,
walk around in a- little circle.and.
then go right back in again. We
presume this was for purposes Of |
meditation; and there are definite
signs of an artistic temperament
in the neatness and precision of
each footstep. and_in. thé perfect
roundness of the circle.
There was great sport around
‘campus, too. We know for a fact
that some little boys were sleigh-
riding in back of Rhoads (we were
trying to write a paper at the
time); and there were ski trails
in the hockey field. On the whole,
the, snow seems to have been the
ator. of great . mental, spir-
ital, and — endeavors. ~
Edith Voorhaus, ’42; John Marsh, ’43
Hardy to Discuss
Economic Problems
Raised by War Policy
Charles 0. Hardy will speak on
Wartime Control of Prices in the
Common Room on Friday at four
o’clock. Mr. Hardy is a member of
the Brookings Institute ‘of Wash-
ington, D. C. and in September pub-
lished a book for the Institute on
the subject of his lecture here. The
research work in this field was un-
dertaken at the request of the
United States’ War Department.
In his book, Mr. Hardy analyses
the many. problems connected with
pricing and governmental policy in
time of war and offers an appraisal
of. price controls as they. were de-
veloped during the World War.
The action of government purchas-
ing agents, use of priority sched-
ules for production, price policies
for the government and for the
public at large, and the basic points
for a war labor program are
among the many complexities of a
war economy which Mr. Hardy’s
book discusses. Machinery of con-
trol-and actual methods are also
Maids and- Porters~....
Promise New Songs
The Maids’ and Porters’ Glee
Club promises an entirely changed
repertoire for this year’s Christ-
mas carolling. All the spirituals
ate new, and Meg Wadsworth, the
direttor, has collected several
The group has been greatly en-
larged this year, from. 25 to about
40. -Regular attendance and great
enthusiasm have marked the re-
hearsals, and this Christmas, for
‘the first time, the Glee Club will
sing with sheet music. =
Christmas Concert .
To be Given Jointly
The Christmas Service will be
held on Sunday evening, December
15, at 7:45 P.M. in Goodhart. The
sermon will be given by the Rev-
erend Ernest C. Earp, Church of
the Redeemer.
For the first’ time Miss Rice’s
orchestral group will join that of
Haverford to accompany the sing-
ing of several Christmas carols.
The Bryn Mawr and Haverford
choirs and instrumental groups will
also give a carol concert in Rob-
erts Hall, Haverford~.College on
Monday, December 16, at 8:15 P.M.
The choirs will sing: Tres Magi
de Gentibus by Lang, Lo, How a
Continued on Page Two
John Marsh, Edgar Emery, Louise Classen
Exeel i in Joint Produetion of ‘Our Town’
tuneticcllage: * Cooperation,
Unity of Performance
By Olivia Kahn, 741
Goodhart, December 7.—One of
the most satisfying features of the
Bryn. Mawr-Haverford production
of Our Town was the complete co-
operation between the two colleges.
In former years it would have been
extremely difficult not to have sep-
arated the contribution of each col-
lege towards the dramatic produc-
tion under consideration, but this
year no such difficulty exists. The
harmonious overtones may have
been due either to the skill of Fifi
Garbat, ’41, who directed the play,
or to the interest of both groups
in doing a good job.
Our Town, the Thornton Wilder
few seasons ago, has probably pen-
etrated into four out of every five
of the small theatre groups in
America in a _ surprisingly short
time. Perhaps for this reason it
was not the best possible choice
for the major fall play, but it is
much to the credit of its producers
that they made no particular at-
tempt to follow the trail blazed
by the New York production. Lou-
ise Classen, ’42, played the lead-
ing role much as Martha Scott
played it on Broadway, but the
part is not elastic. She was ably
supported by John C, Marsh, ’43,
who gave an astonishingly polished
performance as George Gibbs, the
young lover. Mr. Marsh acted sim-
ply and effectively, never straining
for dramatic heights, never slip-
ping out of character. The audi-
Continued on Page Three
Summer Camp Party
There will be a Christmas
party on Tuesday, December
17, in the Common Room at
4 o’clock for the children who
have been at the Bryn Mawr
Summer Camp. Anyone who
is interested in the Camp
may come. . The case workers
from the Founding Society in
Philadelphia have been in-
vited, and supper will be
served for them after the
Students Asked Not to Use Reserve Room
Because If They Do the Books Pile Up So
By Marguerite Bogatko, ’41
Every single Bryn Mawr under-
graduate knows about the Reserve
Room in the library or at least
thinks she does. Anyone who has
never been in the Reserve Room
has probably never passed fresh-
man English and so is ruled out
of any intelligent discussion. This
is going to be an intelligent dis-
goes on in your reserve room.
Of course, it’s really much more
restful to sit and dream at the
large shiny desk in the west wing
wheré the record library and the
book elevator are. Not much
chance for dreaming in the hurly-
burly of the old reserve room, -but
there are loads of interesting peo-
ple around. There are those inter-
esting people who just take the
books down to Rhoads instead of
signing. them out and the people
who smile and say at 7:30, “Oh,
don’t be such an old meanie, there
are twelve other copies of this
book; 20 tet: me take-one-out-over:
night now.” There are people with
untidy hair who rush up and say
accusingly, “And where is my
“What book and who are you?”
one asks tactfully.
“Oh, never mind,” they say bit-
terly, taking all the slips out of
the box and throwing them on the
Last but not least there are the
spies.. Sometimes they just peek
in and sometimes they come in and-
have a good look around. “Books
are sort of piling up, aren’t they?”
the gestapo says casually to the
reserve room girl.
“Oh, do yoy really think so?”
the r. r. girl anSwers politely, pre-
tending that she thinks her sinister.
visitor is just making conversation.
If only all those girls who believe
in a thorough five-minutes-to-a-
book review before the quiz and
those girls who do theiy_history
reading and their music reading
would go away, books wouldn’t pile
up. But, of course, nobody even
thinks of that.
are 2
play which came to Broadway a |.
Page Two
(Founded in 1914) }
Published weekly during the College Year (excepting ‘during Thanks-
ving, Christmas and Easter Holidays, and during examination weeks)
n the interest of Bryn Mawr College at the Maguire Building, Wayne,
Pa., and Bryn Mawr College. s
The College News is fully protected by copyright. Nothing thak
apgeare in it may be reprinted either wholly or in part without written
. permission of the Editor-in-Chief. '
Editorial Board
_ Susip INGALLS, ’41, Editor-in-Chief
Editorial Staff
Sports Music J
Business Board
MARGUERITE Howarp, '41, Manager
RutTH McGovern, ’41, Advertising
Subscription Board
Entered as second-class matter at the Wayne, Pa., Post Office
The Advertising and Busi-
ness Board of the COLLEGE
Heilperin Discusses Effect
Of German Victory or
Defeat on America
To the Editor of the COLLEGE
I was greatly interested by your
Editorial on “Middle Ways” with-
out finding myself in agreement
with certain of the statements
made therein. Since the matter is
of great importance, may’ I offer
you my comments.
You consider as a dubious as-
sumption the opinion sommetimes ex-
pressed that a German victory
would spell disaster on the Ameri-
can way of. life. You doubt the
“value of a British victory when
weighed against the cost of war
and the. questionable results of
English peace terms.”
Regarding the first point, the an-
swer is not merely a matter of
opinion. Consider the implications
of a German victory: this country
would continue to arm on an in-
creasing scale because in a world
largely dominated by militaristic
‘powers this country could not af-
i\ford to stay unarmed. The arma-
| ment program would become a per-
History of Science
The series of lectures on the history of science was concluded
on Monday night. These weekly meetings have been exceptionally
stimulating andthe success of the idea cannot be doubted. We be-
lieve this experiment which has proven such a success should now be
incorporated in the college curriculum as a course to be given at
regular intervals.”
Translating a series of lectures into courses involves many
difficylties. It can only be solved by pushing further the coopera-
tive efforts which the various departments have already made.
The idea has, however, the undoubted support of the campus as a
whole and has proven its potential worth. We feel that this course
could be alternated with a course organized along the lines of the
18th century given last year. The science course would probably
be more of a lecture course than was the 18th century and would
also be more of a survey study. The 18th century or some such
period study would fll a different need, in that it would be pri-
marily a discussion class based on student reports. Both courses
would ‘be non-specialized and should draw students and faculty
from all fields.
We hope_it is possible to include every year one such course
offering a broad viewpoint and not limited to particular interests.
7 Union Now |
Our Town was a successful cooperative effort of two small
colleges. As such it provided a concrete example of a sentiment
and faith vigorously propounded this year by college officials of
Bryn Mawr, Haverford and Swarthmore. The fall play produced
jointly by Bryn Mawr and Haverford climaxes the unofficial par-
ticipation by the two colleges in small plays and in other extra-
curricular activities.
Cooperation in extracurricular events has begun to spread to
academic lines. President Morley of Haverford has said that, “by
pooling facilities, while preserving autonomy, small colleges can
give their students university advantages without in any way sac-
rificing the inestimable assets of the small colleges.”
The limitations of a small college as to the size of its faculty
and the number of specialized courses it can provide could be
greatly minimized by sharing the particular advantages offered by
the individual colleges. 3
The development of joint participation in academic work will
undoubtedly have to proceed slowly, as has been the case in extra-
curricular events. Already, however, outside lectures are shared
and advanced publicity arranged. Some few students interchange
for particular courses and one or two faculty members give lectures
at other colleges.~ If the cooperative efforts continue along these
lines, much of the present financial strain will be relieved without
necessitating the sacrifice of local autonomy or individual policies.
ales Thanksgiving
We don’t claim to be a disinterested party, but we have been
fair minded. We kept our mouths shut while this one-day-vacation
idea was being tried. Now it has been. tried and we have- not
- "Phe reason’ for making Friday, November 29, an obligatory
class day was that a four-day vacation just three weeks before
~ Christmas was demoralizing to undergraduates and made for pre-
Christmas hysterics.
Actually the effec .
‘academic thought. Some few lucky souls could take a
__ tating to aca | c
ame with those who went off Thursday, came back for an
ey se
manent feature of American life.
This implies a militarisation of the
people and a growing control by
the Government over economic ac-
tivity. . Under modern conditions
neither enterprise nor consumption
can yemain free in an economic
system based on preparedness for
a possible war. The longer this
would last the more certain the es-
tablishment of some form of State
socialism would become.
Consider next what it would
mean for the American way of liv-
ing to continue for year after year
with no end-in- fear and to
fighting “fifth columns.” Neces-
sary under emergency conditions,
this would, if indefinitely extended,
create a widespread distrust among
the people and establish in the
‘United States a form of “Police
State” which is “more reminiscent
of authoritarian than
~cratic political systems.
Finally, what of international
trade? _Confpetition with strong
totalitarian countries could not be
carried out. without the adoption by
this country of similar controls and
practices as those now used by
Germany. There is-no better way
of “going totalitarian” than this.
Or this country might renounce
foreign trade—but would have to
adopt a system of State socialism
in order to effect the transition to
that new economic mode of life.
All these are questions of fact,
not of opinion. A country’s domes-
tic “way of life?’ depends upon the
“climate” of the world.
Regarding the second point, any
peace after a British victory would
depend on the American will to
cooperate and on America’s vision
of the future and of the role it in-
tends to play in the world of the
future. To demand clear’ peace
aims from a people fighting for life
and bombed by day and night is
hardly reasonable. It is those who
still know the blessings of life in
peace that have the duty to think
of demos
News takes great pleasure in
announcing the following
elections: Judy Bregman,
42; Martha Gans, 42; Eliza-
beth Gregg, ’42; and Celia
Moskovitz, ’43.
of the future, clearly not sceptical-
ly, courageously not fearfully. The
future depends mainly on two
things: on who will win the war
and on what American policies will
be if victory should be Britain’s.
Yours very sincerely, _.
Battle of Aristocrats
To the Editor of the COLLEGE
I should advise the “aristocratic”
lady (by the way, isn’t courage a
supposedly high born virtue) to
put a little thought on the relation
of responsibility and _ privilege.
High birth and high breeding have
always implied a sense of obliga-
tion to the less fortunate, including
an effort to elevate them. I be-
lieve many men in the forefront of
the battle for human liberties have
been aristocrats. The criterion of
“noblesse” is*“noblesse oblige.” No
true aristocrat ever spoke of the
man in’ the street with the con-
tempt shown in her letter. What-
ever your correspondent’s means of
judging her own = aristocracy—
sumption of the duties of her sup-
posed position. The only aristoc-
racy for a democracy is one of pub-
lic service, privilege is to be used
for the common good. I would
suggest the young lady meet an
aristocrat and see what he is like.
In Town ag
STANTON: “South of Suez,”
George Brent and Brenda Mar-
EARLE: Beginning Friday,
“Christmas in July,” Dick Powell
and Ellen Drew.
ALDINE: “The Long Voyage
Home,” Thomas Mitchell, John
ARCADIA: “Bittersweet,” Jean-
ette MacDonald and Nelson Eddy.
BOYD: “The Letter,” Bette Da-
vis and Herbert Marshall.
FOX: “Seven Sinners,’ Marlene
STANLEY: “Go ' West,” Marx
EGYPTIAN: Thursday and Fri-
day, “Scatterbrain,” Judy Canova.
Saturday thru Monday, “Third
Finger, Left Hand,’ Myrna Loy
and Melvyn Douglas. y
ARDMORE: Thursday thru Sun-
day, “Third Finger, Left Hand.”
Monday thru Thursday, “They
Knew What They. Wanted,” Carole
Lombard and Charles Laughton.
WAYNE: Thursday, “Knute
Rockne All-American,’ Pat. O’Bri-
en. Friday, “Dr. Kildare Goes
Home,” Lew Ayres and Lionel
Barrymore. Saturday, ‘“Destry
Rides Again,’ Marlene
and, James Stewart.
they seem not to.include the as-/:
effects of a one-day vacation are still more devas-|—
is preferable to the one-day idea, for at least that would avoid the
hour or so Friday and rushed off again to stay away until Monday.
They certainly did no more work than the long vacationers and
they spent more money and energy. Besides wearing themselves
out they wore out the few who stayed the whole time at college.
Indeed, the stay-at-homes were demoralized not by one exodus, but
by two and also by two general returns.
problem by moving Thanksgi back a week. Of course, this
Quizzes could be moved back or some could come after. vacation,
as seems to have been done this year for a few courses. The. vaca-
tion would split the fall term and give the professors and under-
graduates a brief respite without overcrowding the last weeks.
We even suggest that the drastic solution of no vacation at all
here-we-go, here-we-come, here-we-go traffic jam of Thursday and
| Friday.
o 6
We feel that President Roosevelt offered a solution to our
would have meant the middle of the quiz period for this year.
ISS and NSFA Plan
‘Student Conference
The International Student Serv-
ice and the National Student Fed-
eration of America are holding a
joint conference, December, 27-29
at the New Jersey College for
Women at New Brunswick.
It is the belief of the conference
leaders that “Democracy must
cease to be an.abstraction to which
one pays lip-service ow national
holidays. It must become a con-
cept which informs our every ac-
tion:” With this end in mind, I.S.S.
commissions have been formed to
discuss Youth in Business, in Pub-
lie Administration, in Professions,
as Workers, as Students, etc.
Plenary Sessions with the N.S.
F.A. will discuss “Youth’s Phil-
osophy ‘for Democracy”, “The In-
ternational Situation”, and. “‘Does
Academic Freedom Apply to Stu-
dents”? Mrs. Roosevelt will speak
at an informal reception, on De-
cember 28.
The Undergraduate Association
is sending its treasurer, Sally Mat-
teson, and the Self-Government its
treasurer, Frances Matthai, as
representatives to the N.S.F.A.
The delegates to the I.8.S. are
Agnes Martin, News and Elizabeth
Kerr’ from the League. Anyone
else who is interested should speak
to Charlotte Hutchins; expenses
are 12 dollars.
Christmas Concert
To be Given Jointly
Continued trom Page One
Rose, by Praetorious, Come Tune
Your Heart by Lafford, Glory to
God In-the Highest and With All
Thy Hosts by Bach, The Magnificat
by Stanford, “Hush My Dear, Lie
Still_and Slumber by Shaw, Baby
Sleep by Vaughan Williams, and
Joseph Came Seeking by Wil-
loughby. The congregation will
join in singing carols.
Books for Christmas
Babar and Father Christmas, by
Jean de Brunhoff. Babar steps
‘again out of the pages and the big
colored pictures to tell the charm-
ing story of his adventures in San-
ta’s workshop. For the pre-school
child. t
Topsy-Turvy Cireus, by George
Duplaix.. Pictures by Tibor Gerge-
ly. An animal picture book with’
an exciting story for the animal-
minded 4 to 8-year-old.
South American Round - About,
by Agnes Rothery. [Illustrated by
Carl Burger. A book for the Amer-
i¢an-minded 10-year-old, telling the
mystery and the fact that surround
old and new South America. One
of the best travel bookg for chil- |
dren ever written.
Sapphira and the Slave Girl, by
Willa Cather. A new tale of Vir-
ginia life that will interest the nov-
el reader. Not quite up to the stan-
dards of Miss Cather’s earlier nov-
els, but good light holiday reading.
A Winter In Arabia, by Freya
Stark. A travel book that takes
us away from the newspapers into
the interior of Arabia. Humorous
and serious impressions of a poor
but noble people.
"Make Bright the Arrows, by Ed-
na St. Vincent Millay.
guished poet lashes out against the -
war in verse that has life, emotion
and momentum.
Records for Britain
- Two records of English
Christmas songs sung by
Stewart Wilson, for only one
dollar to help buy a rolling
kitchen for England. Rec-
ords and order blanks can be
had from Mimi Boal, French __|
House, room 8.
We do feel, however, that time off in the fall is desirable. |
Page Three
‘School of Athens’ |
Newly ‘Interpreted |
By Dr. Edgar A. Wind
Haverford Union, December 5.—|
Dr. Edgar Wind, editor of the jour- |
nal of the Warburg Institute in
London, now teaching in the. grad-
uate school of New York Univer-
sity, explained his interpretation of
The School of
Athens; This picture is one of four
painted for Julius II in the Stanza
della Segnatura of the Vatican.
Dr. Wind would have called his
lecture The Renaissance Encyclo-
paedia of Raphael, if he had
thought that his audience would
understand the title in its proper
sense, for, literally translated from
the Greek, encyclopaedia means
“education in a circle.”
Raphael’s four frescoes form a
striking example of this merging
of thought. The subjects are:
The School of Athens (philoso-
phy); Parnassus (poetry); Dis-
puté (theology); and Jurispru-
dence. Between these are mytho-
logical scenes which make allegori-
cal connections between the adja-
cent paintings. The judgment of
Solomon is the link between Juris-
prudence and The School of Ath-
Raphael’s fresco,
Maids’, Porters’ Dance
The annual dance of the
Maids and Porters will be
held. December 13, from 9 to
12 in the gym. For fifteen
cents, students may come to
watch and hear the local
band in which John Whit-
taker plays the bass fiddle.
Marsh, Emery, Classen
Excel in ‘Our Town’
Continued from Page One
ence was-genuinely moved, which
is rather impressive considering
the stony-eyed stoicism of the av-
erage collegiaté™theatre-goer.-—
Together Pi, seh and Mr.
Marsh gave a charming rendition
of the drugstore interlude, their
only big scene together. It was
unfortunate that the stage crew
did not have time to clear the stage
before the scene took place, but
other than that it was done with
true professional grace and an in-
telligent emphasis on the youth-
fulness of ‘hero and heroine.
Edgar Emery, ’42, deserves very
special recommendation because he
was able to give an interpretation
of the Stage Manager quite differ-
ent from that of Frank Craven (on
stage and screen). From the first
minute the spotlight played on him
ens, since Solomon represents jus-
tice and wisdom.
’ The fresco of The School of Ath-
ens itself is divided into halves
which carry out the same relation
with the pictures next ta it. On
the left, next to Parnassus, are the
natural philosophers of the “in-
ward view” and of “aesthetic en-
thusiasm,” while on the right, next
to Jurisprudence, are the moral
thinkers of “rational prudence’
and of “outward view.”
In the lower right corner of the
picture are Euclid, Ptolemy, Thales
and other men concerned with the
study of the spheres, with the “out-
ward view.” Raphael has put him-
self here, for a painter, he felt,
should be attuned to the movements
of the heavenly bodies. Opposed
to this group on the left are Pyth-
agoras, Varo and others discussing |
harmony, the inward, poetic view
of the universe. In both of these
lower groups the subject is nature,
but in the upper groups, it is man.
Here on the left is an enthusiastic
vy Socrates with followers. On ‘the
right there is a sceptic, a stoic, and
a symbol of epicureanism. Plato
and Aristotle stand at the top of
the picture in a temple. On the.
steps leading up to the temple in
the center lies a man who repre-
There is an almost infinite num-
ber of similar cross-references and
allegorical details. Each group of
men, for instance, is made up of
nine men, seven to two being the
proportion of the heavens, and nine
signifying perfection. A statue of
Apollo is set in a niche on the left,
while. on the right, is a statue of
Minerva, goddess of wisdom.
This’ elaborate’ conception was
not originally Raphael’s. Under
the school of Pico della Mirandola
a book had been compiled called
The Concordat of Plato and Aris-
totle, Raphael has merely embodied}
this work in his painting.
he was absolutely at ease and
formed a real bond between actors
‘and audience. He managed to make
‘almost all of his lines sound pleas-
ant and, appeared to feel -really at
home in his part. Occasionally the
transition from interpreter to par-
ticipant in the drama was awk-
; ward, but the fault lay more with
‘Mr. Wilder than with Mr. Emery.
Although she had a minor role
and didn’t appear onstage after the
|first act, Edith Vorhaus, ’42, showed
‘signs of monopolizing the attention
of the audience early in the play.
As Rebecca, George’s young sister,
Miss Vorhaus contributed amazing
vitality to the play. The few words
she chanted at the breakfast table
and her -triumphant outburst at
George’s imaginary window ¢om-
pletely won the audience; the fresh-
ness and sparkle of her characteri-
, zation were irresistible. '
Unity is not always. a strong
point in college productions, but it
Town as performed in Goodhart
last Saturday night. The Lighting
Committee is_to be especially con-
gratulated on its excellent job in
| bringing successive dawns and
;dusks ‘to Grovers Corners. The
Sound Committee apparently has
solved some highly complicated
problems in the reproduction _ of
wave lengths, and as a whole the
Bryn Mawr and Haverford stage
crews have proved they can func-
tion admirably as a unit. It is to
be hoped that the two colleges will
be able to work together equally
well in their spring production.
This reviewer urges that they
choose a vehicle more uniquely
worthy for their talents than Our
See Her Danger
French are too full of criticism and
reality has not begun; in this re-
spect they are avoiding the opin-
jons and immediate dangers from
/ aggressor nations. To America re-
‘used to disperse enemy military
‘was a marked characteristic of Our ‘force, and her ideas are of value to
French Spirit
Not Dead, Says
Pierre de Lanux
America is Leading Force
In World Today; Must
Deanery, December 5.—M. Pierre |
de Lanux in his lecture, Les Fran- |
gais, stated that France although,
defeated economically and militari-
ly, was not dead. As it has risen
from other disasters of its history,
French cultural and spiritual life
will rise from itS present predica-
France’s current fate was re-:
peated in the Franco - Prussian
War of 1870° France was mate-
rially beaten, her commerce unset-
tled, her prosperity weakened.
Foreign armies were in Paris.
In spite of disaster France did
not lose her French spirit and
character, but recovered to be
France once more. This was not
due to the leadership of any. one
man, nor to a concerted movement
toward recovery. It was the
French qualité cultivated. in each
Frenchman, which provoked a de-
sire to live the French way.
The Third Republic was then
formed, although it lacked a true
republican structure. A decadence
resulted and there was a loss of
discipline and of organization. The
too argumentative ever to accept
an undemocratic régime.
M. de Lanux fears, not the_dis-
appearance of France as a nation,
but differences with her neighbors.
The French will have an important
role to play when Europe is de-
ciding if she should accept the new
rule. France will have an influ-
ence when the current of European
thought crystallizes. Too many
Americans believe that the war in
mains the role of leadership of the
world today. Her capital can be
the entire world.
If Americans still sympathize
with the French, the latter are ig-
norant of the fact. In despair they
are accepting the Germans’ rule
because they believe themselves
alone, without allies. They would
be eager for American aid. Yet
neither nation is in touch with the
other’s sympathy. America has a
free choice of war, whereas the
Shoes and Clothing for the
Next Door to the Movies
| BY
Take advantage of the “College Special” _
These special school and college tickets, with thelr [Iberal extended
return limits, are a great saving to students and teachers. When you're
ready to come back after Christmas, buy one and save money. There
» are also reduced round trip Pullman rates In connection with these
Monsieur Guiton and Family
M. Guiton
M. Jean Guiton, who has been
absent for more than a year on
military service, returned to this
country last Tuesday with his wife
and five-month-old daughter, Mar-
tine. Going from Pau in unoccu-
pied France through Spain to Lis-
bon, they crossed on the Siboney,
American Export Line.
M. Guiton will do no teaching
first semester. During the second
semester he will give an advanced
course in 16th century literature,
and hold some graduate seminars.
‘Look’ Offers Prizes
For Picture Series
The editors of Look Magazine
have announced a competition open
to all students, undergraduate and
graduate, for the best picture
story on a college subject. By a
picture-story they mean a series of
photographs telling a definite, co-
herent story, and these photo-
Europeans had it forced upon them. mentioned...the +
American Quakers as an effective
means to send -help to unoccupied
¥rance. Unbiased American news
broadcasts would alone be a boon
to the French people.
mes |SEIVed.
Dance, Bridge Party
Given by-Graduates
Saturday, December 7th was a
night of infinite festivity at Bryn
‘Mawr. While the undergraduates
were celebrating in the gym, thé
graduates were entertaining théir
friends fron{ Princeton and Penn
at Radnor. The entertainment was
an informal record dance with a
little bridge thrown in.
The party monopolized the din-
ing room and downstairs showcase
as well as the upstairs sitting
|rooms, where refreshments were
Miss Taylor, the Patter-
sons, the Berrys and the Millers
represented the faculty and a few
outside friends were present. When
the dance ended at about 12.30 sev-
eral couples moved on to the Hof
Brau in Camden and the Conestoga
Inn. Before they left, however, the
men were forced to mové all the
tables back into the dining room
from which they had been removed
for the dance (slave labor at Bryn
The grads hope to have some
sort of festivity on this order every
month or six weeks, After the mid-
year- exams there will be a big
dance in the Common Room or
‘gym, with an orchestra and “a re-
ceiving line.”
| graphs will be judged on original-
ity, and competence of treatment.
There are six prizes, ranging
from 500 dollars to 50 dollars. All
entries must be mailed on or before
April 15, 1941. Details of the con-
test are in the December 17th Look.
Why not send flowers to your
friends at home before leay-
ing college?
order and plan your
Christmas gifts with
roll as soon as-possible and be a good
Evening and Day ,Clothes, House Coats, Badminton Dresses, —
Lingerie, Stockings
Tea served daily from 4 o’clock
Brush-Up on Dancing —
URING the holidays, as soon as you reach .
home, plan to visit the Arthur Murray Stu- | *
dios and arrange for a few lessons. You'll enjoy’
learning the latest Rumba and Fox Trot steps. In
just a few hours you'll surprise your partners with
the thrilling new steps. Gain poise and confidence.
Special low rates-are offered to all students! En-
time for your next party. All lessons are transfer- |
able to any one of our studios from coast-to-coast
at no extra cost. Lessons may also be used at
resorts. Don’t wait uatil the last minute.
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dancer in
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“Coll ecial” tickets. When Spring Holidays come you canwuse + «, [Roosevelt Hotel
the sh poner to travel home again or use It at close of school. - per } views
Consult your home town ticket agent or any RAILROAD representative HILADELPHIA . Belloves Bizettord Hotel
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ASSOCIATED EASTERN RAILROADS || iistodil Woaisgt sinc Toumpg A. comaniwn try tas
iG ° se: SL
NUTS a BOLTS | Radnor Tea 20th Century History New Projector British Relief Work
Everyone is cordially in- Of Physics Discussed The publicity office has a May be Started Here
Marriage? vited to a Christmas Tea new movie ,rojector equip-
By Isabel Martin, ’42
A few years ago it became quite
the thing in Western Universities
to install marriage courses for
those inquisitive people who want
to know everything that is going
on. The fashion is now spreading
to the eastern colleges, Wheaton
College announced a week or so ago
that they were going to present a
_ series of five lectures on the topic
‘of marrige. There was a course on
the family, but it was only open to
: Sociology majors. The lectures are
open to any one who wishes to at-
It all began when a few Wheat-
on girls attended a conference
sponsored by the Student Christian |.
Union. At that conference Robert
Grant and his wife spoke on meth-
ods of presenting marriage courses
at colleges and universities. The
Wheaton girls were inspired, and
found willing faculty members who
would discuss different aspects of
the situation. The subject of the
lectures are on very enlightening
topics: “Money and Marriage,”
“Marriage and a Career,” “Dating
er Waiting,” “Marriage: When,
Why, and Who,” and “Making it
Stick.” Wheaton became very ex-
cited about the prospect, so last
week Grant Noble opened the series
with an introduction on “The As-
pects of Marriage,” in which he
stressed the religious side.
It is sincerely hoped that all
Wheaton girls go out and catch
their man and then hold on to him.
It seems that Bryn Mawr hasn’t
been very successful.
The Sixth National Con-
vention of the American Stu-
dent Union will be held this
year at the Fraternal Club
House, 110 West 48th Street,
New York City, from Decem-
ber 27th to December 30th.
The business of. the Conven-
tion will be to propose to stu-
dents “the practical measures
they can take to keep Ameri-
ca at peace.”
White Bunny Mittens
Hand-Woven Scarfs
_ Socks, Belts, Hosiery
Special Sale on Sweaters
'H. Sobol, ’41.
which is to be given at Rad-
nor on Wednesday, December
16th from 4.30 until 6.00.
There will be a skit, carol
singing, or some other form .'
of eiveriginment,
Michels Traces Development
' Of. Physics as Related
To Motion Theories
In the sixth of the History of
Medieval Play To Be
Given by German Club
Bearbeitet, by Max Mell. will be
the mediaeval Christmas play given
on Wednésday, December 18, by
at 8 o’clock in the Common’ Room
and an Open House will follow in
the German House. Sarah Mosser
is director and in charge of music;
M. Alston, ’41, costumes, and A.
Dickinson, ’42, scenery. The cast
is as follows: Maria, H. Hunt, ’41;
Joseph, H. Mackintosh, ’41; Ga;
briel, V. Erickson, ’41; Innkeeper,
The shepherds are
J. Day, ’41, J. Sheaffer, ’42, and E.
Pines, *48. The kings are Schla-
geter, ’42, E. Hunt} 41, and R.
Fiesel, 42. The Prologue is Mary
Armstrong, ’44.
Date Set for French
Club’s Annual Pageant
Friday evening, December 13, is
the date fixed by the French Club
for its annual Christmas play. Le
Mystere de la Nativité will be
given in the Wyndham music room
at 8.30. Open House will follow.
Louise Allen, ’42, is in charge of
the-music; C. Murphy, ’42, of cos-
tumes; P. Delaney, ’42, is promp-
ter. The cast is as follows: Vir-
gin, L. Classen, °42; Joseph, J.
Dowling, ’42; the three kings, L.
Pirrung, °43, M.° Boal,
Fox, ’48, and M. Thomas, ’42; three
angels, E. Sculley, ’42, L. Allen,
and A. Heffenger, ’42. The com-
¥< 222 FPO PIII OID atin.
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d “collect,” you know, by
ge laundry goes. Yes, itis a
hi BA
ithe German Club. The play begins.
42, and
Erickson, ’41. The three shepherds
are J. Bregman, ’42, E. M. Jones,
’42, and V. Moore, ’42. V. French,
’42, is Herod; the messenger, ‘Su-
arez Murias, 42; clerk, B. Kauff-
man, ’43. Two chevaliers are, F.
Science lectures, Mr. Michels
spoke on the development in phys-
ics since the beginning of the pres-
ent, century. He explained the
principal theories of motions: the
particle theory and the wave
theory, and then described the
steps in the advancement of mod-
ern physics in their“relation to
those two theories.
During the eighteenth and the
early part of the nineteenth cen-
turies, the natural philosophers
succeeded in building a satisfying
particle theory into which all the
known physical information fitted.
At about the same time, Huygens,
and later, Young, developed the
idea that light is a wave motion.
When James Clerk Maxwell intro-
duced his theory of electromagnetic
waves, and showed that the mo-
tion of electric charges leads to a
wave motion, workers felt that this
development of thought had been
|earried to its logical conclusion.
The closing years of the nine-
teenth century brought into ex-
istence five bits of knowledge
which proved this idea false and
greatly changed the structure of
physics. Michelson and Morley,
that its velocity is unaffected by
the motion of the observer. At
about. the same time, Hertz found
that electricity could be emitted
from solid bodies under the action
of ultra-violet rays. In 1895,
Rontgen discovered a type of ra-
diation emitted when electrons
strike the walls of a discharge tube
and gave it the name of X-rays.
Becquerel then found a spontane-
ous type of radiation called radio-
activity. Finally Planck decided
that light is given off from solid
bodies in discrete bits of energy
which he called light quanta.
—These five results had a great
experimenting with light, proved!
bined Prologue-and Epilogue is P.
Wellman, ’42.
Meet at
The Shelton for years has been the New
York headquarters for college women
. «» for the Shelton provides the club
atmosphere to which discerning college
women are accustomed. Here you can
enioy “extra facilities” at no extra cost,
such as the beautiful swimming pool,
the gym, solarium, roof terrace, library.
4|_ The Shelton's. convenient-.location......0»-
right in the Grand Central, Zone makes
all_ of. New~York's amusement-and-cul-
tural places readily accessible. Two
popular priced restaurants. Dancing
during dinner and supper. |
ped to show sixteen mm. films
and possibly slides. It is to
be used primarily for public-
ity and administration pur-
poses, but it may be lent to a
college organization on appli-
impact on the physics of today.
In 1905, Einstein predicted a quan-
titative relationship between the
wave length of the light falling
on a solid and the energy of the
electrons -ejected from it. This
caused confusion, because the as-
sumptions of Planck and Einstein
depended on the fact that light “is
a stream of particles, while men
like Young and Maxwell proved
that light is a wave motion.
Einstein, working from the Mi-
chelson-Morley results, regarding
the velocity of light, developed his
theory of relativity. Rutherford
bombarded the atom, and found
that it- consisted of a positive nu-
cleus with electrons revolving about
it. Then Compton showed that X-
rays under certain conditions act
as waves instead of particles. This
again left the assumption that
electromagnetic radiations had to
be considered purely as waves for
one purpose, and as particles for
Puerto de Mexico
Are you looking for reason-
able and unusual Christmas
We also have choice teas—
Open evening except
Saturday until 9 o’clock
A tasolty committee is consider-
ing opening a’ Red Cross unit to
make garments for civilian relief
in Great. Britain, if enough people
jare interested. Meetings would be
held in the May Day Room in
Goodhart between 2 and 5 p. m. on
Wednesday and Thursday, and be-
tween 9 and 12.30 a. m. on Friday
and Saturday.
There will be a tea for. all who
are ‘interested on Thursday, De-
cember 12, at 4.30 p. m., in the
May Day Room, ' :
Finally DeBroglie decided that’
the duality of waves and particles
had to be taken as a fundamental
assumption. This led to the de-
velopment of a new system of me-
chanics suited to the scale of at-
oms, and the association of the
particle and the wave. This sys-
tem had helped to clarify the dif-.
ficulty, but it has also left many
new problems to be solved by mod-
ern physics.
11 Station Road, Ardmore, Pa.
(Right-Hand Side at
Ardmore Station)
Smart Girls Love Our Clothes
— And Our Lower Prices
Phone Ardmore 2850
We Telegraph Flowers
Rooms without bath $2.08"
Rooms with tub and sities. . » $3.00 |
college me
Alert ee
enjoy the rer
j velvety
Page Five °
Science Series Fused
By Weiss in Last Lecture
Continued from Page One
ses even though some experimental
knowledge may not agree with it.
The great revolutions in science
‘are those which violate accepted
hypotheses, and in that way science
commonly progresses forward step
by step. >
Most of our concepts in science
have radically changed at some
sidered a circle the most continuous
form and a sttaight line finite;
while Newton said ,that anything
traveling in a straight line will,
continue in that path forever un- |
less acted on by some external |
force. Thegon ct: nce |
which has remained constant is |
that nature is inherently rational. |
If nature is attacked in the right
way, it will reveal an answer. lence interprets facts rather than
The technique in science seems to |being subservient to them.
remain at a point of accuracy suit-' ‘The province of science differs
ed to the hypotheses of the time. jtoday from what it was in the time
If Newton had had our present | of. Aristotle, It is not true, Mr.
telescope, he could never have for- | Weiss said,that>-the various
mulated his simple theories because | ibranches of science have been sub-
they would have left too much of | ijtracted from the original concep-
the empirical data unexplained. It | ‘tion of philosophy and left nothing.
is not true, however, that scientists | ' Philosophy is richer today than it
have only had information that fit-|was before and so is science. But
ted their theories. Science, Mr.!there are still certain things, such
Weiss said, is trying to drive a 'as the idea of God, which are out-
| side of the realm of the scientist.
The artist is concerned with the
of an_ individual — being
, Which includes within itself the na-
For instance Aristotle con- |
There will be a salé of hand
woven goods made by the
Bryn Mawr Weavers, on
Wednesday, December 11,
and Thursday, December 12;
for the British War Relief.
The’ sale, will be held in the
Deanery from 1 to 8p. m.
BOOKS GIFTS path through a multiplicity of fact,
STATIONERY and at times is forced to ignore
certain data unexplained by their ' essence
hypotheses. In that respect, sci-
ke will be at
for your Christmas Shopping convenience
with a selection of
ture of everything else. The philo-
' sopher is looking for a concept so
ibroad that the individual thing is
an illustration of it. Scfence is
j concerned, not with the individual
or the universal, but with certain
All the sciences, Mr. Weiss said,
overlap and verge on each other.
'But they each have a certain ap-
i proach which is peculiar to them.
In that respect, each science is sep-
!arate and worthwhile in itself.
| Where the Elite Meet to
Dine and Wine
23 East Lancaster Ave.
Youth Council Group
Will Hold Convention
Specially Contributed
by Leriore Rankin, ’41
The Philadelphia Youth Council,
is holding its annyal convention,
December 14, and 15 at the New
Century Club in Philadelphia and
extends to groups in Bryn Mawr
College an invitation to participate
in this convention.
The Youth Council is a purely
local organization, aiming to .co-
ordinate the work of youth groups
and youth-serving agencies along
certain lines—as on the question of
health and housing. It has no
formal affiliates but plans and _exe-
cutes its programs with “cooper-
ating” organizations. Its policy
and program for action is taken
from the organizations that cooper-
ate with it. These, at the annual
convention, determine the general
outline of the program for the year,
and in autonomous, neighborhood
councils carry out that program as
applied to a given district.
Bryn Mawr groups have been in-
vited to send delegates or observers
to this policy-making convention.
This will mean sending delegates,
Peele niiiiitirn
is at the
FIO eLTeO Le Lele ite iiiiiie litt:
hearing and discussing the reports
they bring back, and if the pro-
gram is approved of, it means work.
and time for carrying out this pro-
The writer would not for worlds
dispute that we haven’t enough ac-
tivities on campus that need our
work and time. On the other hand,
a liberal youth organization for the
Philadelphia metropolitan area will
not appear out of thin air. Work
and time are needed and if the lib-
erals don’t put in their quota they
can’t expect a liberal program to
emerge from this convention,
The Youth Council will be prog-
ressive only if the cooperating
members make it. so, and Bryn
Mawr can work with liberal youth
organizations in Philadelphia to see
that it_is.
See ‘Taylor Bulletin Board for
convention schedule, regulations for
registering of delegates, etc.
SY ,
greens. Invigoratin
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local dealer has Prince Albert’s Christmas-wrapped “specials”
on display now! Get your Prince Albert gifts today!
R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, N. C.
Page Six
Conwnt peat bs
Miss Reid
In Italy the dismissal of many
high officials, particularly Badoglio,
the anti-Fascist commander-in-chief
of the army and _ potential leader
of a revolt, is significant of in-
ternal strain. Germany is massing
forces in Austria, for she cannot
afford to allow Italy to collapse or
to ally with Germany’s enemies.
enemy power.
On ‘the whole, the Axis has lost
by the Greek war. Its prestige has
suffered and though it is true that!
Germany has gained power in the
Balkans at the expense of Italy,
the smaller Balkan states are much
less cooperative than before, and
England has won important stra-
tegic bases in Greece.
American policy is undoubtedly
the most decisive factor in the bal-
American developments are
watched carefully in Germany. In
Hitler’s speech to the German
workers, America for the first time
‘ enemy power.
In the Far East, Japan’s attitude
was indicated in the speech of For-
eign Minister Matsuoka. He im-
plied that Japan has no wish. to
fight us and is willing to"be amen-
able if we will bargain with her.
' Great Britain, following the lead
of the United States, has an-
nounced a loan of ten million
pounds to China.
Lord Lothian’s statement that
Gowns and Dresses
17 East Lancaster Avenue
Ardmore, Pa.
Charge Accounts Invited
| snow outside before cutting in.
ance of power today; the speeches| American financial aid opens an
of Hitler and Goebbels show that! interesting question. Great Britain|
' has well over five billion dollars in-|
specifically defined as an'|
| to pay for almost all her purchases. |
New and Frightening |
Innovations Do Not
Frighten Brunettes
By Barbara B. Cool SS
A string of colorful beasties, ge- |
nus bedroomus, and a sign “Do Not |
Touch or Feed the Animals” writ-
ten in large letters over the Gym
| door startled but in no way deter-
red enthusiasts rushing to the win-
ter College Dance. Inside also
they found spectacular eye-open-
ers. It was the first time in his
memory that the oldest inhabitant
had seen the orchestra in a corner, |
program dances, “boy meets girl”
hall signs, so many waltzes, or a
| floor so slippery that stags found it
ladvisable to wet their feet in the’
For the first time in the hither-
i -.os-and Cons of The
dance floor.
Great Britain may very soon “atte
vested in the United States and|
Canada, only a small part of which)
cannot be easily liquidated. So far,
goods-exchange has been sufficient
Considering, these facts it is prob-|
able that Lord Lothian’s speech was |
for the purpose of sounding out,
American feeling, and of discover-|
ing whether America is willing to,
follow her financial aid with pos-/
sible military~intervention. The;
answer to this question may decide!
whether Great Britain will prepare |
for a' long war or consider a nego-
tiated peace.
Varied Selection of Gifts
at Prices That Will
Interest You
© © ©
Shop at Silvert’s
846-52 Lancaster Avenue
Bryn Mawr 357
There is something delight-
falabout the clean, exhilarating
taste of ice-cold Coca-Cola.
The minute it passes your lips
you know it for what it is,—
pure, wholesome, delicious.
And you welcome the refreshed
feeling that follows.
Young People’s Forum
The Young People’s Forum
of the Ardmore Y. M. C. A.
will hold a discussion, Thurs-
day, December 12, at 8 p. m.,
*” Draft. R. Donahue, the Phil-
adelphia Inquirer authority,
will speak in favor of the
draft. The Reverend J. S.
Everton, Baptist ‘minister
from Wayne will speak as a
conscientious objector. An
army officer will discuss the
military value of the draft.
to unsullied history of the female
cutting-system, a young lady (we
always thought she was a nice girl,
—she’s on the NEWS) was literally
picked up in the middle of the
We are glad to report
that after a brief, gasping moment
in mid-air, she reached the solid,
though slippery floor intact.
In the ‘midst of this frightening
larray of innovations, the familiar
faces of Miss Park, Mrs. Manning,
the Broughtons, Miss Ward, Char-
lotte Hutchins, and Margot Dethier
in.the receiving Tine, were a wel-
come relief. Another oasis in this
novel desert was the circus posters
Formals ‘for Xmas Parties
$15.95 - $19.95
Also Xmas Gifts - $1.00
Year Book Cameras .
Visit League Dance
ing weekend did not deter or injure
the League Square Dance, Friday
night, November 28. It was ac-
knowledged to be one of the most
sticcessful ever held.
The gym, decorated with stream-
ers and flags of uncertain sig-
nificance, was filled with a crowd
of dancers almost equally divided
between Bryn Mawr and Haver-
by Bert Graves, who did the Pinoc-
chio people for the last Spring
Perhaps the most revolutionary
of all was the amazing, and inade-
quately explained, phenomenon
(we’re still rubbing our eyes) of a
crowded dance floor,—but only two
blond men.
The mass exodus for Thanksgiv-
\ford. Mr. and Mrs. David were
leading spirits in the gaiety which
Miss Lawson, warden of Pembroke
East, described as so catching she
couldn’t resist.
Year book bulbs flashed continu-
ally taking perpetual memorials of
the whirling, stamping mob ‘and
even sought out two lone, and ter-
ribly bashful, students who had
made the mistake of wearing their
best faded, red-patched blue-jeans
and tried to remedy the situation
by hiding behind a door. “But by
next June, no one will ever remem-
ber that you were the( only ones
in overalls,” Eileen Durning said
soothingly as the camera bulbs ex-
10 A. M. TO 6 P. M. .
with a display of Specially Bound Books, Sporting Prints
, and Gifts for Christmas
, crude Sens “se 2
—-4n the a
z = Wo Oe
st that Says. ee
ttractive Gift carton
ae ave
the cigarette
that Siatisfies
A carton of
Chesterfields with their
give your friends more
pleasure than anything
else you can buy for
the money.
— eee =
College news, December 11, 1940
Bryn Mawr College student newspaper. Merged with Haverford News, News (Bryn Mawr College); Published weekly (except holidays) during academic year.
Bryn Mawr College (creator)
6 pages
digitized microfilm
North and Central America--United States--Pennsylvania--Montgomery--Bryn Mawr
Vol. 27, No. 10
College news (Bryn Mawr College : 1914)--
Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation.