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College news, October 7, 1931
Bryn Mawr College student newspaper. Merged with Haverford News, News (Bryn Mawr College); Published weekly (except holidays) during academic year.
6 pages
digitized microfilm
North and Central America--United States--Pennsylvania--Montgomery--Bryn Mawr
Vol. 18, No. 01
College news (Bryn Mawr College : 1914)--
Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation.
Page 5
Miss Park Opens Forty-
seventh Academic Year
an air of confusion and. panic.
_ Neither the actual situation nor the
widely- spread emotional fog in which
the situation is developing can be dealt
with any longer by individuals alone.
They represent the faithful but futile
thumb trying to plug the hole in the
dyke. Our only hope is, surely, to
join every force which can be made to
work for a common end, to assemble
all these forces in a common plan, to
rebuild and to build new, nationally
and internationally,'as fast as may be
or as slow as may be but together,
each responsible for his own part and
for, good will-and generosity toward
the rest.
_I have asked the students of the col-
lege to shoulder seriously their respon-
sibility for the college work this year.
Don't think by this I mean the acqui-
sition’ of 99.1 instead of 98.9 or 71.3
instead, 71.2. You and I too have
perhags said too much about such hair-
line differences. I do mean that I
hope you will make for yourselves high:
personal and college’ standards which
you will not allow to be broken down
by the drag of overwork imposed you
believe, by the faculty, or by the disin-
‘tegration’ imposed I
believe by yourselves, and that you
may keep to those standards without
flagging, that you will throw your-
selves vigorously into what is good in
the work of the college and do your
part in criticism, but also in suggestiqn
and cure for what is faulty. I ask
you to be serious without any alarm
lest I. should wake up and find you
prigs. Seriousness lies back of good
“mental work, but it also lies back of
good mental play.
richer-minded and more vigorous, -a
more--telling person.._It- isthe soil+in
which the interesting person grows.
I don’t need to urge any one who
has her goal in sight to work with
seriousness toward it. That is the
advantage of the student preparing
définitely” for’ one of the
and of the professional sé hools them-
“selves. SH€- moves” in™a-straight~and
undeflectable line toward her aim. But
for those’-of us who came to Bryn
Mawr partly to find out what we
wanted the case is harder. We must
* provide the straw as well as make the
bricks. But the emergency outside our
walls will make: us I think sharper-
witted and more than all-responsibility
is in itself creative, driving one on into
new plans and new ends. Now and
again it leads the ordinary person un-
endowed for the so-called creative arts
to accomplish what the genius does,
It makes for a
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Change in Athletic Awards
As the class Blazer has now become
a part of the regulation athletic equip-
ment, a striped bar will take its place
in the list of awards. =§
The point system is as follows:
I. Major and minor sports for 1931-
a. Major: Hockey, Basketball, Swim-
‘ming, and Tennis.
b. Minor: Lacrosse, Archery,. Fenc-
ing and Baseball.
II. Ratings, and awarding of
First Varsity Major Sport... 500
First Varsity Major Sport, sub...... 475
Second Varsity Major Sport............ 400
Second Varsity Major Sport, sub.. 375
RESIN MINOT. SOL tis cciisccccacesvesisssss 375
Varsity Minor Sport; sub... 350
First Clags Team (sports with two
CMOE RENNIN) cicccs haskell cacieinteg 350
First Class Team, sub (sports
with two. class teams))..........susi 325
BOCOMG CIRGR 2d ORIN sccssccccasssntssasanns 275
Second Class Team, sub..........0- 250
Class Team (sports with’ one class
BEDI) ac iiicecdbississcesisceveacsicceesacssscionites 275
ClBSbe FF OI, SUD. isaNeeesicisesscsrctiinnin 200
Varsity Manage’, Major Sport...... 100
Varsity Manager, Minor Sport...... 50
Members of the Varsity squad not
making any team get first team points.
Ill. Insignia: 1000° points, Stripe;
2000... points,...Class_ Insignia; 4000
points, College Blazer; 5000 points,
College Insignia,
IV. Rules governing points:
a. An individual may receive points
for each sport only once during the
to make out of an old situation, a well-
| worn problem, a new situation, a fresh
mother. of invention. To the most
self distrustful who practice responsi-
bility soniething may come which will
help her to that union of independence
and dependence which makes up, I
believe, the happiest and most satisfy-
ing human life.
‘ended Freshmatr “WwW eek-and- nade t935
Hardenbergh, Moore, Little
Describe Their Sensations
had given up vying with each other in
naming Freshmen. They knew every
one (except those they did not: know).
However, to brighten up the morning
all Freshmen had to take the English
placement test. To the amazement of
all it was discovered that scarcely a
member of the class had ever tasted
a pear or knew what constituted a
mist. That afternoon the procession
to Philly began. Curtains and rugs
appeared in formerly bare rooms.
Truck loads of furniture arrived and
the halls were lined with half-unpacked
trunks. In the evening, despite spas-
modic. rainstorms, there was a picnic
in Wyndham at which a few remarks
were made about Undergrad. This
was followed by singing. The Fresh-
men were introduced to Sophias and
they seemed to like it, judging from
the_ demands for encores. They also
were taught some of the other college
songs, which they learned very quickly.
Sunday morning there was an un-
precented exodus to church and in the
afternoon — there was a reception at
Miss. Park’s for Freshmen only.._( For
further information see a Freshman.)
At chapel in the evening Marj Field
gave an explanation of the work of
the league... This was thé “last day~in
which the Freshmen held the center.
of the stage. Early Monday morning
the deluge of upperclassmen:began. I
am afraid that ’35 was left to its own
devices during the fond greetings of
long-separated friends. However, they
were not totally
grueling test vof thelr knowledge of
the Self-Gevernment rules.
Tuesday morning officially
a full-fledged member of Bryn Mawr.
Freshman Week as a whole was
‘teas in *Goodhart every. afternoon,
ting acquainted and thoroughly settled
before the beginning of classes. The
only criticism of it which is at all
widespread is-that it is about two days
too long. Some of the extra time this
year. was taken up by. having informal
hockey tryouts, and by holding the
first Lantern Night practice on Mon-
day. The only way in which I can
see that Freshman Week might be
shortened would be to ask the Fresh-
men. who live nearby to see the Dean
some day before Freshman Week or
to make a greater use of Sunday. I
have also heard murmurs among. the
Freshmen.that they have had no work
to do during the first week of classes.
I am sure that the professors in the
first-vear courses could be persuaded
to give definite assignments at the first
meeting of their classes, because most
Freshmen are ready to begin work
after six days of waiting. Although
these are matters of minor importance
I think their. correction wéuld. add to
the value of Freshman Week.
(Specially contributed by A. Lee
Hardenberg, °32)
Freshman Week from the
Classmen’s point of view, about which
I believe I was asked to write, is a
very pleasant and profitable five days.
For once they can enjoy college
without a postponed or future assign-
ment hanging like a Damocles’ sword
, i St oni RN a nels
that evening they were put thréugh a} See eae ae
Russian Rebuilding Itself
very successful as far as concerns oa
ae ae '
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and though they do
(unless they are
over their heads;
not have to’ study
unhappy enough to be among the
forty-one elect), they are kept busy
and do not find time hanging heavy on
their hands; and lastly, they have a
chance to learn to know this new class
before it becomes swallowed up in
class rooms or in the whirlpool of re-
turning upperclassmen.
Our duties, as I have said: keep us
busy, but. are pleasant, for we either
find some one who knows 'our long lost
friend from Podunk as we wait. to
usher Number 24 into Miss Park’s
office or (in very rare moments when
all the Freshmen seem. to have evap-
orated) ‘we ourselves walk into their
shoes and havea delightful “interview”
with Miss Park (for she seems to be
ever untiring, vea, even unto the 10Ist)
At other times, we take over the dutie
of weigher and measurer and record
our neatest secretarial hand how
many -times Mary. Brown has_ had
measles, But the real test of being: an
upperclassman at meal times.
It is. then that we discover that per-
haps our three years in college have
been to no avail after all. We are
besieged with such an onslaught of
Open Sundays
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