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VOL. XIX, No. 4
Folk Songs Grow From
Communal Authorship
Dr. - Vaughan Williams Says
Oral Changes Improve
Folk Music.
Dr. Ralph Vatglhan Williams gave
his third Flexner lecture in Goodhart
Hall, Thursday evening, November 11,
Describing folk music as an “individ-
ual flowering on a common stem,”
he discussed the communal author-
ship of folk song and its appeal for
modern listeners.
Before taking up any new topics,
Dr. Williams clarified his remarks of
the previous week on the origin of
music, and explained that he was
“riés on this difficult subject. Although
refusing to trace the origin of music
to excited speech, he described the.
raw material of song as the independ-
ent tones of the speaking voice merg-
ing into definite sounds.
The most important of the limita-
tions naturally inherent in folk mu-
sic, he then declared, is the fact that
orignally it was never committed to’
writing, but handed down orally from.
generation to generation. Alterations
of written works are apt. to cause
careless mistakes, but oral changes are
likely to be improvements. Hence folk
songs went through a process of evo-
lution from generation to generation.
And so we have the theory of com-
munal authorship.
The evolution of folk songs is a pro-
cess not of disintegration and cor-
ruption, but of growth and develop-
ment. Art music is the work of an
individual, composed in a compara-
tively short period, committed to pa-
per, and so fixed, Folk songs, on the
other hand, are products of the race,
and reflect feelings and tastes which
are communal rather than personal.
The idea of communal authorship
is not a new one. The philologist
Grimm _ remarked that: “Folk song
composes itself.” Cecil Sharpe, how-
ever, was the first to take a fully
thought-out stand upon the subject.
According to him, one man might in-
vent a song by piecing together odd
phrases, but the constant changes
madé in the process of passing it on
from one singer to another would
transfer the authorship to the com-
munity. Every ballad singer was an
artist, free to change what he dis-
liked. Although some had alterations
made, by natural selection, only those
changes would survive oral repetition,
which made the tune more yital.
This gradual oral improvement of folk
song is similar to the evolution of a
theme in the mind of a great com-
poser. In Beethoven’s notebooks it is
possible to. trace his themes from their
inchoate beginnings to their final
masterly form. But even the most
individualisti¢ of composers must
learn from his predecessors, and prof-
it by their experience. Hence, in a
sense, even art music shows communal
Folk songs today have more than
a mere antiquarian interest for music
lovers. Having been recorded by col-
lectors, they are no longer in a state
of flux, and the exclusive property of
the peasantry, but have become an in-
tegral part of comp¥sed music. They
are not dead, but in a new-_stage of
development. Twenty years ago, the
great folk song revival initiated in
England by Cecil Sharpe gave to the
public a wealth of new melody which
aroused an immediate enthusiasm.
For the many average people who are
dissatisfied with banalities and yet do
not care for classical music, the popu-
larity of folk song ‘affords an oppor-
tunity to bring music into the home
again, as in Elizabethan times.
Although’ it is natural for ‘men to
‘express themselves by music, English
speaking. peoples, not realizing that
culture must grow out of the soil in
which it is planted, are inclined to
stifle their own artistic impulses.
America, for instance, has all the
means for developing an interesting
Wednesday, November 9—Dr.
Vaughan Williams on “Nation-
alism in Music.”
Saturday, November 12—
Bryn Mawr Varsity vs. Swarth-
more College in hockey, 10.00
A. M.
Saturday, November 12—Sen-
ior, Reception for I'reshmen,-
7.30 P.M.
Sunday, November 13—Chap-
cl, The Rev. Henry P. Van
Dusen will speak,
Monday, November t4—Bryn
Mawr Seconds vs. Manheim in
hockey, 4.00 P. M.
Monday, November 14—Var-
sity Dramatic try-outs in Good-
Tuesday, November 15—Var-
sity Dramatic try-outs in Good-
hart. :
Wednesday,. November 16-——-
Dr, Vaughan Williams on “Na-
tionalism in Music.”
Clever Junior Skit Given
at Banner Night Ceremony
“Mr. King Comes to the Faculty,”
the Junior skit on Banner Night,
November 3, was presented before an
unprecedentedly large and enthusias-
tic audience. The inspiration of the
drama was Mr. Samuel Arthur King’s
diction class for the faculty, echoes
of which may still be heard around
the campus. - Cheers thundered as
each member of the cast entered, Mr.
King last of all but Miss G. G. King
and Dr. Fenwick. When the roll was
called, it was discovered that several
of the class were absent, Miss. Park
being prominent among those who
“were taking a cut.”.
During the Shakespeare readings
which followed, rendered in an accent-
ually accurate manner by each mem-
xa of the east, there were sevéfal
unealled-for remarks from the class
at-large; one, a severe stricture pass-
ed by Miss King on “the lust of the
(lesh and the pride of, the eye;” an-
other,-a colleague-quelling blast, from
Dr, Weiss that “All men are mortal.
Socrates is a man. Therefore Socra-
\cs is mortal.” There was further
sorrow in store for Mr. King when
Dr. Fenwick insisted on reciting the
(,ettysburg Address instead of the re-
quired reading in Shakespeare.
The most hilarious moment of the
evening came when Mr. King demon-
strated the witches’ speech from Mac-
beth to Dr. Weiss, illustrating the
“like a rat without a tail’ line by
a graceful buck-and-wing step. The
class came all too soon to an end
when Mrs. Manning coughed and Mr.
King announced that he would have
lo leave if. the coughing continued.
Immediately the class broke up to the
sound of hacking coughs.
After the encore, in response to
frenzied clapping, the Gym was clear-
ed’ of the “Odds,” to allow the pres-
entation of a banner to the Freshman
Class by their sisters, the Juniors.
There were the usual songs expres-
sive of good will, the handling of the
banner, and then a new song from
the “Freshmen, “Under Bryn. Mawr
Arches.” We wish to. compliment the
Class of ’36, both on its singing and
its new song, which was less strong-
ly-reminiscent- of something we had
heard before than any of the other
class songs. The unusual singing
strength manifested by both Juniors
and Freshmen was doubtless due to
the initiative of the skit manager,
Nancy Stevenson, in shifting ._Bal-
ner Night from a week-end to a
week-night; we would advocate that
the change be made permanent that
the success of this year may be re-
Agnes Armstroitg Howell,
Bryn Mawr, 1930, is engaged
to. Barton Lee Mallory, Jr., of
Memphis, Tenn.
_, dvlalizabeth Poultney Pleasants,
Bryn Mawr, 1932, is engaged to
Francis Haynes Jencks, of Bal-..
timore, Maryland.
| thrown into discard the traditions and
Rufus Jones Describes 'Dean Manning Points Out _
ay | Need for Political Courage
Conditions in. China
In chapel on Tuesday morning, No-
i vember 1, Dean Manning outlined the
Political and Scientific Upheav-
| prospects for this week’s election. and
als Render Church Work ‘in particular pointed out the need for
| political courage, both among the peo-
‘ple ard our political leaders. —
MISSIONS _MUST UNITE | Discarding the possiblities of the
* icure of the present economic problem
“Life goes on in China no matter by political, means, the Dean con-
what happens,” said Dr. Rufus M.|(inued by contrasting the essential
Jones in the Music Room, Tuesday | differences between ‘the major. par-
night, November 1, in his address|ties,. The protest vote, she declared,
on the general situation existing in} is unconstructive; it is mérely a vote
China today. Dr. Jones has just re-| against the economic depression.
turned’ from two years in the Orient, |
where he has been engaged in an 1N- ‘imely end after Roosevelt’s death and
vestigation of the different Church | Wilson's paralytic stroke. The public
Missions in Japan, ‘Burma, and India, |, likely to blame the politicians for
as a member of a committee of fif-| this lack, but the politician reflects
teen. Laymen. from seven different | -oneral popular sentiment. The dif-
denominations selected impartial P€O-' ficulties of the Harding administra-
ple to make up this committee, and} :
- }tion occurred only because ho one in
sent them out td draw up a report of in. United States was forceful-enough
the actual conditions in this feld."Itii, obtain a statement fromthe White
is an additional interesting fact that | House. There was no sufficiently ef-
the recently finished report has been!
leeted h lie . | fective political demand to extract
if 8 - as the Religious “Book of the; from either President Coolidge or
| President Hoover a statement con-
A large part of the w k of the cerning the oil scandals.. Yet the
committee was done during he trying American people continue to elect the
months of the Manchurian struggle. | Republican party to office. There is,
Dr. Jones, with his_wife, and daugh- it is true, no real unwillingness to
ter, lived on the river in Shanghai /mect issues, but we need a real change
last February during the atari 6 in the national state of mind.
ment. They soon discovered that the [COMMENAE_ OK. Sane. Dhow:
committee’s investigation could go on| si
quite unhampered by the maelstrom|
of war because, “due to lack of’ or- Political Speakers \
ganization in China, one .region did | Present Platforms
Political courage came to an un-
not feel the suffering of another.” The |
method of attack used by the commit-|
tee. was somewhat as follows: In a| Delegations of Three Parties
given city, a group of prominent Chi-|
nese officials. would be entertained at |
dinner, but remunerative results were,
not usually forthcoming, because these |
men refused to commit themselves!
very seriously before each other. A,
second set of dinner invitations would) On Wednesday evening, November
then be sent out to the most iritelli-|2, at the political rally in Goodhart
gent missionaries in the vicinity. Fin- | ®uditorium, the representatives of the
ally, after the committee had thus met three major political parties present-
and appraised the outstanding men|¢d the advantages of their respective
in the community, one or two would, Platforms. The Republican speaker,
be chosen for private discussions. The | Myr, John R. Munn, outlined the stand
problems taken up at these confer- | °f his party on the major issue—the |
ences dealt with matters lying in any tariff, and the maintenance of the)
one of six major fields of investiga-|™oney standard, and challenged the |
tion, the Church In the mission field, | Democratic platform. The Democrat- |
the universities, the medical work, the ic representative, Mr. Fowler Harper, |
agriculture and rural life, women’s! took issue with the Republican policy,
probiems, and the social and indus- | )@rticularly toward the tariff, toward
trial'‘difficulties to be met in the Orient | Prohibition, and toward Hoover's eco-
in this modern era, ‘nomic rélief methods; he also upheld
The - committee ‘reports that the | the inherent intellectual honesty of
present distressing situation in China| the Demoeratic party. Dr. Jesse
is due largely to over-population and Holmes, representing ‘the Socialist
the atmsophere of rebellion—political, | Party, declared that the campaign
scientific, and religious. There “are | should not concentrate on the immedi-
some four hundred million people in/#te situation, and stressed the evils of
China with its total area of four mil-|the capitalistic system. He appealed
lion square miles. ito this new generation against a Sys-
One political revoluton follows an- tem of industry based not on service,
other, each proposing to overthrow | but on profit.
an old and corrupt government and) - Dr. n, in speaking for the Re-
fo unify the provinces. A well-or- | publicans, first commented upon the
ganized, centralized government seems | idealism of the Socialists and the im-
impossible at present because of the | possibility of theit actual immediate
scarcity of motor roads, the bare eight success, and then continued to discuss
thousand miles of railroad for such ‘the traditional issuesbetween the Dem-
a vast-country, and the constant skir- ocrats and the Republicans. He faced
mishes between the bandits and rival’ the Democratic proposal of a com-
warlords. - The world-wide scientific! petitive tariff for revenue and a re-
revolution of the 20th century has up-|ciprocal tariff with other nations by
set the ordered way of life followed | demonstrating. their impracticability
by the Chinese for centuries, and has, so far as regulating rates against fluc-
tuation.and at the same time. stan-
dardizing ‘them. The protective tariff,
he said, is a necessary protection
against the exportable surplus of for-
eign countries. The Democratic ad-
vocacy of an international economic
conference to discuss tariff rates, he
declared, ‘would only accentuate ill
will. The maintenance of the gold
standard and of the credit of the Unit-
ed States he stressed as being abso-
lutely essential for our economic sta-
bility. Mr. Munn concluded by citing
Support Candidates
wisdom of the ancient masters. “The
sway of the old religons, Buddhism
and Confucianism, has vanished like
snow before the sun.” The missionary
is no longer met by a stubborn oppo-
(Continyed on Page Three)
Varsity Players Present
The cast for Saint’s Day, a one-act
play by Tom Prideaux, which the
Players will produce on Thursday,
November 17, is as follows: .
es. ee S. Jones, ’34/the noteworthy accomplishments of
Ere eee .C. Schuab, 34/the past administration: - the estab-
ee, ee H. Nelson, 34/ lishment of the Mordterium, the Na-
ME Sc J. E. Hannan, ’34| tional Credit Corporation, the Recon-
BS hes ees M. Coxe, ’34| struction Finance Corporation, the.
is icine ,.O. Jarrett, ’34| Glass-Stiegel Bill, the Ecénomy Bill,
The play will. be directed by L.
Clews, ’33. Maria Coxe, ’34,. will act
as stage manager. iS “Te; (Continued on
e al a eae
s . aoe |
the Relief Bill, the Home Loan Bank
Bill. hie
FOR) ,
Stage Political Rally toy"
Varsity Defeated 6-2
by Phila. Cricket Club
Yellows Held Scoreless During
1st Quarter, But Rapidly
Made 4 Goals
Although.. Bryn Mawr went dewn
to defeat before the Philadelphia
Cricket Club Yellows by the score,
6-2, Varsity played the best game of
the 1982 season. Throughout the
game there was marked improvement,
not only in the passwork, but also in
smoothness and° unity. . Interest. in
the individual playing, which has been
characteristic of the Varsity for so
long, was lost in-appreciation of the
team’s work as a whole.
The forwards played unusuaily
well, getting two goals—a true feat
when Elliott is defending the cage.
The backfield far-surpassed— its -us-
ual form and managed to-hold Kitty
Wiener, the Yellows’ star center for-
ward, to two goals. On the whole,
Bryn Mawr offered a creditable de-
fense to a far superior team, many of
whose members were either on the
All-Philadelphia team or the All-
American. :
Varsity started the game off well
by holding the Yellows scoreless dur-
ing the first quarter. Encouraged by ‘
the success of the backfield, the for-
wards rushed the circle, and Reming-
|jton, much to Elliott’s chagrin, man-
aged to get the ball into the cage.
The Yellows, however, soon settled
down to business and made four goals
in rapid succession.
In the second half, the playing be-
came more general, and, although the
forward line seemed to lose a bit of
its co-operation, the backs and goal
put up such a defense that only twice
did the ball get past them. Reming-
ton made a beautiful goal after a
long run up the field and hard pass
by Stevenson. A last minute goal by
C. Kendig brought the score up. to
§-2,-and the fastest and most excit-
‘ing game of the, year had .ended.
Stevenson at right wing played the
speediest and steadiest game of the
day. She-far oxytstripped her half,
and her passes were quick and accur-
ate. Remington’s hard shooting re-
sulted in Varsity’s only goals and she
more than compensated for her in-
effectiveness in last week’s game.
Longacre still uses her weak chop
strokes in attempting goals, and rare-
ly makes an effort to follow up her
mistakes, but her main difficulty in
Saturday’§ game was in hitting the
ball. Collier’s offensive, as her
defensive, game deserves.much praise.
Her stickwork is rapidly improving
and her passes are hard and accurate.
Kent, Van Vechten ‘and Bowditch
were a formidable trio on the defense,
while Jackson, especially in the sec-
ond half, played better than ever be-
fore. Several of the goals made by
the Philadelphia team were the re-
sults of interference with Jackson by
members of the Varsity forward line.
The Philadelphia Cricket Club Yel-
lows are famous for their clever pass-
work, brilliant offense and stolid de-
w (Continued .on. Page Three)
fe meagceten,
New Book Room
Among the newest arrivals in the
New Book Room in the Library are
the following volumes. The first six
are especially recommended in the line
of fiction and familiar essays:
Phe FOUN GH Foniniaratersomee-aneon MOVER.
Sons .... i sy .. Buck
Obscure Destinies. .. Cather
Worshipful Society...... Galsworthy
‘Second Common Reader. .. Woolf *
Le cercle de famille ..Maurois
Death in the Afternoon Hemingway
Bloody Years... Yeats-Brown
Burning Bush .. Undset
Rueful Mowe... 6. 2 ocx Stern
Sir Walter Scott.....:.. ... Buchan
Beyond Desire ,..Sherwood Anderson
Vottatve ....... ‘ . Maufois
‘Scientist Among the Soviets Huxley
Modern Hero.‘~.°:'... Bromfield
ee te .Chase
Past Resiptured.........:.. Proust
oS watre and Friendship pha OS > —e
Page Two
_ sibility.
‘Jor pase and on the bulletin board in
(Founded in 1914)
Published weekly F Rene the College Year (excepting during Thanksgiving
Christmas and Easter Holidays, and during examination weeks) in the interest at
Bryn Mawr College at the Maguire Building, Wayne, Pa., and Bryn Mawr College.
Editor-in-Chief Copy Editor
Néws Editor _ Sports Editor
Leta CLews, “33 Nancy Hart, °34
34 “35.
Subscription Manag-r Business Manager
4 Assistants
CAROLINE Beroc, °323 Prccy Lirti.£, -33
Post Office
More About Marks =
Since last week when we launched our campaign onthe front of
marks, ‘we have listened to many views and heard propounded many
graduates who expressed any objections to our suggestion that marks
be given out by the professor in conference instead of posted before
the public. There is. little that can be said for the existing system
except that it provides amusement for those of us who have not yet
discovered how odious are comparisons. The present custom subjects
the less fortunate student to disheartening comment, places too much
significance on marks, and should be abolished. We hope that the
faculty will consider the matter, and that they will be able to evolve
some plan whereby the present mark ballyhoo may be relegated to the
Entered as second-class matter at the Wayne,” Pa.,
9 8;
On the question of numerical marking, however, opinion was
divided. It was pointed out that. the merit and credit system was
only approximate, and that in choosing the first ten among the Seniors,
and in picking the European fellow, it is only fair to consider the
exact average made by each student. Again, it seemed unfair to give
a girl who got a 79 in. a course a iiérit, while a credit went to the
possessor of an 80. If plus or minus was added to the letter, we imme-
diately reverted to drawing a fine distinction, and the purpose of the
system was destroyed. The numerical system was always employed
by a professor in his original reading of any paper and was then ttans-
lated into letters. Then when the time came for the final grade to be
given, the marks were changed back to numbers in order to facilitate
averaging. In this process the student sometimes gained, but more
often lost. For example, if a girl got an 89, it went in the records as
a C, and when it was brought out again, it went down 85. This,
of course, was much too slip-shod and inaccurate a method by which
to compute marks. If the merit system should be reinstated, we should
suggest that the professors keep a numerical reeord of the marks for
purposes, of computation, and post the grades under the merit system.
If, however, marks should become a private matter, it would make no
appreciable difference what scale was used, for our chief criticism of the
present numerical marking is that it lends itself to comparisons, | If
comparisons were to be made impossible by a different approach, the
end for which we are striving would be attained.
There has been a great deal of discussion about the purpose of
marks and whether or not they fulfill. thay purpose. One view is that
intellectual progress should be tabulated on an, absolute*and not on a
relative basis: that a girl should be marked according to the ratio of
her Henee a brilliant girl who was
too lazy or too preoccupied to work would fail, while a. conscientious
but slow pupil would receive high credit because she was utilizing all
accomplishment to her ability.
of her ability.
the spirit in which we should do our work. :
In any prolonged diseussion of education we revert to the one
great truth: that the value of an education can only be estimated in
terms of.self-development, and that marks cannot be considered in this
final reckoning. While such a system as we have outlined above would
never succeed as a college institution, it ean sueceed with the individual.
We must regard ourselves and the progress we make,
mirrors, and not in those of our classmates. - When we leave college,
‘the world at large will be interested only in what we are, and not
what we were in comparison with other undergraduates. Ample proof
of this statement .is to be found in the number of Phi Beta Kappas‘who
have failed to succeed beyond the classroom and in the number of S0-
ealled “poor students’ who are today in positions of power and respon-
Marks, therefore, “have no no great value and they should not-be
given an importance in excess of their value. What is valuable is the
development of our intellect to its full power. If we devote our atten-
tion to that task, comparisons and marks will loseytheir fatal faseina-
tion for us all.
Examination Schedule
The preliminary examination sched-.
now posted on the Secretary
ck iatandae’s bulletin board in Tay-
ommended by the instructors with the
‘consent of the whole class.
quests should be made at the office
of the Secretary and Registrar before
December first. .
A printed schedule of examinations
|| will be prepared by December 15, and
Dalton Hall. Students and members
of. the Faculty are advised to consult
slr chang oan tind can be made.
There were few eitlier among the faculty or among the under-|
That is rather a revolutionary proposal but it expresses’
in our own!
in the schedule unless they are rec-’
Such re-.
ae inted | the Freshman Biblé.
Perhaps it is the air in Pembroke
That makes the students suddenly
Of all their senses; perhaps it is the
That makes the girls who knit go
: berserk.
At any rate, I know it is a fact
Uhat I hate sweaters buttoned up. the
back. —Sour Apple.
The ‘stifling effect of three long col-
lege ‘weeks
Came startlingly forth in a chorus of
Lt sounded as if the dead were awake;
The inmates all violently started to
\nd rushed to the rescue in mobs.
Che victim was shaken with cries and
with sobs,
she limped and she wilted in maiden-
ly faint,
ut her bellowing wails knew’ no
thought of restraint,
She_ran by the occupants, all esoteric—
And all, incidentally, | blindly hys-
They gathered together to call the
,~.. hall roll—
But the rampant marauders had ‘tak-
en their toll:
Merion found that one inmate was
really quite mad, -
Mad enough to’ve committed the worst
crime they’d had:
She went on’ her rounds all the feeble
And making the air of the place sii
“lhe freshmen all sat in their corners
and cowered
Whenever the suspect turned toward
them and glowered.
Che criminal at large inspired such
That the gossipers said that her vic-
tims were dead.
Kven the night nurse came over to
‘'o see what injuries the attacker had
And, just how completely. the melee
had mussed ’em: :
‘Ha! Ha!” said the warden, “Just an
Olde Merion Custom!”
this thing has gone a bit too far;
It’s getting pretty weird,
When, following the faculty,
The Lib now grows a beard.
\ set of stubby chin-whiskers
Show where its real chin stops,
Resembling nothing quite so much
As tasscls from lamb chops.
The growth’s a blot on the landscape
It vitiates the whole;
We think we’ll steal ott some dark
And try some Barbasol.
C. Reiser Plays Star Roles
at Hedgerow Theatre
Upperclassmen .. Who remember
“Johnny Reiser,” senior, will be in-
terested to know that she is making
juite a mark for herself in Jasper
Deeter’s Hedgerow/Stock Co. This
is her third season/ with the company
‘and she is appearing in several lead-
ing roles. Next Saturday, November
the eleventh, she will appear in the
initial Hedgerow production of Ali-
son’s House, Susan Glaspell’s Pulit-
cer prize play, which Miss Eva Le
Gallienne did two seasons ago. On
Puesday of this week, she will also
uppear as the secretary to the Dis-
trict Attorney in The D. A., a Ssa-
‘irie comedy by Anthony Vieller. The
fatter part is definitely a starring
role, and as the play is one of, the
high-points in this season’s repertory,
. would seem that another Bryn
Mawr dramatic light breaking
‘into the charmed circl
At Syracuse a five weeks’ senior
guidance course is given to ‘discover
whether the seniors are familiar with
the rules and traditions of the uni-
versity. The tests are graded and
| used the following year in Bn
ea) /
‘cannot be all but extinct.
: , want is ‘
News of the New York Theatres
When Walter Hampden revived
Rostand’s Cyrano de Bergerac in 1923
he broke a period of twenty-three
years of slumber. The facts behind
the situation are amazing. In 1900,
when Richard Mansfield was making
his big success in the role, a Chicago
realtor and lawyer of playwriting as-
pirations accused Rostand of plagi-
apism. The lawyer had written
something called the Merchant Prince
of Cornville, and he claimed: Rostand
had taken the idea from the not very
prominent product of his genips. A
suit was filed against Mansfield, de-
manding an accounting of profits, and
the actor raised a terrific din, but
itostand went on undisturbed by ‘it
ll. The case came to trial, and, al-
though the only point the two plays
had in common was the long nose of
the protagonist, nevertheless,“ the
Court decided that Cyrano was a plagi-
arism and ordered Mansfield to piy
the lawyer royalties. This Mansficld
refused to do and he immediately
dropped the play from his repertoire
and no one dug it up till-“Walter
Hampden came along. The absurd
stigma which clung to Rostand was
clearcd up by the Federal. Court in
1915, when it set aside a similar .in-
juctionw brought by the lawyer to stop
‘Walter Damrosch’s opera on the same
theme. Can anyone imagine a Chi-
cago lawyer turning out Cyrano!
Theresa Helburn, one of Bryn
Mawr’s most successful representa-
lives in the theatre, is staging Chry-
salis for Martin Beck. The play
opens on. Monday and is in ‘a rather
astonishing form: - one act and ten
scenes. The cast includes Osgood Per-
kins, June Walker, Humphrey. Bogart,
and Margaret Sullivan.
The day when the heavens are to
open and the dead are to rise is prac-
tically upon us, for on November..21
Gilbert Miller will present Judith An-
derson and Henry Stephenson, and
the ancient seducer of men, Nita
Naldi, in Firebrand. Miss Naldi will
be remembered by George Washing-
ton and Thomas Jefferson as Ru-
dolph Valentino’s leading lady who
had the world by the ears.
A stock company is opening at the
Ambassador sponsored by the Schu-
berts and under the direction of Car]
Hunt. Three plays will be produced:
The Silent House; Bird in Hand; And
So To Bed.
Percy Hammond picked-out his first
ten current plays, but could find only
six worthy of the great honor: The
Late Christopher Bean, with Pauline
Lord and Walter. Connolly; Dinner At
Eight, by George Kaufman and Edna
Ferber; Mademoiselle, with Grace
George and ‘Ali¢e Brady; When La-
dics Meet, by Rachel Crothers; Dan-
gerous Corner, with Colin Keith-John-
son and others; and Criminal At
Large. The Late Christopher Bean
enjoyed the honor of being chosen the
play of the month of November by
Playe hoice. So, all in all, if we have
six lively whatnots on our stage, life
Also, this
year the best plays are light come-
dies, while last year we had such
cheerful little travesties as Mourning
Becomes Electra, House of Connelly,
and more dramas of death and decay.
Evidently the stage has decided to
stop making sin. the.jnevitable intro-
duetion to death, and decided to. stop
short with just the sin. A. swell idea
it was,,.too,
Several well meaning sotils have
decided that the great sympathy play,
Carry Nation, is a burlesque on that
worthy and are writing their protests
to*the producer. A lady whose sig-
nature was “A Dryer Than Sahara’
wrote a lovely epistle to . protest
against the “so-called play because it
is a burlesque on all that temperance
workers have, believed in and worked
and sacrificed for. The personal lib-
erty crowd think it their privilege tof
run amuck and drink, and it is, but
their personal liberty ends where
mine begins. It is my personal lib-
erty not to have to endure their. foul
breaths in street cars or my feet step-
ped on as we pass them in the street.
“IT am only one person, but I know
{ represent the feelings of the back-
bone of America, who are not the cig-
arette-smoking, drinking, repeal-cry-
ing crowd that is making all the noise.
You, sir, by producing this, are cat-
ering to not the best people, but the
element that rants and raves and yells
personal . ———— they accuse
y mean they
” 'That’s ex-
4 PTE Ces ni ni
wonal license
¢ Theatres
Garrick: Jack Whiting, Ethel Mer-
man and: Jack Haley in Take A
Chance (fomerly We Three), the new
musical by Schwab and De Sylva—
rumored to be a successful combina-
tion of the intimate and the senti-
‘mental with excellent_music
Broad: Things continue wo be psy-
chological at. 9 Pine Street, where
Sylvia Field amuses hersel? in a dou-
ble murder. Effie Shannon and Wil-
liam Ingcrsoll are also present. Quite
an emotional “dramer.”
lorrest: Ziegfeld’s Showboat in
revived form with Helen Morgan,
Jules Bledsoe, Norma Terris. and a
large chorus. Everything is as it
was once and the prospect should be
enough to jerk all of us students away
from our books.
Standing and Nancy Sheridan con-
tinue in Cynara, wherein a barrister
has an ill-advised affair which leads
to endless difficulty. Excellent.
Coming—Monday, November 14
Garrick: Our old friends, the Ab-
crescendo and innuendo. If you lis-
ten long enough you get the impres-
sion_of_a-jumpy day at sea, but-they’re
very Irish. Program:
Monday evening, Nov. 14: Rising
of the Moon and The Playboy of the
Western World.
Tuesday evening, Nov. 15: The New
Wednesday matinee, Nov. 16:
Whiteheaded Boy.
Wednesday evening, Nov.
wind the Paycock,
16: Juno
Thursday evening, Nov. 17: The
(ar-O ff «ddalls. “ap aOR
Friday evening, Nov. 18: Things
That Are Caesar’s.
Saturday matinee, Nov. 19: The
New Gossoon.
Saturday evening, Nov. 19: Kath-
leen Ni Houlihan and The
of the Western World.
Forrest: Max Gordon’s charming
musical romance, The Cut and the
I‘iddle, by Jerome Kern and Oscar
Hammerstein. Very melodious and
“sweet,” but not sophisticated. Re-
commended for Freshmen and gradu-
ates. .
Chestnut: Cornelia Otis Skinner
in her two solo dramas, The Empress
Eugenie (Monday, Thursday, Friday
evening and Thursday matinee) and
The Wives of Henry VIII (Tuesday,
Wednesday—and, Saturday” evenings
and Saturday matinee). One week
only,-so get tickets in advance. |
Metropolitan Opera House: George
White’s Music Hall Varieties, with
Harry Richman, Lili Damita and Bert
Lahr. A new and lavish production
peppered with beautiful girls.
Coming—November 21
Forrest: Walter Hampden in Ros-
tand’s Cyrano de Bergerac — the
world’s most divine heroic comedy,
which we will see, if you don’t. Mail
your orders at once, because it will
be a sold-out week.
Music—Academy of Music
Philadelphia Orchestra: Friday
afternoon, November 11, at 2.30; Sat-
urday evening, November 12, at 8.20;
Monday evening, November 14, at
8.20. Arthur Rodzinski, conducting.
Symphony No. 1 in E Minor
Strawinsky. Suite from Petrouchka
Prelude to Khowantchina
Tschaikowsky. Theme and Variations
Mastbaum: Washington Merry-
Go-Round, with Lee Tracy and Con-
stance Cummings — representing the
general mess at the capital, in which
politics and women get hopelessly con-
[fused in the minds of everyone. - Also
a brood of vaudeville acts.
Fugitive From A Chain Gang. An
excellent picture of real power about
. man who escapes from a chain gang
The Bartered Bride
(Continuea on Page Four)
actly what we do want, and the old
girl is pretty smart to figure it out.
It’s a swell expression, “personal li-
cense,” and we ought to try it out.
We wonder if it would give us the
right to climb in windows, refuse to
lake quizzes, pull up those beastly
few freshmen’, and have-eneugh. to ¢
Philip Merivale, Sir Guy ;
bey Players, arrive for two. weeks of
Paul Muni in J Am A
bushes in front of the library, kill a,
TE it will, it’s what this college aaa:
Page Three
President Park Tells
Freshman Statistics
Large Proportien of 1936 En-
ters College With Credit
In Chapel, October 20 and 25, Miss
Park discussed the statistics of this
year’s Freshman Class. The first top-
ic taken up was that of. geographical
distribution. Last year Miss Park
made a report to the Trustees giving
general statistics about the entering
classes of the -last ten years, i. e,
summing up the figures for 1181 stu-
dents who have entered college from
September, 1922, to September, 1932.
These figures can’ consequently be
used for comparison with those of any
single year.
If the geographical distribution of
this year’s entering class is compared
with the 1181 who entered since 1922,
the results are as follows:
The number from Pennsylvania, 29
per cent., the highest in the 11 years;
New York, 23 per cent., about. aver-
trict of Columbia, 10 per cent., about
average; New England, 13% per
cent., compared with an average of
12 per cent.; Middle West, 13 per
cent, higher than last two years but
lower than previous years; Far West,
1 per cent (from Colorado), usually
4 per cent.; South, 4 per cent., about
average: _ —
These figures show that local reg-
istration has increased, as it might
well: have -been expected to, and that
the most distant has fallen. It is an
interesting fact that 53 per cent. of
this class come from that strip of land
which is bounded on the north by
New York, on the south by Washing-
ton, and on the west by Paoli.
Always of interest are the figures
concerned with the racial stock from
which the students at Bryn Mawr
have sprung. As usual, this year’s
freshmen are descended from strong-
ly “native” ancestors, in that im_ 60
pet cent. of the cases both parents
and all four grandparents were born
in America. In the case of 15 per
cent, more, only one grandparent was
born in Europe. On the father’s side,
64 per cent. of the class come from
various countries of the British Isles
and 9 per cent. from Germany. On
the mother’s side 52 per cent. come
from the British Isles and 12 per cent.
from Germany.
Kighteen of the new students are
daughters of Bryn Mawr alumnae or
former students. The following sta-
tistics show how many of the fath-
ers and mothers have college degrees
or college training of some sort:
~ Both parents with college degrees
or college training, 26 per cent.
Both parents without college train-
ing, 31 per cent.
Father a college graduate, mother
no college training, 38 per cent.
The college has always been eager
to increase the enrollment of those pu-
pils who have completed their pre-
paratory work entirely -in- public
schools. A slightly larger proportion
of this year’s class have come from
public high schools. In the last ten
years, 87 per cent. of the 1181 stu-
dents who have entered Bryn Men?!
were prepared in private schools al-
together, or in public and _ private
schools, with 13 per cent. prepared
entirely by public schools. This year
83 per cent. of the entering class came
from private, or private and public.
The remaining 17 per cent. came from
public schools. The 111 in the Class
of 1986 were prepared in as many as
79 different schools. Those which
sent more than one student are:
Shipley School, Bryn Mawr, 11;
The Misses. Kirk’s School, Bryn
Mawr, 9; Brearley School, New York,
6; Rosemary Hall, Greenwich, Conn.,
Meet your friends at the
Bryn Mawr Confectionery
(Next to Seville Theater Bldg.)
The Rendezvous of the College Girls
Tasty Sandwiches, Delicious Sundaes,
Superior Soda Service
Music—Dancing for girls only
Bryn Mawr 675
Shop: 1145 Lancaster Avenue
«- Rosemont
“P.O. Adie Ben Mawr, Pa. © |
5; 4 each from Bryn Mawr. School,
Baltimore; Ethel Walker School,
Simsbury, Conn. ; Germantown
I'riends’. School, Philadelphia; 8 each
from Laurel School, S. Euclid, Ohio;
Madeira School, Washington, D. C.;
Winsor School, Boston; 2 each from
Agnes Irwin School, Philadelphia;
Miss Bears TY thePrange,.. N,.J,3.4
Buffalo Seminary, Buffalo; Miss*Cha-
pin’s School, New York; Germantown
High School, Philadelphia; Greenwich
Academy, Greenwich, Conn.; Roland
Park Country School; Horace Mann
High School, New York City; Lower
Merion High School, Ardmore, Pa.;
Mary C. Wheeler School, Providence,
R. I.; Westtown School, :Westtown,
Pa.; National Cathedral, Washington,
D. C.; New Trier Township High
School, Illinois.
The Admissions Committee in ad-
mitting students always takes. into
consideration five factors—the aver-
age in the entrance examinations, the
school record from the three years
preceding college, the Scholastic Ap-
titude- Test, the statement made by
the head of the school, and—where it
is available—an interview with some-
one connected with the college.
Miss Park was unable to make a
(Continued on Page Four,
Varsity Defeated 6-2
by Phila. Cricket Club
(Continued: from Page One)
fense. Although there are many in-
dividualists ts on the team, their unity
is remarkable. The opposition which
the Bryn Mawr team to of-
fer encourages us greatly and we look
to the future with much interest. The
line-up was as follows:
Philadelphia C. C.
for Smith, Carey for Faeth, Daniels
for Carey. Yellows: Pearson for
Taussig. Goals—Bryn Mawr: Rem-
ington, 2. Yellows: C. Kendig,. 2;
Wiener, 2; Howe, 1; Taussig, 1. Ref-
erees—Miss Maris and Mrs. Krum-
baar. !
Dean Manning Points Out
Need for Political Courage
‘Continued from Page One}
The—difference between’ the major
parties lies in the greater likelihood
of the Democratic leaders’ listening to
public demand;
been in office.too long, However, even
though the present Democratic can-
didate is less capable than either of
his predecessors, the Democratic par-
ty is constructive. Contrary to. the
Yellows Varsity
COUORE pore a R, W. ....Stevenson
C. Kendig . A. KR... Remington
‘Wiener... ”.. ; Re PoP Loe eere|
PTO te Smith
ao. Bendigo. 3. Wg Wigse Brown
Mechling baie « aaa aa Ullom
‘eee or OE 0 ear Collier
Rust aK ee Ses Kent
Bigler 26.4 640% R. B. ...Van Vechten
Darlingj- ..... >. L. “ea ee Bowditch
Hiett--- er Jackson
Substituions—Bryn. Mawr: Faeth
Informal Song Meeting
The Music Department invites
all the members of the college
who are interested in singing to
attend an informal song meet-
ing in the Music Room next
Monday, November 14, at 8.30.
Reminiscent of the meetings
“fice held in Wyndham, that of
Monday night will not be for
community singing in the ordi- :
nary sense}; fine music will’ be
sung. Moreover, Dr. Williams
will give a short talk on the
songs; and Dr. Hans Schumann,
who/ lectured here last year on
Oriental Music, will play his
German harpsichord.
As it is desired that the sing-
ing be as informal as possible,
the students are asked to bring
cushions so that they may sit
on the floor.
the Republicans have:
demands of some of us intellectuals,
neither scholarship nor philosophy is
necessary for political’ success; the
selection of Hoover for a job not rele-
vant to his engineering abilities was
a mistake.
“No President really makes politi-
eal issues; he can do nothing without of the people and he must
know by a sort of sixth sense what
they really want.” In Dean Man-
ning’s opinion the only kind of politi-
cal courage we can ask must be based
on public support, and until the public
is interested it will not get a real po-
litical leader.
Rufus Jones Describes
Conditions in China
(Continued from Page One}
sition, but by a-complete lack of in-
terest. It is now assumed that sci- ,
ence can answer all questions.
, The missionaries are undoubtedly
dealing - with a_ difficult situation.
Moreover the fact that there are one
hundred rent. Missionary Socie-
ties, each upholding a different brand
of Christianity, does not allevigte the
distress.. In addition, at the largest
theological seminary, a man of eigh-
ty-three, of extreme conservatism, is
teaching that the Bible is literal his-
tory and that logic is,a curse. The
committee feel, consequently, that a
united Christian movement is neces-
sary in China. Men will have. to be
‘} sent out, not so much to preach reli-
gion in the schools and churches, but
to set a good example by leading clean |
lives. They must be men of contag-
ious personality, for the method of
personal intercourse is now making
50 per cent. of the converts. The fu-
ture of the Church in China rests on
some such plan as this, for conditions
have been so altered that the old ways
are no longer of any- value.
Phone 570
SHOP, Inc.
Mrs. N. §. C. Grammer
823 Lancaster Avenue
OND Die?
© 1932, taheerr &
Myers Tosacco Co.
then you enjoy it all the more.
The right kind of ripe, sweet Domestic and Turkish to-
bacco ,..the right ageing and blending... make Chesterfields
= better-tasting . .. They sei
You know how it is. If a cigarette is mild—that is, not
harsh or bitter, but smokes cool and smooth—then you like
it and don’t worry about how many or how often you smoke.
And if it tastes right—that is, not oversweet, not flat—
Page Four
Political Speakers
Present Platforms
4Continued from Page One)
Mr. Fowler Harper summed the
Democratic point of view by the term
_“liberalism:” a facility. of adapting
old ideas to new problems and new
types of problems. He argued the dis-
advantages of the Republican party’s
paternalistic attitude, its trend for
standardization regarding social and
cultural institutions, and its “laissez-
faire” attitude toward capitalistic en-
terprise. Mr. Harper advised a re-
verse in these policies and questioned
President Hoover’s intellectual hon-
esty in handling the question of pro-
hibition and in the character of the
Republican campaign of. fear.
Dr. Holmes, supporting the Social-
ist platform, put aside personal is-
sues to show the fundamental simi-
larity of the Republicans and Demo-
crats. The profit system based on
ygcompetitive industry, he declared, has
divided our population into the two
conflicting classés of capital and la-
bor. The situation, aggravated by the
more universal use of machinery, has
grown worse instead of better; since
this system has proved inefficient, some
radical change must be made sooner
or later. He proved the inefficacy of
the Farm Relief Organization: this
system has made one-half of the far-
mers today tenant farmers. Dr.
Holmes. outlined the advantages of
government control of the essential in-
dustries by showing the waste caused
in privately controlled industry and
contrasting with this the efficiency of
our present government control of
schools, public roads, and parcel post.
He concluded: “We are after a free
people; getting rid of domination,
willing to adventure in order to have
* a nobler and better human society.”
(Continued from Page Two)
only to be ‘scorned by the woman he
did it all for.
Boyd: Norma Shearer, Frederic
March and Leslie Howard in Smilin’
Thru. Miss Shearer is lovely in both
the Mid-Victorian and the modern se-
quences of as simple and lovely: a ro-
mance as this hardened department
has ever seen. Only why did they call
it Smilin’ Thru? We used every hand-
kerchief available from the _ seats
Earle: Robert Montgomery and
Tallulah Bankhéad in Faithless — a
soul drama about a girl who lost
everything, including her honor, when
she lost her fortune, and of the in-
evitable man lurking around to re-
deem her by love. Pretty dreadful.
Stanley: The Big Broadcast—in
which Stuart Erwin and Leila Hyams
form a story on which are hung like
so many Christmas tree bulbs, the
Boswell sisters, the Mills Brothers,
Bing Crosby, Kate Smith, etc. A big
noise and that’s about all.
Karlton: Life Begins on into the
night. A great drama*about how it
all starts. If someone doesn’t . put
a stop to this our population will be
overrunning into Japan and the Vir-
gin Islands.
Stanton: Conrad Nagel and Lupe
Velez in another unshaven drama of
the tropics, Congo. A paralyzed white
man rules as king of the jungle and|
it’s a plenty exciting job.
Europa: The Russian film, Sniper
_—about a notorious sniper, who did
plenty of damage during the war. The
views of modern’ Russia are authen-
tic and amazing.
Fox: Clive Brook in Sherlock
Holmes wages a great battle against
the arch-crook, Moriarity, and all his
eohorts..._Also, too much bum vaude-
‘ville. ~ a
Local Movies
Ardmore: Wednesday and Thurs-
day, 70,000 Witnesses, with Philipps
__Holmes, John Mack Brown, Charles
Ruggles; Friday, Lee Tracy and Mary |"
malin. allen lie, mi eee. a. la «el
~ Open Sundays
Chatter-On Tea House
918 Old Lancaster Road
Telephone: Bryn Mawr 1185
an oth. ann ofthe atte atte tii tite tite ttn atti atin all
Philip Harrison Store
Gotham Gold Stripe
Silk Hosier), $1.00
‘Best Quality Shoes
in Bryn Mawr
Next Dex to the Movies
Brian in Blessed. Event; Saturday,
Jack Holt in The Sporting Age; Mén-
day and Tuesday, Love Me Tonight,
with Jeanette MacDonald and Mau-
rice Chevalier;. Wednesday, Charles
Ruggles and Joan Bennett in Wild
Seville: Wednesday and Thursday,
Bachelor’s folly, with Herbert Mar-
shall and Edna Best; Friday, Hup-
py Days, with Charles Farrell and
Janet Gayhor; Saturday, Rebecca of
Sunnybrook Farm, with Ralph Bel-
lamy and Marion Nixony Monday and
Tuesday, Victor McLaglen and Ed-
mund Lowe in Guilty As Hell.
Wayne: Wednesday and Thursday,
My Wife’s Family, with Jean Gerard
and ‘Charles Patton; Friday and Sat-
urday, Horsefeathers, with the Four
‘Marx Brothers.
Folk Songs Grow From
| Communal Authorship
(Continued from Page One)
culture of its own, but if all ideas
different from those of .Europe are
discouraged, only a pseudo-culture will
be evolved.
To illustrate the fact that tunes
can exist in diverse forms known. as
variants, the choir sang Bushes and
Briars, This Is the Truth, and the
first four verses of Diverus and Laz-
arus. Such tunes, sounding entirely
different, can often be traced to the
| President Park Tells
Freshman Statistics
(Continued from Page Three)
numerical report on the last two, but
the statistics on the first .of ‘these
three are to be found below. The per-
centage of students with entrance rec-
ords averaging credit or above have
been: in 1922, 6 per cent.; 1923, 8 per
cent.; 1924, 6 per cent.; 1925, 9 per
cent.; 1926, 10 per. cent.; 1927, 14 per
cent.; 1928, 16 per-cent.;.1929, 27 per
cent.; 1930, 25 per cent.; 1931, 20
per cent.; and this year, 22 per cent.
It can easily be seen that the Class
of 1986 had a larger proportion of
students entering with high examina-
tion marks than any class in ten
years, excepting those classes which
entered in 1929 and 19380.
same sources. One traditional tune
may be attached to several ballads, or
even to.modern doggerel. Although it
seems proper that a noble tune should
have dignified words, soon after the
invention of the printing press, num-
erous broadsidcs were printed, which
replaced the traditional words of ,the
old ballads. In conclusion, the de-
ligtful T'’wankydillo was sung to. show
the merry aspect of folk music.
Dr. Williams’ next lecture, on Folk
Song As It Affects the Composer,”
will be delivered Wednesday, Novem-
ber 9.
The 23 students in this year’s en-
tering class with credit records are
(the names are arranged alphabetic-
ally): ~ M. E. Askins, Esther Bassoe,
| Frederica Bellamy, C. C. Brown, M.
C. Chapman, Kk. W. GlIement, Rose
Vavis, Marjorie Goldwasser, Barbara
Gray, Evelyn Hansell, S. F. Halcomb,
Jean Holzworth, Margaret Honour,
S. L. Hunt, I. M. Lefferts, R. H.:Os-
born, E. W. Perkins, E. E. Peabody,
F. C. Porcher, E. D. Putnam, Eliza-
beth Smedley, E. P.. Wyckoff, M. C.
The average age of the freshmen
is just 18. This is by one month
the lowest in 10 years. As usual the
younger students in the class have
more than their share of the higher
entrance records. The student with
the highest entrance average is the
youngest but one in the class. Of the
24 students with credit average, ten
aré in the youngest quarter in the
SERVICE 8 A. M. TO 7:30 P. M.
Daily and Sunday
class. Of the 30 students with A
scores in the verbal part of the Scho-
lastic Aptitude Test, 15 are in .the .
youngest quarter of the class. Of the
12 ‘students with A scores in the
mathematical part of the Scholastic
Aptitude Test, 4 are in the youngest
quarter of the class. To discover the
true material of which the members
of this class are made, it will be neces-
sary to wait until after the Freshman
year is over. _ During the first yeare
at college, students still work in part
from a high school point of view;
they still use their old standards.. It
is not, until the second year that they
have acquired maturer methods of
studying,.and the two last years
when the: entrant works largely in
subjects of her own choice may up-
set the most’ careful estimate on the
part of the Admission Committee of
what her ability in college is likely
to be.
No raw tobaccos in Luckies
—that’s why they’re so mild
WW buy the’ finest, the
very finest tobaccos
"Nature in the Raw” —as por-
trayed by F. C. Yohn...inspired by
that horror-filled dawn when the
bloodthirsty savages fell on Ethan
Allan’s gallant *‘Green Mountain
Boys’? of Fort Ticonderoga fame.
"Nature in the Raw is Seldom
Mild’’—and raw tobaccos have no
place in cigarettes. °
aging and mellowing, are
then given the benefit of '
“in all the world—but that
doesnot explain why folks
everywhere regard Lacks
Strike as the mildest ciga-
rette. The fact is, we never
overlook the truth that
“Nature in the Raw is
Seldom Mild”—so these
fine tobaccos, after proper
that Lucky Strike purify-
ing process, described by
the words—“‘It’s toasted”.
That’s why folks in every
city, town and hamlet say
that Luckies are such mild
“It’s toasted”
That package of mild Luckies
College news, November 9, 1932
Bryn Mawr College student newspaper. Merged with Haverford News, News (Bryn Mawr College); Published weekly (except holidays) during academic year.
Bryn Mawr College (creator)
4 pages
digitized microfilm
North and Central America--United States--Pennsylvania--Montgomery--Bryn Mawr
Vol. 19, No. 04
College news (Bryn Mawr College : 1914)--
Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation.