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College news, May 9, 1928
Bryn Mawr College student newspaper. Merged with Haverford News, News (Bryn Mawr College); Published weekly (except holidays) during academic year.
Bryn Mawr College (creator)
6 pages
digitized microfilm
North and Central America--United States--Pennsylvania--Montgomery--Bryn Mawr
Vol. 14, No. 24
College news (Bryn Mawr College : 1914)--
Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation.
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-PORGY * iF A GLANCE OUTSIDE Regional _” Scholar, eee Maria rye —> ou ,Can Safely Order by
o* caine Re inten : . Hopper Sophomore - Scholar, 1927- et ae "el
*. ‘CONTINUED “FROM AGRA. q CONTISUED FROM PAGE 1 -|*.~ 28; Major: French. *Honor Points: Gifts. For Fr it f a al t
2s : : 4 é or Fruit from Hallowell is always 0
; restlessness, of excitement and constantly Campus Chit-Chat in Print. Fif:y-one -on aysnten, ar coed ae Dy en eee Mesenek muatie=ce von ues
KS m tingling nerves, | S To us the most ridiculous and childish © yee om eight hours advance of 1stiNC tion neat do as many others, leave a. standing
me 4s . vee ) Stee patters-is the for-|. Sancms - ae order for;a weekly selection of our Fruit
J Through: the play spirituals jah bo x ts . ey i wees sg ®t m Phylli§ Dorothea Wiegand, of New Diamand-and precious stone’ | ¢,,. alive ts ‘Solip home ‘or to’ these |
© .Tefrain. Sometimes they are mere nema — ais i soa : ‘ York City. Prepared by St. Agatha jewelry. Watches and clocks. _,| away at school. ~~, ae a |
‘ snatches at others they rise to the height usually Bives brief accounts or me cy} School, New York, Alumnae Re-|: [ported and domestic nov- !
’ See "qaickly Rei cian diercas parties, including table decorations, and|* gional ‘Scholar, 1926-28. - Major: aa dtad sad Wha leuraie Free Delivery to Your Home |
-_ : encase Ny b ae ‘th Ber tells where the students spend their German. Honor Points: Seventy- - ni pea ide i ‘ Anywhere in City or Suburbs
Be o: y a vee the expression | week-ends. To -be7sure, this’ is‘a great four on forty-four. hours. Fine stationery. ‘TELEPHONE PENNYPACKER 1761 )
of a frenzie f ingi : : vTACHING N aA . ; ‘ ‘
j aaa ewayene singing, detaeae | Lely to gossip, but it dces not seem to WASHINGTON, LD, Sigs Class rings and pins, Trophies. a
ing mass of humanity. The Negro’s | he of*any other particular value. Elinor Alice Totten, of W ashington, ik ace eeone HALLOWE L iE |
Z fund of emot’onal expression is atwits | No article on college newspapers would) @ D. c* Prepared by Miss Madeira’s FAIRLY PRICED
Se climax in the wake of the man drowned | be complete without mention of the New School, Washington, D..,C. Alumiae Broad Lon Ba + Ti pgp ra
{_. ._ during the tornado. Inthe small room > “4¢"!. faithful friend of all exchange Region mal Scholag, 1927-28. Majer: J. E. CALDWELL & CO. ‘ Es
EET, RI aN a eee Aen ct ek ee a er Pee ee eT Shasta Mtscal ar Bantwat Poses ; |
} % as yup as Yee ae S° lect the most interesting antl. pertinent , fit ‘een hours. Sts Jat seb : P
a closely racke tomet ner that the electric | items from’ all college papers and, re- MARIA HOPPER SCHOL ARSHIP: PHILADELPHIA : The Peter Pan
Bi current of exc.tement, of madness, can! print tem with. editorial comment. Just} -En'd -Appo. Cook, of Washington,
be transmitted from one to the other. ! as through reading the newspaper of a D. C. Prepared by the. Dunbar High ———————————————— Tea Room
The orgiastic melodies of the people are| college you may become .acquainted with Schoot and Howard University, | {
echoed by the terrific blasts and whistles it, so, through reading the New Student,| y Washington, D. C. Major: Biology. JEANNETT’S ‘883: Lancaster Avenue :
of the cyclorie outside. A single. persdi you! may become acquatnted with the Honor Points: Forty-one on sixteen ‘ : _
' ete Fei eae " 7 a ; | general undergraduate spirit, the ~¢har- | hours. BRYN MAWR ae andl Tas ae
_— €s up the tune, acter of student thought everywhere. ECOND MARIA HOPPER SCHOL- HO gigs
b. then fiiore and more join until the whole | = oie . ARSHIP: FLOWER 5 P HENRY B. WALLACE
room throbs with the rhythm of voice Ho _ Student Control. Celia Gause Darlington, oe - Brookline, Cut Blowess:-end ~ Caterer and Confectioner
and body, until more join until table to | © Another advance in community govern-.| ' Massachusetts. ; : 22 Bryn Mawr Ave. Bryn Mawr.
* restrain themselves any longer, the men ment, the establishment ors student, com- JAMES E. RHOADS SCHOLAR- Plants Fresh Daily Breakfast Served Pally
and -wonset “start to: dance wildly, bar- m.ttee to pas on probations and expul-|" ‘o}jyp. : Business Lunch, 6@—11 to 2.:0
Dinner. $1.
ald B. M. 758 Open Sundays
sions, is Ikely for Antioch — Colleges. Blanche
Heretofore ‘he faculty has taken care of
this-aspect. of administration. It has been
felt. however,.that there has been too
htt'e investigation of the records. of © stu-
cents on“trial. Under the proposed plan
IVorthington, of Forest
Grove, Pennsylvania. Prepared by
. the Doylestown High School . and
the George School, Pennsylvania.
Major :——— Honor Points: Twen«
ty-nine on sixteen hours, °
astudent.cofmmittee__would first _thor- ANN-A--—_--PQWERS MEMORIAL
onghly..investigate each. case, .and then SCHOLARSHIP:
_barically. Contrasted with this singing
* are the light and carefree turfes .of the
procession on the holiday. The cake-walk
and shuffle take the place of the former
voluptuous movements, - Finally, there. is
_a_more suddued jeremiad for the dead.
This time one merely. hears ‘snatches
from afar with occasional louder inter-
Corsage and Floval Baskets
Old-Fashioned Bouquets » Specialty
Potted Plante Phone, Bryn Mawr 1385
M. Meth Pastry. Shop
1008 Lancaster Ave. . <<
French and Danish Pastry ~*
Persounl Supervision —on All: Orders
Phone: Bryn. Mawr_570
6 Oh, 6 a 6 6 8 8 Pe, 8 PC
Rs iid
; jon with a faculty committee to decide} _po14y Thomson Overton, of New York 823 Lancaster Avenue
ae } , of 2 ef iat : WE DELIVER
_ lude — the ~~ opens, 7 on action. This isin keeping with the City. -Prepared by Miss Chandor’s j
is a note of peace and resignation that] a ntioch plan of extending student -con- S és hag anes SSS - ;
chool, New York. Major: —
lacking in the former orgiastic scene. trol step by step as it becomes possible. Honor Points: Twenty-seven on. six- “LAW SCHOOL ‘“~BRINTON BROS.
*Thus runs the thread of music that: is «nN co Student. ' | above.” 4 : FORDHAM | FANCY and STAPLE GROCERIES
never absent’ in Negro life,-but-which-is ciel a Woolworth Building,
“2% ¥ oot ; AL R STEES’ SCHOLAR- : i
at times a mere restrained melody and FELLOWSHIPS Baste TRU AeA New York © ee eee Oe ee
ie te, ee coalralicd outburst Wh: oe : |. Ruth Unangst, of Philadelphia. Pre- Co-educational : Bryn Mawr, Pa : Me
an sai | CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS ISSUE _ pared by Girls’ High School, Phila-| Case system '—, Three-year course. | Telephone 63 ©
inally, one must mention the acting Ts : . Two years. of College work required
NEW ENGLAND: " delphia. Honor Points: Twenty-six y
which ‘is - spine gl = any: per of a8 Dorothea Cross, of Fitchburg, Massa" on fifteen ,hours. for ayeaeeons me » |EDW. K. TRYON: COMPANY
promemied: An _sll-Negro i chusetts.. Preparéd by the Fitchburg) JAMES E. RHOADS SCHOLAR-| — Morning, afters and evening _| Complete. Sporting Goods Equipment
the characterizations mre Ss) moeaehets. High School, Alumnae Regional! SHIP: classes isa Bocane dad Melidcats |
and truthful. “One realizes the race Scholar, 1926-28; Maria Hopper} Anne Elisabeth Wood, of Washington, Write for catalogue an
feeling, the clan spirit, especially when in Sophomore Scholar, 1927-28. Major : | D. C. Prepared by the Holton-Arms Charles P. Davis, Registrar, Room 2851 912 Chestnut Street
contact with the white —s fe; ahs Biology. Honor Points: Ninety-five | School, Washington, D. C. Major: : Philadelphia
. ayeseettil ee ve al ind and one-half on forty-five hours. Economics and _ Politics... “Honor WHAT aoe 7 . a
African ditemanship pecomes: 8 pa Rosamond Cross, of Fitchburg, Mas- | Points: One hundred and four on UROPE ? Haverfo Pharmacy
° force and unites them against the ad? sachusetts. .Rreparéd by the Groton} . forty-seven. hours...
versary.. From the many excellent por-
a -trayals of character, there are a few that Belviieik-~Alaenchiniaite: Adinineet—_ SHIP rs phonar-AenEore tee
me. SPSTT. Fey ply nian TT Regional Scholar, 1925-28; Mary: E.}~- Dorothea-Cross,-ot-Fitehburg,..Massa- |- PROMPT-DELIVE VERY SERVICE PX
trayed character, a role sp great difficulty Stevens: Scliolar, 1927-28. Major: chusetts. Haverfo
since his clean Sonsisty, more ce History.) Honor Points: One -hun-| ANNA HALL OWELL MEMORIAL ——
feticence than in his expression. ne ead andl twenty-eight oe ada. SCHOL ARSHIP: ‘: : one eS
receives—the_imprestion,—however,—of—a six hours. Agnes Kirsopp Lake, of Cambridge, ONLY rovpisr PASSENGE $ BRYN MAWR
" man physically incapacitated, but all the vepaes Seite. De
' : Roo, of Roslindale, Massachusetts. Prepared by ~ the Calie cndl ind Clee MARINELLO SALON
‘more alert and. shrewd mentally. His Masscchuselis. « -Prepaved by - the Buckingham" School, _ Cambridge, | AT TOURIST THIRD CABIN RATE) euay 7
stunted body has tict restraitied his desire, . « Girls’ Latin School, Boston, Massa- Massachusetts, and St. Paul's Girls’ pneet pk ictren EW YORK, 84142 Lancaster Avenue
passion, or ‘strength -of muscle. Bess. is chusetts..” Alumnae Regional Scholar,|__~'School,... England, . Major: Latin. : a Bt eae = Second. oa — te
well portrayed as a woman of the streets _ ° $925-28: Matriculation Schdlar for Vivier: Pilate: ine five on fortye |. ii aes if renee me
whe spends sher — sect ies plaything ve the New England States, 1925; Anna seven hours. Orchestra—Dancing —Sports California Paper. Curl Muscle Strapping
men, but still retains enough independ- Hallowell Memorial Scholar, 1927-|TTHOMAS”H. POWERS MEMORIAL Swimming Pool eeaenineete ‘wicmcoun’: Werte
ence to resist some temptations. Crown 98. Major: Chemistry. Honor}. SCHOLARSHIP: — An sapere g Dore
is the forc® that .is constantly in opposi- Points: One hundred and thirty on|: Elisabeth Robison Baker, of Fulton, : Repay A Telephone, Bryn Mawr 809
tion to her, always exerting a strange seventy-five hours and twenty-six Missouri. Prepared ‘by the Synodi- cHOOL oF FOREIG a He N :
fascination against which she unceasingly and two-thirds ‘on ten hours’ ad- cal Academy, , Fulton, Missouri. DF Woes 2d Serese =| New York,N. ¥. Open Tues. and Fri. Evenings.
battles, with ultimate success. Sporting- Garnet standing, James E, Rhoads Scholar, 1927-28 Other Evenings by Appointment,
Life is an urbane, treacherous individual] - Cojjq Gause Darlington, of Brookline, > ajor : Chemistry. Honor Points: SCHOOL . OF HORTICULTURE?
who tries to ensnare the girl with his Massachwe=**- A SE ee even on forty-seven hours:t"~ OR - WOMEN heehee tek
So Eg HH OO,
svt is RSE ais A st bd Courses include. Floriculture, kanaaehna De-
he a hag Gist.” Lhere “are: likewise" niinor Brimmer “School, Boston, Matischa- MARY ANNA LONGSTRETH ME- sign, Fruit Growing, Poultry, Bees, etc. ee
Cornell Univernicy
= ‘parts well: done, such as the widow whose setts. Alumnae Regional Scholar,,; MORIAL SCHOLARSHIP: Dosa stoosnse _— ora ne
"religious convictions are in contrast to the] 1927-28.Major;..- Honor Seine Agnes—Katherine Hannay, of Wash-} Short-Summer Course:-August--2-to-28..-Ad-| Summ er Session
“superstitions of the proprietress of the Thirty-eight on_ fifteen hours. inton, D.C. ‘Prepared by Migs Ma- | $ie%, SOm., Vemor Buah Brows) sch ht
bake shop, the Negro minister whose] NEW YORK: deira’s School, Washington, “D. C. : in LAW
chief interest is the burial fund, and the Margaret.-Ould / Nuckols,. of Albany, Major :——— Honor Points : a gs
lawyer who in return for a dollar, sells New York. Prepared by St. Agnes’ Eighty-five on -forty:seven hours. First Term, June 25 ~ August 1
a divorce which is decorated with a seal School, Albany, New’ York. Alum-| ABBY BRAYTON DURFEE SCHOL- i STREET CONTRACT,- Professor Thomp-
that -he claims is his own, but which nae Regional Scholar, 1927-28 ARSHIP: son, Cornell University. —
hi , ra Re core ers: LINDER & PROPERTY, Professor Wilson,
proves to belong. to the steamsiip com Major; Honor, Points: Twenty-| Lorine Carpenter Sears, of Chillicothe, Cornell University.
pany. These hi many - Rove three’ on sixteen hours. Ohio. Prepared by the Howard PROPERT SUBETYSHIE, ni ree Llew- 4
pass through the story and are skilltully Imogen . Repplier Richards, of New Seminary, , Massachusetts. Major: ]. y N ‘ ellyn, Columbia University.
interpreted. York. City. Prepared by-the Brear- English. Honor Points: Seventy- OPT! IA S sa big Professor Llew-
It is this combination of qualities. that ley ‘School, New York. Alumnae nine on forty-seven hours: 20th and PARTNERSHIP, Deh Pnaace
makes the play a noteworthy production. fe , SES Chestnut Grave. Univ. , Pittsburgh.
The various episodes are aed em < ' Streets TRUSTS, Professor Maggs,
ether by the tide of song and by the ' : ISTINCTIVE SHOES ‘ a Univ. of Southern California
pe that reflects. and reinforces the J 4 SHOP. NOTED = a ® ; \ P hiladelphia INSURANCE, gg tenn
. events and characters..- One. has variety , — , 3 = : : isssor Farnham, Corne ni-
of episode, of character, and emotion : j ; Sectnd Tern, Aug. § to Sept. 7 ;
“All of this tumult of noise and color , : a 1 n —— :
Merces t : : 8 : 1 HE--CAMBRIDGE- SCHOOL. OF] j} CONTRACT, Professor White-
forms a vortex with Fotgy ay @ cenicr, * side, Cornell ; University. {
and influences and is influenced by him, ; DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE AND AGENCY, Assistant Professor
so that “as"a Cati#e of his actions ag a G 7 ay “or B ei ige Suede We sy Sis Sania ARCHITECTURE aia University of =
; ethem, the play proceeds in ; raska
eel sors d : PA ‘Deckesincal School for College ees ene Magill,
: umbia Uni
: ; In an exclusive Claflin model Geidliotes. tars. fesse ae ie
ms Be ois.
Phone, Bryn Mawr 252 , : The Academic Year for 1928-29 opens}, wigty ar ac Schnebly, ”
Bi ” git ot | The beautiful ‘Lizard Mvdalin Monday, October 1, 1928. “University of Missouri:
r CONNELLY’S with strands of elastic conforms aes DAMAGES, esr Sewer:
THE MAIN LINE FLORISTS with any instep—the high arch : THe EUROPEAN TRAVEL Course BANERU or ast a —
1226 Lancaster Ave., Rosemont, Pa. and na:row heel—its close ver- oe Sailing from Boston June 10th. Ley, Dinoty Un iversity.
‘ Members of Florists’ Telelgraph Delivery fect fit—compine in siaking this Sailing from Cherbourg September 15th ae
paca’ . thodel an ideal dress shoe. THE SUMMER SCHOOL AT. OXFORD Students may begin the study o
: Ba ee . | law in the summer session.
PHILIP - HARRISON : tp From Monday, %uly 9th, to Saturday,
3 a ie rene eDe eas. Y Be ae For catalog, ilies the |
ee A : |] |HEnry ATHERTON Frost — Director Cornell Law School }
ry es ut ‘ 13 Boylston Street, Cambridge, Mass.
es os SS f At Harqyatd — camer as | |
~*~ * ; > a
me mene * - i a ene Xe :
E : ; “ 2 Ee f o << a 4 {
x ¢ + . Sees A