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College news, April 17, 1929
Bryn Mawr College student newspaper. Merged with Haverford News, News (Bryn Mawr College); Published weekly (except holidays) during academic year.
Bryn Mawr College (creator)
6 pages
digitized microfilm
North and Central America--United States--Pennsylvania--Montgomery--Bryn Mawr
Vol. 15, No. 19
College news (Bryn Mawr College : 1914)--
Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation.
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t ’ ‘ 4 fe re ao °
re : e 3 THECOLLEGENEWS erie ‘ oe es
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“Incentives to Study” aes tific method. They are inductions, rather | support, if they, are not over-burdened| The author attributes this in part to peared to give the student no advantage,
4 fi than opinions. with outside work, average higher in; habits of energy, in’ part to the incen-| over. the son of non-college parents. |
ee Are Called Inadequate’ The-most-notabte-conctusion sgems to|-their grades. than. students who are not} tive of keeping eligible for such activity.) Ministers’ sons had the highest average
= | A: very impressive volume, entitled be the importance of purpose or incen- in any measure self-supporting. The! Anether motivating factor seems to be} of ,all, in spite of the stories current
2 : Incentives to Study,” 'a survey of stu-/ tive ih raising the quality of a student’s tests seem to show that this is not be-| a. settled object. Stirdents whose caréer| about the prodigals. i
a Went opinion “by Atel) Boschet Craw- acatemic work. On this “ground Mr. | cause of natural aptitude, but rather be-| is definitely planned, who are, as the; The ‘fact. that all these minor factors
f Ceserfordshbwk : tint required courses | Cause of attitude. Théy are more intent.| author says, oriented, do better work} do count toa considerable degree is at-
ford, Director the...Department o etewe Ditto pro i “sytnctyaifptudents who are .qpegged in eytra-|.than. students wha have not chosen_a| tributed by Mr. Crawford to the dis- ;
Personnel Study and of the Bureau of oe Jnduieatee. ia dhaws * student | Curricular activities, athletic or non- vocation. Professional backgrounds| tressing fact that where the curriculum ~~ f
. Appointments of Yale University, | has elects, especially when sunt requirements athletic, also ‘seem to get better marks| were shown to.have some_ relation. to _dtself » offers. inadequate incentive —..t0.2--»--—
recently been published by the Yale Uni- are not_related in any direct way to-the than students-«not so engaged, even} good work, whereas the mere possession | study, secondary motives come into play
iy versity Press. student’s major field. The purpose for where their original ability is the same.|.of a “degree “by one or bgth parents ap-! conTINUBD ON THR FIFTH PaGE
The survey is based on questionnaires | which certain. studies have ostensibly be-| = : : S
filled out in the spring of 1926 by- ses come established as curricular. require-| ¥ULUNCHEON, TEA, DINNERI “THE William T. McIntyre i
four per cent. of the Yale undergradu- | ments—intellectual -breadth—is. unlikely Open Sundays 1 “BRYN MAWR TRUST CO. |
ates, correlatéd with other available in-| to. be attained through arbitrary prescrip- CHATTER-ON TEA HOUSETL CAPITAL, $250,000.00 Main Line Stores Victualer i
formation — -as mental ,test ratings,| tions. In other words it is useless to 835 Morton Road ri ' : Ouady, ioe hei ane Seen) ee @
academic grades and outside employment. | establish arbitrary requirements affecting | JJ [| Does a General Banking Business aise rnieatehaer a even dre
The initiative, according to the author’s | all students ‘alike, unmindful of the dif- Ealephone: ad mawe- 1300 vr - Allows rib on Deposits 821 LANCASTER AVENUE i
preface, was originally taken by certain] ferences between them. Such a system pai n ceca Bryn Mawr ,
Jeading Yale undergraduates, who lal should be oo by a course of study mg John J. McDevitt reGvV—Xxxr
interested im questions such as: “What| sufficiently ff€xible for adaptation to in- Co e Inn and Phone, Bryn Mawr 675
after all is the real purpose of a college} dividual needs and aims, with emphasis s Bi ted The Peter Pan
education? What processes might im-|on the purposeful relation of its parts Tea Room “ogi
prove students’ adjustment both to.the|to each other, and of the whole to the ioe P rinting Leiter ‘Heaaa' Tea Room
College situation and, later, to the world] students’ life after graduation. » Above ok ‘ : Announcements - 835 Lancaster Avenue ~
of: affairs? What factors chiefly moti-} all, it should seek to capitalize ‘its major} Caters especially for you, 1 to | 1145 Lancaster Ave., Rosemont, Pa. ;
vate students academically, and, if real] interest. . “7.80 kd cake Ais § (eee ene eels | {
apathy exists amofig a large body of| Mr. Crawford brings against the aca- 1ON WOO = re i ect Es di d s HENRY B. WALLACE :
undergraduates in this respect, to what is] demic course of study, not of Yale par- Saturday Gren at-90 foc Barly Lunehewe con Oo Caterer and Confectioner i
“it attributable ?” and so on. The ques-} ticularly but “of American. colleges —in ——— | eer cde The Pack Trip Camp for 22 Bryn Mawr Ave. Bryn Mawr i
tionnaire dealt with tatters of--educa-| general, the charge of failing to supply — nye ee : Older Gis ~~ Breakfast Served Dally a
tional and economic batkground, factors] in itself adequate incentive to. the stu- ee - Business, Lunch, 60c—11 ta 2.80
influencing choice of courses, time spent dent Hels notimade aware of any pur- = “ Season 1929: June: 26-July 23; Dinner, $1.00
in study, activities and so forth. It also pose in the courses he is advised or re- : : M July 24—August 20 Phe he B. M. 758 Open Sees ;
called for expressions of opinion on re-} quired to take. If there is a cultural Fox’s Glacier Mints BPs pres
quired courses, student government, and| advantage in certain courses of study ‘ey io : peas ms
other general problems, the student is not brought to appreciate We import them from 7 Bryn Mawr. |
The tables made out on the basis of] this; « Under these circumstances secon- £E land ‘ College girls! Why not
: , ; ; ngian spend four weeks of your
these answers, checked and rechecked] dary motives come into play, so that we e vacation. in the glorious C ti 5 ° ‘
and computed with a minimum of error,| have the strange paradox, proved by 50 Cents a Jar at all Good Stores mountains of New eee? 0-opera ve ociety
‘are abet oa in Mr. Crawford's these yrs en S ciaaeee or from: j eian ave ge risers i. tr ‘
survey. All the facts are interesting, | activity, and the necessity of self-support colorful Southwest. Books Books Book
but the conclusions may be. summed up| are rather a help to the student in his [ hos ‘ ... Fluke Write for Particulars : a
fairly briefly. Theiriimportance. seems ‘academic work than a hindrance. This, AGATHE DEMING Art General
to lie not "| - - xo Kira are new,| Mr. Crawford says, ‘is because these fac- Company 924 West End Avenue F regpeh Poetry
for most of them have found expression tors add the element of purposive motiva- 1616 CHESTNUT ST., PHILA. NEW YORK CITY Fiction Travel
in previous criticisms of higher educa-| tion. He gives clear evidence that .stu- <
_ tion in Ameriga,’ but in the fact that} dents working their way through college, _— —— =
they are based on something like a scien-| or “doing something towards their own Ppa .
: * « — <
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