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College news, December 12, 1928
Bryn Mawr College student newspaper. Merged with Haverford News, News (Bryn Mawr College); Published weekly (except holidays) during academic year.
Bryn Mawr College (creator)
6 pages
digitized microfilm
North and Central America--United States--Pennsylvania--Montgomery--Bryn Mawr
Vol. 15, No. 09
College news (Bryn Mawr College : 1914)--
Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation.
_ Page 6
“Traveled Grangelint haaiies
t De, E. Staiucy Jones probably the be-
’ known evangelis: missionary in the world
‘foday, wl. speak at the Bryn Mawr Pres-
byterian Church on Sunday, December
16, at £30. :
Re Dr. Jones isthe author of “The Christ
— ‘ol the Indian Road” and “Christ at the
|_- . Round Table,” two volumes which have
‘Been best sellers in both America and
|. ~~ _Kurope, and which have been translated
3 + fatto many languages. |
g Officially he is a ‘m’ssionary of the
> - Board of Foreign Missions of the Metho-
te dist Ep'scopal Church, serying in India.
“His spe:ial. field of preaching is among
the’ high-caste. Hindus and. thé educated’
_ Mohammedans of that land. But. Dr.
, Jones” service has not been
India. He has held evangelistic meet-
ings im Malaysia, in China, Japan and
Korea. In the simmer of 1928 he Spent
three months in an evangelistic tour of
the Republics ‘of South America where
might night he’ spoke: to' houses
fy BS ofl
at ‘ soos cineca
ing men and women of those nations.
and received his education in the City
Colleze, Baltimore, ‘and in Asbury” Col-
lege. In 1907 he arrived in India asa
miss onary of the Methodist Episcopal
Chur h and became the pastor ‘of the
English Church in Lucknow. A °few
years later he wag,appointed superinten-
dent of thé Lucknow District, and princi-
al of the Sitapur Boarding School. In
1917 he was appointed evangelist for the
North India Conference and since that
time he has devoted practically all his
‘ime to this type of- service. - In 1923 he
spent so're months in the school of~Dr.
Rabindranath Tagore, in Bengal, for the
purpose of studying India’s culture and
religion, He counts among his personal
friends Tagore and: Mahatma Gandhi
and scores of other leaders of ‘India’s
thought and life.
Smoking and Reading
In most colleges.there are-ample and
comfortable accommodations for smok-
crowded bs the best educated’ and lead-
- Dr, Jones was born in Clarksville, Md.
the saga id M. I. Cadet.
‘ Se f ;
ing and lounging, but those who. would |
{ read, must fesort, in the words | of Pio- |
fessor Stanley’ E. Swartley, to “uncom-
fortable ‘chairs, drab surroundings and |.
anhygienic temperatures” In an article
in School and Society; ‘Dr. Swartley ad-
vocates an ideal book store that would
make reading more of a pleasure than |.
it can be under existing conditions.—
Smith College Weekly.
Sheep From the eae
Men and women.are to be separated
at the football games at the University
of Colorado since the cheer leaders have
reached the conclusion that the females
prevent their escorts from giving ful!
attention to the business ‘of encouraging
Locksmithing, =|Paints. Oils and Glas:
Hardware .
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a | ~ Rafeld’ 'S
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| Bryn Mawr
Practical Yet Inexpensive Gifts .
7 2 Spend Your Holidays
4 o Pinehurst, N.C.
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Pe Mes
ee a ee ee ee ae
There's a a thrill of “pleastire and ex-
citement in the air during holida
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atmosphere of a college town on.
the day of a big game. , College
* ©men and women from t to
coast meet at America’s Sport Cen-.
ter for outdoor good times. A spe-
cial program of tournaments has
been arranged for the holi
Come with your: friends :and ‘f:
Enjoy golf on five famous Donald
J. Ross courses, riding. tennis, polo, ©
archery, aviation or shooting.
Dancing to a lively orchestra, and
other entertainment every evening
at the Carolina Hotel.
Write for reservations, booklet or
proavam of events to
General -Office, Pinehurst, N. C.
Ready with Everything Smart to Wear
Silk Underthings—
All-Wool Sweaters .... $2.95 :
Gorgeous Fur Coats for nn Game.
Leather Cigarette Cases and .
Bill Folders ..... . .$1.50 set |
Cigarette Lighters and
Cabee ev g e-net
Teddies, dance-bloomers, night-
ies, step-ins, etc... . . .$1.95 up
| Stunning Shoes—from the active sportswear types to
Z o| oe KTC Silk Net Hose, $3.75 pair
shimmering satins for function wear:
Coats and Dresses for every need.
Wool Anklet Hose . . . .$1 pair.
by : Fownes Suede Gloves . i $2.95 " Millinery, Sheer Hosiery and Gloves. _
Silk Triangle Scarfs ... .$2.98.| Pur-lined Gloves ; . . $5.95 pair
Irish Linen Handkerchiefs, Broadcloth Blouses . . . .$1.98 _— LIT BROTHERS Bers
$1 box | Artificial Flowers. . .50c to $1 Philadelphia
4 THE wo
‘BRYN MAWR TRUST Co: For Christmas we have
dressed the Sampler
CAPITAL, $250,000.00 in a gay, festive wrap-
per that says “Merry A
Does a General Banking Business -aative addline) io
Allows Interest on Deposit:
c of rs a
Bryn Mawr
Co-Operative Society |
For Christmas
Etchings ? : ‘
Cards We designed a Christ- ¢
mas catd which har- ol
monizes with the
& — . — Prestige metal oneal
ie : a chest. rs .
The Peter Pan — 4
Tea Room
833 Lancaster Avenue
— -
Caterer and Confectioner
22 Bryn Mawr Ave. - Bryn ‘Mawr
Chocolates ne y
.extra hand-work. This ; ackage in one
short year has become the national
| give
erybody wants candy for Christmas
‘ine’ is is “all their own.” Whatever other
Whitman's Prestig e Chocolates, too,
i ‘
Be. Wreakfast. Served Daily ifts one has, a Christmas wrapped make a charmin ng an. The artistic and favorite at $2 the pound. 2
winecs Lanch, O8o--88 fo 2.90 Samp ler...individual...enticing...satisfy-. substantial metal chest brings a new ‘ Choose your Christmas candy (and
= Dinner, $1.00 ing, Pil fill-a Christmas craving that note in elegance. And in contents — do «it early) at the selected Whitman ‘
iPhc te B. M. 758. inf be satisfied with no_ substitute.
Open Sunday>
smaller costly combinations agency: near you.
© S. F. W. & Son, Inc.
of Distinction
Diamond and precious stone BONNYBROOK
ee eg Bae
W Lie Cuineae poner ae ‘CLOISONNE MILK CHUCOLATES popes name Ini
je metal 81.50" Chocola Delicious centers with milk $1.50 per Ib. z
jewelry. Watches and clocks: Sete eee: Dor Cprcclates ina metal box alice oseeed—ai ba pert e
‘Imported and domestié nov- design. 834 ibe.—$5.00.
elties. China and glassware.
~ Fine stationery.
Ibu hub
Class rings and olan: Trophies.
oe ee
A wipe seuacrion = ERR 1 RD ae ea |
a FAIRLY PRICED ~ : twelve ehlaren bepDY: happy A fovecite 0149 Ps :
; a | wriamesiisie FAMOUS CANDIES ‘\RE SOLD BY , ee |
CAI D ELL” Bryn Mawr College Inn, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Powers & Reynolds, | Bryn Mawr, Pa.
ie a . W « co. “ ge Tea Room, Bryn Mawr, Pa. ' H. B. Wallace, paper be i 4
eat _ "Ghestnut Street at Juniper SNe Bryn Mawr ical rere N. J. Cardamone, Bryn Mawr, Pa. gone a" _
_ ey 7LPHL/ 2 Moores Bryn Mawr, Pa. _ Kindt’s Pharmacy, | Brym Mawr,Pa eee
‘f + College Book Store, a
_— Pccistecncsflbad