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College news, October 15, 1930
Bryn Mawr College student newspaper. Merged with Haverford News, News (Bryn Mawr College); Published weekly (except holidays) during academic year.
Bryn Mawr College (creator)
4 pages
digitized microfilm
North and Central America--United States--Pennsylvania--Montgomery--Bryn Mawr
Vol. 17, No. 02
College news (Bryn Mawr College : 1914)--
Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation.
¢ . " .
eo ————[z{_z{[{{;;———E=_=====
News From Other Colleges
whosé support will replace the lost in-| private industry in two to four years.
i Atover the world during the past few terest income. The difficulties are in the old estab-
Lie .,|. “A great membership is the’ only| lished industries in the north, while
bectic reeks, th f 1934 found ’ : :
a _ ee eee ot Tet eas foun means by which the Red Cross can be| there is employment and expansion
a tee tr hee been Teluned with ad-| ter.” rst: ~-} the south, facilitated by Grumble?
vice from deans and from _ seasoned Ne meetings and volunteer these schools, . This-system is perhaps *
Lap nae toe bee en groups» are—.nowW;. outha-
B. & G. CLEANERS & Dyers
Why 869 Lancaster AVENUE
Prone: Bryn Mawr 1018
Catering to School Girls
Bryn Mawr 840
E ee ees Sa
one of the most useful of all possible Auto Supptizs
upperclassmen about “where” to éat and POrgdticaden
what courses not to take.
A few important facts stand out from
the whirl; the first is that there are more
freshmen than ever this’ year. Colleges
in the Middle West and on the Pacific
Coast note:that the business* depression
did not have its expected effect on the
enrollment, as the class’ of 1934 will
probably “be larger than any previous
one. :
The attitude toward freshman hazing
seéms to be changing gradually. At the
University of West Virginia the Student
Council has officially - abolished hazing,
and has provided instead for a Fresh-
man Court to work with the Traditions
Committee in enforcing reshnay os
toms. Which means that freshmah fules
are under the charge of a definite group,
and not any upperclassman (sg@phomores
being traditionally the most-ardent) cares
to take a hand. Bucknell has gone still
farther, and is attacking not .only haz-
ing plans for the 1930 Roll Call.
executive work in connection with the
membership enrollment will again be
in charge of Charles W. Crist, who
will use the chapter building at 2100
Delancey Street, Philadelphia, as head-
quarters for his activities in the five
counties. Thé Red Cross building at
1610 Locust Street, Philadelphia, will
be used this. year as.the distributing
centre for. Roll Call supplies.
Continued from Page One
as solo pianist with. the Philadelphia
Orchestra (three times), the New York
Phitharmonic, the Detroit Symphony
(twice), and the Russian Symphony
(five times), and in England with the
Halle Orchestra and the Bournemouth
Symphony. He has also given a large
number of recitals in England, Ger-
many, Austria and the United States.
The contPbitions to this period ‘of rapid
change in technique, when mobility of
labor supply is. so important.
- Open Sundays
835 Morton Road |
Telephone: Bryn Mawr 1185
Meet your friends at the
Bryn Mawr Confectionery
(Next to Seville Theater Bldg.)
The Rendezvous of the College Girls *
Tasty Sandwiches, Delicious Sundaes,
Superior Soda Service
Music—Dancing for girls only
Going to New York?
Room & Bath 12° to 17°9 Weekly
Transients $25 and $3 daily
Why avamnble when you find
, eat canta for the Big Game
are behind the goal pests?
You get all the. thrills at the
game—the crowd, the cheer-
‘ing, tHe bands—and then in
the Sports Section of Sun-°
New York Herald
Tribune you find the detailed
‘Richards Vidmer,
Harry Cross, Stanley Wood-
ward, J. P. Abramson, Cas-
well Adams and W. O. Mc-
Radiola, Majestic, Atwater Kent,
84114 Lancaster Ave., Bryn Mawr, Pa.
Phone: Bryn Mawr 1385
1008 Lancaster: Ave., Bryn Mawr
Birthday Cakes, Wedding Cakes.
Ice Cream, Candies
Prompt Delivery service
CALITAL. $250,000.00
Does a General Banking Business
Alldéws Interest on Deposite
Jaburg Brothers
Wholesale Groceries
ing, but the freshman traditions them- Geehan, all students of the
selves. In a letter to the editor of the .
Bucknéllian of September 18, a freshman
dectares:“I_have not-corhe here to revert | Bauer.
to the antics of my pre-school“days. .My| Born in England of English parent-
purpose is and has got to be serious.” | age, but now an American citizen, this
Wednesday, January 14, 1931, at 8:20
o’clock—Pianoforte Recital by Harold
Tie Place;
for Young
People to live
Smartly with
Economy. A
new hotel plan-
“game, tell- you every play—
who carried the_ pigskin,
Get Voir Own or We'll
Rent You One
tackled the runner or inter-
And this attitude is supported in an edi-
torial in the same issue which denounces
the ‘time-honored greén caps and com-
pulsory acrobatics as “silly and childish. 45
internationally famous artist is now
recognized as one of the greatest living
pianists. Making his debut in America
in 1901 he was the first pianist who
ned for you
men fA rg |
women of cul-
tured tastes.
cepted the forward pass.
Don’t miss their comments.
But hazing is still far froma lost art. sought to. popularize Brahms in this
At Park College, “originality and humili-| Country. Most notable, perhaps,
ation” are still the purpose of the fresh-| among his many and varied services to
man_rules. The Trojan (University of musical art, aside from his activities as
Southern California) describes “some new ; 20 interpretive artist of the first rank,
and particularly éffective ways of mak- was his organization of the Beethoven
ing the frosh respect their university,” | Association in New York, of which he
ranging from freshman tree- -sitting con- has been the elected President continu-
“tests to removing painted remarks from | ousty-since-1918,~ _He-is-one-of the-few }~-
the sidewalks with only “bricks. and el-|.musicians to be decorated by the
bow-grease.” At. Creighton, the fresh- French Government, having been made
‘man wears a green cap with a bright|a member of the Legion of Honor in “Ten Minutes from Everywhere”
red bill; at the University of Wichita, | 1927. This was the third time he has — NEW YORK | ;
garters with socks that do not match.| been honored by the French Govern- Sf
The student in Holland who is a candi-| ment, as he is also an officer of the
- date for one of the. University corps| French Academy and an Officer of John J. McDevitt
must shave his head and enter his club-| Public Instruction. As a pianist he} Phone, Bryn Mawr 675
ee room completely
furnished with private bath-
room. Luxurious public
rooms. Popular priced res-
taurant. Library. Roof
Garden. Centrally located.
The George
new are _being Presented in
Read the
A: Distinguished Hotel | rapid s succession.
LEXINGTON AVE. 23" to 24" ST,
Bryn Mawr Co-Operative
‘ Society
And the Fail “openings” are
here again. New plays and
New Books!
_- vem
Six Week’ Wacation Trip for. i
é A Uollege Girls
reviews in the New York .
: Riding, Camping Motoring
Herald Tribune.
; Supplies!
revivals by authors old and
cts rane
New Mexico Mountains, Indian
Country of Arizona
morning, the “Summary of
Today’s News” on the front
‘room by the window. The new corps} has been styled by the- well-known a peiee. :
niember, needless to say, is easily recog-| critic, Lawrence Gilman, as “A, Poet, Tickets page of your Herald Tribune
Letter Heads
Booklets, ete.
1145 Lancaster Ave., Rosemont, Pa.{| ~
a lyric Rhapsodist.”
An interesting device for helping the} Monday, February 9, 1931 at 8:20
bewildered .newcomer isthe Harvard|o’clock—The New York String Quar-
Crimson’s Confidential Guide to Cour'ses,| tet and another artist to be announced a :
which is a really frank appraisal from| later. JEANNETT’S
the student’s viewpoint of the value and| Subscribers to this series of concerts | “7
interest of various fields of study. As a| will receive an invitation to attend the Bryn. Manr Flower Shop
Crimson editorial puts it, “The faculty concert given by the orchestra of the Phine, Bro MMewe:590
is amply represented in the catalogue and] Curtis Institute of Music, conducted by
~ the various conferences with instructors.|Emil- Mlynarski, This concert has
This is a defined undergraduate opinion. }] been generously donated to the College
It offers a means of ascertaining just| by Mrs. Mary Louise Curtis Bok.
how well the various instructors accom-
plish their aims as teachers.” One has
a mental picture of the Harvard faculty
peering in trepidation at the Crimson’s| CONTINUED FROM THE THIRD PAGP
very outspoken comments on certain|exchange members to’ their mutual
courses; but ~in spite of its inevitable] penefit.
shortcomings the Confidential must cer-| Unemployment must exist in this
tainly be helpful to the harassed fresh-| period’ before our economic system is
man facing, as he-is so often told, “the} run on a rational basis.~ Britain's ac-
whole field of knowledge.”—N. S. F. A.| tions depend on world conditions, and
News Service. ° it is/ difficult to influence greatly a
‘ world-wide system."
Gosling Rhyme unemployment lasts another tén years
Sing a song of angel robes it would be necessary to attack the :
Of ropes to climb on high technique of the distribution of labor.
Of Mother Nature's photographs 3ut there is n@ great nged, to worry. Wien
Step forward, don't be Shy. One aid in solution of. the problem may
—Vassar Miscellany News. |well lie in the growing purchasing
Pack your grip and inake your stop-
- power of such Russia and
Annual Red Cross Drive India. Due to Russia’s poverty, fur-
The fourteenth annual Roll Call of|ther, development of her trade with
_ the American Red Cross will open on| Great Britain and_other nations de-
Armistice Day, November eleventh, to pends on whether they will offer her
continue until Thanksgivi ing, W ith an long- term: credit. Whether Britain con- ping rg pe Hol So Salle FE
: . , siders herself in-a~ position to do this’ ocated in the socially correct [ast
appeal more poignant than any made i ey = eon ieiias need audigier shah, adjacent
tothe people of the United States] Ww!!! probably. be decided this winter. a theneres. a
since the days of the war. Meanwhile, everyone is covered by the »
Not since 1914 and the tumultuous government's’ system, and more scien-
years that immediately followed has | tifically than ever before. It js the
the Red Cross been faced with such unemployment bureaus, established by ,
demands upon its resources, . both. lo- Parliament throughout the country,
cally here in the Southeastern Penn-| which make possible the successful
‘sylvania Chapter, and in_the nation, as | System of ¥acational schools. A school
will say that there is an opening, for
nizable for several months.
tells you ata glance where to
find all the news—theatre
news included.
Write for Booklet
924 West End Ave., New York
Then read what Percy Ham-
823 Lancaster Avenue mond has to say. His atory
is more than a mere recital
JOSEP H TRONCELLIT] of facts; it almost gives you ni
Cleaner and Dyer
Wearing Apparel :: Blankets :: Laces
Curtains :: Drapery
We Call and Delwer
a seat im the front row. You
ppocr itil!
catch the color, the glamour
- of the play itself, And then
there are notes about plays
814 Lancaster Avenue
and players, theatre gossip
If this amount of everyone delights in.
Get the habit of k€eping up-
to-date with all the news.
are ih
You'll find it all in your
Herald Tribune. Politics, so-
ciety, foreipn news, art, thea-
tre, sports (lots of football
news) and all the rest. It’s.
RATES told quickly, interestingly,
“Boor near Bath ....... $4.00 a Day -
Double Room and Bath,
$5.00 to $7. 00 a Day
Parlor, Bedroom and Bath,
$7.00 to $14.00 a Day
Parlor, Two Bedrooms and Two ,
Baths $15.00 to $21.00 a Day
and accurately, and it brings
a colorful picture of this
glamorous, fast-moving uni-
now confront ‘it. verse of ours right to your
” : er a ed * 3 penny .
‘The Greatest Mother —temem- example, for twenty miners. The bu- Nina Me iedabd: ta sete ’ :
bered always ‘as ministering magnifi-|reau chooses, twenty from its list of when two occupy double room. M4 breakfast table.
cently to the sons of America in the unemployed young men, and _ sends Special weekly .and monthly ¥. ac
: - , , rentals. 4 '
- trenches, and who still is helping. them|them to the school unless they have 4 :
: % bl ck vedical ye : %| Your local newsdealer will
brough h fi y difficult prob-|reasonable reasons for refusing. M4
lems of reconstruction days, _ must|the school, their expenses are all paid, ae A ae ue zy -—be-piad-to-deliver-this-great—
shoulder now the ‘burdens cast upon a|and they are given a small sum to use Hotel La Sa ée ‘ ace
. people by drought and the accumula- for pocket’ money or to send home.
tive suffering left in its wake. © For one: month they may give up the THIRTY EAST 60th ST. :
“Protection for the Red Cross both|trade which was designated for them NEW YORK yy you every morning.
lly and nationally lies in a great|and choose, another. After that time Savtdan es ;
Se iaakip ees that will rebuild| they settle down, and are given, by Crarves La PRELLE, Mgr. -.
: the reserve of the” national organiza-| skilled teachers, as good an apprentice- PHONE VOLUNTEER 3800
ship-in.six months as is: provided by | Taree
metropolitan newspaper. to
kab tiie
—tion. Lhete“mtstbe-new members