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College news, March 7, 1934
Bryn Mawr College student newspaper. Merged with Haverford News, News (Bryn Mawr College); Published weekly (except holidays) during academic year.
Bryn Mawr College (creator)
8 pages
digitized microfilm
North and Central America--United States--Pennsylvania--Montgomery--Bryn Mawr
Vol. 20, No. 16
College news (Bryn Mawr College : 1914)--
Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation.
Page Eight
Movie Review
(Continued from.Page Seven)
great extent. We were treated to fif-
téen minutes of Miss Sten with her
lacquered eyelids clamped tight shut.
Then one eyelid began to flicker dra-
matically, and while we clutched the
arm of our seat with anticipation one
eye actually opened and.several gal-
lons of Murine poured out before Miss
Sten could pull herself together and
blink with surprise and pleasure. The
beauty of the Russian star is hardly
classic, nor is her acting anything
from foreign finds who are spirited
out of their happy homes and present-
ed with a fancy contract by producers
who feel they can put anything over | Mr. Atwill steps in as the foundation
on-the-American public with enough
publicity. She commits no histrionic
atrocities, and she manages to appear
very charming throughout, which is
about all we can think up to say about
the’ three million dollar Goldwyn. in-
The cast which supports Miss Sten
is composed chiefly of Phillips Holmes
and Lionel Atwill. The former is less
objectionable than usual as the young
French officer who falls prey tothe
charm of the famous Nana. They
| have not the usual affair, but a love
affair, if we are to‘take them at their
| word, and it is all too idyllic until
lof ‘all ‘virtue, describes Nana as “a
| gilded fly” and has his nephew tvans-
ferred to Algeria out of harm’s way.
It all starts out as an unselfish ges-
ture, but very soon the righteous An-
dre becomes nothing more than a mere |
man, and in a few feet of film the)
lover of Nana. This leads* to terrible
the |
nephew comes back from Algeria, and |
complications, * especially when
Nana shoot& herself to ease-the ten-
sion. The final shot is more or less:
aeons ¥y
typical of the entire production—both
men leaning over Nana as she lies
dying, and trying to hold her hand find
themselves suddenly. holding. each
other’s hands while the cause of all
strife and dissension passes on to her
There is really nothing about Nana
| which is at all worthy of the attention
| which it has received, but we shall un-
doubtedly be accused of being a jeal-
ous sex ‘on the basis of that remark
as the stronger sex like Miss Sten and
think she is a splendid actress. Ah,
well, we ‘can always turn to. Buster
_Approximately thirty-five tons of
coal are consumed every day at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technol-
ogy;-and-eighty gations of water per
man is used daily. The Institute has
one thousand employees for twenty-
six hundred students.
—(N. S. F. A.)
McGill University (Canada) stu-
dents have turned out in such num-
bers for ping-pong matches that the
school has built a special bleacher sec-
tion to accommodate all spectators.
—(N. S. F. A.)
Feed the squirels!
9 emcee oie a
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Saturday at 1:50 P. M., Eastern Standard
over Red and Blue Networks of
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in quality—coarse and always sandy! yt