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College news, November 14, 1923
Bryn Mawr College student newspaper. Merged with Haverford News, News (Bryn Mawr College); Published weekly (except holidays) during academic year.
Bryn Mawr College (creator)
6 pages
digitized microfilm
North and Central America--United States--Pennsylvania--Montgomery--Bryn Mawr
Vol. 10, No. 07
College news (Bryn Mawr College : 1914)--
Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation.
® ;
hi ; ; 2 |
ITALIAN GRADUATE . WRITES which has yielded 119,490,900 centals, or DRUGS *: CANDY
ON LABOR ORGANIZATION about 1500 million lire, as the price of||}. :
tod wheat stood in the New York market on Perfumes and Gifts
: : the first’ of last August. !
‘Econony. of Labor Connected With} Ana now to’ quote an industrial example, 'POWERS & REYNOLDS |
Socialism and Fascism »| I will take the “Fiat” and especially the 837 L ee
“Fiat” industry of motor cars as an indus- R 1 Cl rereomamaenhsno e ta
(The° following article is specially cou- Dik i es ae ca ssi esas pias The pe oe ate : Ridi Habit
tributed by Dr. Marie Castellani, graduate a ae : peepee bie a d ~ we Tartan Warehouse icing aonts
scholar from ‘Italy, and is on the political RE eESOR. . pee = ° i & Breeches:
dal. economic dspett of labor probleins tn September on the New Mowha race track; of London and Inverness, FRANCIS‘B. HALL
Italy since the great war.) . the “Fiat” automobile competing with ‘will be showing ©. TAILOR
America, Frarice, Germany, and Switzer-
land for the grand prize of Europe, came
out first and second in the 500 mile race,
Costumes, Ladies’ and Gentlemen's] | ‘40 LANCASTER AVE., BRYN MAWR, PA.
Coats, Wraps, Rugs, Homespuns, 3 stores west of Post Office Phone, Bryn Mawr 824
The labor organizations and economy of
labor after the war were in Italy closely
connected with two great currents of home- |. ‘ Pe ‘ . n ; Vie Shet- ,
at the terrific speed of 92 miles per hour. Tweeds, Tartans, Vicunas, he
ae phieeiia and Puree ay The conditions in regard to employment! |}land and Fair Isle Knitted "Goods. r WILLIAM L. HAYDEN
€ socialistic. period began when the} 41,0 are at present satisfactory. The total :
generat demobilization produced terrible) number of mca in sly on July 31, ee a HOUSEKEEPING HARDWARE
crisis ’in ‘the labor market; the crisis was 1923, amounted to 183,144 as compared with December 8, 1923 . PAINTS LOCKSMITHING
increased. by the request. for work made 366,472 in July, 1922. Meantime emigration
es by. numerous emigrants, who had come};
4 : i ; is on the increase. During the first half : : uv Fe
back for military service and also by the] ¢ 1923, 126,000 persons emigrated, as@om- Scotch Wool Shop
fact that the women engaged during the | pared with 110,171 in the first half of 1922, SSS ES aa P HILIP HARRISON
war .did not leave the work they had ob-| Fmigration is in Italy a sad and stern : nid - 4 . * 826 LANCASTER AVENUE
tained away from’ their homes. necessity, becaiise Italy is a country poor | ——= : Walk Over Shoe Shop
For this period of general troubles the} i natural resources and with a rapidly
’ socialist agitators in showing the possi- ; sett — . __ Agent for
} i : mente growing ‘population. 1G
nae of eo a eer. on agin rai Italy now, by means of experiments of |: Bryn Mawr Massage Shop Gotham Gold Stripe Silk Stockings ;
workers and by means at socialist revolu-\the socialists having secured immunity | sHAMPOOING Oppésite Post Offic
tionary , trade unions and. ‘co-operative | from Bolshevist doctrines, is working to- | MARFRRAAUING eee 4 Only Two Good Places to Eat
storespromoted strikes which culminated] wards reconstruction-at home and the -de- FACIAL MASSAGE __ __ Telephone, 832 Bryn Mawr - THE ROMA : $
in the seizure of the factories by the} \elopment of potential energy. : NOTICE—The above, formerly at the Floyd Build-
jal \ : ing, has moved to larger quarters where we hope to
workmen. 3 be better able (o serve our patrons. and
But the revolutionary agitators were not seer atin ara eo , nr
psychologists; their gospel of -destruction 2 CALENDAR - YOUR HOME
of the social organization, of capital, of Afternoon Tea and Luncheon/pyone, 125
. religion, -was. against all principles on Thursday, November 15 — pa ae Sane annennnemna ten mamma
which -humanity is based. : : 4.00 P. M.—Varsity hockey practice game COTTAGE TEA ROOM Pandora’s Box
; Two great Italian men: Gabriele against Swarthmore College. od - Montgomery Ave., Bryn Mawr + Etee CA TTER Uk TRE
d’Annunzio and Benito Mussolini in the} : a eoree OR
name of discipline, of work, and spiritual Saturday, November 17 Everything dainty and delicious Xmas Suggestions
elevation promoted a current in which en-| 10.00 A. M.—Varsity hockey game against ~ LINGERIE CHOKER NECKLACES BABY GIFTS
tered the best-part of the Italian people. "Philadelphia Cricket Club, Red.Team. ‘ : ae CARDS UNUSUAL NOVELTIES 00K es
The “march to Rome” in October 1922, indiny: Noveeen 30 J. J. Connelly Estate
marked the triumph of these doctrines, eae ; ; ee a , ‘
diametrically opposed to the socialist doc- 6.30 z.. M.—Vespers led by P. Faunsler, The Pain Line Florists C d Gi f
trines. The fascistical movement aims at ; a8 a ccik Suki hee P: > 1226 Lancaster Avenue —- ar S an d l wae
peace and hard work, co-operation of capi-| 7-3 > ei sa a e of S¢ hi Rosemont, Pa. toe all coensions |
tal and labor, respect for religion and the rierly Kay, Vicar of Southminster, Phone, 252 Bryn Mawr : za
rights of man. Essex, England. THE GIFT SHOP.
Little by little a great number of work- Wednesday, November 21 cae 814 Lancaster Ave., Bryn Mawr, Pa,
ers left the socialist Sauggur mae’ is ‘sai’ Defergedl and Condition Examinations Attractive. Underwear
the fascist organizations, which consist of saat, -
a national “corporation” or guild including i i es fe AE Nee cit las : Corsets Sp ring & Summer Gowns -.
three elements, unionised labor, unionised : by fie Aline Gadns Fitch toad Mis. E. S. Tomlinson ey AND SPORT CLO S
: technical and directing staff, unionised Of a naine Sb Mebane ak Coipare: Litianlew Avaiien: Tracie, Pe. ! THE
capital 8 ’ 9 OR
; ae ‘ tive Religions, in Taylor. Hall. Phone Wayne 862 Orders taken in Alumnee Room FOR GIRLS AND WOMEN
ir But at present there is'a very new ten- : ~ GRACE STEWART
dency in Italian labor organizations, the ‘ Saturday, November 24 113 South 19th Street |
“non-political” tendency. The Italian Con- 10.00 A. M.—Varsity hockey game against ppEaeA , =
federation of labor, which numbers one and All-Philadelphia. ; DAINTY ICED J
a half million members and was an instru-{ g 09 P, M.—Senior Reception to the Fresh- | qd t ;
ment of the socialist party, in the conven- men in the Gymnasium. ou ue s SANDWICHES DRINKS
tion recently held- in Milan decided upon a dainty little flavor at
maintaining its political independence and Sunday, November 25 y f Colleg e
upon collaborating with any government} 7.30 P.M.—Chapel, led by the Rev. JA fear
which is in power. With this vote the Valdemar Afoldenhauer, Pastor of 9, : T H
Italian Confederation began like the the Westminster Presbyterian Church, FF: ) ea ouse
American Trade Unions; and I believe in Albany, N. Y. 7 Open Daily from 1 to 7
a very short time all the Italian labor or- Mond N Ata
ganizations will let political questions alone Lit inva ablation gil 1316 CHESTNUT STREET. EVENING PARTIES BY
and’ only take labor problems into serious} 8.15 P. M—Concert in Taylor Hall. J SPECIAL ARR ANGEMENT
consideration, Wednesday, November 28 rr emodll
To illustrate the difference in the. finan- = : 5; . :
Gin) condition, of Italy during the two.above 12.45 P. M—Thanksgiving Vacation begins. S A W | | S O N Fancy Groceries Fruit and Vegetables
: e e
fy 4-- mentioned periods of her politics, I will
renti _ politi Screen a | Wm. T. McIntyre’s |
give the fundamental statistics of Italian IN PHILADELPHIA COMP ANY es: 5 Aten eis sido r
finances under the following heads: deficit
of the national budget, industrial agrarian} Adelphi: “The Fool.” ae
development, the condition of the labor Shubert: “The Lady in Ermine.” Pr inters . Engraver Ss Stationers Cheater a Fe “ee :
-. marks. : Garrick: “Kiki.” : Imported and Domestic Stationery —_
4 The deficit of the national budget, which ened? "Eich titn’ Cif g bl C d
| _—_—s*_was 17,500 million lire in 1920-21, in the ‘an vn s ie ii cay : ts—Seasonable Cards THE BRYN MAWR TRUST CO.
| ~—S—s fiscal year 1923-24 will be reduced to 1157 ‘ “ aye 110 South 18th Street, Philadelphia ; sangre ter
ug million lire, and the Italian Government Forrest: “One Kiss.” i CAPITAL, $260,000
3 hopes in the next year to reduce it to zero. Lyric: “Up She Goes,” x DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS ~
- The imports for the first six months of | Stanton: Pola Negri in “The Spanish FLOWERS SERVICE SATISFACTION _ ALLOWS INTEREST ON DEPOSITS
Ps 1923 amounted to 9060 million lire and ex- | Dancer.” - .«. SAFE DEPOSIT DEPARTMENT
% ports to 4885; as for the same months of Aldine: Harold Lloyd in “Why Worry.” BAXTER & GREEN, Inc. aes - —er
Ee 1922, tfe imports amounted to 7746 million: FLORISTS THE HANDCRAFT SHOP 2
: ote ‘9 ah ; Chestnut Street Opera House: Lillian and
lire, and thé exports to°4199 million lire. |: 31: «Phe White Sister.” 129 S. Sixteenth St., Phila., Pa. TEA ROOM “
Because of the increased imports of new hassnue PHQNE, SPRUCE 32-62 Artistic Gitis ft enon personally selected
ee material, especially cotton, the total excess ; from Individ bd ‘Crafts :
Z of imports over exports in the first half Boe pe ea a nto Poot Tea Room, we are serving ~
~~ of the current year exceeds that of the [A BRAND NEW TEA HOUSE | Make our — your Store’’
= corresponding year of 1922. “ ” “ 4 ,
oie This unfavorable trade balance will per- The Cross Roads MAIN LINE. DRUG STORE NUT. D ELIGHTS
- haps be reduced in the course of the year VIDS, ARDMORE, PA : :
file ° e :
as a result. of the abundant crops and the atreerly, Sereowes fe its skishen end we lial dais Whitman "s 3
~ general increase in production. "OPEN WEEK DAYS AND SUNDAYS» | Compounded by — A nutty combination of séme of our.
Most interesting of all i is the wheat crop, -” PHONE, WAYNE 1008 Registered Pharmacist PT > 1112 ’ choicest pieces ©