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College news, January 14, 1925
Bryn Mawr College student newspaper. Merged with Haverford News, News (Bryn Mawr College); Published weekly (except holidays) during academic year.
Bryn Mawr College (creator)
6 pages
digitized microfilm
North and Central America--United States--Pennsylvania--Montgomery--Bryn Mawr
Vol. 11, No. 12
College news (Bryn Mawr College : 1914)--
Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation.
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“ . CALENDAR Rae eae x Se wr
A ¥ ite “Y, % Mi as! a 2h lS
Wednesday, January 14—President f. : > is
Park will be at home to the Senior Class. |. eran Tours UNPARALLELED As it C
’ Thurkday, - January 15—Dhan Gopal For College Men andWomen § - a ae js 5
; Mukerji. wil speak’ in Taylor Hall under ¢ ; l | _ Te BOE Rhiledetibia 5
the. auspices of the Liberal Club. ae 1925 : (Goks =“ 5
Saturday, January 17—The lectures of ; ys iY s
' Monday, January 19, will be given. $395 and up ‘ to EUROPE . ¥ ;
ee Jy Mer wani| J Sale ceiewy weroun | | | a aa le feed
nations begin. ae tea our saning 2 f
Saturday, January $1—Mid- -year exami- For full partioulars addrese A a4 i
natigns end, NEW YORK UNIVERSITY Large choice of s 4
Annual Alumnae Association necting 110 East dand Street ‘New York itineraries; tours 4 :
President Park will give a luncheon in oo %
honor of Mrs, Charles Reed Cary, presi- by leading Liners % :
dent of the Association. every few. days : :
Monday, February 2—Vacation. . ‘ i :
Tuesday; February 3—Vacation. AMY’ S SHOP | sduring Season % wer ; *
Wednesday, February 4—New.-semester “Candi : RATE : $255 After Exams-_ :
beginning at 9A. M. an ies” from i :
‘ Row taichs ofl tour, ay. iy
| Gifts gat cles 3 expense sriind Pitt ee Have Dad Reward yet on
REO | ° : at a with a Sew prom frock. . 2
IN PHILADELPHIA Novelties | | Our Repwiiibon ds. Yiaw Guarante!| |8 ¢ : a
Theatres ‘Cards THOS.COOK&SON| |f «© ae
ca The Greenwich Village Fol 857 L ANC ASTER AVENUE R Fifth Ave. NEW YORK rend s BONW Ths :
Chestnut—“The Dream Girl,” with] ‘Phone 1058J Bryn Mawr : EEA
Fay Bainter. — = pare cn
Lyric—“‘The Beggar on Horseback,” : EE r ———
Adelphi— “4 All of Us. : li ow
Walnut—“Marjorie.” 3 < “ fi .
Forrest—“Stepping Stones,” with Fred PA a Z
_ Stone. E oe: h l b f &
Garrick—"The Swan,” wih Eva Te] J oe Gish learns about women from :
Gallienne. :
Broad—‘“Rain;” with Jeanne Engels. E '
ce >,
Movies ree & ~ &
Arcadia—“The Sea Hawk.” feo i a. a a i Q
-Aldine—“The Ten Comenieipeinaioys ct. : GRACE Pr
Stanton—Harold a ie “Hot ue ‘ F
Water.” %
Stanley—Mary Pickford” in Dorothy ne ae
Vernon of Haddon Hall.” i oe Ais ae oH La bel Athletie ca
Globe—“The Silent Accuser, ‘with E te ica Bp
Peter the Great. 5 ee = : os Girl 9
Fox—“White Man,” with Alice. Joyce. he sa
Orchestra. a | a . 2
On Friday, January 16, atid. Saturday, z : Ghac ‘ Lefiinewell liv if 4
January 17, the Philadelphia Orchestra mi d € eee a ‘ 1 ed Tro. 9
will play the following program: — Bs: a \ oor to us... but How was i to oF gg
Weber .....-seeee0s Overture, eae 9 ~7 |. ° know that. she would grow up = ; |
Debuss: “T/Apres-midi d’un Faune’ . ae E
Tacilicow sky, Fantasia, “Firancesca da , B.. to, be star perfor mer on the age :
Rimini” ee “All Ainericat girl’s football ; (sous: I i during a scrim= +: 5-9»
- Brahms ...Symphony No..4, ee ino Reo ho and was. penalized. five] yards. for oldi ing She broke my © See cli
TTT t a
ie oa ran, Hoogatraten i *} 3. heart and a rib by her rough’ work, which you might have called 2
Z Ses the cau p de Grace! eee oe et, abt 5) Sg
: x, : &: ties a x f a 9
FAMOUS ARTIST TO SPEAK’ & ‘She came to see me during | m my colivalescence anid’ saw, for the see tans
HERE ON MODERN MUSIC Q filet: time, a copy of Vaake Rais oe t was a gase of love at first ee
Mile. Nadia Boulanger, the distin-] - sig ht. Grace, sayenent of, muscular , hristian: ty» suddenly became: peer
‘guished French organist, ‘pike, com-].. . af ie addict of literature and the lively arts.. The dear girl attacked: ; oi. cell Hs : ee
poser and lecturer, will mag fe Biya ie , them with typical gusto—art exhib tions, first. nights, cafés dan- soit mate seated
ae College on Saturday, February) = 3 _ Sants, dinners’ to visiting Huns, eve! ything 1, Compared to nad niiseat Mamats: here
Program: Modern Music and Its ve. 6 former. reckless: Ways. she is. now quite housesbroken: She can “ oe a 4 ee ue a a
lution. e even wear an evening gown without’ ! showing cleat marks where, fa eh pecs fine
Those students whose tickets: in Row “2 the. opposing team - ‘trampled on. he er Aeck.. Qn: the whole, ift i is: pote ae)
I were confused at. the last concert. are ir safer for her fri et ids. een
asked to stop in Mrs. Collins’ office some B ae
time soon. i Ee
Madame Jeanne de Mare, lecturer-pian- om
ist, will talk on “Present Day, Musical} ; =
Paris,” at the Art Alliance, 1823 Walnut) — .
street, on January 19. ‘Tickets, | i a
each and are on sale at th Publicity yO Ke RS Od
Serb oe Sst fe a ae ae ae
% ; : 6 ; Denise Clut ati : Rove your ma ; re peg i ae
& “uable meet jena find TWO DOLLARS" for
a‘ a mf +) : ; : d ae Seas : ‘ 5 A ae