Recollected in Tranquillity
It was many, many, many years ago
That I thought up this Bryn Mawr Big May Day show,
I looked out on the campus,
I said, ‘“These surroundings stamp us
As Old English of four centuries ago.”
I got together Brady, Grant and Petts,
I bellowed, “Take your places in your sets,
What though you look askance
You are going to learn this dance.”
Then they curtseyed low and meekly whispered, “Let’s.”
IT had a May-Queen party in the Gymn.,
I invited every pretty girl and slim;
I walked them round in nighties
While a little bunch of brighties
Awaited my decision, looking grim.
I wound ropes and ropes and ropes of paper flowers,
I climbed up to plant the flags on Pembroke towers;
When Merion Green wore out,
With my six gardeners stout,
I made the daisies grow in just two hours.
I chased the Oxen round the Wyndham block,
I held them while the driver donned his smock,
And not content with that
I made posies for his hat,
Then he kissed me, for he came of Southern stock.