The wisdom of Hathi we long have Known
Once , twice and again '
And the Jung le's ways thvough so many days
He has watched that little is left te amaae,
Though much to amuse(t his humors his om)
Once, twice and again \
with friendship & honov & much wespect,
Once, twice and again l
To listen we came, while he spoke ofthe {ame
Of the peoples that led ere ous dangle’ name
Was heard- and we bowed to his ‘wetellect,
Ona, twice and again!
“Because of his age & his cunning,
because of his grip - & his paw,
Inall that the Low leaveth open
the wovd of the Head Wol fis law,
And when there is stvife in the Council,
his wisdom will act asa spell-—
"Ye all Know the Law,” Says Akela.
“Look well, O Walves , look well !”
So the Wolf- Pack will cower befove him,
Ws the might of his power is plain.
For the strength of the Pack, he asserts ¢,
& the Pack prospers much in his reign.
N.B. “Three of the Grey Brothers
disclosed below the stage,
To wit: 6.W.B.H.0.6., F908,