From the mists of the Northern Island
Kotick , our White Seal, comes
Three thousaad miles of ocean
divide the shoves where her name
Is Known fav the deep-sea wisdom
ef the age- old island home
That sent “ts sons to the ends of the world
through frost or stav-slecked foam .
She tells of the Sea-Born Fople s,
&the lands that Kaew thei fame,
Aud the weaker , cart h- bon nations
trot bowed to them when they came
Out of the cold Novth- Eastward |
' with the sleet, the wind and min.
We heay the White JealS stovies,
and Knew their glory again,
Begore Shere Khan, when we began
Our Jungle ‘lige , we bowed ,
His veputation through cur nation
Held the young cubs cowed.
A mighty lord whene'er he roared
The Jungle -voof-tvees shook,
And some have leavned they ill diseevned
Whe Shere Khans wrath mistook.
But these who sought & déavly bought
This: price less wisdom Know
The hot Ked Flower will make hm cower—
His whiskers burn like tow.
And since that shock at the Guneil Rock
When: a. welf - cub sing ed them well,
They have liked him move than they feared Bere,
Who ‘Shere Khan's secret tell.