We knew the college took you in as a war measure, 1921, and so we tried to be
patriotic. On the whole the task was an easy one. We don’t have to applaud your
athletic success; two all-round championships speak for that. As for your literary
genius, 1t won the admiration of P. T., Robert Frost and ourselves. In dramatics
you never had a real chance: for better, for worse, who can say? Your aggressive
class spirit caused an equally violent reaction, and was responsible for what you term
our Blue Law policy. You cramped our style, but you made college interesting.
We believed till we met you that a sense of humor was indispensable—and we
still believe it. We might have appreciated you more, ’21, had you appreciated
yourselves less, but, nevertheless, we were almost as sad at your commencement
as we are at our own.