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Bryn Mawr College Yearbook. Class of 1922
Bryn Mawr College (author)
136 pages
reformatted digital
North and Central America--United States--Pennsylvania--Montgomery--Bryn Mawr
9PY 1922
1922 Class book : Bryn Mawr College--
Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation.
@hapel Talks
eae went to chapel quite regularly. That is, he went four times
a week.
Salamagundi went to chapel on Monday—
Eager to hear P. T. speak about local affairs. It was on Mondays that she
spoke to him of his table manners—told him that academic Salamagundis do not
rush through their meals, and, she concluded, as Salamagundi melted away into
penitent tears, “The scandal of the way you eat your meals cries to Heaven.” It
was on Mondays that she spoke to him about the yearly deficit, and told him that
she could find no benefactor to pay for the food that had already been eaten.
Salamagundi went to chapel on Wednesday—
To hear about Pure Literature of the East and of the West; to hear about
Economics and Politics; to watch his President lean over the platform and talk
with characteristic intensity and zeal as she told him statistics of the Salamagundis
married, dead or teachers. On Wednesdays he would decide that his life work lay
in the teaching profession.
Salamagundi went to chapel on Thursday—
To hear which of his friends had the measles; to hear the newest infirmary
regulations, and the most recent quarantine established. Thursday was the day
when Salamagundi used to think that when he had finished his education he would
be a great social worker.
Salamagundi went to chapel on Friday—
To hear about P. T.’s finger in Washington’s pie; to hear of her encounter
with Sheiks (Salamagundi had read The Sheik in the Infirmary and was more
surprised than pleased). On Friday Salamagundi was fired with a desire to be a
diplomat or a wayfarer on the desert.
Sometimes Salamagundi would have surprises. Instead of hearing his Presi-
dent speak, her Cousin Alys would talk on “Our English Life,’ or “Our Politics
as Compared With Yours.’ Occasionally one of his bolder Professors would
explain the latest fluctuations in the Marking System.
Now this Salamagundi is old, and doubtless Bryn Mawr has forgotten him and
his mates, but as the clock strikes nine, he can see again the high ceilings and the
half-filled rows of chairs with the Royal Family and Staff occupying the two front
rows left. Dorotuy Dessau.
To a Senior Reception of Pete’s
The seniors all went for the eats.
This may seem very rude,
But the Deanery food
Is a change from tomatoes and beets.
eel Ae