Burge Columbine—with the fruit of a Hazel-nut
Mecky Date ‘Tree
Anne Pianoforte wire
Kay Helium
km Sycamore
Marge Wordsworth’s Daffodils
Bun Phosphorus
Bliss Currant
Susie Marigold—with the grace of a rose
Josie Foxglove
Lib Antonio
Min Portia
Peek ‘The Noble Bison
Alice W. Mayflower
Kubla Can't
EAR Bosphorus did P. T. now
N A stately harem home decree
Where scholars without number ran
For conclave undefiled by man
Down by the sonless sea.
So twice five miles of fertile ground
With camel walks were circled round,
And there were gardens bright with chandeliers,
Where blossomed many a marron-bearing tree,
And always Ada plates of fodder bears,
Recalling sunny thoughts of Deanery.
A maiden with a Beowulf
In a vision once I saw;
It was a fair Hoboken maid
And on her Tamburlaine she played,
Singing of 1908.
Could I revive within me
Her symphony and song,
Such prizes it would win me
That at Wallace’ all day long,
I would spend my money there
For luscious cone and strawberry ice,
And all who passed should see me there,
Nor conscience cry, Beware! Beware!
And bills should never come but twice.
Vinton LIppeELt.